
Remedian ship destroyed / Other fleet news

Kalahati Tuul 2 class destroyer 2803R Halnorli has been destroyed by the Utrek. A group of Remedian ships attempted to break through the lines near Loeuss and attack the Utrek ships pounding the Remedian ground forces from orbit. Its thought 2 Utrek ships were destroyed but the Halnorli was lost when ambushed by 3 cloaked Molentic Tuuls. Another Remedian ship was also damaged but managed to escape.

Meanwhile the DDS have announced 2 more Terran Sea frigates have been added to the current order, one will be a replacement for the lost Aral Sea. Pentekonter OPV 3515 Nicias received damage when it was attacked by a Zone ship near Zoneland. Two crewmen lost their lives after a hull breech. The ship has returned to Rathun's World for repair.

Extender oiler 7210 Octane has joined the fleet after a curtailed proving trial. A third Nightengale hospital ship has been ordered for the Remedian fleet though as Provider and Extender SUPs are currently the priority it is likely to be some time before the hospital class enters service.