
Krok Industries launch Swordfish programme with 26 on order

Krok Industries has officially announced it's DTA Patrol Ship called Swordfish. This is said to be an update on the unsuccessful Dinomark GL concept which lost out to the Dinomark PT. The Swordfish has a number of provisional orders already as DTA members seek to replace life expired ships or replace stalled orders from other suppliers.

New Arit has ordered 12 Swordfish to replace it's fleet of 11 Kalahati Tuuls, Arit also said they will not now order a sixth Pentekonter though they have just received a fifth. Sirikwan has ordered 8 Swordfish, this will replace the 8 Shark SKH-E patrol ships which have been delayed due to manufacturing issues in the Clone Star Empire, the Shark order is reported to have been canceled. Finally, the Voth Space Navy has ordered 6 Swordfish to replace their Kalahati Tuuls.

The Dino Army has also placed a development programme contract for the Swordfish to be developed the platform into a Dinomark PT replacement (ironically) in the early 2130s. Work on the Swordfish is now fully underway, Krok Industries hope to have the prototype ready for testing next year, entry into service is planned for 2126. The speed of this development indicates Krok Industries has been keeping the GL programme up-to-date for a number of years.


Revolution cleared to enter NS service, more orders forthcoming

The first Revolution 35Z, a version of the Type 35 platform that can operate in atmospheres, has completed an extensive testing programme. The programme was longer than usual with a new type due to the work needed to perfect travel inside planetary atmospheres. Some changes to aerodynamic controls needed to be made as well as adjustments to the turbine engines.

35-401 Revolution is now officially an NS warship. It's role in the fleet is unknown though it may be used for special forces operations. An NS source said that series production will now begin though the total size of the expected order has yet to be decided.


Parallax gives details of Black Triangle

With the MBO version of the Black Triangle 126A now being tested by NS, the new head of the space fleet Parallax has given some details of the ship in NS service, the first of which is in advanced construction. Parallax said NS will built thirty ships, though more may be built of a future development in later years. The ships will be organised into squadrons of four, there will be seven squadrons and two ships will be kept in reserve.

Each squadron will be supported by a tender based on the Acadia 165A remote support tender. The as-yet unnamed Type 166A will be a Friendship based ship like the Arcadia. NS will build eight of these ships, one for each squadron and one spare and for training.

Black Triangle will be powered by a new engine using a dual core design. The engine, Lepton WX-01, will combine an e-Core for efficient cruise with a high performance core for combat speed. Black Triangle will be capable of 800c, it will not have worm drive. The support ships will have worm drive.

Black Triangle will be armed with two Zip-MA cannons, this development of the Zip has a much greater field of fire. It will also have a multi-mode auxiliary cannon and 12 TPMs. Black Triangle will not have a docking bay or any support lighter. Facilities aboard the ship, for the crew of six, will be very basic though unlike the MBO version Black Triangle will have a toilet and a basic kitchenette!


MBO prototype Black Triangle arrives in NS space

The prototype of the MBO version of the Black Triangle 126A (the MBO name is unknown) has arrived in NS space for evaluation and testing. The first NS ship is still under construction but will not differ a great deal apart from internally for crew accommodation.

The Black Triangle is a next generation warship designed for high velocity space combat, the ship supported by a mother ship which allows for the Black Triangle to be kept small and nimble. Viceroy Caratore is said to have visited the ship and liked what he saw.


LORD Gibson takes over NS Internal Security

Viceroy Caratore has made some changes to NSIS, he has removed the special forces component (NS Marines) and attached them to NS Territorial Forces. NSIS will retain it's internal security brief (which is in it's name) but it will now be under the control of LORD Gibson, the eccentric MBO clone of the former Dino Gibson!

The changes are in response to the treason of The Shiner who was executed after being uncovered as a Real DDS agent. 


Marcus calls for the RP to be abolished!

The Head of CSE-E Marcus has called on Oojok and Ayatollah Clone XE to abolish the Religious Police. Over the last few months the emboldened RP has arrested senior CSE officers and many other people for blasphemy and other claimed "Anti-Oojok" behaviour. However, RP never detail exactly what this behaviour is.

Marcus has already restricted RP in his half of the empire, they are virtually confined to their barracks. Marcus said the RP has already gone out of control and needs to be abolished.


Dinos consider building competitor to the Pentekonter and Shark

Krok Industries, the manufacturer of most Dino spaceships including the Dinomark XT, are considering building a ship primarily aimed at the export market, especially the other DTA members. New Arit are looking at around 12 ships to replace it's aging Kalahati Tuuls, Sirikwan are also becoming frustrated with the Clones for the delays in it's second batch of Shark frigates. Krok Industries are said to be looking at a type to satisfy both New Arit's and Sirikwan's needs. Voth are also looking into replacing their Kalahati Tuuls.

Krok Industries are dusting off the Dinomark GL concept which lost out to the PT for the Dino Army Medium Combat Ship. An updated Dinomark GL design could be produced pretty quickly. New Arit is said to be very interested.


NS announce Modular Logistic Platform (MLP) to replace SUP

SUP production ceased a couple of years ago though production of Providers and Extenders have continued as the stock of SUP backbones is used up, however only a handful are left and are likely to be kept to fulfil outstanding export orders. Interestingly, NS still officially have both types still on sale.

The next generation transport platform will be the Modular Logistic Platform (MLP). Key to the design of MLP will be the relative ease of changing a ship's role by switching modules. An NS source said that for example a pure transport could be quickly reconfigured as an oiler if the need arises. MLP will have an e-Core engine and also worm drive support.

The first MLP ships could be built in 2126.

Riot on Sandworld over RP arrests

A riot has broken out at one of the major oil facilities on Sand World, the main fuel provider of the Clone Star Empire, after the Religious Police arrested a number of workers for reported heresy. The riot resulted in damage to the facility which will be out of action for a number of weeks. This will be a notable blow to the empire, the facility alone provides 3% of the CSE's fuel production.

The riot is said to have been instigated by Clone Army personnel based at the facility as it's security team. Relations between the RP and Army have become fractious over the last year.


Isometric MULE23 programme continues

The MULE23 update of the Isometric 41A destroyer fleet is now fully underway with six ships now reported to have been updated and the rest scheduled to be completed by mid-2125. MULE23 is the second major upgrade programme the Isometric will receive in it's life and is expected to keep the fleet viable into the mid-2130s when it will likely be retired.

MULE23 includes a full refurbishment, new engine (Proton RM-01KE e-Core), TPM-3 support and improved info-weapon capabilities. Obsolete equipment such as Pave Yellow MCM control systems will also be withdrawn. Once MULE23 is completed then the Freedom 41B fleet will begin it's ILU25 upgrade which will be similar to MULE23. It is possible the two classes will be officially merged after this.

Boxman appointed The Shiner's successor

The Head of NSIS Special Forces Boxman, who is also head of NS GHQ Security, has been promoted to Head of NS Facilities. This is the latest promotion for Boxman who has flourished in the regime of Viceroy Caratore and is now arguably third in command of New Sparta.

Boxman replaced The Shiner who was executed after being uncovered as an agent of Real DDS. It has been reported that Boxman was integral in catching The Shiner, this later led to NS being able to finally locate the Real DDS base and destroy it.


NS buy back remaining Raegris Quasars

NS has agreed a deal to buy back the surviving four Quasar cruisers which were originally sold to the Raegris a number of years ago. Three of the four ships will be restored back to NS standard and join the eight in service as a key part of the NS Strategic Attack Force. The fourth ship will be used for spares, NS Engineering will assess the four ships when they receive them next month and then choose the one in the worst condition for withdrawal.

Converting the other three ships to MSU16 standard is expected to take most of the year. An NS source said it was unlikely any of the ships would be in service before 2125.


Caratore to visit Free Eritran States

Viceroy Caratore has departed NS GHQ to visit the Free Eritran States including Molab. This is the first time a NS leader has visited the FES for over seven years and Caratore will be aiming to bolster relations with the FES who are one of the key allies. Caratore is also likely to be hoping to sell more ships to FES.

Caratore will visit the Remedians afterwards, on his way back to Proxima 5


Patrol fleet finally receives new ships

Despite the legacy UNP fleet of patrol ships being rapidly run down, Patrol Command of the MBO-New Sparta Space Fleet has not received any new ships for some time now as combat ships have been the priority for rebuilding the ship after the MBO war. Patrol Command has been forced to use ships from elsewhere, even transports, to fulful it's large remit of patrols and colony liaison.

However, new ships for Patrol Command have finally been green lit and two new Violet 57B light patrol ships have joined the fleet, 57-208 Vinca and 57-209 Vestia. The fourth Mariner 56A has also been completed, work on this began in 2122 and had been put on hold due to a lack of capacity. 56-104 Melton has joined the fleet.


Caratore names replacement space fleet commanders

During the Battle of Charon (as it is now being called where the Real DDS base was destroyed - though Real DDS themselves actually escaped), Asian Hawk and Akbar were both killed. Caratore has named Parallax as Akbar's replacement as Head of the Space Fleet. As Parallax was previously head of the Home Defence Fleet this promotion is not a surprise.

The promotion of Oberon to replace Asian Hawk as head of the Rapid Reaction Force is a surprise though. Oberon is a long-serving NS officer who even served at the end of the Clone Wars. He has continued to serve in total obscurity, spending most of his time as a bridge officer on frigates. After the defeat of NS to MBO, Oberon was finally promoted to the command track. Though it is notable that he has never captained a ship.

Caratore has yet to decide who will replace The Shiner as head of NS Facilities.


MBO given bigger role in NS security

All ships in the New Sparta fleet are to have a detachment of MBO stormtroopers under the direct command of the MBO Political Officer. The size of the detachment will depend on the size of the ship but is expected to range from five to ten. These soldiers will ensure the security and loyalty of the NS crew.

More MBO troops are also being stationed at all NS facilities, again to ensure security and loyalty. Viceroy Caratore has authorised the creation of over 100,000 new MBO troops.


Changes in the Dino Senate as Krusty returns

Krusty, who has Senator rank though was without voting rights, has returned to the Dino Senate as a full member to become the new Minister of the Intelligence Services. He will oversee SS-CINT, Dino Army Intelligence and other Dino agencies. He is replacing Stinkyson who has decided he needs a new direction in life. He has replaced the retiring Lolison as Minister of Education.

This move is seen as a key sign that Censor Ronald considers Krusty his possible successor or even a future Emperor, though it is thought MBH is not quite as much of a fan.


The Shiner executed for treason

Former DDS Commander The Shiner, the Head of NS Facilities until he was uncovered as a traitor sending information to Real DDS has been executed. It was carried out at NS GHQ earlier today, there was no recorded trial, the execution is said to have been on the direct order of Viceroy Caratore.

In a rare sign of mercy it is reported the execution was swift and carried out painlessly. The Shiner's assistants Tsunami and Robot are reported to have been already killed by NS Security.


Catatore infuriated by Dino protection of Real DDS traitors

Viceroy Caratore has condemned the Dinos for involving themselves in MBO-NS affairs after the Dinos granted protection to the Real DDS when they crossed the border. The stolen ship SS Cicero was pursued by MBO-NS forces but were prevented in crossing the border after the traitors by a squadron of SS warships. It is now understood that the Real DDS have been taken to a secret location in the Dino Empire.

Meanwhile, there is confusion as to the role of SS Infinity in the battle with Real DDS at Charon. One report states it was the Infinity which opened fire on SS Cheetah, destroying it. Another report states the MBO Political Officer killed Akbar for treason. The rest of the crew have been removed from Infinity and have been taken to an undisclosed location.


A Christmas pressie (3116)

Can Real DDS escape?


Fog check (3115)

Real DDS desperately battles for survival.


In the name of God (3114)

MBO-NS attack the Real DDS base.


Real DDS base located and destroyed!

MBO-New Sparta have finally detected the location of the secret Real DDS base, and it was closer than anyone expected. The base was located on Charon, the moon of Pluto in the Terran system. An MBO-NS task force was despatched to destroy the traitors' base. In the ensuing battle the base was completely destroyed though the rebel ship, the stolen SS Cicero managed to escape. Their other stolen ship, SS Green Lane was destroyed.

The Panther cruiser SS Cheetah - commanded by Asian Hawk - was destroyed in the battle with Real DDS, the head of the space fleet General Akbar was also killed aboard SS Infinity. The Cicero is now said to be fleeing for the Dino border, pursued by an MBO-NS fleet. Viceroy Caratore has said the net is finally closing in on Windscorpion.