Last update : 14/01/24
MBH - Emperor (Dino Truth Party)
Ronald - Censor and Chief Priest (Imperial Order)
Jimmy - Head of the Senate (Liberal Party)
GBH - Deputy Head of the Senate (Imperial Order)
Interior Department
El Diablo - Minister of the Interior (Liberal Party)
Krusty - Minister of the Intelligence Services (Imperial Order)
Foreign Affairs Department
Zanus - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Dino Truth Party) & Dino Army chief
Lakes - UNP/Clone Star Empire Liaison Officer (Dino Truth Party)
Woodhead - Minister of the DTA
Science & Industry Department
Cruggson - Minister of Science & Technology (Imperial Order) & Senate Executive Officer
Sempson - Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry
Kroc - Minister of Business & Infrastructure
Dickson - Minister of Research and Development
Social Affairs Department
Spikeson - Minister of Health (Liberal Party)
Stinkyson - Minister of Education (Imperial Order)
Eratson - Minister of Social Services & Culture
Defence Department
Malanson - Minister of Defence
Solax - SS Commander (Dino Truth Party)
Razorback - Minister of Land Forces (Liberal Party)
Ramon - Minister of Space Forces
Talib-Melison - Minister of Military Development
Together the Emperor and the Senators make up 21 votes, a simple majority is needed to pass a motion. Any Senator can present a full bill to the Senate. The Emperor and Censor have the power of veto if a bill is passed by a slim majority (2 or less).