
NS to make deep cuts to Terrestrial Force

Zeppelin has announced a big reduction in the size of the NS ground force, NS Terrestrial Force Land Division. The cuts were expected as the Amphibious Warfare Squadron has recently been earmarked for near complete withdrawal. 

NS will basically give up it's ability to deploy an offensive land force, NS Terrestrial Force will be reorientated to the defensive role only. All non-Terran regiments will be disbanded (the Remedians have said they will roll their NS regiments into their own army) and some other soldiers will be transferred to NSIS to improve base security.

NSTF:LD will be reorganised into one active brigade and one reserve brigade. The cuts and reorganisation are expected to take place over the next two years.


New Sharks will be SKC model due to component changes

As well as the problems with finding skilled workers to restart spaceship production, another big problem the Clones have had is that dozens of companies who made parts and components for the shipyards ranging from engine cores to carpet tiles either went out of business or diversified away into other industries when the orders from the shipyards dried up. Some of these companies have managed to restart production but replacements have had to be found for many vital parts.

Because of this the new build Shark frigates currently under construction on the only active shipyard jig had had to be changed with different system components. They are to be known as the Shark SKC model. Although the first new ship is due to begin testing soon it will be lacking a number of systems which will be retrofitted at a later date.


Clone Army told it won't get new tank

The Clone Army has requested funding for a new first-line tank to replace the T-89, a Clone Wars era tank which has been greatly upgraded but are now approaching their mid-life and have no planned replacement. The plan was to develop a new tank called the T-93, based on the turretless T-91 which was developed at the end of the Clone Wars but cancelled due to cost.

However, the Junta have told the Army that the Clone Defence Forces cannot afford a new tank, and indeed does not need one. Admiral Anderson said that the Clone Army will not be battling a peer opponent on the plains of Cloneworld in the foreseeable future. 

Instead, the Army will have to continue with the T-89 alongside the T-55Z. A further upgrade and refurbishment of the T-89 is likely though there have been no details at the moment.


Five hundred Clone apprentices arrive on Dino-Land

Five hundred young Clones have arrived on Dino-Land to serve as apprentices on Dino space ship yards for the next year. This is part of a joint Clone-Dino programme to get Clone shipbuilding back on it's feet after years of inactivity has caused a collapse in the availability of skilled workers. At the same time around two hundred Dino technicians are expected on Cloneworld to assess the shipyards and see how best to get them moving again.

One shipyard is back in operation after concentrating available workers, though the other four are unstaffed. The Clones are prioritising the Shark frigate due to it's export orders and also it being desperately needed to replace the Kalahati Tuul S fleet which is fast approaching life expiry.


Dino elections set for Autumn

Emperor MBH has announced the election for the new Dino Assembly will be held in the Autumn, the exact date has yet to be decided. The Dino Senate will be disbanded when the new Assembly has been elected. At the same time the slimming down of the Dino Elders will take place.

MBH said these political system changes were needed to ensure the Dinos could flourish in a fast changed astralpolitical spacescape. His Veritas = Truth party is expected to compete in the elections as are Ronald's Imperial Order and Jimmy's Liberal Party.