
Velocity class destroyer damaged in battle with Zones

Velocity class destroyer 2203 Advance has received damage in a battle with Zone forces near Lornaca Melnig. Its thought the destroyer, which was on it's way to join the fleet poised to attack Zoneland, encountered 3 Zone cruisers attempting to launch an attack on the DDS fleet's supply chain. Two Zone cruisers were destroyed and the third fled, the Velocity suffered damage to main power and primary systems, 4 crewmen being killed and 6 injured.

A Dino warship was able to reach the Velocity soon after the attack and rendered assistance. A Pentekonter OPV (thought to be 3507 Sappho) is currently on the way to reach the Velocity to perform medivac on the injured. Another ship, training frigate 9106T Mira, has been despatched to tow the Velocity back to port.

Rome impresses / Isometric sales confirmed

The first 4th generation ship of the DDS fleet Rome class OPV 3601 Cicero has been impressing on it's trials near Solaris (the exact location kept a secret due to the military situation). Assessors have said that the Open Architecture 2.0 implementation is working very well with seamless switching of components and off-site diagnostic and repairs working when tested. Cicero is expected to continue trials until May.

The DDS have confirmed that 2 Isometric class frigates will be sold (for a nominal fee) to the Aritans. The DDS plan to maintain a fleet of 16 Isometrics, with 8 becoming Rhombus and the rest being sold to key allies. The sales are partly a thanks for assistance in the Zone war and also an attempt to boost the combat effectiveness of the allies. They didn't say when the ships would be sold however. The DDS said they are currently working on specifications for a next class of frigate to enter service in the next decade.


HCS Navy launches first operation

Although their only ships are ex-museum or HCS Riverine force at the moment (the first new ships are not expected until next year at the earliest) the new HCS Navy has successfully carried out it's first operation against pirates based around the Okera islands on the northern coast of Micom. Three Triona class OPVs launched an attack backed up by the frigate CNS Ailier which acted as command ship. Two pirate craft (small craft) were destroyed and three more surrendered. Another craft was attacked by F-40N fighters as it tried to flee to the mainland.

The HCS Navy have applauded the operation as a complete success with no casualties to HCS personnel. One OPV was hit by gunfire but there was little damage caused. The HCS Navy did admit however that the pirates were carefully chosen in being of little real threat and the operation was more for training than anything else.


Zone war update

The Starbotians have been asked to supply ships for the impending battle against the Zones. Three ships from the Starbot fleet will join the DDS fleet in the next week. Its thought they will perform a supporting role in the battle, perhaps defending one of the flanks. Relations with the Starbotians have soured since Lord Rotarios become DDS Commander though officially they are still part of the DDS.

The Aritans have also been called up for the battle to come. Two Intrepid class destroyers and a StarSystem class frigate will rendezvous with the DDS fleet near Zoneworld next week. The Aritans will provide protection for the DDS supply fleet allowing DDS ships to concentrate on the battle. The Aritans, being neighbours of the Zones, have also provided their entire intelligence database on the Zones to the DDS which has proved useful.

An Isometric class frigate (as yet unnamed) was attacked by 2 Zone fighters near Artic and suffered moderate damage but managed to repel the Zones, one of the Zone ships is thought to have had to be abandoned and destroyed by the Zones afterwards. No serious injuries were reported on the DDS ship which has gone to New Arit for repairs.

Sea Urchin has been moved from intensive care and is thought to be ready to move from the hospital on Rathun's World to one on Proxima 7. DDS doctors said he is expected to make a full recovery but will be on the sick list until mid-2108 at least.

Finally the HCS have offered the DDS use of their orbital ship facilities at Calantratia, a border world nearest the Zones. The HCS have said the DDS can use the facilities in the case of emergency.


Ships Of The Galaxy : Dinomark RS

The Dinomark RS is the most powerful ship in the Dino fleet. The Dinos were always known for preferring small and relatively cheap ships in great numbers rather than large ships as preferred (at least a few years ago) by the likes of the DDS. However in the early 2090s the Dinos decided they needed something that could face ships like the Pulsar one-on-one. Previously they had built a large ship called the Dinomark ZX but this was a lumbering brute of a ship that was soon sold on.

The Dinomark RS emerged in the mid-2090s, a large ship possessing lots of firepower, speed and protection. Ronald wrote a blank cheque for the ship which was the most expensive single military project in Dino history said to have cost over 10 billion zarks (though later ships have been much cheaper we understand).

The RS is a formidable ship, one of the most powerful in the known galaxy. It can reach over 800c, has a massive firepower and is packed with advanced technology including a short-range teleport. Yes thats right, the RS can teleport itself a distance of around 10 kilometres. This has proven useful especially in the short Dino-DDS war when the RS teleported into the middle of the DDS fleet and caused chaos. Due to the high cost of the RS construction is slow, there are currently 3 in service with 1 more building. Its thought the Dinos will build 5. The ships are used as defensive flagships. One is always in orbit around the 2 main Dino planets Dino-Land and Pulsin.

Firefly badly hurt in Quarz rescue attempt

The DDS have announced that General Firefly was seriously injured during a commando raid to rescue Captain Quarz and Delicate Flower who were found to be in the custody of the Zones. Windy is thought to have been on a scouting mission when the emergency beacon of Quarz was detected. They found that Quarz was being brutally tortured live on Zone TV!

In the rescue attempt Firefly was hit by a HE warhead similar to that which nearly killed Sea Urchin. Firefly suffered serious injuries to his legs and its not yet known if he will be able to walk again. He and Quarz have been evacuated to a hospital on Rathun's World.


First Rome class ship enters trials / New transports

The first Rome class OPV 3601 Cicero has entered extended trials and testing. The new ship is a more powerful and advanced version of the Pentekonter and arguably is the first true 4th generation DDS warship as it will have mission pods which can be quickly fitted to outfit the ship for a number of different missions including fire support, Elint and mine warfare. The Rome has a top speed of 600c and has a larger number of TPMs installed plus a Z5m cannon.

Being a new type trials will take a couple of months but its hoped Cicero will be ready to enter service by the early summer. Mission pods are lagging in development however so for the first few months at least the ship will be restricted to the "generic pod" for general combat which is the default carried.

Two new transports have also joined the fleet, Provider class 7915 Expeditor and Extender oiler 7209 Tristar. Both ships were originally intended for the Remedian fleet but the DDS have taken them instead.


DDS to add mine warfare to it's portfolio

A major gap in the DDS Fleet's portfolio is in mine warfare. Although the DDS and HCS have never used space mines (thus they were never a feature in the Clone Wars) other powers such as the Utrek are known to make heavy usage of mines. The HCS have loaned the DDS some of their minesweepers but the DDS have decided they need to fill the gap.

They are currently sourcing mine detection and laying equipment and will outfit at least 6 Pentekonter class OPVs for the role. The equipment will be placed in lieu of the missile launcher behind the crew compartment. This will be a stop gap though as mine warfare will be one of the "poddable" missions of the forthcoming Rome class.

The DDS hope to have at least 1 Pentekonter ready for trials with the equipment (which will probably be HCS) by the summer.


Oojok and Sleeze join Veritas = Truth

M-B-H is said to have recruited Oojok and Sleeze, who have been enjoying quiet exile on Dino-Land, to the political party Veritas = Truth run by Lakes. This incidentally is the full reunion of Oojok's old criminal gang as Lakes was the third member of the gang (he used to clean the toilets and other vital duties). Sleeze is thought to be a full-time member of the party and might run in a future Consul election while Oojok will mainly act as a consultant, he still enjoys fishing.

Ships Of The Galaxy : Kenora

The Kenora class heavy cruiser is the principal weapon in the Tarbotian fleet. Its a large and powerful warship that has been in continual development for centuries. The current version is the Type H which is among the most powerful ships in the known galaxy. The Tarbotians luckily do not have too many of these in service but even older ships like the Type E and F are formiddable weapons with recent updates.

The Kenora was first encountered during the war between the Tarbotians and the DDS, Dinos & Remedians. After the war the DDS managed to capture some damaged examples and its thought that they have been a big influence on DDS ship design especially the Quasar and Isometric / Terran Sea families.

One (Type F) Kenora has been restored to working order and is operated by the Remedians.

HCS reorganise security services, war against SOT over?

Since the fall of the Oojok regime the HCS has been without a proper internal security force to replace the disbanded Religious Police. The Army has tried it's best to fill the gap but has been found wanting in many areas. The HCS have set up the Clone Security Agency (CSA) to look after internal security and counter-espionage across the HCS - though the 3 areas may implement the CSA differently. Benito's territory for example already has a counter-espionage service.

There is also hope that the war against the Sword Of Truth may be over. Its been 2 weeks now since the last attack on a HCS officer. Recent arrests of SOT members plus improved security measures may have broken the back of the offensive. Its thought the SOT has been reduced to a few dozen core members.


Jimmy puts his hat in the ring early for Consul election

The first Consul election will not take place until the end of the year but Senator Jimmy has already said he will stand for election. The Liberal Party leader and Minister of the Interior is easily the front runner for the election especially as it is thought Imperial Order, the party led by Ronald, will not stand in this election. SS Commander Lakes, who is also likely to stand, has little chance of getting enough votes.

Panther ZMO debut

Dr Underage of DDS Research today unveiled a key technology of the future of the DDS. Zero Maintenance Operations or ZMO is basically collecting together key systems on a warship into one self-repairing and regulating unit. ZMO will allow for small crews and unmanned operations. The Panther's engine and reactor units will both be ZMO meaning that the ship will not have an "engine room" as in the current practice. The ship's power and propulsion systems will be monitored from a console that can be located anywhere on the ship (or even off the ship).

ZMO builds on the work already done by the DDS for their Open Architecture 2.0 technology allowing for the faster updating and repair of DDS systems and also cutting down the manpower required. Theoretically a Panther's engine will be replaceable by simply lifting the old unit out and inserting the new one (and connecting the power line). Not the extensive work that has to be done on existing classes of ship.


HCS offer help to DDS against Utrek

The HCS have offered help to the DDS against the Utrek in a notable development showing the thawing of relations between the 2 former enemies. Three minesweepers and 2 transport ships have been loaned to the DDS (with HCS crews) and 2 Molentic Tuuls have performed "aggressor" combat training with the DDS fleet. The HCS have also given the DDS some intelligence on Utrek tactics.

If the Utrek do attack the DDS then its likely the HCS would also be in the firing line so the offer of help is not that surprising.

Ships Of The Galaxy : Starsystem

The Starsystem was the frigate counterpart of the Pulsar cruiser using many of the same technologies. The first example of the class arrived in 2093 and immediately was put into series production even though the class had some shortcomings especially in terms of protection and over time performance began to lag behind. Thirty were eventually built but regular battle losses meant that no more than around 20 have been in DDS service at any one time. Production continued until 2101 in lieu of anything else available. One battle damaged Starsystem was rebuilt as the Isometric to help develop the next generation of DDS frigate, this prototype remains the only Starsystem left in front-line service.

In 2100 the fleet was upgraded to ILU standard which included a life extension, updated sensors and a new engine boosting performance to 440c. The last couple of new build examples were built to this standard but they were still inadequate for front-line service. Six frigates remain with the training fleet and others have been sold. They are expected to remain in service well into the next decade, perhaps even beyond 2120 if a life-extension can take place.

The Starsystem is the most popular ship in the DDS ship even with it's own society the Starsystem Friendship Circle! This group was successful in lobbying the DDS to not withdraw the Starsystem totally from service as was originally planned. In any event the ship has proven highly useful in training and general duties services allowing more modern ships to be released to front-line work.


Dinos warn of Utrek threat

The Dinos have reported concerns as to the amount of Utrek ships now in the vicinity of the Utrek-Remedian border. According to reports over 300 Utrek warships are thought to be in the area with supply ships and other forces also massing. The DDS are said to have already known about this but haven't wished to make it public.

In response Consul G-B-H is taking 2 legions to Pulsin to reinforce Dino forces in the part of their territory nearest the Utrek. The DDS have also sent warships to the Remedians to bolster their forces which are now on full alert. Unfortunately a lot of DDS resources are being tied up with the Zone conflict.

The new political reality of the Dino Republic

For centuries the Dinos were ruled by Emperors but at the start of this year Ronald abolished the Emperorship and introduced a republic headed by 2 elected Consuls and a senate. Very quickly different political factions have formed and are on the way to becoming proper political parties (one already is). Although there are several dozen different factions throughout the state only 3 have any real relevance :

Imperial Order
This is headed by Consul Ronald and can be considered the conservative faction. Imperial Order hold most of the power in the Republic including both current Consuls. Many of the main ministers are members of this party and Ronald as head of the Senate also gives it a wide influence.
Notable members : Ronald, G-B-H, El Diablo, Cruggson, Razorback, Smellyson
Ministries : Foreign Ministry, Finance Ministry, Trade & Industry Ministry, War Ministry

Veritas = Truth
Headed by Lakes (though it can be suspected M-B-H is the real leader) Veritas is the Dinos' oldest party and was instrumental in the change of the Dino state to a republic. Lakes' SS is the main asset of the party though M-B-H as Minister of Information has a useful role in the propaganda war.
Notable members : M-B-H, Lakes
Ministries : Homeland Security Department (SS), Ministry Of Information & Culture

The Liberal Party was formed by Jimmy after a disagreement with Ronald. Jimmy says he created the party to form a viable alternative to Imperial Order. Its likely Jimmy will be the next elected Consul so the Liberal Party has growing influence.
Notable members : Jimmy, Spikeson, Z-B-H
Ministries : Interior Ministry, Health & Community Ministry

Other Senators and top Dinos are largely remaining neutral though there have been some pitches by the various parties to try and bring them into the fold.


CM360 reborn... as CM370

The secret and much delayed orbital defence ring around Proxima 7, known as CM360, has been scrapped and a new project known as CM370 put up in it's place. After the Rathun's World attack its thought this new project has become a top priority though any work done is unlikely to bear fruit in the current emergency.

CM370 is a network of killer satellites that initially will be put in place around Proxima 7, Solaris and Rathun's World but eventually all DDS and UNP worlds will have the system. The main rationale behind CM370 is that keeping ships in orbit to protect planets is inefficient and tactically problematical. CM370 will include a network of satellites armed with transphasic missiles. Each satellite will be unmanned, control being from a protected ground station which will bring together orbital and ground based sensor data along with data from nearby DDS ships. The network will have full coverage of the planet but may offer heavier protection near to orbital assets like shipyards or over major population areas.

CM370 will have automatic systems for repair and replacement so destroyed satellites will be quickly replaced. Automated transport resupply ships will keep TPM stocks up. The DDS are currently working on the technology and hope to have test satellites by the end of next year.

DDS looking into unmanned ships?

The DDS are refusing to comment on a report that they are looking at developing unmanned combat ships using FIDO virtual crewing and artificial intelligence. Removing crew accommodation and support would bring about a considerable cost and space saving and as well would reduce the risk of crew fatalities of course. The report said that the DDS were considering an unmanned version of the Panther which would be a smaller ship but with the same firepower and systems.

Its thought the DDS would operate these ships in conjunction with manned ships acting as directors and support. Many roles would also be unsuitable for these unmanned ships though combat would be ideal. The report said the unmanned Panther was being referred to as the "Stoat" class. Its possible the Panther fleet would be reduced to 12 ships with an equal number of the Stoat class being produced instead.