
Dr Forbidden gives keynote to DDS Research Conference

The DDS held their annual Research Conference where DDS and civilian contractor engineers meet to discuss geeky stuff. Dr Forbidden gave a keynote speech where he discussed the future of DDS propulsion technology. He said that within 5 years 1000c would be the baseline cruise speed for new combat types and maximum speeds would rise above 1200c.

He said that a major new programme to develop wormhole technology would begin by the end of the year which could yield a fully working operational system within 15 years. Dr Forbidden was quite candid with the delegates. He admitted that the DDS were way behind the Dinos on this and he thought there would be a 10 year gap between Dino and DDS operational usage of wormhole technology.

"We expect the time where no more real improvements can be made to traditional propulsion isn't far off, maybe within 7 to 8 years. Sooner or later the vast investment will no longer be viable for the tiny improvements that will be made and we'll have to call a day on it." he said. He then said that the DDS would have to modify their tactics while this speed gap existed.

"If one side can go over 3000c and we can only go 1000 then obviously we are a tactical disadvantage." he said.

Dr Forbidden's assistant Dr Mary Fishnet will give a keynote on future weapons tomorrow.


Utrekian mafia kill UNP governor

A regional governor (as yet unnamed) on Rathun's World is reported to have been assassinated by a Utrekian gunman who then teleported up to an unmarked Utrek High Speed Transport. A DDS ship commanded by Sea Urchin gave chase but they were unable to capture the Utrekians who, its reported, blew up their own ship when their main power was disabled by the DDS.

We understand that an associate of the governor confessed (after 48 hours of brutal torture) that the governor was in the pay of the shadowy Utrekian mafia and tried to doublecross them. A risky idea...

Character of the week : Trojan Warlord

Trojan Warlord is a sad weasel of a man, utterly lacking in courage or any redeeming qualities what so ever, therefore its confusing why his career in the DDS has never taken off. After a minor career as a smuggler he joined the DDS but was given menial tasks and even found those beyond his meagre talents. He became a laughing stock and was soon kicked out.

Some years later he returned, and after a disasterous time as Morale Officer (which almost saw the collapse of the DDS) has settled down to become an odd-job man at GHQ. What Trojan actually does it unknown but he always seems to be caught up in strife. He almost discovered the Hoods before they were ready to unveil themselves but just got a good kicking for his troubles. Actually that is what he is good at, receiving a kicking. So hes not totally useless then.


Windy opens shop & sushi bar

Windscorpion has opened a shop selling merchandise in Stoke, Terra. The shop will sell many items from W's Style including "Work Harder Loser" t-shirts and books on the life of Windy. A 1000 page photobook of naked photographs of Windy is also available.

Windy and various friends were present when the shop was opened by The Queen who cut the pink ribbon. Windy thanked The Queen for coming, saying that he was a cool guy. Windy also unveiled the sushi he has made himself and which will be sold in the shop's sushi bar (yet to open). He said he hand rolled the sushi at night though did not reveal which parts of his anatomy he used to roll the sushi.

Windy said that foods like sushi that include fresh ingredients and fish are good for virility and health and are key to the W's Style message. Windy said that young men needed to turn back from the obese ways of before and become ultra fit. "If its not hurting its not working!" he said as he stripped off his pink tank top to reveal his ripped torso. He then led the press in an aerobics session. Windy said that he was the "Mr Motivator" of the 22nd century.

Windy's shop, called Windy Treats is open 7 days a week and staff are always on hand to assist customers in any requests... Sushi is available first thing but sells out very quickly so come early to avoid dissappointment. Remember, the early bird catches the worm. The early Windy buggers you violently with a knife. Sure win!

Special Report : DDS & HCS head east in "gold rush"

Beyond the eastern edge of the HCS and DDS territories are many worlds and systems which were once subserviant to the Rectoids. These little known worlds often had to host Rectoid bases and fleet postings and were banned from having their own space fleets except for local policing units. Now the Rectoids have gone these worlds are eager to finally get their own space ships again and the DDS and HCS are eager to sell to them!

Three DDS sales teams are currently either in the area or on the way there and have a portfolio of powerful ships to sell. The DDS are offering a frigate based on the Terran Sea/Isometric base with a wide variety of weapon/equipment options. They are also offering smaller patrol ships based on the Pentekonter, all the SUP based classes (Provider, Extender et cetera) are also available as is the Feeder shuttle. No major combat types are available though its rumoured that if the DDS received a big enough order for the Velocity (at least 8) then they would build a second production line purely for export.

The HCS are further behind but have a sales team operating in the area selling types based on their Cosmos and refurbished Kalahati Tuuls. They are thought to be close to a deal with an Eritran based soceity beyond Woloron 12 for 6 ex-HCS Kalahati Tuuls which would be refurbished and updated.

As both sides seek to expand their own fleets the export market will become more and more important in bringing in extra revenue that can be ploughed into extra fleet assets. The DDS have made over 10 billion from their sales to the Raegris and Aritans but the market is now pretty much saturated for the moment. To sell more the DDS (and HCS) have to look further afield. However these new markets are scarcely known. The DDS had to get maps from the Dinos before they even knew where these potential markets where. Its going to be an interesting ride.

SS gain 3rd Legion

SS Commander Lakes, who has been keeping a low profile lately, today announced the SS was gaining a 3rd Legion. A 3rd Legion is a long-standing dream for the SS and it will form the SS reserve while the 2nd Legion moves to Pulsin. The strength of the 3rd Legion will be rather dubious for awhile, one infantry brigade has moved from the 1st Legion (the 5th) but the rest are new brigades made up largely of ex-SS General Duties personnel (a.k.a. Base Stallions) and raw recruits. In all the SS has created 5 new brigades.

The new lined up :

1st SS Legion

1st SS Panzer Brigade (Black Death Brigade)
3rd SS Panzer Brigade (Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade)
1st SS Infantry (Mech.) Brigade (Two-Headed Vulture Brigade)
2nd SS Infantry (Mech.) Brigade (Arrow Of God Brigade)
7th SS Infantry Brigade (Barbed Wire Brigade)
1st SS Artillery Brigade (Firestorm Brigade)
SS Flameflower Unit
1st SS Scouting Unit

2nd SS Legion

2nd SS Panzer Brigade (Iron Fist Brigade)
3rd SS Infantry (Mech.) Brigade (Army Of God Brigade)
4th SS Infantry Brigade (Vicious Rebel Brigade)
6th SS Infantry Brigade (Dino Rights Crackdown Brigade)
SS Military Police Brigade (Handcuffs Of Hell Brigade)
2nd SS Artillery Brigade (Fire Of Hell Brigade)
2nd SS Scouting Unit

3rd SS Legion

4th SS Panzer Brigade (Crushing Democracy Brigade)
9th SS Infantry (Mech.) Brigade (Wheels Of Death Brigade)
5th SS Infantry Brigade (Soldiers Of God Brigade)
8th SS Infantry Brigade (Violent Oppression Brigade)
3rd SS Scouting Unit


HCS leak some details of OPV, KT run down

The HCS have announced that no fewer than 125 of their HCS OPV 08 will be produced and that work was now ongoing with regard to the specification. One type which will be replaced by this new ship will be the older Kalahati Tuuls which were once the backbone of the fleet but are now obsolete and coming towards the end of their lives.

The Super Kalahati Tuul (Kalahati Tuul S) upgrade programme has currently rebuilt 28 Kalahati Tuuls but this has now ended. A similar upgrade of Kalahati Tuul 2s is about to begin (the Kalahati Tuul 2N) but this will not be as large a programme and only 16 are expected to be upgraded. Withdrawals of life expired Kalahati Tuuls will begin next year with the whole fleet gone by the end of the decade (upgraded KT-Ss will remain in service until 2120). Kalahati Tuul 2 withdrawals are expected to start in 2108.

LORD ROTARIOS banishes Windscorpion

Lord Rotarios, the great fearless master of THE TRUTH, has banished the unprofessional homosexual infidel Windscorpion from GHQ. From now on Windy and his acolytes will not be able to come to DDS facilities in the Proximan or Solaris systems unless requested. This re-establishes the old ban on Windy that was only lifted a few weeks ago.

According to rumours on W's Style blogs Windy hurt Rotarios' metal genitals and refused to bow to Lord Big Head. THE LORD says that one day Windscorpion will bow to him, and then the New DDS project will be complete!

Character of the week : Ronaldson

Ronaldson is the youngest son of Ronald and to be quite honest hes a bit of an embarassment. Wheras Ron's eldest son is butch (Smellyson) and the middle son Stinkyson is crafty Ronaldson is a wet limp lettuce. Hes so soft he even thinks the Guardian is a bit tough. Ronaldson doesn't like treks and adventure, unless it leads to a department store.

Of course military service was a nightmare for him. He hoped that being the son of the Emperor would give him an easy time but unfortunately the opposite was true. He tried to escape several times and was punished by having to peel a million potatoes. He tried to wriggle out of the army by accusing his trainer of abuse. Ronald finally gave in and took Ronaldson out of the army and instead he did the national service for girls : cooking, sewing and cosmetics. That was so much more him!


HCS to replace civil war fleet losses

The HCS have announced replacements will be built for some of the ships destroyed in the civil war between the Loyalist and Benito factions. Three Tiamon 2 assault carriers will be built (only one is left of the original fleet) plus five more Cosmos S cruisers. Two Intruder LHAs will also be built though not until the DDS Intruder order has been satisfied.

The HCS have also said they are looking at a light patrol boat again, previously they worked on a design called the Shark but this was cancelled earlier this year. The HCS OPV 08 design, as yet unnamed, could well be built from 2108.

Pulsars to be updated

The Pulsar fleet is to receive a minor update later this year, possibly by the end of october. The Pulsar 2106 Update A (P2106UA) is mainly software focussed. It involves bringing all ships up to date with the latest software fixpacks. Some internal equipment will also be replaced, its believed the sensors will be enhanced with a new passive sensor array based on the Quasar ILU set. The ship's internal communications sub-system will also be upgraded. Weapons and propulsion will remain unchanged.


HCS Intel : The case for a HCS bomber

This time Dr Forbidden looks at HCS plans for a strategic bomber.

Its no secret that the HCS are wanting a strategic bomber, its something they have wanted for a long time. Ten years ago they developed an experimental aircraft called the B-3, a horrific Mach 3 hog with mediocre range and payload. Of course the reason why was that the B-3 wasn't a bomber at all. It was an experimental aircraft to explore hypersonic flight. For propaganda reasons a bomber was made out of it and around 8 were produced for the 1st Heavy Attack (Bomber) Regiment of the HCS.

Its thought these aircraft were quietly reverted back into research aircraft once the propaganda zeal had dimmed, the aircraft certainly had a limited usefulness as a bomber but the HCS continue to seek a strategic bomber, its almost like the Holy Grail of their portfolio. The question is why?

Actually a strategic bomber is a very useful asset for a force like the HCS which nowadays is mostly restricted to garrison and anti-insurgent duties. A long range aircraft that can deliver a useful payload especially if it can be done at high speed. The HCSAF have published a requirement for a "continental" range Mach 2.2 aircraft with lo-visability and hi-survivability. The key is the aircraft also is to have an anti-shipping role and this is where a bomber could be very useful.

Several planets in the Clone Empire have large water masses and piracy and rebel shipping are a growing problem. Existing anti-shipping assets like the A-19B and A-84 are decent types but lack the range to attack some targets in the deep ocean on planets like Aquaworld and even Cloneworld. A supersonic bomber able to reach these targets would be a very useful indeed.


6 new ships join the DDS fleet / Solaris run down

At a bumper ceremony held at GHQ today no fewer than 6 new ships were added to the DDS fleet. The latest batch of 4 Pentekonter OPVs 3512 Orpheus 3513 Pindar 3514 Hipponas and 3515 Nicias joined the patrol pool. The latest Terran Sea FFG 3214 Sulu Sea was added to the strike pool. Finally a new Provider AK 7912 Mryia was added to the support pool.

The DDS also announced their plans for the ageing Solaris FF. When the replacement Rhombus came online (probably from 2107) they would be quickly withdrawn. Three, plus the Hood operated ship, would be retained by Support / Training Command and refurbished to become dedicated signals/EW training ships. The rest would be sold to the New Aritans.


Windy unveils "W's Style"

At a major speech at DDS Terran HQ today Windscorpion has outlined details of W's Style, the rebranded name for the Windy Massive, his unofficial band of followers. Windy said that W's Style or WS would be a "spiritual awakening" to all young men. He called on his followers to adhere to the central tenets of W's Style :
  • Working hard, rest and freetime are obsolete
  • Purity of body, no more coffee
  • Purity of soul, cleanse thy thoughts of dirty bits
Windy then began to extol the virtues of his sponsor, Pepsi Max.

Windy to announce new focus

Windscorpion will later announce details of his new philosophy on life and what it means to young men everywhere. He came up with his new way whilst on holiday in Ibiza. According to leaked reports it concentrates on personal growth, motivation and goal achievement. Some say this is somewhat like the New DDS of Lord Rotarios however.

SOT attack foiled

A potentially devastating attack on the HCS Officer Training Academy in southern Ailier by the Sword Of Truth has been foiled. A truck loaded with explosive drove at the base's checkpoint but sharp reactions by the sentries saw the driver killed before he could activate the explosives in the truck. Experts later said that if the truck could have been bought into the base and detonated it could have devastated the base with significant loss of life.

SOT attacks have died down over the last week as new security measures have been bought in across Cloneworld. According to SOT supporting bloggers the terrorist group are merely regrouping for the next wave of attacks.

Character of the week : Firefly

Firefly is a member of the Triad and one of the top warriors in the DDS but he is a troubled soul...

He is the brother of Windscorpion, the second brother of Windy to take up the name Firefly (the first died in combat) however Firefly is very different to Windy. He is straight for a start and is disgusted by perversion and death... actually warfare itself depresses him and he spent some time with analysts trying to find himself. In the end he discovered that there was no way out, his future was death and the hell of endless warfare. Still you got to laugh.

Firefly is the one who always backups Windy and usually has to decipher Windy's true commands amid the sexual filth the Windy One usually wraps his words of genius in. Often however Firefly needs to get away from Windy and has secret holidays in Wales.


Fighting erupts on Oscar

After several months of uneasy peace between the Human and Clone Factions on the troubled planet of Oscar it was finally broken when 3 fighter bombers from the Human Faction attacked positions along the front line. The Clone Faction responded with artillery and rocket fire. The reason for the breaking of the truce is unknown but its thought the new Oscar Human leader wants to force the DDS to assist them in their fight.

The HCS have sent 3 more ships to join the 2 already in Oscar orbit including an Intruder LHA. The DDS may sent an extra ship too.


DDS invest in army

The DDS is going to expand it's land force component, the DDS Army. Currently the force consists of one armoured rapid-reaction brigade and six infantry brigades (most of which have been engaged in garrison duty on Porquat 640). With the withdrawal from Porquat 640 due soon the DDS plan to add 2 more armoured brigades and improve the mobilty of the infantry brigades.

300 Achiever MBTs have been ordered and the DDS have begun a search for an IFV. An artillery brigade will also be formed at a later date.


DDS purchase Intruder and order "DDS Intruder"

The DDS have exercised their option to buy the HCS LHA Intruder as expected, they have also placed an order for 9 of the Intruder-E design with the HCS and Consolidated Spacecraft. The new design will have a different name to the Intruder and is currently operating with the codename "DDS Intruder". The first of 9 ships will be delivered H2 2108. The ships will be to a higher production standard than the Intruder and are expected to have a 30 year life. Intruder itself is expected to last 20 years.

Character of the week : Xaron

Xaron is one of the young stars of the Dino Army, part of Z-B-H's "B Team". He also has a strange fetish for fish. He is obsessed with them, he is always to be seen in his off-time with his head in a book about fish or attending a fish museum. Xaron is also of unknown sexuality, as he never shows any interest in girls or boys... just fish. This has given Crickson free rein to constantly question Xaron about what its like being gay, much to Xaron's annoyance.

Xaron as a soldier is decent enough, if unspectacular. Hes more a technical bod than a front line all-guns blazing warrior. He usually operates the communications and sensors as the others go in.


DDS to beef up New Arit Defense Force, Porquatians

Recent Tarbotian activity at the DDS South West flank, which is guarded by the Aritans, has highlighted the need for improved forces in that area. The New Arit Defense Force, the Is Lanki, is often cruelly known as the DDS Space Museum as most of the Is Lanki's equipment is obsolete ex-DDS spaceships. Although the fleet is perfectly reasonable for basic patrol and defense duties against a Tarbotian threat it would be found wanting.

The DDS are to supply the two promised Solaris II frigates before the end of the year even before the introduction of the Rhombus class. The DDS are likely to add a third Solaris later on after the Rhombus replaces the Solaris in DDS service. These three ships, plus the one already in Arit service will be receiving an update to shields and sensors. The DDS will also be rebuilding the main Arit space station and equip it to be able to receive DDS ships. The DDS will station a permanent detachment to Arit to work alongside the Is Lanki.

The DDS have finally agreed to allow the Porquatians, whom they defeated in a war a few years ago, to rearm. The DDS will be withdrawing their land forces by next year but will retain a small liaison presence. The Porquatians will be allowed to build up to 12 warships, they have already announced that 4 will be the powerful Xian class cruiser and the rest Quagan. One condition of the relaxation of the arms embago will be the Porquatians will have to provide support for the ex-Porquat Quagan in Arit service and build 2 new build Quagans for the Aritans at cost price (paid by the DDS).

With a re-armed (and DDS aligned) Porquatian Space Force and a rejuvenated Is Lanki the DDS hope this will keep this vital flank protected.

HCS develop multi-phase missile

The invention of the trans-phase (and it's slightly less effective Dino equivalent the multi-phase) missile has revolutionalised space warfare over the last few years. Trans-phase missiles render shielding useless by changing their phase to one different to the current space-time phase and then re-phasing when they reach the target. As trans-phase missiles can use any random phase then changing the phase of your shields is not a defense (unless you are lucky) as you need to be the exact same phase to stop the missile. As there are billions of possible phases the chances of getting it right are remote.

However after several years hard work (and probably some espionage) it appears the HCS have developed their own analogue to trans-phase missile technology. Their experimental SM-X is multi-phase like the Dino missile (though with a lot less possible phases - perhaps as few as 64 compared to the over 1000 the Dino missile is possible of) but is a start, and a new headache for the DDS. Even though the SM-X is limited to its phases it still could penetrate DDS shields.

However to combat Dino multi-phase missiles the DDS have been working on layered shield technologies. The outer layer detects the missile's phase and then changes the inner layer to match. Its unknown when this shield update will be ready to enter service. The HCS will begin field trials of SM-X later this year. The HCS said a 256 phase varient will come online before the end of the decade with 512 and 1024 phase versions soon after.


HCSAF new orders / upgrades

The HCSAF have announced a number of new orders and upgrades as they continue to rebuild after a decade of financial neglect. There was no news on the F-46 new air superiority fighter project but the F-40S upgrade is going ahead. The initial batch of 250 upgrades has been agreed. For details of the F-40S click here.

The construction of the A-84F Interdictor has continued with the order increased to 750. 300 existing A-84Cs will also be upgraded to the anti-shipping role (A-84CS) with software updates and modifications to the pylons to fire the new HCSAF anti-shipping missile the AS-78.

The HCSAF airlift command has also got funding for an update of it's backbone fleet of 1000 C-440 cargolifters. The fleet will receive communications and navigational updates and some of the oldest in service will be re-engined.