
Friar losing control of Cloneworld?

With Sword Of Truth attacks continuing daily (though much reduced since HCS officers began taking much greater precautions) now the authorities are facing a new threat from an open uprising by followers of Oojok. Around 100 Clones, calling themselves devout followers of Oojok, seized the small town centre of Telia, a town south of Ailier City and forced police to leave the centre without their weapons. After 2 hours of demonstrations and prayers the Clones dispersed and the police returned.

The next day 6 more groups tried to repeat the action in other small towns across the south of Ailier, in the town of Pewin they were stopped by HCS troops but in the other 5 locations managed to seize control and held peaceful demonstrations.

The group, who call themselves the Flag Of Destiny, say they are not part of Sword Of Truth and will seek a peaceful way to have the return of Oojok to Cloneworld. However they warned that their patience was not unlimited. They claim to represent the millions of devout Clones who have been waiting since the coup to see what happened. Now they are ready to bring about the return of their God.