
Panther details emerge

With construction of the first Panther class destroyer getting started DDS Research have given some details of the new ship to the media. Dr Underage said that it was the first pure 4th Generation design in the DDS (countering some arguements by commentators that the Terran Sea C held that distinction, Dr Underage said the latest frigate was a G3.5 design). "The Panther will have modular mission pods as will the other G4 designs Rome and Pangaea." he said, underlining that this modular mission capability was one of the backbones of the G4 ideology.

Panthers would primarily be combat warships but they would also have a tactical reconnaissance role, Dr Underage said. A Strike role to complement the Pulsar fleet was also being considered. When the Panthers enter service their sprint top speed of 1100c will make them the fastest ships in the known galaxy. Dr Underage said that the Panthers would be restricted to 1000c to start with however. "Speeds beyond 1000c are very rare, only the Neptune can achieve it being able to reach 1033c but far beyond that is a total unknown so the Panther will be restricted for it's own safety until we can run a test programme with the Neptune IIB."

Dr Underage is referring to the update for the Neptune which will push it's speed beyond 1100c though this update may be delayed now due to the war situation.



The DDS returns for 2007 in the latest bottom shattering collection of stories including the start of the epic Zone/Utrek war : "Game Of Death". In Windy 2107 the Zones begin their attacks, destroying a DDS scout ship. The Zones continue their attacks in And Rathun's World Shall Burn when a Zone fleet attacks and devastates the DDS' Rathun's World Complex.

In The M-Word the return of M-B-H causes dissent and intrigue at the heart of the New Dino Republic. In Makita Z-B-H and company are sent to investigate some corrupt SS. Finally in Community Chest the Zones strike again and Quarz is in the firing line.

UV109 is available where all schoolgirls meet, stay tuned for the next book UV110 Hero, Genius, Twat next month!


Dr Forbidden on Terran Sea Type C

Dr Forbidden took some time out of his hectic schedule to talk to the press about the Terran Sea Type C frigate. The Type C is the third batch of the Terran Sea frigate, the first example has just entered service (3218 Arafura Sea). Dr Forbidden said that the Type C is pointing to a lot of future technologies for the DDS and is the most technologically advanced warship in the DDS to date. The DDS are moving bigtime to passive sensors he said and the Type C includes a new passive sensor suite that was as good as the active sensors in the original Isometric. "Passive sensors of this quality will give the DDS a real tactical advantage as it will allow full combat operations while remaining in cloak." he said.

The Type C is also the first ship to have full FIDO 1.0, now crewmen can take a full part of shipborne operations even if they are really lightyears away using VR technology at their end and a holographic projector on the Terran Sea. "Of course they can't physically touch something but we are looking into localised forcefields to mimic physical presence for future versions of FIDO." The third shift of the Type C is largely FIDO which means the crew complement of the Type C has dropped to 22.

Finally the Type C includes much greater integration of tactical and sensor information from both the ship's own and external sources. A new databus architecture (jointly designed for the Panther DX) allows far greater data throughput and processing power. The Type C can also "sub-contract" it's offensive capabilities to other ships to a greater extent than existing ships which means the Type C can use it's greater targetting and tactical systems to help provide targets for other ships' weapons in a seamless manner. This will be especially highly useful when used in conjunction with the Missileer.

There will be at least 10 Type Cs built.

Fitting aircraft with transphasic missiles?

Its reported the DDS are working on a mini-transphasic missile to be carried by DDS fighters to attack enemy ships in LEO. This would provide a further line of defence against ships that managed to get into orbit through space borne defences. An F-10A2 of the 1st DDS Air Defence Brigade has successfully carried out a test of an unarmed missile that reached orbit near DDS GHQ. The missile was guided by a ground station using supplementary data from a DDS ship in orbit.

DDS Research are now working on resizing a TP warhead to fit on the as-yet unnamed missile. The warhead would be a much lower yield than usual TPMs though enough to cause damage. A ground based surface to space TPM is also in development.


Dinos offer help to DDS

With the DDS fighting a vicious war against the Zones existing DDS patrol commitments are becoming more difficult to cover as ships are allocated to attack groups or damaged. The ex-destroyer and now training ship 9001T Relentless has taken over from an Isometric on a patrol circuit in the Sanger Alpha area allowing the Isometric to join the reinforcements protecting Solaris. The Aritans have also sent some of their ships to help.

The Dinos have offered to cover patrols in the Oscar area allowing the DDS task force there to be reassigned however as yet the DDS have not accepted as the region is of high strategic importance.

Meanwhile 2 Zone fighters tried to ambush a Pulsar cruiser near Malau. 1011 Central America, the flagship of the DDS fleet incidentally, destroyed both Zone ships. Its not known if the Zones were able to use their new missile or not though an unconfirmed report in a trade journal states that the DDS have switched to a higher shield frequency that offers better defence against the Zone weapon.

Replacements ordered for battle losses / New ships enter service

As is DDS custom battle losses of ship classes still in production will be replaced by new ships with the same name as the lost ship (with a "II" added). The DDS have announced an extra Terran Sea will be built 3227 Red Sea II and new transport ships 7921 Hercules II and 7215 Skymaster II.

Very timely two new ships have entered the fleet. The final Pentekonter OPV 3520 Aeschylus has joined the patrol pool. (Although news has only just come in its unlikely that the destroyed Pentekonter will be replaced as the production line is already switching to the Rome OPV). The first Terran Sea C frigate 3218 Arafura Sea has joined the fleet. Details of the changes of the Type C are still classified.

Quarz's ship destroyed

Quarz's ship, the Pentekonter patrol boat 3503 Brasidas is reported to have been attacked and destroyed by a Zone warship. The ship is understod to have been scouting near the edge of Zone space when it was attacked. At the moment there are no reports of any survivors.


DDS consider improving protection for transports

The loss of a Provider and Extender to the Zones has highlighted the lack of protection for the DDS' fleet of transports and oilers. Although they are fitted with decent shielding they have only laser cannons for defence. The DDS are looking into adding a missile launcher able to fire transphasic missiles and further improved shielding to their fleet.

DDS go to full war footing

With the escalating Zone threat and warnings of Utrek forces massing on the border with the Remedians (though unconfirmed) the DDS have gone to full war footing. This entails call-up of all reserve units and the maximisation of all assets. Quasar ILU has been suspended apart from ships already in update, the Rhombus programme was about to start converting Isometrics but this has also been delayed. Construction of the new VIP ship the Ambassador class has been postponed in favour of Extender and Missileer production (which also used the SUP skeleton).

Security has been raised to Level 2 Alert Status at all DDS facilities and bases.

DDS comment on Missileer

Dr Underage, an assistant to Dr Forbidden at DDS Research, has spoken to reporters about the Missileer missile carrier. He said that the ship would be able to take data from up to 16 other ships and would use AI to work out the most viable target within a few milliseconds. When asked about the possibility of an enemy jamming the datalinks he said that ideally the Missileer would have it's own backup sensor suite and tactical system. However system integration and certification was a long process and would push the project back to the end of the year.

Dr Underage said that a "B Spec" Missileer would follow next year which would use systems from an Isometric that would be going to it's Rhombus update.


Transport destroyed by Zones

Unescorted transport operations in the DDS Southern Sector have been suspended by the DDS after a Provider class transport was attacked and destroyed by a Zone warship on a Rathun's World - Delta 9 run. 7907 Hercules was jumped by at least 1 Zone fighter and destroyed. The nearest DDS warship was over an hour away and by the time it arrived on the scene the Provider was devastated though 3 crew members were rescued from an escape pod.

The Operations Chair Action Painting paid tribute to the dead and said that the Zones would be punished for their crimes.


Crash programme for Missileer

The DDS are understood to have begun a crash programme to contruct a missile carrier warship called the Missileer. This is based on the "Hydra" concept the DDS have studied a few times over the years. The ship is basically a large missile store with multiple missile launchers that uses targeting data from accompanying warships. With the Zone attack and looming Utrek threat the DDS have decided they need at least one of these kind of ships.

The Missileer will use a Provider transport as it's basis with 4 missile launchers. Current front-line DDS warships already can send targeting data seamlessly to other ships so no modifications will be needed to other ships. Its hoped the Missileer can be ready by the summer for testing. If its successful then the DDS will look to constructing a few more.

DDS collecting together nuclear weapons?

Unconfirmed reports in a military magazine state that the DDS is preparing for a nuclear strike on Zoneland. Its understood the DDS are rushing the SAS (Strategic Assault System) update on 2 more Pulsars to give them 4 available ships for the nuclear strike role. The entire Starsystem training fleet has also been sent on unspecified "special transport" missions thought to be fetching all available nuclear and biogenic weapons from across the DDS to the fleet staging point at Solaris.

The DDS plan to depart for Zoneland before the end of the month and will be ready to make an attack by early March.

Ships Of The Galaxy : Kalahati Tuul (HCS Models)

The Kalahati Tuul is one of the most successful spaceship designs in the galaxy with hundreds being built over the last 100 years. Here we will concentrate on KTs in HCS service however.

When the Clones decided to build a space navy they had zero expertise in operating space ships apart from a handful of local system shuttles never mind building ships therefore they decided to buy their first ships. The Utrekian Kalahati Tuul was chosen as it was a powerful warship and cost effective, the Utrekians also offered a training, infrastructure and licence building programme to get the HCS Space Navy off to a start. After awhile the HCS began to build their own KTs and over the next few years built around 90 (70 of the improved specification Kalahati Tuul B) to add to the 6 purchased from the Utrekians. This jump start allowed the HCS to develop their own space ship development agency which designed an update to the KT, the Kalahati Tuul 2 in conjunction with the Remedians but that is beyond the scope of this article.

The KTs were the backbone of the HCS fleet for a long time however as the DDS developed their improved ships and weapons like the Z cannon (which memorably destroyed 2 KTs with one shot on combat debut) the KTs were relegated to second line duties. Now 48 remain in HCS service though none of the original specification KTs which have either been lost in combat or withdrawn (though the last survivor of the original Utrekian build KTs has been preserved and a few have been retained as static training bases).

Built in the early 2090s the KTs in HCS service only had a fatigue life of around 10 years and are now coming to the end of that. Technology marches onwards at greater speed and the ships were becoming very obsolete especially in terms of speed. A top speed of 420c meant that even DDS transports could outrun them.

A couple of years ago the HCS started the "Super Kalahati Tuul" programme for all surviving KTs. The rebuilds, more correctly known as Kalahati Tuul S, are a major refurbishment including a replacement of all load members and fatigued structure components to a higher standard giving around 20 years extra life. The ships are also re-engined rising top speed to over 500c (and with room for improvement, a boost to 600c is expected in the next decade when the fleet receives a update). Weapons and systems are also updated. Currently over half the KT fleet has been upgraded with the plan to complete the upgrade of all 48 surviving KTs by the end of the decade. The KT-S is still obsolete in first-line terms but is a perfectly acceptable second-line ship and will continue to serve the HCS until the late 2110s at least.


DDS report damage to RWC

The DDS have reported on the damage to the Rathun's World Complex with the main orbital depot and docking facilities largely destroyed. Several hundred personnel were killed in the attack which saw the facilities sustain repeated strikes from the Zone multi-phasic thermonuclear missiles. The DDS say however that production facilities nearby were not damaged, these are thought to include a TPM production line and a new shipyard for export warships.

The DDS are preparing to send a fleet to attack the Zones. Because of the lack of assets in the area the Aritans have donated 2 of it's ex-DDS Intrepid destroyers to help protect Rathun's World. Its also reported that the Aritan ex-Porquatian Quagan class frigate is being used by the DDS for aggressor training.


DDS reposition Pulsar as strategic bomber

Following reports in the technical press the DDS have admitted that the fleet of (now 12) Pulsar cruisers has been repositioned as the cornerstone of the greatly increased DDS strategic forces. Two Pulsars have secretly received what is known as the Strategic Assault System (SAS) update and the rest of the fleet will be updated before the summer. SAS includes improved weapon bays for the storage of greater numbers of nuclear and biogenic space-to-ground missiles (in lieu of TPMs), monitoring equipment for the warheads and improved targetting systems. SAS updates take 3 weeks to perform. The programme began last year because of the looming Utrek threat but has been accelerated because of the Zone attacks we understand.

Each Pulsar in strategic mode will carry enough firepower to render a planet wide civilisation to ruins. In simulations flights of 3 Pulsars have been able to utterly devastate a planet wide civilisation the size of Terra in 64 minutes.

With the Quasar ILU programme underway and the Panther expected next year the Pulsar will slip down the list to third best in the DDS arsenal until the life extending update planned around 2115. Thus the DDS hope to best use the Pulsar in the strategic role, protected by the other 2 ships though still a potent warship in it's own right.


Rotarios details changes of DDS 3.0

Rotarios has held a media briefing at DDS GHQ where he detailed some of the changes to the DDS that would occur because of the transition from the New DDS to DDS 3.0. Rotarios said that a focus group had advised him that using the Lord prefix was intimidating thus he would drop it. He also said that his role was being renamed from DDS Commander to Chief Facilitator and he said he could be referred to as Mr Facilitator.

Director Of Communications Vodaphone would be now known as Chair Of The Communications Steering Group Vodaphone (or CCSG Vodaphone or The Chair (COMS)). Director Of Operations Action Painting would now be Chair Of The Operations Steering Group Action Painting (COSG Action Painting, The Chair (OPPS)).

Friar agrees to limited worship of Church Of Oojok

Following a number of secret meetings with the Flag Of Destiny, a group that represents followers of Oojok, The Friar has lifted some of the restrictions on worship of Oojok on Cloneworld. Non-HCS and governmental Clones will be allowed to attend temples though there is to be no public worship or published literature. At the moment the return of Oojok to Cloneworld has been ruled out.

The Friar hopes that this move will help dampen down the discontent of the millions of devout Clones. The Sword Of Truth attacks have been continuing but at a noticeably lesser rate since late last year. Whether this is enough to pacify Captain Clone and Benito Clone who warned they may consider replacing The Friar in the Triumvirate if the SOT was not stopped is not known.

Lord Rotarios addresses the DDS

LORD ROTARIOS (hail hail and hail again!) addressed the DDS as the organisation faces it's biggest crisis for some years with the unprovoked attacks by the Zones costing them 4 warships and hundreds of deaths.

"Fellow professionals, today is a dark day as the forces of unprofessionalism have severely affected our bottom line. I have touched base with the other members of the Board and we have agreed upon a plan of action to address the Zones. The Orchid will lead a force of the utmost professionalism to punish the Zones.

"As a ball-park figure we predict the Zones will be utterly destroyed but at the end of the day there are variables that may affect outcome. Discipline, obedience and sacrifice : the motto of DDS 3.0 will guide our professionals in their tasks!"

DDS 3.0

Director Of Communications Vodaphone has said that the reinvention of the DDS under Lord Rotarios' reign into the New DDS has been completed. He said the New DDS Project had been totally successful in transforming the DDS from a can't do to can do organisation. Vodaphone now said the DDS no longer needed to be referred to as the "New DDS" as renewal had been accomplished and now the DDS was aiming for it's 3rd generation : DDS 3.0. He said DDS 3.0 would take the DDS to the next level of holistic self-actualisation.

He also unveiled the DDS 3.0 motto or brand values : DISCIPLINE, OBEDIENCE & SACRIFICE which had been drawn up after a series of focus groups and marketing analysis.

Ships Of The Galaxy : Dinomark XT

In a new series we will profile the most famous and important space ships in the galaxy, starting with the classic Dino ship : the XT.

The Dinomark XT "Flying Box" is the most famous Dino warship or Dinomark and has been in continuous production for over 50 years now. The design first appeared early in Ronald's first reign as Emperor of the Dinos in the mid-2050s though development began in the late 2040s. The XT was a major change from the Dinomarks that had come before such as the AX. The XT was the first Dinomark designed from the outset primarily for space operation thus internal volume was maximised with the boxy compact layout. The XT is remarkably small considering it's capabilities with full interstella capability and a potent firepower. It has been considerably updated since the original XT/1 model and the current XT/115 model is a 600c warship with multi-phasic missiles.

When the XT was unveiled people could not believe it could operate in atmospheres. Previous Dinomarks had had aerodynamic and lifting surfaces. The XT actually has a very low drag due to plasma projection ahead of it and automatic micro-adjustments make the XT a very agile and stable performer in atmospheres. Older models used to be capable of Mach 6 though the current models are restricted to Mach 3 as it is preferable to travel outside of orbit now instead of blasting though the atmosphere annoying sheepdinos with massive sonic booms. Some models of XT have also had aquatic capabilities and can operate as submarines though the extra equipment required means it is restricted to specialist units.

One special XT is the flagship Dinomark, this was the very first production XT produced and has been continuously updated and rebuilt over the decades, usually including the latest technology that is later adopted by the next XT production model. Although over 50 years old Dinomark is one of the most modern warships in the fleet (so much has been replaced Dino engineers do not think any of the original Dinomark now exists!) Recently it has returned from extensive rebuilding after a crash and is capable of 700c and shares a lot of technology from the PT including the advanced combat capabilities. Dinomark can track over 100 targets simultaneously and uses AI to choose the best target to attack with it's multi-phasic missiles (it can fire 2 per second) and energy weapons to achieve best result.

The next production XT model (probably the XT/121) will share this specification. In the late 2080s the Dinos developed the sleek NG class which many thought spelt the end of the XT (and indeed production was scaled back) but the NG proved a disappointment and production ended early and the XT has continued to be churned out. The arrival of the advanced PT class has also not spelt the end of the XT as it is cheaper to produce and is well proven technology. The XT is also ideal for many secondary roles the Army has to perform (though isn't too shabby in combat) due to it's shape and configuration. The Dinos are maintaining a fleet of around 170 though have around 200 in reserve and private ownership (which are kept available for military use in emergencies). Production is around 20 per year and as new ships enter the fleet older ones are withdrawn to the reserve fleet or sold, these ships are still fairly competitive and form a very viable asset.


Ronald hails the Dino Republic

At the start of the new year a centuries old institution came to an end. Its just over 800 years since the great Ecto I unified the different city states on Dino-Land's continent's eastern coast to form the Dino Empire. Soon afterwards the whole planet was under control of the Empire. Now however the empire is no more as it has been abolished by Ronald and a republic put in it's place.

Ronald and G-B-H will serve as the first 2 Consuls though G-B-H will step down at the end of the year early (usually the period of office will be 2 years) to allow for the first elected Consul to take office. The 2 Consuls will rule the Republic along with an expanded senate. Ronald said that he was excited about the new direction for the Dinos which would see true democracy for the first time at all levels of government.

Ronald admitted he had some sadness about no longer being Emperor but said that everything had to end one day. Adding his 2 reigns together Ronald has been Emperor for nearly 53 years. Surprisingly his reign is only the 5th longest. Juliawaki's record of 222 years will remain unbroken though of course his reign was ended by Ronald!

DDS declare war on Zoneland

Following the Zone's unprovoked attack on the DDS facilities at Rathun's World which resulted in 3 ships destroyed (and a 4th ship destroyed in an earlier attack) the DDS have declared war on the Zones. DOO Action Painting said that all reserve units had been called up and the DDS was now in discussion with it's allies as to what action to take, though that action would be a "military response".

Meanwhile a powerful fleet commanded by The Orchid has set out to reinforce the DDS' southern flank. Its likely this fleet would be the basis of any attack force on the Zones though the DDS are keen to also include their Rim World allies New Arit , Artic and Porquat 640 in the operation.

In other news : a Pentekonter OPV on patrol near Saeou was attacked by a Zone fighter but managed to avoid a hit by the fighter's multi-phasic missile. The Zones broke off the attack. The DDS are understood to have rolled out a software upgrade to it's fleet's shield controls to optimise shields against the multi-phase missile though the missile would still be likely to penetrate shields if able to hit the shields full on. The DDS have advised crews to also use evasive action to avoid a full-on strike.


DDS suffer heavy losses against Zones

The DDS have admitted that the Zone raid on Rathun's World has been very costly to them, as well as extensive damage to the orbital facilities 3 ships were destroyed and 3 more badly damaged. The lost ships are Pulsar class cruiser 1003 Asia which was hit in the initial onslaught, Terran Sea frigate 3206 Red Sea and Extender oiler 7205 Skymaster.

Quasar class cruiser 1214 Graviton, Isometric class frigate 3110 Teritary and Provider transport 7906 Dakota were badly damaged. Repair estimates are currently being undertaken, a DDS source says repair estimates will be in the "months not weeks". All in all the DDS Southern Fleet was seriously damaged. The DDS have despatched reserve units from Proxima and Solaris to Rathun's World. Lord Rotarios said the Zone attack would not go unpunished.

On a more positive note DDS Research say they have been working on counters to the new Zone multi-phasic weapon and should be able to roll out preliminary measures within the next week.


Zones attack Rathun's World

Reports are coming in of a sizeable attack at the DDS port at Rathun's World. Civilian News Agencies are reporting that a large fleet of Zone warships attacked the port and badly damaged the facilities there. At least 2 DDS ships were destroyed. The DDS have not yet commented.


Its winter so that means we have the bollock-shattering winter special. This time its the second set of stories of Ronald's glorious career. No boyscoutdinos allowed...

In Small One we see a pre-Emperor Ronald on his first Dinomark command. In Getting Turned Over we move forward to the early years of Ronald's reign and some hapless escaped convicts try to hijack his ship. Some years ago SS soldiers from the fallen Third Reich escaped in a spaceship created by Nazi scientists. 120 years later they ended up at... Dino-Land. In Ronald Vs The Nazis we see the SS supermen arrive at Dino-Land and encounter the lizard undermench.

The Nazi storyline is continued in Fur Der Fuhrer Und Dino-Land as the first skirmishes take place. Finally in A Reptilian Crimbo at the Dino Xmas party Crickson reveals he was on Deal Or No Deal.

Available in schoolgirl bra shops et cetera...


Zones destroy DDS ship

SS Andromeda, a ship of the Solaris II class of patrol-frigates, has been destroyed in an ambush by Zone forces. The Zones are thought to have used their new multi-phasic weapon (which nearly destroyed Sea Urchin's Quasar cruiser a few weeks ago) to utterly destroy the Andromeda which encountered the Zones on a routine patrol in the Rim Worlds.

The DDS has been put on full alert though it is thought that all ships have been advised to avoid battle with Zone warships until a counter for this new weapon has been found.