
XE calls Marcus an infidel!

The head of the Church of Oojok, Ayatollah Clone XE, has called the head of the Clone Star Empire - East Marcus an infidel in a speech to senior clerics. Marcus has banned the Religious Police from operating in CSE-E and banned them from investigating CSE-E military officials for Anti-Oojok activities.

Ayatollah Clone XE said that Marcus was blocking the sword of truth from beheading the scourge of the Anti-Oojok. Marcus has not commented on the accusation. In theory Marcus could now been arrested by the RP if he leaves CSE-E.


Wreckage of lost Dinomark found

A joint Dino-Sirikwan patrol has discovered wreckage of DM189 which went missing a few weeks ago on a long-range patrol in unclaimed space. The ship had been destroyed by an explosion and there are thought to be no survivors.

At the moment the Dinos are not commenting on the cause of the explosion though it is rumoured the ship was destroyed by an unknown enemy.


Internet down (3096)

MBO-New Sparta enter the fray.

How deep is your love (3095)

The Tarbotians target Windscorpion.

Seize this honkus! (3094)

Real DDS battle the Tarbotians.

The final solution (3093)

Windy and his Tarbotian friend hunt for FD0.

Endless inanity (3092)

Krusty reveals his plan to bring down the Clone Star Empire.

Into the ire (3091)

A Tarbotian battlecruiser is sent into UNP space.



Marcus to restrict Religious Police in CSE-E

The head of the Clone Star Empire's eastern part, Marcus, has restricted the activity of the Religious Police in his part of the empire. CSE-E is seen as more secular than Cloneworld and other core planets in the empire though the Church of Oojok has been energetic in setting up networks and bringing in zealous supporters.

Ayatollah Clone XE has accused Marcus of facilitating heresy and risks becoming an anti-Oojok. "A strong empire requires a strong faith, all of the empire." he said.


Caratore growing impatient in hunt for Real DDS

Viceroy Caratore is said to be growing increasingly impatient in the hunt for the rebel so-called Real DDS faction of terrorists. The head of NS Security Boxman had to explain to the Viceroy why there still have been no good leads on the location of the Real DDS base. Boxman said that Real DDS activity had been reduced in recent months.

The Viceroy's impatience is seemingly at odds with his earlier statements that he didn't care about Real DDS anymore. However, it is likely he is coming under pressure from the MBO to deal with Windscorpion.


Dinomark goes missing in deep space

The Dino Army is reporting that a Dinomark on a "long patrol" has gone missing in deep space beyond the DTA boundary. The Dinomark is thought to have been on a three month patrol of space between Durant 7 and Za Enyu, although a long way from DTA territory, the Dinos have communication agreements with local space powers in that area of space so it not thought the Dinomark is out of subspace radio range.

The Dino Army said there was no need for immediate alarm, long range patrols by their very nature often had issues like this. Two other Dinomarks have been sent to investigate.


Most CDF officers released from RP custody after intervention by Oojok

A few days ago sixteen senior CDF officers were arrested by the Clone Religious Police. Most have now been freed after intervention by Oojok though four remain in custody and are facing possible execution if found guilty of blasphemy in a church court.

The head of the church Ayatollah Clone XE has warned people not to take Oojok's mercy for granted. "Our Lord Oojok spared many of the infidels but this will not be repeated. The crimes committed will be greatly punished in future."


Sixteen senior CDF officers arrested by Religious Police

Sixteen senior officers in the Clone Defence Forces, including the general in charge of air defence over the capital, have been arrested by the Clone Religious Police for blasphemy and anti-Oojok activities. Under the religious law of the Clone Star Empire the charges could result in death sentences for some of the officers.

The CDF have reacted angrily to the arrests saying they were without cause and a result of the growing conflict between the Religious Police and Clone military.


Dinos confirm Furl variant will replace Dinomark RS

As part of the latest Saurian Alliance deal with the Bolitic Confederacy, the Dinos are buying five Furl battlecruisers. The Dino Army has confirmed that these will replace the Dinomark RS by 2130. The Furls (which will have a Dinomark designation) will be used in the command ship / heavy cruiser role. The Furls will be heavily modified for Dino Army purposes.

More details of these modifications will be announced at a later date. The first Furl is not expected to be delivered until late 2125.


NS to strengthen forces in Rim Worlds

After recent Tarbotian activity in the Rim Worlds, NS has despatched another squadron of ships to strengthen patrols and response forces in the area. NS, with UNP help, are also to ramp up intelligence gathering and monitoring at a number of locations in the Rim Worlds.

NS said the Tarbotian presence was a concern though should not be exaggerated. 


Ronald discusses next stage in Saurian Alliance

Censor Ronald has discussed how the Saurian Alliance between the Dino Empire and Bolitic Confederacy will proceed after a meeting with Emperor Melson on Pulsin. Ronald said there will be a full free trade pact between the two powers. There will also be a functional link between this new pact and the Dino Trade Association. Ronald said Bolitic minerals would be sold to the Dinos and DTA bringing in much needed revenue to the Bolitic.

Military co-operation will also be increased with regular joint exercises, embedded liaison officers and improved communications between the Dino Army and Bolitic military command. The Dinos are to buy 5 Furl warships in a multi-billion zark deal. It is not known yet what the role of these ships will be in the Dino fleet though it is rumoured the Dinos want to withdraw the ageing Dinomark RS by 2130.