
HCS nuclear weapon news

The HCS and HCSN have published a roadmap for their next generation IRBM the Gale III and it's naval counterpart the SeaGale. 2114 has been given as the introduction date for Gale III with the existing Gale II force fully replaced by 2121. The missile is now in development and will begin flight testing in 2111. SeaGale is a little more complicated of course and is intended to enter service in 2118 which is around the timescale for the Walrus class SSBNs which will carry them.

2 more VLF radio stations for submarine communications are to be built before then to supplement the existing station in Micom. This should ensure full coverage on Cloneworld's oceans.

A new nuclear warhead development and production facility is being built in Southern Ailier to replace the existing facilities which are worn out and recently leaked radioactive material into the atmosphere. This is intended to enter production in 2112. A reprocessing and refurbishment plant for existing warheads is also being built in northern Micom.

Fleet news (30/09/08)

Type 46A Rome class corvette K118 Constantine has joined the fleet and begun patrol duties immediately. Constantine is carrying some modifications to the layout of it's docking bay to better utilise the space, if the new design is a success then it will be retrofitted to the rest of the fleet during refits.

Another testbed was Type 41A Isometric frigate F106 Tertiary which earlier in the year was fitted with some equipment intended for the Isometric ILU, the equipment has been a success and will assist the ILU programme greatly. Another Isometric will be fitted with some new equipment for test purposes later in the year.

The DDS have announced that Provider and Feeder production will be kept open with 3 more Providers and 2 more Feeders added to the existing orders.


Bolitic slam Dinos for operating in Vosun space again

The Dinos have revealed a spec ops mission held over the last few days to retrieve a Bolitic traitor, a Lord Nanae, who some decades ago sold out his fellow Bolitic for Dino coin to help them defeat the Bolitic in a war. The whereabouts of Lord Nanae, who obviously had to dissappear, has remained a secret... until the collapse of the Vosun-Voth Star Empire when the Bolitic discovered he was living on an outlying planet in Vosun space.

A Dino team led by Legate Fuzzy was sent by Ronald to rescue Nanae before the Bolitic could capture him and kill him, eventually. Ronald did not want Nanae lost as it might be harder to recruit traitors in future if their future safety could not be guaranteed.

A spokesdino has told reporters that Fuzzy has managed to rescue Nanae and his small retinue literally minutes before a Bolitic fleet got there first. Nanae is being bought to Dino-Land for the short term though will be relocated on a new third party planet at some later stage.

Naturally the Bolitic are furious that a Dino team was operating in Vosun space, which they claim they are protecting for their "Vosun allies" and that Nanae was saved. The Dinos say they are unconcerned at the Bolitic anger, "they are always angry about something" the spokesdino quipped.

Utrek reveal secret service active at DDS GHQ

At the treaty negotiations between the DDS and Utrek to end the recent conflict, which are now in the advanced stages on Remedia Prime in talks between Sea Urchin and a Utrek General it was revealed by the Utrek that their secret service is active in DDS space and even has a cell operating at DDS GHQ!

The Utrek military were happy to reveal details because of the break down in relations between themselves and the Jintara Omax, the Utrek secret service, after the disasterous war last year which the JO accuse the military of starting too earlier. Some even say the Utrek military is seeking the chance to destroy the JO once and for all. The military could not reveal too many details of JO ops (they don't know much about them) but they said that an active cell had been in operation for years and recently had stepped up operations.

Firefly has ordered the cell to be found and neutralised.


Windy prepares to go to 7 Sa Sao?

Windy is said to be preparing for a reconnaissance mission into the 7 Sa Sao according to a leaked mission brief. His current flagship D101 Panther is now being loaded with stores for a long mission, a Terran Sea frigate and Extender oiler are also being prepared according to reports.

Windy wants to find more out about the 7 Sa Sao, he did consider returning to GHQ because of the Bolitic/Voth situation and Hoods 2.0 escalation but in the end considered the dearth of knowledge on the 7SS a truly serious weakness of the DDS which must be changed ASAP.

Bolitic ship "intercepted" approaching Proxima Centauri

A Bolitic warship has been "intercepted" approaching the Proxima Centauri system, of course home to DDS GHQ. The Helwin cruiser was detected when it decloaked just in DDS claimed space. The ship continued to approach the Proxima system until it was intercepted by 2 Rome class corvettes and instructed to state it's business and leave DDS space.

The Bolitic ship made no reply and turned around and left DDS space. It is thought the Bolitic were testing DDS reaction times.


Hoods launch info warfare attack on DDS

Hoods 2.0 have launched a successful info warfare on the DDS GHQ computer system. A virus entered into the main computer network proceeded to put a message from the Hoods on every user's desktop warning them to turn back from Windy Madness or face "the oblivion of endless punishment". Images on the DDS database for senior staff have also been doctored with a Hood head superimposed over the images. Staff bookmarks were also changed to instead go to clean Hood-friendly websites like selfdenial.com.px and alifewithoutfriends.com.sl.

Windy is understood to be furious at the breach of DDS security and demanded an explanation. He called the Hood attack typical of their cowardice and decadence.


Velocity 2108 Update B

The Velocity destroyer fleet will be receiving an update over the next couple of months called Velocity 2108 Update B (V2108UB). The update will replace the tactical system with an improved version derived from work on the system to be fitted to the Solaris III class (Velocity-N). The new system will increase available bandwidth, speed up tactical processing and also has improved user interfaces which will also be rolled across to the rest of the fleet over the next year.

The ships will receive modifications to their docking bay to improve support for SROPS operation and be able to interoperate with Ferret-E UCVs using an improved datalink capability.


First Starbotian crewed Panther almost ready for service

Earlier in the year the Starbotians "bought" 2 Panther destroyers off the DDS, these ships were to be crewed by Starbotians and be dedicated to Starbotian defence though remain in the DDS fleet and be DDS owned. The first of these 2 ships D107 Lynx is now preparing to enter service following trials with a joint crew and will begin testing of the control interface changes with a full Starbotian crew in a few days. Originally it was intended to allocate 2 of next year's planned Panther production to the Starbotians but because of the rising 7 Sa Sao threat it has been switched to Lynx this year and the 2nd ship will be one of next year's production.


Lynx has a dual control interface that can be switched instantly to suit DDS or Starbotian needs. When the ship arrives at Starbot for final integration it will be fitted with Starbotian radios and some other Starbotian specific equipment.

Windy reinstates the house system

Windy has reinstated an aspect of Lord Rotarios' regime which he says he actually liked : the house system. This was the splitting of DDS personnel into 4 houses and each house gained points for the successes of it's members. At the end of each month the house with the most points won the prestigious house shield.

Windy has changed the names of the houses though, using the names of ancient Greek cities. The houses will be Sparta, Corinth, Athens and Argos. Windy said that he would be heading the Spartans. Other house leaders and the allocation of personnel will be sorted out by Firefly, Windy said who is currently busy on Starbot investigating the 7 Sa Sao.

Benito begins to re-organise his part of the CSE

Benito has begun a 3 year project to re-organise his half of the Clone Star Empire which up until now has been largely based on Austini 55 and Woloron 12 with other planets like Rendralal 4 hardly getting a look in. A key part of this re-organisation will be to decentralise some government departments and stimulate the economy on neglected worlds. Military forces will also be beefed up on these planets like the aforementioned Rendralal, Miliaris and Wizard World.


Benito has also begun diplomatic moves to improve relations with the Free Eritran States like Molab who are a DDS ally and customer for DDS warships. Benito wants improved relations for security and economic reasons, though this may be a hard sell as the Free Eritran States is the remainder of the Eritran Trade Federation which the HCS invaded years ago to create Benito's empire. Planets like Molab do not have a good opinion of the Clones and fear they too will be annexed one day.

1st relief column reaches Voth

A Dino/Sirikwan relief column has reached Voth, the first of what is probably going to be a series of convoys assisting the new ally to the DDS and Dinos. The convoy of 5 ships bought medical supplies, construction equipment and small-arms for security forces. A DDS convoy is expected early in October.

Two Dinomark PTs, operating ahead of other incoming Dino and DDS forces, have also arrived in the Voth system as part of a joint force to protect the Voth against the also approaching Bolitic fleet.

Bolitic accuse Dinos of operating in Vosun space

The Bolitic have angrily accused the Dinos of violating Vosun sovereignty and assaulting some of it's officers. Two Dinos dressed as Bolitic soldiers are said to have infiltrated the HQ of the Vosun security services and when challenged by Bolitic attacked and injured them before fleeing.

Bolitic soldier
A Bolitic soldier

The Dinos have interestingly been totally honest and say it is true. Legate Razorback said that Dino soldiers were investigating what the Bolitic were up to on Vosun and he did not hold back in his criticism of the Bolitic. "I think its quite rich for the Bolitic to accuse us of violating Vosun space when they still have an invasion fleet moored in the Vosun system! Our men found the security HQ being systematically looted, stripped of anything that could be removed. Not content with their act of aggression against the Vosun Voth Star Empire now they are robbing what is left blind. This shows what kind of lousy scum are the Bolitic Confederacy."


DDS order transport aircraft from HCS after all

Despite the poor relations between the DDS and HCS and the more assertive policy initiated by Captain Clone pragmatism has come to the fore as a 290 million zark deal for Clone built transport aircraft has been re-negotiated. Despite both sides being in a form of cold war the DDS desperately need transport aircraft and no UNP based manufacturers are able to fill the order, and the HCS could do with cash and to keep production lines open.

50 C-440s, 25 C-485s plus 10 refurbished ex-HCSAF VC-370 aircraft will be delivered from 2109 with spares and maintenance support for 10 years. Further orders may follow.


HCS go for broke to crush Randalf 74 rebels

In the Summer the HCS launched a concerted campaign to crush the resurgent Randalf 74 human rebels whom the HCS are claiming are equipped by the DDS. The offensive has been a success with the rebels pushed back into the hills and it is estimated over 400 rebels killed or captured.

Now the HCS are pushing harder with the arrival of the 1st Mountain Infantry Division from Cloneworld plus the Mountain Artillery Battery. These tough troops are experts in mountain warfare and are among the elite of the HCS and is thought they will be tasked with trying to totally eradicate the rebels. The 114th Panzer division has also arrived from Cloneworld to bolster existing forces as the HCS aim to build a ring of steel around the rebel strongholds to make sure they cannot escape. 


Hoods 2.0 demonstrate their power

An anonymous blog posting a few days ago claimed to be made on behalf of Hoods 2.0 and said the DDS would soon see the full power of their organisation. Today their warning came true when Hoods units made simultaneous attacks at Proxima 7 GHQ, 2 others sites on P7, Proxima 5, Solaris and Rathun's World. The DDS leadership are reported to be shocked at the number of people now in Hoods 2.0, up until now it was assumed it was just a group of 3 or 4 idiots at GHQ but the attacks indicated there are at least 23 members of the shadowy organisation.

In reply Windy Massive ActioN Uniformed Soldiers (WM-ANUS) units also made a show of force, breaking into into the junior DDS recruits barracks and indulged in an orgy of violence, abuse and rape. Windy did not apologise for his followers actions saying that the threats the DDS faced were hard and savage and the DDS needed to toughen up or be destroyed.

DDS task force leaves for Voth

A DDS task force has left Proxima 7 bound for Voth where it will aim to defend the new DDS allies against an approaching Bolitic attack fleet. The deployment, known as Operation Phoenix Rising consists of the following ships (according to reports) :

C101 North America (flagship)
C122 Photon
D103 Puma
D105 Cheetah
F104 Triassic
F137 South China Sea
F138 Java Sea
F148 Solomon Sea
A114 Expeditor
A147 Trident
A150 Refinery

The fleet will link up with a force of 8 Dinomark PTs also on the way. It is expected both the DDS and Dino fleets will be in Voth space before the Bolitic get there. The hope is the Bolitic decide to not commit suicide and turn back.


HCS Navy update

The HCS Navy have held an open day to celebrate the entry into service of their second Olana class destroyer D02 Micom. They also announced the first aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld has achieved Phase 1 of it's long road to operational status with main power grid activation. Engines and secondary systems will be installed ready for Phase 2, the beginning of sea trials next year.

The Long Watch UUV production has switched to the R2 model which has improved battery life and increased bandwidth with improved encryption. Finally the first "re-navalised" F-40N has been unveiled. The venerable aircraft has had it's arrester hook restored and landing gear refurbished and fully checked.

Wayne King-Meiouf : surprising the Bolitic

In a new series noted strategy expert Prof. Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima will give us his insights on the big geo-political issues of the day.

The Bolitic Confederacy invasion of the Vosun-Voth Star Empire was a surprise (though the result was not) but an even bigger surprise has been the cessation of the Voth and how the DDS and Dinos have moved in so quickly to secure them as new allies.

But looking deeper we maybe should not be so surprised, the Voth have been the second class citizens of the empire for decades now and calls for independance have been steadily rising despite an ever more brutal suppression by the Vosun dominated military. The collapse of that military though in the face of the Bolitic aggression has allowed the Voth to rise up and kick out their hated Vosun masters.

They rose up rather quickly though, and if we delve deeper we can see that independance forces have been quietly supported by both the DDS and Dinos for years. A few years ago a Vosun blogger claimed that the then-outlawed independance party Voth Freedom had received money from the Dinos via a Sirikwanese trader. Earlier in the year an Aritan newspaper reported the rather obscure news that a DDS transport had called in at Arit for emergency repairs following a meteorite strike. It's eventual destination was a planet in the Voth area of the VVSE and it's payload was unspecified "military equipment". Hours after the story appeared online it oddly vanished. Over the years there have been other hidden nuggets of information which at the time people have dismissed as being interesting but not of any real importance but now we can see that Voth has been planning for this moment for years.

That is why the Voth have become Tier 3 DDS allies so quickly and will sign a military co-operation agreement with the Dinos tomorrow. They have not suddenly become friends of the central powers overnight, this is merely part of a long-running process.

Some questions remain though, are the DDS and Dinos acting together in this or are they competing. It is thought that the expansion of the DDS into this area of space is being done sensitively because of the proximity of the Dinos and the DDS wish to tie the Dinos into a tighter alliance. It is also a very personal project of Windscorpion and Ronald which only recently has become official policy of the powers they lead.

The 2 powers have different aims, the DDS wish to form "DDS West" including the Voth Free Republic, Sirikwan and New Arit to act as a strategic buffer against any future Tarbotian aggression and be a springboard for operations against the Bolitic. While the Dinos are also interested in these aims their main aims are to bring Yeng and Putri 500 into the Dino Republic. Both are Dino colonies which have been independant for some decades since the chaotic rule of Emperor Juliawati and now the Dinos is a democracy (of sorts) are keen on "returning to the fold". The DDS are also thought to be interested in Putri 500 though have been politely told to stay away by the Dinos.

The next few years will be very interesting in this area of space, the DDS and Dinos will be fully occupied. This does run the danger of them dropping the ball in other areas. The HCS could do with being quietly allowed to get on with their re-building, the 7 Sa Sao are a large wild card and the DDS need to find out more about this power as soon as they can.


Bolitic fleet approaching Voth space?

A Dino ship has reported sighting a Bolitic fleet departing from Castarian and heading for Voth space. The fleet consisting of around 9 ships will take around 4-5 weeks to reach Voth though if the Bolitic can use any natural wormholes they can be there much earlier. Three ships from the Bolitic fleet stationed in the Vosun system have also departed, said to be loaded with Vosun officials though these will take around 11 weeks to reach Voth.

On hearing the news the Voth urgently requested the DDS and Dinos to assist them, the Voth have no fleet and little in the way of planetary defences. A UNP news source is reporting that the DDS will send a fleet but have asked the Dinos if they can deploy assets in Voth using their wormhole drive as it would only take them a couple of days to get there from Dino-Land but the DDS are looking at 2-3 weeks. Consul Ronald has been in talks with Windscorpion according to a Dino Army spokesdino.

Vosun declare war on Voth... supported by Bolitic?

The Vosun have declared war on the Voth and called the Voth independence illegal. They have called on Voth citizens to over throw their "criminal masters" and restore the rule of the legitimate governor. Oddly enough the Vosun have a new ally to help them in this... the Bolitic Confederacy. Emperor Aliowaki has declared himself "the best friend" of the Vosun and says he will help support the Vosun-Voth Star Empire, which is thought to show that the Vosun are now a client state of the Bolitic.

The Bolitic are thought to be getting involved as the Voth have refused to pay any more money to the Bolitic as part of their "share" of the tribute.

Quarz attacked at GHQ

Quarz, recovering from his wounds sustained on Oscar, has received a brutal beating from a Hoods unit. It has been reported that he received a number of blows from a gang of the Hood thugs armed with baseball bats, including a number of crotch shots. Quarz however sustained no serious injuries just a lot of pain.

LPG said that in real terms Hoods attacks were down 27% on last quarter and security was being tightened further.


DDS to give Voth F-10s

The DDS have said they will transfer 20 F-10As to the Voth next year and modify the aircraft to F-10A(S) standard and equip them with TPM-A missiles for anti-satellite and anti-low orbit aircraft missions. The aircraft will be transferred when more F-10Ss become operational and will also receive some other modifications for localisation.

The DDS said that the transfer would be dependant on the Voth becoming Tier 3 members of the DDS and they would also receive help to integrate their forces into the DDS communications and data networks. One thing the Voth will have to buy for themselves is a laser-link connection to the UNP wide network, probably via Sirikwan. The Voth will also have to prepare sites for future possible DDS and UNP bases.

Aritans buy Ferret and other updates

The Aritans have placed a 35 million zark order for 50 Ferret-E UCVs. They have also placed a 12.7 million zark order with the DDS for control and maintenance equipment for operation of the drones which will be deployed with the Aritan's fleet of Intrepid class destroyers. The Aritans have also placed an order for 22 million zarks for various items to upgrade their 8 Intrepids including improved sensor analysis computers, improved battle damage control systems and updates to the radio system to bring them to the latest DDS encryption standard.

A 8 million zark update of the 5 Solaris II frigates has also been arranged with the radios also being bought up to standard and the computers receiving updates to their front end processors. 1.2 million zarks has also been earmarked for radio and localisation updates to the 5 Kalahati Tuuls which are expected before the end of the year. The ancient Yeoman class frigate has finally been withdrawn and has been sold to the Proximan Space Museum for 500,000 zarks. How to get this ship, which can no longer go faster than light, across the galaxy to Proxima has yet to be decided though a HCS Type U super transport would be able to transport it inside the hold. The museum are in talks with the HCS.

DDS to buy Dino attack aircraft

The Dino K series attack aircraft has a very interesting history, way back in the early 1980s a Dino intelligence mission visited Earth to gather intelligence on mankind. One of the things they looked at was human military technology. The Dinos found the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft very interesting and copied the design to create the K-1 attack aircraft to support ground forces.

Over the last 100 years the Dinos have restarted production every 25-30 years to replace worn out aircraft and the production line is about to reopen on the latest version the K-18. The DDS have also taken the opportunity to bolster their air power and have ordered 150 of a modified version to be called A-18D. Its thought the aircraft will offset some existing debts the Dinos had with the DDS from the Utrek War and so will cost just a nominal fee. The first K-18D is expected to be delivered next year. The Dinos plan to produce 2,500. Some new aircraft may also be bought by Sirikwan at a later date who have just bought some refurbished K-16s (the previous model).

The K-18 replaces the K-16 series and has improved aerodynamics and systems including much better data networking and is integrated into both the Dino and DDS military data networks for interoperability. The first K-18 will make it's first flight before the end of the year.

DDS advise Vosun to recognise Voth independence

The DDS, Dinos and Raegris have all called on the Vosun government to recognise the Voth independence and not try and force the Voth to remain in their empire. Windy, speaking via video link from Starbot said, "The Vosun need to get real, the Vosun-Voth Star Empire is dead. The Bolitic kicked in the rotting door and the whole roof came in. They need to reorganise around their own Vosun worlds and rebuild and not swander what is left on a doomed attempt to bring the Voth to heel."

The Voth, meanwhile, have made an official request to join the DDS as a Tier 3 ally. A relief convoy from the Dinos has left Sirikwan and is en route to Voth, a second convoy from the DDS departed yesterday. The DDS and Dinos wish to move fast to secure Voth and it is thought the DDS have asked the Dinos to bring back Voth representatives for 3 party talks to be held at DDS GHQ next month.


Fleet news (16/09/08)

The MULE3 programme for the Pulsar cruiser fleet was put on hold because of the Utrek Diareel crisis but resumed after the resolution of the crisis. C102 Australasia has just returned to service following it's update. The rest of the fleet should follow by the end of the year.

Also due to complete by the end of the year is the Quasar ILU programme, C130 Kaon has completed it's major update and is now in testing. C132 Tachyon is the final ship to begin it's programme. It and C131 Pion which is already having the update should be completed by the end of the year. With the Pulsar fleet all at MULE3 and the Quasar at ILU the DDS cruiser fleet will be very formiddable.

The lead ship of the Pangaea landing ship class L111 Pangaea has finally entered service following a lengthy testing and evaluation. However the next ship has only just begun construction and won't be due to enter service until Q2 2109. You may remember that Pangaea was built by the HCS and then fitted out with DDS equipment and systems but the collapse of relations with the HCS saw the delivery of hulls frozen after the first 2. The 2nd hull, which was to be L112 Gondwana, has instead been taken apart so the DDS can reverse engineer the design. This hull may be "put back together" to form the 4th or 5th ship in the Pangaea class.

Batch 1 of the Friendship class has been completed but Batch 2 will have a number of differences. Known as Type 75B River class the next 10 ships will have an uprated HS-602CM engine boosting speed to 520c, self-defence weapons and tactical systems will also be improved. The communications system will also be replaced with a new improved system with a higher bandwidth. The first of these Batch 2 ships should arrive by the end of the year.


Dinos unveil w-drive roadmap

The 15th Dinomark with wormhole drive (or w-drive) has entered service with the SS and the Dinos have spoken about their short to medium term plans for their new propulsion system. By the end of the year they plan to have 20 Dinomarks with w-drive and then equip a further 15 in 2109. At the moment all ships have been ships already in service and have been retrofitted with the w-drive and all Dinomark PTs up until now.

The Dinomark RS fleet will be equipped when the ships receive a refit before the end of the year as part of the updates and improvements being fitted. The flagship Dinomark will be equipped before the end of the year (though will revert to being Ronald's personal ship after he stands down as Consul at the end of the year).

New ships will not be built with w-drive until the Revision 2 w-drive arrives early in 2110, this will have the same performance but will be cheaper to produce and have reduced power consumption. All new PTs will have the drive from then on with new XTs following suit by 2112. The NG fleet will begin to be equipped with w-drive when they receive their next major upgrade early in the next decade. The Dinos say they want their entire fleet to be w-drive equipped by 2120 though this will probably not include the scores of reservist XTs.

Sirikwan sign arms deal with Dinos

The Sirikwanese have completed their big arms deal following "part 1" with the DDS, when a 2.1 billion zark deal for aircraft, tanks and other arms last week. "Part 2" is a 1.9 billion zark deal with the Dinos and includes :
  • 6 Dinomark XTs of XT/118-ii standard (a slightly cut-down version of the current Dino XT model with a few differences to sensors)
  • 60 refurbished K-16M attack aircraft, this is the standard Dino close support aircraft and is similar to the old Terran A-10 Thunderbolt II
  • 15,000 SM-26L machine guns and 3,000 TSM-26Y training guns
  • Missile loads and spares, as yet unspecified
The Sirikwanese have been neglecting their armed forces for a few years and been building a cash stockpile so financing both deals should prove no problem.


UV133 : TTG is life!

  • Crushing An Empire - The Bolitic attack the Vosun-Voth...
  • War Goes Bang - Sir Joshi fights with the Bolitic invasion fleet...
  • The Third Way - The DDS descends into factional violence...
  • More Penetration! - Lakes has to kill an old flame...
  • N50-100 - Quarz suffers from abuse from all sides...
  • That Is Brutal! - A Dino UCAV goes nuts...
Stay tuned for next month's book UV134 : When Worlds Collide


Windy orders Friendship transport for "unspecified use"

Windy has been impressed with the new Friendship transport, a medium sized utility transport that has recently entered service. Primarily for a UNP contract to maintain contact with small colonies but the DDS have found it useful for other missions such as transporting senior personnel or small ad-hoc transport jobs where a Provider or Starsystem are overkill. Windy is understood to have purchased his own personal Friendship which will be operated and crewed by DDS personnel and be available for DDS usage when Windy does not require it for his own, as yet unspecified, uses.


Operation Northern Project

A large joint-training operation with the Raegris was planned for earlier in the year but delayed when Utrek moved into Diareel and had to be punished. The DDS have now relaunched the operation under the command of Sea Urchin who has taken over the 2nd Fleet (which is responsible for Remedian space) from The Orchid. The operation will begin next week and last for 2 months with a number of training operations including some with the Raegris space fleet and Remedian Police. The fleet consists of :

R102 Lancer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
D154 Evolution
F110 Miocene
F109 Oligocene (MCM leader)
F139 Banda Sea
F151 North Sea II
K106 Brutus
M102 Demostenes
M106 Nicias
A103 Constellation
A110 Condor
A146 Argus
A151 Gasoline
A202 Fellowship
E103 Braun

From the make-up of the fleet minesweeping and special forces is likely to be part of the training.

Windy accuses 7 Sa Sao of destroying DDS ships

Windscorpion, currently on Starbot, has conducted a review of what happened to the Strawberry Field deployment that saw a Quasar and Provider destroyed and has concluded that the 7 Sa Sao were behind it. He said there was evidence of contact between the captain of SS Starlifter and an unknown ship which the captain is on record of saying he thought was a 7 Sa Sao ship. CCTV footage and sensor data has revealed that the captain was removed from the bridge for some 7 minutes during an encounter with an unknown ship some 2 weeks before the incident where the captain went crazy.

Sensor analysis has detected the same teleporter trace as what happened to Quarz when he was probed by the 7SS earlier in the year. Windy said, "We have pretty good evidence that the Starlifter captain was also subject to a 7 Sa Sao anal probing and CCTV footage of his break down indicates he was pre-programmed to act and the 7 Sa Sao pulled the trigger when his ship was ready to wreck havoc with our deployment."

Of course accusing the 7 Sa Sao is one thing, actually knowing if they received it is another.

Sirikwan agree big arms deal with DDS

Sirikwan have confirmed their future geo-political direction with a 2.1 billion arms deal agreed with the DDS and to be signed next week. The deal is on top of an existing multi-billion zark deal for Pentekonters and transports and includes :
  • 50 F-10SEP fighter-bombers with training and spares
  • 100 Ferret-E UCVs plus control equipment
  • 3 Unicorn-IIIB surveilance satellites
  • 150 Avenger-IIIR refurbished tanks
  • Assorted military equipment including radios and medical equipment
  • 250 TPM-1 loads plus missile handling equipment, 50 will be TPM-A
A further deal for assorted equipment is expected with the Dinos soon.

Quarz injured on Oscar

Commander Quarz has been injured during fighting on Oscar, he was serving with a group of DDS advisers on a "peaceful reconnaissance" when they were caught by 2 A-85s operated by the Clone Army of Oscar. One of the COIN aircraft was destroyed by the DDS in self-defence and Quarz was caught under the explosion and injured by shrapnel, some of which is said to have embedded in his buttocks. He was also hit by burning debris.

His wounds are said to be "painful but not serious" and he is returning to Proxima 7 aboard a Friendship transport arranged especially by Windscorpion.


Ferret-G goes wrong

With Ferret-E now in service with the DDS and Dinos work is now going on on the second generation model, the Ferret-G which has a dual air/space capability. To operate in atmospheres requires a hybrid engine that includes a jet turbine along with the existing plasma rocket as well as modified flying surfaces and of course a new control suite.

The Dinos are leading on the Ferret-G project but have run into a problem with an early prototype which went crazy following a lightning strike which is thought to have caused a major system malfunction. The drone no longer responded to control links and, as it was carrying a laser gun, was a threat to other air traffic. Indeed it was in "kill mode" meaning it could attack any aircraft it detected. A Dinomark commanded by Cruggson managed to catch and destroy the drone before it could do any harm. Dino engineers are now looking into improving the fuselage alloy to give improved lightning protection and improve the control circuit isolation.

New strategy emerges from HCS summit

Captain Clone and Benito Clone have concluded an extensive summit on Paragon, a meeting that hardly made any headlines so far except the announcement of the extra space claimed by the Clone Star Empire. The two, and their staffs, have conducted a full review of how the HCS is organised and run across the two sides of the empire and come up with a strategic plan for the future development of the HCS.

A new central development agency (called Central Military Development Agency CMDA) will replace the existing co-ordination agency and look after the design, development and co-ordination of military equipment to take into account the needs of both sides. If possible designs will be flexible enough to satisfy both sides' needs as the HCS wishes to avoid too many different types of equipment being in service.

Production will be decentralised, currently 84% of military equipment is produced on Cloneworld and the aim is to reduce this to 70% by 2120. New factories will be built on Randalf 74, Austini 55 and Woloron 12 to replace ageing factories on Cloneworld.

The HCS will also be altering it's foreign policy following the problems with Sirikwan. A more asserive yet holistic policy will be pursued though what this actually means was not detailed.


F-10SEP delayed, F-10SIM stands in

The next block of F-10S, the new DDS jet fighter, F-10SEP (Enhanced Performance) has been delayed to 2110 following delays in the new databus architecture which was to have been a major part of the update. The DDS will begin reverting production to F-10SIM (Interim Modification) from next month which will include the new winglets and modified exhausts intended for SEP. This will then remain in production until SEP takes over. Some new avionics also intended for SEP will be fitted to S1 and SIM aircraft next year when they are cleared for operation.

The first full squadron of F-10S has now become operation, this squadron - the 1st DDS Air Defence Squadron - is responsible for air defence above DDS GHQ. The second full squadron, the 3rd, which protects the main industrial complex on Solaris will become operational in 2109. The F-10A(S)s from the 1st squadron are receiving a mild refurbishment and will form the new 7th DDS Air Defence Squadron tasked with defending territory north of GHQ and Hexian City.

Meanwhile the first prototype NDAA (New DDS Attack Aircraft) XA-12 has been rolled out and has begun ground testing. It's maiden flight is due for November.

DDS clarify details of planned Pentekonter transfer

The DDS are planning to transfer Pentekonters to Voth, Sirikwan and New Arit. Two of those are already customers of the DDS with orders for Pentekonter-E pending. The DDS have said that neither will be allowed to reduce their orders because they are getting "freebies". Voth would be also expected to purchase extra Pentekonters once their economy is up and running.

The Vosun government meanwhile has called the Voth cessession illegal and criticised the UNP, Dinos and DDS for supporting the Voth's actions. They have also canceled their large orders for Pentekonter-Es and Extender-Es though this is rather moot considering it is unlikely they would be able to afford it considering the massive tribute extracted by the Bolitic.

Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki has sent one of the squadrons of his fleet (some 20 ships) back to the Bolitic though this still leaves over 40 ships in the Vosun system. Aliowaki himself will probably return to Castarian once the surrender negotiations have been completed in a few days but a source said a Bolitic squadron will be remaining in Vosun space for the next few months at least.


DDS consider "giving away" Pentekonter fleet

The Pentekonter OPV is an unfortunate space craft, the DDS made a mistake when they were specifying it and also geo-political considerations overtook it meaning that what was needed was a larger, more capable and more flexible ship. And that is the Rome corvette. The DDS are considering making more of the ships into minesweepers and then giving the rest to their new allies where they would remain in DDS ownership but be operated and maintained by the other power.


A leaked DDS memo has revealed a plan to convert 2 more into Pentekonter-M minesweepers (though they will operate as support ships to the existing 8 P-Ms until the SPECNES replacement minesweeping suite comes on line) with the 8 other Pentekonters being given to the Voth (4 ships), Sirikwan and New Arit (2 each). All these ships would receive updates to their missile launcher to handle TPM-2 (though its likely only the Aritans will operate TPM-2 for now) and some tactical updates which is planned and already budgeted for anyway. The receiving forces would pay for their own localisation and integration costs though the DDS would assist with technical assistance and training.

The 2 ships for Arit might be transferred as early as the Fall with Sirikwan and then Voth receiving ships as more Romes come online. As yet the DDS have not confirmed or denied this plan.

Vosun order Voth to remain in empire

The Vosun government has ordered the Voth to cease their independence drive, however its unknown what exactly the Vosun can do about it. Very little of the VVSE fleet is in Voth space and what's left of the fleet is currently at Vosun facing down a Bolitic war fleet. Even if the fleet could be sent to Voth it would take them at least 6 weeks to get there.

2 VVSE ships are near Voth but both had Voth majority crews who joined the rebellion. Vosun and Voth loyalists were put under custody. Not all Voth are willing to leave the empire, there are reports of fighting on Voth and 2 other planets in Voth space though this fighting is reported to be fairly low-level.

Under UNP guidance the Voth have been advised they should contribute to the tribute demanded of the VVSE by the Bolitic to avoid conflict with the Bolitic in the short term. The Voth have said they will contribute 4.5 billion zarks to the 35 billion demanded by the Bolitic. The Vosun government has said the Voth should contribute 17 billion however the Voth say they will not pay a penny more.

Meanwhile the DDS/Utrek peace treaty talks have begun on Mila and an early agreed measure has been the transfer of 12 more Kalahati Tuuls from the Utrek. The DDS will check the ships out, fit some DDS equipment like radios and give them to the Voth to start their fleet. The Voth will hand over remaining VVSE ships to the Vosun, there are thought to be only 6 in Voth space anyway.


Vosun agree to terms; Voth in rebellion

With the Bolitic war fleet entering the Vosun system the Vosun-Voth Star Empire has agreed to the tough terms of surrender demanded by the Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki. A representative of the VVSE has already arrived on the Bolitic flagship to begin talks. Aliowaki has agreed to not enter Vosun orbit though of course as the fleet could be there in 2 hours the threat remains.

The Voth however have decided it is time to leave the VVSE, the government on Voth and other planets in the Voth area of the VVSE have declared themselves independant of the Vosun and told any Vosun officials they had best leave. The Voth will still have to provide part of the tribute to the Bolitic however and the new interim government was quick to say it would provide it's fair share as they have few forces to protect against a Bolitic attack. However they have also applied immediately for UNP and DDS membership and also established relations with Sirikwan and the Dinos. With amazing speed (you'd think they already knew this was going to happen or something) a Dino convoy of aid has already arrived at Sirikwan where it will be augmented with extra supplies before heading onto Voth. A DDS convoy will depart Solaris next week.


Cruggson versus Lakes in Consul election 2108

Nominations have closed for the second Consul election to be held at the end of November, as expected Imperial Order named Senator Cruggson as their candidate to replace Consul Ronald whose period of office will end at the end of the year. Veritas = Truth have named SS Commander Lakes as their candidate. There are 4 other candidates from minor parties. The Liberal Party are not standing a candidate this year because of an agreement with Imperial Order.

Consul MBH of course will be hoping Lakes can win as that would give him total and complete power however it is unlikely, an early poll has given Cruggson 73% of the vote. Last year Jimmy was also well ahead but was pipped to the post by the time of the voting however Cruggson is a very popular man with the Dinos, and more important Lakes is very unpopular.

DDS and Dinos prepare to mark anniversary of ending of war

September the 7th will mark the first anniversary of the end of the Utrek War, both the DDS and Dinos will be marking the occasion. Consul Ronald is visiting Dino forces on Loeuss where the Dinos now maintain a large military base.

Firefly, en route to a meeting with the Utrek on Mila, has stopped off at Remedia Prime where the anniversary will be marked with the Remedians. Firefly said it is good that there are now signs there can be a lasting peace with the Utrek following the bloody war of 2107 and the flareup on Diareel earlier this year.

Clones supply more arms to Oscar

Two Type A transports have just arrived in Oscar orbit carrying military equipment for the Clone Army of Oscar (CAO). Its thought 12 T-88++ tanks, 32 TRV-5B Tapir IFVs plus small arms, ammunition and other equipment is being supplied. A third transport bringing 6 A-85 COIN aircraft and 16 O-43 liaison aircraft is also on the way.

A DDS analyst says the Clones are showing their commitment to a domestic audience but in reality the quality of the arms is poor, being obsolete and worn out equipment from HCS storage depots. The O-43s for example are probably more dangerous to their pilots than the Oscar Terran Army because of their age and condition.

Thats not to say the DDS arn't also offloading their obsolete weapons though the tanks supplied (Avenger IIIs) have been reconditioned beforehand and are in much better condition than most of the tanks supplied to the CAO.


Sirikwan cool on HCS, heat up for DDS

Sirikwan continue to sit on the fence, recently they signed a strategic partnership with the HCS after earlier ordering both Dino and DDS ships. Now they have signed a strategic partnership with the DDS instead and say that their partnership with the HCS will now be amended.

Its thought the Sirikwanese will still allow the HCS to have a maintenance and refuelling port in the Sirikwan system but will increase the restrictions on HCS warships allowed there. The Sirikwanese say their technology partnership with the Clones is unchanged, which is just as well for the Clones as the only way they will get the submarine arm they want on time is with Sirikwan help.

The DDS and Dinos wish to establish a base (under joint command) in the Sirikwan system as well as bring them into their military co-operation spheres. The DDS will offer to make Sirikwan a Tier 3 ally which means the DDS will work with them (and maybe co-fund) on modifications to the Sirikwan communications and control system to work with the DDS and conduct joint training missions with them as well as military exchange programmes. It will also allow them to have a better specification of Pentekonter-E. The Dinos say they will help train the Sirikwanese army and share with the Sirikwanese military intelligence.

The Sirikwanese will soon have to decide which way they want to go, DDS/Dino or HCS and it likely to be the former as they can offer much more compared to the Clones. This also shows the tension in the Dino Republic. MBH has helped foster the Sirikwan-HCS link while Ronald is keen for the DDS link.

Voth to cede from Vosun-Voth Star Empire?

The ancient Vosun-Voth Star Empire was formed as a partnership between the Vosunites of Vosun and the Vothitarians of Voth. Over the last few centuries the Vosun have been in the ascendancy with the Royal Family and most government and military positions taken by Vosunites.

However since the destruction and humiliation of the Vosun part of the empire there are signs of nationalism in the Voth part of the empire (which is separated from the Vosun part by the Bolitic Confederacy). Many Vothitarians want to split from the Vosun and some even talk of forming an alliance with the Dinos or DDS. One party even want to join the UNP/DDS. With the Vosunites crushed this could be the time for the Vothitarians to act, they may fear Vosun will extract as much wealth as possible from them to restore their own fortunes or that the Bolitic may come looking for more territorial gains.

Clones claim more territory

Because of spacial geography the Clone Star Empire has consisted of 3 concentrations of territory (centered around Cloneworld, Austini 55 and Calantratia) with large areas of unclaimed space in between, mainly because this space is empty except for lifeless rocks and worthless dead stars, like Walsall.

However the Clones, in a joint announcement by Captain Clone and Benito Clone (who seem to have improved their relations) on Paragon where they have been holding talks, will now claim these areas of space which means the HCS will consist of a vast area of continuous space. Much of it will be empty and the HCS will not increase patrols to protect their new territory but it is a sign of the new confidence and aggression of the HCS.

Someone notable from his absense at the conference was The Friar who though nominally an equal partner is now, in reality, completely shut out of command and has little real power or forces left. Captain Clone also announced the unfreezing of Church Of Oojok assets and would allow limited preaching on Cloneworld under strict licensing.

Vosun Voth surrender

With the Bolitic warfleet now just 3 days away from Vosun and a second ambush attempt failing according to VVSE reports (18 ships attacked the Bolitic fleet and got badly beaten up) the VVSE government have said to the Bolitic that they surrender completely and have asked the Bolitic for their terms.

The Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki has ordered his forces to cease attacks on the VVSE but his fleet are continuing to advance and will enter the Vosun system. He has issued his terms for surrender and they are brutal.
  • 7 VVSE planets including the border systems of Telun 60, Ramman and Vang will be demilitarised and handed over to the Bolitic Confederarcy. Vosun populations will be allowed to leave.
  • 50 billion zarks will be paid in tribute, 35 billion immediately and the rest paid over the next 2 years. The total treasury of the VVSE is thought to be around 22 billion so coming up with this cash might be a problem.
  • The VVSE Royal Family will stand down and be replaced by a selected General, Aliowaki will reserve the right to veto the selection.
  • 10 ships from the remaining VVSE fleet will be handed over to the Bolitic plus information on the technologies used.
The VVSE have been given 3 days to respond (i.e. the time it will take for the Bolitic fleet to reach orbit around Vosun) and Aliowaki has said there is no room for negotiation.


Fleet news (04/09/08)

R105 Grenadier is the latest Type 21A Missileer carrier to join the fleet. It is at Type 21A2 standard though the DDS have not said what the differences are. Analysts think the changes are largely to UAV handling equipment.

D106 Lion is the latest Type 35A Panther destroyer to join the fleet. It will not join the fleet until November as it will be used by Training Command for a number of exercises taking place over the next couple of months.

Two Pentekonters have been converted to Type 44M Pentekonter-M minesweepers, the whole class of 8 has also been renumbered. The 2 ships are M107 Orpheus and M108 Aeschylus. The 2 ships will continue to serve with the patrol pool for a few more months.

Finally 2 more Type 75A Friendship class transports have joined the fleet A209 Assistance and A210 Project. The DDS are looking into developing a "drop in" medical module that can be fitted quickly to a Friendship transport so they can be used for providing mobile medical facilities to small remote colonies and also provide a back-up to the DDS' hospital ships in the event of a large-scale humanitarian crisis.


Windy arrives on Starbot

Windy has arrived on Starbot to begin an investigation into the Strawberry Field disaster. He has already held lengthy interviews with Von Kane and Torus and will be interviewing all senior and second officers who were at the scene as well as reviewing CCTV footage from SS Starlifter. Most of the footage is from cameras in the male toilets of course but there is some footage from the bridge of the Provider transport that attacked it's own side.

An unconfirmed report states that CCTV shows the captain of the Starlifter shooting the other bridge crew and then launching a suicidal attack on the rest of the fleet.


HCS Round-up (02/09/08)

The HCSAF have announced an upgrade to their F-45A fleet, their principle combat aircraft. F-45AEG (Enhanced Ground attack) will improve the type's A2G capabilities with a new laser designator, compatibility with the HCSAF's new A2G missile (as yet unnamed) and improved datalinking. 150 F-45As will be upgraded and 50 of the remaining F-45As to be built to this standard.

Details of the new jet trainer the T-1M have been unveiled. The T-1M will have improved engines and aerodynamics to improve agility to allow the T-1M to better train pilots for F-45. It will also have a full flight telemetry recorder allowing for trainee pilots to review their flights later on in a fully 3-D computer generated environment.

The MQZ-1 surveilance blimp operated by the HCSAF/HCSN has been upgraded to MQZ-1B which improves guidance and also has a solar panel coating to it's envelope to backup the onboard power systems and increase range by 10-17%.

The HCS Space Navy has ordered a new minesweeper to replace the ageing Derinny class which served during the Utrek War in DDS hands. The Pure class is based on Derinny but has the new SPECNES-IIIB minesweeping suite as well as a new engine said to be using the same core as the Shark's engine. As yet the number to be built has now been announced.

The latest top-line MBT of the HCS, the T-89FSU, has entered service. FSU includes improved sensors, combat management systems and armour containing a new secret alloy to improve protection. 120 T-89FSUs will be built to replace some of the quickly dwindling T-88++s in HCS service.


DDS lay plans for New DDS Army

The current DDS Army is a hotchpotch of Remedian, UNP and DDS military units and the DDS have unveiled plans for their definitive DDS Army. The basic theme behind the new force will be the Remedians and Aritans will provide the numbers while the DDS cover special forces (with their Prowler units), technical and specialist arms and a rump of manpower for base defence.

The DDS are envisaging a 5 division 100,000 strong army from their allies. The Remedians providing 4 of those divisions and the Aritans 1 while the DDS provide around 35,000 troops. The Aritans currently have a 178,000 strong army with around 360 tanks. 270 of these are T-88/89s ex-HCS sold on by the Dinos last year, the rest being ex-DDS Avenger IIs and IIIs. The DDS plan to concentrate the best Aritan troops into a 20,000 strong division with the T-88/89s as part of the DDS Army.

The Remedian part is more problematical as the Remedian army is largely a formless ill-disciplined mass of fool hardy warriors. The DDS think with training and weeding out of the worst idiots they can form an 80,000 strong professional army to be equipped with new Avenger IV tanks plus refurbished Avenger IIIs.

The DDS have approached their allies and it is known the Aritans have agreed, the Remedians have not agreed yet but they have no real choice anyway. Re-organisation of existing forces could begin in months though it may take a number of years to get the New DDS Army into any sort of shape.

HCSN unveil submarine plans

Following the technology tie up with both the Dinos and Sirikwanese the HCSN have formed a company called HCS Submarine Technology which will be producing submarines for the service at a new facility being built on Cloneworld but with factories on Dino-Land and Sirikwan also to produce major components.

The first boats produced will be 4 Seawolf class SSKs for local patrols, these will be developed versions of the singleton Tinfisk SSK which is the HCSN's only current submarine. The main focus of development will be nuclear powered boats, the Sealion SSN and Walrus SSBN classes which will share as much hull and equipment as possible. Sealion SSNs will be able to fire torpedos and cruise missiles while the Walrus will be equipped with 12 SLBMs known as SeaGale, based on the Gale-III ICBM currently in development to replace the Gale-II IRBMs around the Central District.

The timescale for the submarines has been listed at 2110-2112 for Seawolf, 2114-2117 for Sealion and 2116-2120 for Walrus though analysts think this may be slightly ambitious.

The HCSN have also announced they have contracted Clone Air Corporation (CAC) - the largest Clone aircraft manufacturer - to design and produce an amphibious seaplane for patrol and air/sea rescue.