
HCS seek a "Dino" style future

Captain Clone, in a speech to HCS officers, said that the HCS needed to become more flexible and swifter of foot. He said that the days of massive monolith land forces was over and that the HCS needed to fight in smaller, fluid, information rich units.

He cites the Dino Army which emphases air units and small data-linked land units as the model the HCS should adopt. "The Dinos don't see airpower as just something to call up when the land boys reach an obstacle or set back. Their air units are an integral part of their force, operating in partnership with the land forces throughout the entire battlesphere."

He added that the HCS had cancelled planned updates to it's T-89C MBT fleet to instead spend the money on increased helicopter assets. The iconic AH-26 would finally be replaced by the next decade by the H-AX programme. "We need long-legged flexible air assets that can remain on station for extended periods to support and lead the battlefield operation." New generations of AGMs were also in development.