
Junction X (3193)

The Starbotians battle a deadly new 7SS weapon.


His pace (3192)

Windy has to resort to the vilest of couplings.


Behind the ban (3191)

S101 and B-B encounter the 7 Sa Sao.


NS forgets to remove Molab from security briefings

When Molab, as part of the Free Eritran States, decided to join the Commonwealth of Interstellar States it meant they ceased to be a tier 1 NS ally and thus were no longer in recipient of regular high level security briefings. Unfortunately, NS forgot to remove them from the list! A Molab source has said that they received sensitive information last week. They informed NS who have now cut access, but this is an embarrassment to NS.

Some observers think NS is in danger of falling apart. With unrest between NS and MBO ongoing, ship building at a stand still and now basic mistakes over the handling of sensitive information, there is the feeling among many that NS is suffering from a terminal malaise. Viceroy Caratore is said, by some anonymous sources, to have little interest in running NS anymore, and he may be replaced by MBO.


NS unrest spreads

NS personnel are reported to have risen up against the MBO on Saeou and Aldebra, following the unrest on Liberation a few days ago. MBO drones are being attacked by NS members. It has been reported that several deaths have occurred on both sides at various bases on the planets.

General Honey has told Viceroy Caratore to end the unrest at once. It is rumoured that Caratore may be removed and the MBO taking full control of NS if the unrest is not stopped.


Unrest among NS personnel on Liberation reported

A few days ago a popular base commander at an NS facility on Liberation was arrested and quickly executed by the MBO. The reason is unknown but it is thought that she refused an order by the MBO for MBO drones to be embedded in NS units.

This has caused an uproar on Liberation with fighting breaking out across the planet's nine NS bases. Two MBO drones are reported to have been killed.

General Honey is reported to have ordered the unrest to stop or "very serious consequences" can be expected.


CIN accuse Telvin of Artic attack

The Commonwealth of Interstellar Nations (CIN) has accused Telvin 802 of launching a cyber attack on Artic which could have caused serious trouble on the planet including a nuclear power station meltdown. A Telvin Shark frigate was caught in Artic orbit, a number of electronic devices have been found on Artic (including at the nuclear power station) which are thought to be of Telvin origin.

The Dinos and Sirikwan have despatched ships to patrol Artic space. The CIN is also considering military options to respond to Telvin's actions.


CIN prepare for next big Clone armed deal, for artillery

With the order for a standard CIN tank now placed with the Clones (who will provide bodies for the J55ZDM3-C tanks, the Dinos will provide the turrets), attention has now moved on to artillery. The Dino Army currently uses a development of the standard Clone self-propelled gun, the J107G, called the J107GDM. This will form the basis of both a standard CIN gun and an upgraded Dino Army one.

The J107GDM-C will have a number of improvements including a new barrel plus communication equipment upgrades. The CIN is expected to buy 2,000 GDM-Cs for a number of CIN member armies. All Dino Army GDMs will also be upgraded.

The CIN will also buy the J90 rocket artillery system which uses the same body as the J107. The number to be bought has not been yet revealed, the J90C will be largely the same as the Clone Army model but with localised changes to equipment.


FES complete withdrawal from Clone space

The Free Eritran States have completed their withdrawal from Clone space as part of the peace deal between themselves and the Clone Star Empire. The demilitarised zone between the two sides is now being surveyed by Dino and Starbotian ships. Patrols are expected to begin in a few weeks though the Dinos are looking into the possibility of making use of automated sentry posts to lessen the need for crewed patrolling.

CIN teams have arrived on Miliaris, Rendrial 4 and Laalande 21649 to assess the planets' before funding is released for the setting up of institutions as the planets begin their new eras as self-governing.


Artic hit by planet wide cyber attack

Artic is a majority human planet in the Commonwealth of the Interstellar Nations, aligned to New Arit but mostly independent. It has reported a planet wide cyber attack which has knocked out major systems and even sent the main nuclear power station to near meltdown.

The Dinos have managed to stabilise the situation, other CIN ships are en route to assist. The Dinos are looking into the possibility that Telvin 802 may have been behind the attack.


NS shipbuilding in danger of collapse due to MBO

NS insiders are warning that NS is losing the ability to finish warships, and MBO is to blame. The number of ships joining the fleet has ground to a halt, the problem being MBO taking vitally needed components and systems for their own shipbuilding sites in their own territory. An anonymous NS source said that three ships have been nearly completed but have not got engines or hyperspace drives due to MBO commandeering the allocated propulsion systems for their own needs.

This is also affecting ships already in the fleet. An NS Engineering source said that two ships are currently out of action due to needing new engines, but none are available.

MBO are understood to have begun a mass shipbuilding programme of upgraded Nectars using NS propulsion and tactical systems and have seized all production of NS engines and weapon systems.


Both Dinos and Clones investigating Eritran drones

It is understood that both the Dino Army and Clone Defence Forces have taken examples of the attack drones deployed by Freedom Miliaris for analysis. The type, designed to be mass produceable in small workships, made from wood and other easy to obtain materials has proven to be deadly during the insurgency on Miliaris and elsewhere in the CSE-E. Although crude, the insurgents were able to overwhelm defences by sheer weight of numbers.

The Dinos are said to be looking at how to defend against such a weapon, as well as the possibility of using them themselves. The Clones are thinking of an upgrade to their TAA-4 Stoat anti-aircraft tank.


Clones and FES sign peace treaty

The Clone Star Empire and Free Eritran States have signed a peace treaty on Starbot, the treaty being sponsored by the Commonwealth of Interstellar Nations (CIN) represented by Censor Ronald. The FES will withdraw back from CSE space and cease funding and supplying insurgency units like Freedom Miliaris.

Both the CSE and FES will not be permitted to enter a three lightyear wide exclusion zone, the zone will be patrolled by CIN ships based out of Starbot. The Clones will not deploy nuclear weapons in the CSE-E except on Austini 55 and Woloron 12 (which means CSMs will be out of range of the FES).

Miliaris, Rendrial 4 and Laalande 21649 will be granted full autonomy in the CSE, being in charge of their own affairs and having their own terrestrial armed forces. The Clones will maintain space defence. The CIN is providing a fund of 5-10 billion zarks for the setting up of the new local armed forces and institutions. The CSE will also receive 5 billion zarks for reconstruction. 

A joint committee comprising CSE, FES and CIN representatives will be set up to iron out the fine details. The FES will also officially become members of the CIN from next month.


Anderson announces ten year plan for Clone Defence Forces

Admiral Anderson, the ruler of the Clone Star Empire, has announced a ten year plan to "rejuvenate and re-structure" the Clone Defence Forces. The plan comes in two five year long phases, phase one will be to withdraw obsolete and time expired equipment and disband surplus capability. The second phase will be to introduce a new generation of weapon systems.

The full plan details will be revealed later this year, however key highlights for each of the four arms of the CDF have been announced.

Clone Army

  • Disband 145 regiments including 37 armoured regiments
  • Withdraw J89 tanks by 2130
  • Upgrade and standardise tank fleet on J55Z7 and later
  • Withdraw J107C artillery

Clone Air Force

  • Withdraw K40 by 2130
  • Disband 35 air regiments
  • Funding for K45F upgrade and Z26 replacement 

Clone Navy

  • Funding next generation destroyer for 2135
  • Rebuild Triona OPVs to Triona II
  • Withdraw Warhammer submarine by 2130
  • Merge four CNAS bases with nearby CAF

Clone Space Navy

  • Complete Soulaki SLM upgrade
  • Withdraw Legacy Cosmos, Nerval and Kalahati Tuul S
  • Restart ship building
  • Begin development of Soulaki replacement


DTA becomes the Commonwealth of Interstellar Nations

Following the final ratification by Starbot, the name change of the Dino Trade Association to the Commonwealth of Interstellar Nations or CIN has been finalised. Senator Woodhead, the Minister of the DTA said his job title has now changed as well though it will take a few weeks to complete the change in name across the ex-DTA.

However, the name change is just the start. Censor Ronald wants the CIN to evolve into something more than a trade bloc. Efforts are ongoing to harmonise the militaries of the CIN members, including the recent order for a standard CIN tank. Ronald also wants other nations to join the CIN as well as the Free Eritran States who will soon join. Triple Megan is rumoured to be in talks, this would be a blow to the Clones as Triple Megan are one of their dwindling number of allies.