
CM360 reborn... as CM370

The secret and much delayed orbital defence ring around Proxima 7, known as CM360, has been scrapped and a new project known as CM370 put up in it's place. After the Rathun's World attack its thought this new project has become a top priority though any work done is unlikely to bear fruit in the current emergency.

CM370 is a network of killer satellites that initially will be put in place around Proxima 7, Solaris and Rathun's World but eventually all DDS and UNP worlds will have the system. The main rationale behind CM370 is that keeping ships in orbit to protect planets is inefficient and tactically problematical. CM370 will include a network of satellites armed with transphasic missiles. Each satellite will be unmanned, control being from a protected ground station which will bring together orbital and ground based sensor data along with data from nearby DDS ships. The network will have full coverage of the planet but may offer heavier protection near to orbital assets like shipyards or over major population areas.

CM370 will have automatic systems for repair and replacement so destroyed satellites will be quickly replaced. Automated transport resupply ships will keep TPM stocks up. The DDS are currently working on the technology and hope to have test satellites by the end of next year.