
Panther comes to life

The first Panther class destroyer has reached an important milestone as the power and main computer system was successfully activated for the first time, in DDS circles this is known as the ship "coming to life". Reactor Bank A was successfully initiated (Panther will have 3 separated reactor banks) and the primary mainframe booted.

Much work still remains before the Panther can begin trials of course. The Panther is scheduled to enter trials by the end of the summer and possibly could be ready to enter service by the start of 2108.

Utrek to deploy Reptoli Tuul?

Raegris intelligence has reported that the Utrek are running exercises with their new warship the Reptoli Tuul in an area of space near to their territory and plan to deploy the first RT squadron to the front line in Remedia. This is part of a re-inforcement of the invading forces following the 2 bloody battles earlier this month that robbed the Utrek of many of their most experienced crews and most advanced Molentic Tuuls.

No fewer than 70 more ships could be deployed to the area including 12 Reptoli Tuuls. A further 5 legions of the Utrek army are also thought to be ready to be deployed. Utrek High Command are said to have changed the leadership of the invading force and want the Remedians and DDS destroyed by the end of the year. The re-inforcements and new command structure could be in place by the late summer.

Dinos confirm re-inforcements going to Loeuss

The Dinos have confirmed that they have despatched forces to supply and relieve the hard-pressed Remedian/DDS forces on Loeuss. Up until now they have refused to comment but as the DDS have mentioned it anyway they have decided to speak out. A spokesman said Senator Spikeson is in charge of the force made up of elements of the 5th, 6th and 17th Legions. Spikeson is one of the Old Guard and the fact Ronald is sending one of his inner circle after the disaster that befell Ouranosaur's legion is an indication of the seriousness of the situation.

The Dinos said the force is taking weapons, food and medical supplies to the forces there as well as elements of the powerful 3rd Armoured Brigade which will fight alongside the DDS. A squadron of Dinomark XT ground attack ships will also remain with the DDS giving them vital air (and space) support.

First fully passive sensor combat made by DDS

A big area of research for the DDS is in the field of passive sensors, in conjunction with improved cloaks and tactics the DDS hope this will give them a huge advantage over their foes. One problem of course is that passive sensors, up until now, have only given a general and non-specific idea of what is out there in space. Cloaked ships have had to use active sensors (and hence decloak) to use their weapons.

Now the DDS have improved passive sensors to the extent where they have begun to give the precision needed to guide weapons fire. An Isometric frigate fitted with an experimental passive sensor suite has successfully made the first fully passive combat. The combat is understood to have taken place a few weeks ago when the unnamed ship (which was accompanied by another Isometric - just in case) was able to track, target and then engage a Utrek scout of the Kalahati Tuul class. The KT knew nothing about the DDS until a Z-cannon shot suddenly appeared out of nowhere and destroyed them.

The attack was not 100% successful, the shot did not hit where intended but luckily did enough damage to destroy the Utrek anyway. Though a DDS Research spokesman said that was pure luck and the shot could easily have missed totally. However passive sensors have been shown to have made huge leaps in precision. The DDS hope to make further improvements by the end of the year.


Isometric to be modified for ground attack

Battle damaged Isometric frigate 3110 Tertiary may be fitted out with the Z5g cannon and sensors to enable it to attack targets on planetary surfaces. The ship's Z cannon was among the areas of damage when it was caught in battle against the Zones, because of this the DDS have decided to replace it's damaged Z cannon with a pre-production version of the new ground-attack Z5g cannon. Tertiary is due to re-enter service around May.

The Panther class destroyer will also have ground attack as part of it's role. A combat module is to be developed for the ship which may include up to 3 Z5gs plus an independent power source allowing rapid-fire to really give those bad guys a pounding!

DDS regain 2 Quasar from the Raegris

Last year the DDS sold 2 more Quasar cruisers to the Raegris which since then have lain in dock being prepared for Raegrian service. Because of recent combat losses the DDS have asked the Raegris if the sale can be cancelled. After a modest compensation (said to be 10 million zarks per ship plus the cost of existing work covered) the ships have been returned to the DDS register and should be ready to re-enter service by the summer.

The ships 1218 Kaon and 1219 Pion interestingly have had mine laying and detection equipment added (as part of their role in Raegris service was to be mine warfare) so the DDS will gain a possibly useful extra capability when the ships return to service.

First DDS ships reach Remedia Prime

An advance party of the DDS Fleet commanded by Von Kane has reached Remedia Prime to help bolster defences there. The rest of the fleet is said to just over a week behind though will require a couple of week's refit and rest before being in an optimal position to fight.

The recent raid on Loeuss has shown that the DDS also have other forces in the Remedia Belt. SS Jurassic is thought to have joined a Dino fleet aiming to supply the forces on the planet battling Utrek invaders. The DDS LHA SS Intruder is also said to be en route with elements of the 1st DDS Armoured Brigade. Captain Caratore, of the SS Jurassic, has been given command of the Loeuss Relief Force (LRF).


Ships Of The Galaxy : Samara

The Samara frigate is the backbone of the Tarbotian fleet, although the Kenora is quite rightly the most feared its the Samara that is more likely to be encountered as its thought over 1000 exist across the vast Tarbotian Federation. The Samara is a tough little ship that has been continually updated over the last couple of decades.

Its thought to have entered service in the late 2070s replacing the long running Vortis frigate class. The Samara was similar in concept to the Vortis, both having 2 pylon mounted engines and a central fuselage inbetween though the Samara was slightly larger and much more powerful. Current Samaras, of the Samara V series, can exceed 600c and pack a useful firepower.

Samaras are also often outfitted with an impressive array of equipment and auxiliary ships as often the Samara has to operate alone far from other Tarbotian forces. Samara crews are rightly proud of their ships which represent Tarbot far from home. It might be the Kenora that grabs the glory but it is the Samara that is the Tarbotian fleet's lifeblood.

Utrek announce they have Dino prisoners

The Utrek have announced they took 86 Dinos prisoner when they destroyed the 3rd Legion, assuming all others were killed this means over 500 men were killed. The senior officer of the prisoners was shown to be Tribune Gibson which indicates that Legate Ouransaur was among the dead. The Utrek said they would crush any further Dino attacks mercilessly and warned the Dinos to stay out of the war.

A Dino legion is said to be on the way to try and resupply Loeuss but as yet there has been no news of it's progress. The situation on the planet is said to be growing critical for the Remedian and DDS forces there. An Isometric class frigate was able to make a short attack on the Utrek ground forces from orbit. The ship, thought to have been Caratore's SS Jurassic, was able to fire several shots at a Utrek arms depot before being forced to retreat and cloak by Utrek warships. The depot is thought to have been only slightly damaged as the shots were deflected by the atmosphere, underlining the need for dedicated ground attack weapons.

UV111 : The Filth & The Fury

Clench your buttocks and await the arrival of the latest anus shattering collection of DDS stories! In Sex & Violins the Utrek launch their invasion of the Remedians. Then in Destruction To The Max the DDS finally have their revenge on the Zones, destroying their fleet. To The Victor The Erection sees the final act of the Zone war as the DDS nuclear bombers destroy the Zone homeland.

Mobile Phone sees Gibson rejoin the armed forces but as part of a Dino legion sent against the Utrek! In Whenever You Need To Know the Dinos and DDS both desperately try and slow the Utrek advance. Finally in Sing The Fat, Krusty and El Radigol go on their first mission.

UV111 is available in the usual decadent places. Stay tuned for UV112 Policy Of Truth next month!


Dinos aiming to resupply forces on Loeuss

Its understood by some unofficial news sources that the Dinos have sent a legion to try and get to Loeuss where the Remedian & DDS ground forces are coming under pressure from the Utrek. Its said that the Dinos are going to provide vital supplies to the forces there as well as attack the Utrek. Some Dino ships will remain with the DDS forces providing air support.

The Dinos are also sending the elite 6th Legion to advise Remedian forces on Remedia Prime. Two Dino armoured brigades may also be sent to bolster the forces there.


DDS probe mysterious loss of SS Hood

The DDS are probing the loss of the Hood's ship SS Hood which was destroyed in orbit around Zoneland after it had been heroically leading the assault on the unprofessional Zones. The initial report that the Hood had been destroyed by a surviving Zone ship is now being discounted as no Zone ships are thought to have survived the battle and any remaining Zone ships were away from the Zoneland system at the time.

The closest ship to SS Hood was the DDS flagship SS Carboniferous under the command of Windscorpion, he said he did not know what destroyed the Hood, he added it was "unfortunate".


Ships Of The Galaxy : Dinomark NG

The Dinomark NG project began in the early 2080s as an attempt to replace the classic XT. The XT, whilst excellent at what it did, was not optimal for longer-range space operations. The NG (which didn't stand for New Generation as some publications have stated, Dinomark type names are purely random) first emerged in 2088 and was an immediate hit. A much different ship to the compact XT, the NG was a long slender ship with a large wing area and lots of space for equipment and much better crew quarters.

The initial plan was for the NG to replace all XT production but it was clear early on that although superior for long-range space missions the compactness of the XT won over in other areas. The long fuselage was also found to have some disadvantages in terms of crew movement. Production of the NG ended after just 8 years whilst the XT continues onwards.

The NG is a good ship and was the mainstay of the DDS space fleet until the arrival of the PT class. It is used more for long-range patrols nowadays though also in times of war forms the second-line behind the PT. There was some thought given to reopen the production line recently as it is cheaper to produce than a PT (though a lot less capable of course).


DDS look to fire support role

With supporting ground forces and planetary attack forming an increasingly important part of the DDS' fleet role the DDS is looking into providing a dedicated fire support role in future. Although any warship with guns can fire on a planet from orbit DDS weapons like the Z cannon are optimised for space combat and their efficiency is degraded by atmospheres. Also ground attack requires a greater number of shorter duration bursts. Targetting from orbit is not easy either without specialist equipment.

The DDS have developed a ground attack version of the Z cannon, known as the Z5g. This will initially be fitted as a combat module to the Rome class multi-role OPV. The module will include a Z5g, extra power management for extended fire and specialist targetting sensors. The DDS hope to have the first ground attack module ready for testing by the early summer. The first Rome is due to enter service around may.


Isometrics receive software update

The fleet of Isometric frigates have received a software update that has been carried out by engineering crews in service after being transmitted via the DDS communications network. Isometric System Enhancement 2 (ISE2) is a purely software update using much code from the Terran Sea frigate, modified where necessary and fully audited and tested. The new software increases tactical system response time by 7% and the system can handle a greater number of simultaneous targets. Engine management has also been improved, though top speed has not changed due to load-stress issues, the engines are now up to 5% more efficient. Other systems have also seen capability and efficiency improvements.

ISE2 was meant to be part of a hardware & software update but due to the war the Isometric fleet cannot at present be taken out of service. The new hardware including a new databus backbone multiplexor and a new sensor array (both versions of the one used by the Terran Sea) will be fitted in a future update though ships out of service anyway for repair may receive the new toys anyway.

The Pentekonter fleet is also due a software update.

Air-launched TPMs enter service

After a crash programme the air-launched version of the transphasic missile (TPM) has entered service with a squadron of specially modified F-10As at DDS GHQ. The missile (as yet unnamed) contains a cut-down warhead and uses ground-based guidance after it has been launched by the carrier aircraft, modified F-10As (designated F-10A(S)) which carry two missiles on wing-borne pylons (the missile is too large to fit in the internal weapons bay of the F-10A).

Twelve F-10A(S) have been assigned to the new 1st Space Defence Squadron and will maintain patrols over DDS GHQ and Hexian City on Proxima 7. At least 2 aircraft will be on station at all times and be able to fire missiles at any enemy ships that get through the orbital defences and reach LEO. A second squadron for Solaris will be created later in the year.

Dinos report on their losses

The Dinos have said no fewer than 18 Dinomark PTs were lost in the battle against the Utrek, a sizeable chunk of their front-line type. The rest of the losses were of the older Dinomark NG, 24 of which were destroyed. The Dinos have called up 50 Dinomark XTs from it's reserve units. 6 Dinomark NGs which had been withdrawn from service a couple of years ago and mothballed are also being reactivated. Consul Ronald has honoured the lost men of the 3rd Legion saying their sacrifice will not be in vain.


DDS issue strategic map

The DDS have issued a strategic map (said to have been drawn by Lord Rotarios himself using Paintbrush) that shows the current situation with respect to the Utrek assault on the Remedians. The Utrek have attacked in a pincer movement with the objective of reaching Remedia Prime. The Dino (green cross) and DDS (blue) attacks have stopped the Utrek in their tracks. Its now thought that the Utrek are aiming to meet up in deep space somewhere between Loeuss and Remedia Prime.

Dinos report 3rd Legion lost against the Utrek

Hot on the heels of news of the first DDS engagement against the Utrek the Dinos have reported that their 3rd Legion launched an attack earlier today on one of the attacking Utrek fleets. The force of 42 Army and SS Dinomarks attacked the fleet of 100+ Utrek warships but were trapped when 40 more Utrek ships decloaked and boxed them in. The Dinos have said that all their ships were destroyed though around 74 Utrek ships were destroyed too. Some ships are said to have been able to launch escape pods but the Dinos said most of the crews are feared lost including the Legion commander Legate Ouransaur and Tribune Gibson.

Because of the sheer number of losses the Utrek invading fleet has been stopped stone dead and is thought to have begun withdrawing to reserve units at Loeuss (where a ground battle continues between Utrek and Remedian forces - though the Utrek are winning). Consul Ronald hailed the courage of the 3rd Legion and said the Dinos had paid a heavy "blood sacrifice" to slow the invading forces. It is now likely the DDS will be able to get it's reinforcements to Remedia Prime well before the Utrekians. Ronald said that the Dinos would be sending another legion to assist the DDS and Remedians.

DDS fleet attacks Utrek, Horsehead dead

A small fleet of DDS warships commanded by Commander Horsehead has attacked one of the Utrek invading fleets in a desperate attempt to slow it down. 6 DDS ships took on over 100 Utrek ships in an act of professional heroism. Its reported that 18 Utrek ships were destroyed and 5 others damaged badly enough that they have been abandoned and destroyed by the Utrek, unfortunately 2 DDS warships were also lost including the flagship of the fleet.

Quasar class cruiser 1212 Muon was destroyed when it was hit by an out of control Molentic Tuul, all crew members including Commander Horsehead were killed. Terran Sea class frigate 3209 Yellow Sea was also destroyed when it came under sustained heavy fire and suffered main power loss. Its captain Rubick's Cube Warrior was among the dead. Isometric class frigate 3113 Oligocene also received heavy damage and the loss of 4 crewmen but was able to escape with the other ships which are now under the command of Knobhead.

The Utrek fleet is reported to have not yet resumed it's original course. There are unconfirmed reports that the Dinos have attacked the other Utrek fleet.


Providers to be used for patrol?

Strike Command has recruited 6 of Patrol Command's Isometric fleet and may request the rest to bolster the fleet in the face of the Utrek menace. This of course means that Patrol Command has to look for other ships to fulfil it's patrol obligations. The Intrepid and 2 of the Starsystems in the Training Fleet have already joined Patrol Command but Provider transports could also be used.

Patrol Command officer Captain Rendris said that the Provider had performance similar to an OPV and had weapons and sensors and so could perform low-risk patrols thus allowing other ships to be used elsewhere. It would be retained as an option however. The DDS are also in talks with the Aritans to get them to take over some patrols.


Zone ship caught and destroyed

Pentekonter OPV 3517 Pausanias and an Aritan Intrepid class destroyer have managed to trap and destroy a Zone fighter. Its thought this was the ship that atacked and damaged a DDS OPV a couple of days ago. The Pentekonter acted as bait with the Intrepid lying in cloak waiting. When the Zones took the bait then the Aritans quickly decloaked and destroyed the Zone ship.

What has emerged from this is the previously unknown fact that the DDS have given the Aritans TPM technology. All Aritan Intrepids have been fitted out to fire the missile though Aritan stocks of the missile are low, thought to be only a couple allocated per ship. The DDS also plan to give the Aritans technology from the Isometric ships that are converted to Rhombus long-range frigates. Some technology such as cloaking devices will be upgraded and the old (but still pretty modern) equipment will be used to improve the Aritan fleet of Intrepids.

DDS reported to be furious with Remedians

Its reported that DDS GHQ is furious with the Remedians for launching a raid on the Utrek forces attacking Loeuss that resulted in one Remedian ship being destroyed and one damaged. A source who didn't want to be named said, "We need every ship we can get for the forthcoming battle near Remedia Prime, the fact they have thrown away one of their destroyers like this is stupid! I know its tough on our forces on Loeuss but if Remedia Prime falls then the whole of Remedia could be lost!"


Remedian ship destroyed / Other fleet news

Kalahati Tuul 2 class destroyer 2803R Halnorli has been destroyed by the Utrek. A group of Remedian ships attempted to break through the lines near Loeuss and attack the Utrek ships pounding the Remedian ground forces from orbit. Its thought 2 Utrek ships were destroyed but the Halnorli was lost when ambushed by 3 cloaked Molentic Tuuls. Another Remedian ship was also damaged but managed to escape.

Meanwhile the DDS have announced 2 more Terran Sea frigates have been added to the current order, one will be a replacement for the lost Aral Sea. Pentekonter OPV 3515 Nicias received damage when it was attacked by a Zone ship near Zoneland. Two crewmen lost their lives after a hull breech. The ship has returned to Rathun's World for repair.

Extender oiler 7210 Octane has joined the fleet after a curtailed proving trial. A third Nightengale hospital ship has been ordered for the Remedian fleet though as Provider and Extender SUPs are currently the priority it is likely to be some time before the hospital class enters service.

Dinos declare war on the Utrek

Consul Ronald has said that the Dino Empire cannot stand by while the Remedians and maybe the DDS are overrun by the Utrek (knowing full well that the Dinos could likely be next). After a meeting of the Senate he announced that the Dino Empire had declared war on the Utrek Urlik Federation and would be sending forces to help the DDS and Remedians.

The powerful 3rd Legion plus elements from the 1st SS Legion would set out in a couple of days to attack the Utrek invading forces. A fleet of around 40 ships will be sent, this is outnumbered by the Utrekians but the plan is to delay the Utrek before the main DDS fleet can arrive. Legate Ouranosaur will command the force assisted by Gibson, commissioned to Tribune rank. Gibson has been chosen because of the SS contingent.

Around 70 ships are currently at the border planet of Pulsin under command of Consul G-B-H but these will remain where they are for the time being.

Utrek invade Loeuss

The Utrekians have invaded the border Remedian world of Loeuss. As with Mila the invasion was made by a second wave of Utrek ships, their primary forces having bypassed the planet some days ago. Loeuss has rich mineral deposits and is used by the Remedian Army for training thus the Remedians are putting up much more of a fight.

Two Utrek legions have landed on the planet supported by orbital bombardment of the Loeuss capital and a large army base nearby. The Remedians, having thought they were next after the loss of Mila, had already evacuated both however. The Remedian 3rd Army which is currently being supported by the 3rd DDS Armoured Brigade have dug in and are now engaging the Utrek forces.


Utrekians invade Mila

The Utrekians have invaded the Remedian world of Mila, the planet was left undefended due to the withdrawal of the Remedian fleet to Remedia Prime. Two legions of Utrek stormtroopers landed on the planet near the capital and quickly overpowered the batallion of Remedian soldiers. The Utrekians said that Mila was the latest addition to the Utrek Urlik Federation.

Meanwhile the DDS Northern Fleet, commanded by Horsehead, has reached the Remedian planet of Raedial 319 for resupply before it heads on to try and slow the Utrek attack.

Exodus begins from Zoneland

After the brutal nuclear onslaught by the DDS the environment of Zoneland has been thrown into chaos and the savage radiation has made life on much of the planet untenable. A steady steam of Zone freighters and cargoships has begun taking Zone survivors off the planet to an uncertain future. The Zones are highly unpopular aliens who have spent decades terrorising their neighbours with piracy and terrorism and thus now these neighbours have told them they are unwelcome.

However it is possible the Clones, the Zones' cousins, might accept them. A HCS warship has been seen in the area and is thought to have been in contact with Zone authorities.

Ships Of The Galaxy : I-1 Iona

I-1 or Iona is the flagship of the Starbotian fleet and one of the most famous and recognisable ships in the galaxy. For centuries now I-1 has been at the forefront of Starbotian struggles for independence from the Tarbotian hoards. The ship has a simple enough design, long fuselage and straight wings but has been continuously updated and rebuilt several times. In fact nothing of the original I-1 remains though the ship is still thought to be the same one.

I-1 is an advanced ship, able to split itself into 3 modules that can fight independently though this would only be used against smaller combatants such as Tarbotian fighters as only the engine module retains heavy firepower, the other modules only have secondary laser armament. That firepower is 2 energy cannons drawing power directly from a singularity, this captured black hole gives I-1 enormous power and thus speed though currently it's top speed of 600c is inadequate against the latest generation of foes. The Starbotians are looking to a new rebuild soon.

I-1 is a well travelled ship, as the Starbotians are robots I-1 has no need for supplies of water, air or food and the singularity in theory will provide infinite energy. I-1 is designed to be self-repairing and maintaining and in theory could operate indefinately though in practice is does require a refit every few months.


The DDS mourns Vodaphone

Lord Rotarios has told the DDS that Vodaphone was one of the greatest DDS heroes in history. "He was killed whilst risking his life defeating the Zones and is an example to all of professionalism and self-sacrifice!" Vodaphone was one of the longest serving DDS officers having been a part of the DDS for well over 15 years.

Vodaphone was the Director Of Communications, temporarily Action Painting will take over these duties. The destruction of SS Hood also saw the loss of many of the most senior and veteran Hoods, their deaths is a big blow to their service.


Lost ships of the Zone War

As the Zones lie defeated (or rather lie atomized) the DDS is taking stock. This has been the bloodiest war the DDS has been in since the war against the Tarbotians. No fewer than 9 DDS ships have been lost and several thousand personnel killed including many on the attack on Rathun's World. Unfortunately the DDS now goes into what could be an even bloodier war as the Utrek attack.

The lost ships :

1003 Asia (Pulsar)
1217 Hadron (Quasar)
3204 Aral Sea (Terran Sea)
3206 Red Sea (Terran Sea)
3503 Brasidas (Pentekonter)
3806H Hood (Solaris II)
3808 Andromeda (Solaris II)
7907 Hercules (Provider)
7205 Skymaster (Extender)

The Zones surrender / Loss of SS Hood

Windscorpion hosted the Zone Admiral Uressin aboard his flagship SS Carboniferous to conduct the official surrender terms. The Zone fleet was utterly destroyed and the planet devastated by a nuclear holocaust in the battle. Uressin signed the surrender details which state that the Zones are not allowed to have a space fleet any longer and any signs of aggression towards the DDS or it's allies would be dealt with utmost force. Its unlikely the Zones will be in any position to do this for a long time however.

While the negotiations were being carried out the Hood ship SS Hood was carrying out a secondary strike on the Zoneland surface. It fired several mid-altitude airburst nuclear missiles with Cobalt-60 warheads. Thus ultra-radioactive material was scattered across wide parts of the Zone continents rendering much of the planet uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. However after the attack SS Hood was destroyed by an unknown assailant though to be a surviving Zone ship. Director Of Communications Vodaphone was among the dead, we all mourn the loss of one of our senior facilitators.

The Battle Of Zoneland

Earlier today the DDS fleet, commanded by The Orchid, launched it's attack on the Zones (Operation Endless Sorrow). The attack took place near to Zoneland and although full details have yet to emerge the DDS have said that the Zone fleet has been utterly destroyed. Only 2 ships are understood to have survived and both of them nearly crippled. The DDS lost 2 ships in battle, Quasar cruiser 1217 Hadron was rammed by a Zone fighter and Terran Sea frigate 3204 Aral Sea was destroyed when a Zone commando team planted a nuke in it's engine bay.

Four other ships received moderate to serious damage though they were all able to travel to Rathun's World on their own power. The ships are Quasar cruiser 1212 Muon, Terran Sea frigates 3211 Java Sea and 3208 Barents Sea and Isometric frigate 3111 Palaeocene. Other ships also received damage but repairable by the crews in transit, most of the fleet has already set course to intercept the Utrek in the Remedian Belt.

The Zones employed a previously unknown kind of subspace teleport technology that allowed them to send commando teams through the DDS shields, this caused some havoc including the loss of Aral Sea (above) and also the flagship Pulsar cruiser 1011 Central America's bridge was attacked and The Orchid received injuries requiring her to transfer control of the battle to Windscorpion. The Zone teleport technology was luckily highly unstable and inaccurate and it is estimated 95% of the teams either re-materialised inside solid matter or empty space. One team is thought to have re-materialised inside the plume of a Pulsar's main engine which was probably a bit painful,

After the Zone fleet was destroyed 3 Pulsars equipped for nuclear strike entered low orbit and carried out a systematic nuclear bombardment of the Zoneland surface. 68 nuclear missiles were used with a total of 544 10 megaton warheads which devastated the Zone cities and infrastructure. A number of biogenic missiles were also used set for Zone DNA. The death toll is estimated in the hundreds of millions. A DDS spokesman said that 87% of Zone cities above 100,000 inhabitants were hit by the nukes or the resulting firestorm that swept across the main continent.

More details will emerge once the smoke has cleared.


Unmanned Panther & Stoat

Earlier there was speculation the DDS was considering an unmanned version of the Panther, cut down in size, called the Panther-UCV or Stoat. The DDS have said they are looking into remote operation for the Panther but would use existing ships which would have the option of being operated remotely if there were shortages of crews instead of building UCVs as this brings greater operational flexibility. Its thought the Model B Panther will have remote-control equipment (and this would later be added to the earlier Panthers).

The cut-down Panther design has not been abandoned however, the Stoat design is being considered for the next DDS frigate (now officially known as FFX-2110) in competition with an Isometric-4 design.

Windy joins the fleet

Having ensured the safe passage of Firefly and Quarz to a hospital on Rathun's World Windscorpion and his staff have joined the fleet preparing to attack Zoneland. Windy has taken command of his favourite ship the Isometric class frigate SS Carboniferous (the ship he used to wipe out the Rectoids) after the standing captain suffered an unusual injury to his bottom.

Windy has been made the second in command of the fleet under The Orchid, a position Windy is said to be unhappy about as hes never been under a woman before.

Utrek launch attack on Remedians

The Utrek have been massing forces for some time and an attack was expected but it has come sooner than the DDS feared. A Utrek fleet crossed the border between Utrek and Remedian space and attacked 2 Remedian ships on patrol, destroying both. The Kalahati Tuuls 2704R Ailiari and 2809R Yan were caught by surprise and did not even manage a shot in return.

Subspace monitoring stations report 2 Utrek fleets have crossed the border, each with over 100 ships. The Utrek appear to be attempting a pincer movement with the aim of meeting near the Remedian capital Remedia Prime. All Remedian ships are being rushed to the capital and a small DDS fleet led by Horsehead is on the way.

Unfortunately much of the DDS fleet is some way away preparing to attack Zoneland, its reported The Orchid has been ordered to attack within days and then head to stop the Utrek,