
The Clone Army

The Clone Army (CDF-CA) is the land forces component of the Clone Defence Forces. Details of equipment currently operated by the CDF-CA is given below. Model numbers now to the new CDF 2113 Scheme (legacy numbers also shown for clarity). Last update 11/07/20.

Structure of the CDF-CA

The CDF-CA is split into legions, of which there are currently 21 (down from a peak at the height of the Clone Wars of 37).

Legions are organised into Military Districts. In the past each planet in the empire had it's own district but recently there has been rationalisation to just 7 :

Centre - Cloneworld, HQ
Reserve - Cloneworld
Core - Daggaddon, Sandworld, Lomar, Taragargi, Lornaca Melnig
East - Aquaworld, Randalf 74, Petric, Paragon
Rim Worlds - Calentratia, Colom, Geulis, Aouris, Teriatri 7, Gonas, Zoneland
New Rome - Austini 55, Woloron 12, Laalande 21649, Rendrial 4
Outer Rim - Wizard World, Mintjulip, Miliaris

Legions are organised along divisional lines which in turn are broken down into brigades and regiments. The composition of divisons depends on the planet they are operating on. For example a minor planet like Geulis will only have a single second-line panzer regiment while Cloneworld has several first-line panzer divisons. An arctic planet like Lomar has more mountain infantry and specialist winter troops and so on.

Major changes are expected as part of the Clone Defence Force Devolution where around 2/3 of the Clone Army will become "National Armies".

Main Battle Tanks

J89 Eradicator (T-89)

The main tank in the CDF-CA is the J89, production of which has lasted for 13 years making it the most successful HCS tank of all. The J89 was a development of the J88++ (some wags have said it was called J89 because J88+++ was too clumsy!) Production finally ended in 2111 and there are over 10000 in service. Numbers have dropped to just under 9,000. Currently work is progressing on upgrading part of the fleet to FSU2 standard).

J55Z Destroyer (T-55)

The CDF-CA wanted a secondary tank for internal security and support roles. At first they considered the J87 but in the end used the old Terran T-55 design and copied it. It is now the second most produced tank in army history and also is the standard tank of the Dino Army who have funded development of the current production version the J55ZDM2 (officially known as J55Z7 though the Clones seem to be using the Dino ZDM2 name).

The J-55Z has overtaken the J89 in production with over 9,000 are in service. It is the only Clone MBT currently in production or development.

J55ZDM (in Dino service)

The standard engineering tank of the CDF-CA also uses the J55Z as it's base, this is the J55ZE Excavator.

Other AFVs

J5 Tapir (TRV-5)

The Tapir is the most heavily produced AFV in history (including Terran). Originally it was part of a suite of new CDF-CA IFVs, the smaller Tapir was intended as a faster reconnaissance orientated counterpart to the larger infantry carrying Aardvark. In practice though the army preferred to use the Tapir for everything and now it is ubiquitous in army service (and many now used by other nations including the Dinos).

The latest version is the J5HD development of which was Dino funded. It is said that while the Clone Star Empire still exists the Tapir will remain in production. The total number of Tapirs in service is unknown but is estimated at over a quarter of a million though many of these will be in storage or withdrawn. The next version will be the J5L with a hybrid engine, new armour alloys and a new EM defence system. This is expected by the early 2120s.

The J6S Sand Tapir is an optimised version for desert operation (there are a lot of deserts in the empire!)

J10 White Tapir (WCV-10)

This is a lighter wheeled version of the Tapir for internal security in areas where a tracked vehicle is not suitable (such as where it might destroy roads in city centres). It was introduced to replace the mix of ancient types used by the security services and is in steady (but slow) production. Around 800 are currently in service.

J34 Snowcat (TRV-34)

The Snowcat was a simple winter optimised AFV designed for Lomar and other icy places in the empire. It is now rather obsolete but does it's job well. The re-engineered and upgraded J34CDM Snowcat 2100 is now in production to replace the original AFVs. Around 3,000 are in service.

J4 Stoat (TAA-4)

The Stoat is an anti-aircraft system that uses the J55Z chassis married to twin 30mm cannons and a radar system. It also carries up to 4 SA-4 (a now obsolete missile). The Stoat has been neglected in CDF-CA service and is now rather obsolete though recently has been given datalinking ability to allow it to use more up to date radar data. Around 2000 are being upgraded to J4NG with SA-6A missiles and improved radar/electronics. The total number in service is thought to be around 6500.

J15 Ferret (TAA-5)

This is a new anti-aircraft system in co-development by the Clones and Dinos. Using reconditioned J89 chassis it is equipped with 3 medium range SA-8A missiles.


J107C/G (ATC-107C/G)

Some would say Clone artillery begins and ends with the J107, which is a bit unfair but the vast majority of artillery in the army is now this reliable if originally quite crude tracked gun. The J107C was one of the CDF-CA's earliest weapons and was a bit of a "lash-up" meant as a stop-gap, that stop-gap has now lasted for over 3 decades!

The army have begun production of the next-generation J107GDM which is a total redesign and refinement and has also been funded by (and sold to) the Dinos. Around 58,000 are in service though the majority are in storage.

J98 & J90 series (RBU-980 & 9000)

The J98 is a rocket artillery system that uses the same chassis as the J107. Recently the CDF-CA have developed a next generation system called the J90 series which uses new rockets and reconditioned chassis.

Weasel towed system

The main towed artillery gun in the CDF-CA was a 100mm gun and it was paired up with a dedicated tracked artillery tractor based on the J1 Kangaroo to form the Weasel system. The army prefer self-propelled guns these days and not many Weasel systems remain.

J110 system

The J110 system includes the SS-10 Gale IRBM and road-mobile launchers. It is now entering service with the army.

Transport & utility (main types only)

J2x GUT series

The General Utility Transport is the standard truck of the CDF-CA and is based on a Dino design. The army have maintained the type in production, upgrading it regularly. The latest version is the J26. Early trucks were called the Mule though this name was later taken by the ubiquitous J2.

J24 TUT Kangaroo

The TUT is a tracked version of the GUT for difficult terrain. Not many of the type exist in the army anymore because of their vulnerability (they are unarmoured).

J2 Mule

If the Tapir has a rival for ubiquity then it is the Mule (though at first called the Termite). This is the standard field car and utility vehicle of the CDF-CA and has been made in the hundreds of thousands. Production has currently ended though a civilian version is still produced meaning that more could be built for the army at a later stage.

J3 Beetle

The J3 was a more refined version of the Mule intended for staff officers (as it's suspension is said to work). A fair number have been built over the years but their numbers are dwarfed by the Mule. It is expected to be phased out of service later in this decade.


The Clone Air Force

The Clone Air Force (CDF-CAF) is the second largest arm of the CDF after the army. It looks after all aerial operations including Clone Army rotary craft but excluding Clone Navy Aviation (CNAS). Last updated 19/08/24. Fleet numbers are estimates using CAF information and DDS intelligence.


1170 (+570) K45 Falcon (F-45)

The K45 is the primary fighter in the CAF, a stealthy fighter-bomber with excellent agility and air-ground capabilities. It has replaced the F-40 as the front-line equipment of the CAF. The K45 is expected to number around 1800 eventually of which about 900 were the K45A. Followed by the 2nd generation K45C which entered service in 2114. 

Work is now beginning on the next update K45F set for the early 2130s. Some of the A fleet will receive a mid-life upgrade (K45AM) late in the 2120s.

366 (+9) K47 Freedom (F-47)

The Freedom is a cheap light fighter designed for secondary worlds in the empire and low-intensity theatres. It entered service in late 2112. Production is ending in 2124.

0 (+500) K58AD Raptor

A light fighter version of the K58 COIN aircraft. To be built from 2125.

645 K40 Ford (F-40)

The K40 is the workhorse of the CAF, a robust and reliable multirole fighter that has served on all fronts. Older K40s have been replaced by the K45 and later on the K47 too. 260 K40s have been rebuilt using K45 technology including the K45 databus and weapon management system as the K40S to keep them going until 2130 though most of the rest of the fleet will be withdrawn by the mid-late 2120s.

Attack aircraft

1438 (+91) K84 Bombardier (A-84)

The primary attack aircraft of the CAF is the K84 Bombardier (once known by its codename Beergarden) bombtruck which like the K40 has served on all fronts the CAF has been involved on. The K84 is a basic aircraft but is an excellent platform to attach weapons and sensors to. The K84F has replaced many older examples and has support for the new generation of stand-off CAF air weapons. 200 new build K84G plus 70 refurbished examples will replace the 250 oldest A-84s. 40 EW attack K84FEA are also being built.

3033 (+120) K85 Browning (A-85)

The K85 is the primary COIN aircraft of the CAF and serves everywhere in a counter-insurgency, liaison and army co-operation role. The K85 is a piston-engined aircraft based on a trainer but is tough and reliable and excellent for low-intensity warfare and general duties. The K85QA with a battery-fuel cell powerplant entered service in 2123 and will replace all Brownings older than NT. Thirty pre-production development aircraft have been built, 120 production specification QAA will now be built (the pre-production being updated to QAA standard).

45 K58 Raptor

New close-support aircraft which entered service from 2118. It is derived from the K3 trainer.

0 (+100) K19NGE Borehole

Long-range attack aircraft for stand-off strike, interdiction and to carry ASIM to attack targets in low orbit. Expected from 2124.

Reconnaissance, EW & AEW

867 (+44) K72 Mustang (R-72)

The K72 is a key type for the CAF, most serve as the tactical reconnaissance platform (K72TR) though others serve as communications posts (K72ECR), weather reconnaissance (K72W), Drone directors (K72DR), EW and Comint roles (K72E). 140 of the latest K72ACR Airborne Communications Relay have been ordered. 75 of the oldest are due for withdrawal.

28 K44E Sparktruck (EC-440)

This is an EW/ECM version of the K44 transport, modified to a variety of EW roles.

44 (+4) K44AEW Watchtower (E-1)

The K44AEW is an AEW version of the K44, it has a large radar in a rotary dome atop the fuselage.

130 K85O Orion (O-47)

These are disarmed older K85s used for a variety of roles including secondary reconnaissance, general purpose liaison, combat training and communications. Conversions began in 2110.

109 Q03 Black Dragon (RQ-3)

This is a small catapult launched drone able to provide real-time imagery back to troops in the field. It entered service in 2110. An upgraded version with acoustic stealth and sensor improvements (Q03BQA) is currently in development.

10 (+30) Q01 Kestrel (RQ-1)

The Q1 is a reconnaissance UCV (also known as UCAV-RX) which entered service in 2120. It is a stealthy supersonic UCAV.

10 (+65) Q02 Patroller (RQ-2)

This new reconnaissance UAV is designed for long-endurance patrolling and works in conjunction with the K72DR. From 2118.

21 M01

This is an unmanned surveillance blimp jointly operated by the CAF and CNAS.


146 K40T Ford (TF-40)

The two-seat version of the K40 is used as an advanced trainer and weapons testing trainer. Part of the fleet will be upgraded to K40TC to enable training for K45C. Most K40Ts are derivatives of the mid-life K40C/E family though some are of the later K40G.

88 (+32) K03 Pterodactyl

This is an advanced trainer to prepare pilots for the K45C. It is operated jointly by the CAF and CNAS. Entry into service was from 2116. It is powered by an innovative hybrid engine that combines a turbofan with an electrically powered ducted fan for low-speed and cruise flight.

704 K01 Kestral (T-1)

The K01 is a small jet trainer. A new model called K01M is replacing the oldest aircraft with some also being rebuilt and upgraded as the K01MR which shares the new avionics as the M but retains the legacy airframe and engine. The M can also be used in the COIN/light attack role though this is mostly to be used for combat weapon training.

485 (+105) K76 Graduate (T-76)

The Future Basic Trainer (FBT) to replace the K75 has been in construction from 2111, it is based in some ways on the K85NT platform though is mostly a clean sheet design.

10 K48T Vulture (T-80)

The K48Ts provide multi-engine training facilities for the CAF, they are ex-transport K48s refurbished and fitted for the training role (though retaining a secondary transport role).


358 (+12) K44 Cargoking (C-440)

The K44 is the primary transport aircraft of the CAF, all can be easily configured to carry a mixture of passengers and/or cargo. Some also serve as K44K tankers, K44V VIP transports and K44E EW aircraft plus also the AEW K44AEW both listed separately. New build aircraft are the K44D based on the 440-5 airliner with next generation engines and carbon-fibre wing. Around 100 are to be upgraded and rebuilt to MEL standard which is similar to new-build K44M standard.

41 (+85) K60 Executive (C-460)

The K60 is a new supplementary transport based on the CAC 460 airliner (a 2 engined version of the 440-5 more or less). Deliveries began in 2109. A new version, K60EP, can match the K44 short field performance and will become the main variant in service. A tanker version K60K is also being built.

157 (+16) K48 Cargolifter (C-485)

The K48 is a smaller transport used to supplement the K44. It can land at smaller airfields and thus is often used on less important / developed worlds.

63 K91 Cranefly (C-491)

The K91 is a STOL transport for remote areas, it uses tilt-engines and blown flaps for STOL performance. An armed version for COIN the K91AC Combat Cranefly is also used by CAF-E.

172 (+128) K39 Carnival (C-426)

These small twin engined transports operates in the light transport, liaison and communications roles. A tanker version, the K39K, is also being built. From 2111.

12 K38 Skyshuttle (C-380)

Based on the CCA 380 regional airliner this is used for personnel transport replacing the K20 and K37V. It entered service in 2112.


8171 (+40) Z26 Halogen (H-26)

The Z26 is an iconic weapon in the CAF having gained so much combat experience. The type is known as the Z26A though officially it is the Z26 and there are A (attack), C (transport), S (naval) and V (VIP) variants. The Z26A was notable for having jet engines and could operate as an aircraft with it's rotor disengaged. 200 new build Z26WNM (for the Air Force) and WNS (for Navy) are being built from 2110 though 1200 older ones will be withdrawn without replacement. 

The fleet is expected to be greatly reduced over the next decade. The Z26 will eventually be replaced by the Future Universal Helicopter (FUHX).

293 Z36 Helium (CH-36)

The Z36 is a twin-rotor heavy lift helicopter also used as a troop transport.

0 (+?) Z77 New Heavy Lift Helicopter

A Z36 replacement planned for the late 2120s to replace the Z36.

266 (+400) Z50 Dragonfly (AH-50)

The ZK50 was an attempt to create a dedicated attack helicopter to replace the Z26A in anti-tank operations (as the Z26A is a general purpose helicopter at heart so is a big target). The result took a long time to reach fruition due to a multitude of technical problems but now the Dragonfly serves in the elite anti-tank squadrons.

The next version will be the Z50NG Advanced Dragonfly with new sensors, tactical suite, engines and improved stealth. Deliveries from 2125.

407 Z27T Talent (TH-27)

The Z27T is a small two-seat helicopter used for training.

35 Z90 Cherry

These are Cherrybee CBH-90 helicopters imported from the UNP for liaison and reconnaissance duties. Deliveries from late 2115.

Dino Senate

Last update : 14/01/24

MBH - Emperor (Dino Truth Party)

Ronald - Censor and Chief Priest (Imperial Order)

Jimmy - Head of the Senate (Liberal Party)
GBH - Deputy Head of the Senate (Imperial Order)

Interior Department

El Diablo - Minister of the Interior (Liberal Party)
Krusty - Minister of the Intelligence Services (Imperial Order)

Foreign Affairs Department

Zanus - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Dino Truth Party) & Dino Army chief
Lakes - UNP/Clone Star Empire Liaison Officer (Dino Truth Party)
Woodhead - Minister of the DTA

Science & Industry Department

Cruggson - Minister of Science & Technology (Imperial Order) & Senate Executive Officer
Sempson - Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry
Kroc - Minister of Business & Infrastructure
Dickson - Minister of Research and Development

Social Affairs Department

Spikeson - Minister of Health (Liberal Party)
Stinkyson - Minister of Education (Imperial Order)
Eratson - Minister of Social Services & Culture

Defence Department

Malanson - Minister of Defence
Solax - SS Commander (Dino Truth Party)
Razorback - Minister of Land Forces (Liberal Party)
Ramon - Minister of Space Forces
Talib-Melison - Minister of Military Development

Together the Emperor and the Senators make up 21 votes, a simple majority is needed to pass a motion. Any Senator can present a full bill to the Senate. The Emperor and Censor have the power of veto if a bill is passed by a slim majority (2 or less).

The Clone Navy

The Clone Defence Forces - Clone Navy (CDF-CN) is split into separate commands (and fleets) on Cloneworld, Austini 55, Randalf74 and Aquaworld. Last update 18/08/24

Ships are of Cloneworld fleet except those marked (#) Aquaworld (+) Austini 55 (@) Randalf 74

Surface warships

3 Cloneworld class aircraft carrier (CV)

R01 Cloneworld R02 Clone Empire R03 Hospital Carnage Squad

The Cloneworld class of carrier are the centrepiece of the new Clone Navy providing air support for operations and command facilities. The first carrier Cloneworld entered service around 2110. The third ship was completed in 2119. A fourth ship was planned but has been cancelled.

W : 23,000t
Aircraft complement : 4/8 x K45K, 4/8 x K85NTK COIN aircraft, 4/6 x Z26WNS helicopters
A : SA-N-6A close-range SAM, 2 x CIWS, 4 x 20mm cannons

3 West Clone Republic helicopter carrier (CVH)

R04 West Clone Republic R05 Beyond Micom R06 Grenvilla

This helicopter carrier supplements the Cloneworld CVs. It is similar to the Cloneworld CV but a bit smaller and deploys around 12-15 ZK26S helicopters (or other future types) to support amphibious / ASW and anti-surface operations. It entered service in 2112. A second ship joined it in 2117. A third entered service in 2122. 

W : 20,000t
Aircraft complement (expected) : up to 15 x Z26WNS helicopters
A : SA-N-6A close-range SAM, 2 x CIWS, 4 x 20mm cannons

8 Olana class guided-missile destroyer (DDG)

The Olana class destroyers provide AA and ASW defence primarily for the major assets like carriers but can also support other operations.

W : 5,000t
A : SA-N-16 long-range SAM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, SS-N-9 SSM, SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missile, 100mm gun, , 4 x 20mm cannons, 1 x CIWS, 1 x Z26S helicopter

5 (+1) Ailier II (FFG)

This is a new frigate class built from 2113. It is an updated version of CNS Ailier which will join this class after an upgrade.

W : 3,500t
A : SS-N-8 SSM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missile, 100mm gun, 1 x CIWS, 2 x 20mm cannons, 1 x Z26S helicopter

1 Ailier class guided-missile frigate (FFG)

Ailier was built for the old HCS Navy and was the only ship not scrapped when that previous organisation was disbanded. Ailier was kept as a museum ship and in good condition and thus was easy to reactivate. Ailier has undergone a major refit and update and often acts as the flagship on operations if a carrier is not present. It will be bought up to Ailier II spec and merge with the newer ship class in 2126.

W : 3,750t
A : SS-N-8 SSM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missile, 100mm gun, 1 x CIWS, 2 x 20mm cannons, 1 x Z26S helicopter

16 Triona class patrol vessel OPV(H)

(11 allocated to Cloneworld, 3 Austini 55, 2 Aquaworld)

Presently the Triona class patrol boats are the backbone of the CDF-CN. The first examples were originally built for the HCS Riverine Force to provide support for operations in estuaries but the ships were handed over to the reformed navy and modified for blue water operation. The ships are not optimal for blue water operations but have seen combat already and proved their worth. They will receive an update over the next couple of years to improve seakeeping and armament.

W : 2,000t
A : SS-N-8B SSM, SA-N-6 close-range SAM, 76mm gun, 2 x 20mm guns, helipad for Z26S (though no hangar)

8 Triona II class patrol vessel OPV(H)

(The first 6 are allocated to Cloneworld, 2 to Austini 55)

These developed version of the Triona which debuted 2110. They are larger with better seakeeping and are more capable.

W : 2,500t
A : SS-N-8B SSM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, 76mm gun, 2 x 20mm guns, helipad for Z26S (though no hangar)


6 Dinomark XT class submarine / aerospace vehicle (SSNA)

These Dino XTs are capable of underwater operation and entered service from 2113.

8 Seawolf class submarine (SSK)

These new build submarines built by a new joint-company with the Sirikwanese. They entered service from 2110. They are a development of the Tinfish but greatly improved.

W : 3,000t
A : 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

4 Sealion class nuclear attack submarine (SSN)

This class of nuclear attack submarines entered service in 2115 and is equipped with torpedoes and cruise missiles.

W : 5,000t
A : 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

1 Warhammer class training (SSK)

This singleton class was built alongside the Seawolf class SSKs and is used for development of the SeaGale and SeaCSM missile systems. It entered service in 2110 after the Walrus enters service it was also used as an auxiliary attack asset able to carry three SeaGale/SeaCSM. Though is now only used in the training role.

W : 3,500t
A : 3 SS-N-10 SeaGale SLBM tubes, 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

3 (+3) Walrus nuclear missile attack submarine (SSBN)

Based on the Sealion class these operate the SeaGale SLBM being built from 2117 onwards. It also is able to fire the SeaCSM (SS-N-10N) interstellar version of SeaGale.

W : 6,500t
A : 12 SS-N-10 SeaGale SLBM tubes, 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

Support ships

0 (+2) "Flexible Support Ship"

This new class of ship has been ordered for Austini 55 and can act as a supply ship, auxiliary helicopter carrier and also support a variety of operations. It is now planned for 2126.

4 Albatross Intelligence Gathering Ship

Four conversions of freighters for intelligence gathering on Cloneworld. Entering service from 2113.

W : 9,500t
A : SA-N-6A SAM, 2 x 20mm cannon, helipad for Z26S

8 Power class tanker / replenishment ships

(5 allocated to Cloneworld 2 Austini 55 1 Aquaworld)

The original ships of this class were transferred to the HCS Merchant Reserve following the disbanding of the old HCS Navy and have now been returned. They can provide refuelling of ships (though the sphere of current and planned operations is not very large so refuelling is not needed so much) and also general transport and replenishment duties. Examples from A03 onwards are of the new build Power B type which have improved facilities for helicopter operation and other improvements.

W : 11,160t
A : 2 x 20mm cannon, 1 x Z26S helicopter (2 x on Power B)

8 Mariner class general support ships

(6 allocated to Cloneworld 1 Austini 55)

These general purpose support ships fulfill general transport, storage, liaison and utility duties. They have a flight deck that covers half the length of the ship and can operate as a reserve base for helicopter operations (up to 6) though only 1 helicopter is carried in normal operation. The ships also have a comprehensive C3 suite.

W : 9,600t
A : 2 x 20mm cannon, 1 x Z26S helicopter

Aviation (Clone Naval Air Service)

The CNAS operate air power from land bases and aircraft carriers. Current strength is as follows :

Cloneworld Command (CNAS-CCOM)

99 K45K fighters
110 (+10) K85NTN/K COIN aircraft
38 K19BEC maritime attack aircraft
0 (+50) K19NGN maritime attack aircraft
35 K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
14 (+2) K72ME EW/Elint aircraft
8 K72MW weather reconnaissance aircraft
0 (+25) Q75 reconnaissance UCV
7 K44 transports, 5 are K22K tanker variant
150 Z26S/WNS helicopters
12 M1 unmanned reconnaissance airships

Aquaworld Command (CNAS-AQCOM)

100 K45A fighters
60 K85NTN COIN aircraft
0 (+20) K19NGN maritime attack aircraft
30 K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
35 Z26S helicopters

Austini 55 Command (CNAS-A5COM)

35 K45K fighters
65 K85NTN/K COIN aircraft
14 K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
74 Z26S helicopters

Randalf 74 Command (CNAS-R7COM)

40 K85NTN COIN aircraft
8 (+6) K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
30 Z26S helicopters

Training is carried out by the CAF who also provide some base facilities.