
Helinox order ships from NS

A welcome export order has come in to NS from Helinox. They have ordered a fifth Yel'Tema YT-110 cruiser, it will have some equipment updates which will also be retro-fitted to the four earlier ships. The details of these updates have not been made public.

Helinox have also ordered three more Pentekonter Protector 252H2 patrol ships, the ships will also have some updates over the five existing Protectors (a mix of 216H and 252H). These older ships will receive a refresh to bring their fleet up to a common standard.

Deliveries are expected by 2125.


Sign of the times as Pentekonter Protector line cut

Once the joke was with staff at the NS ship building arm that getting onto the Pentekonter line was your pension plan. The massive backlog of customer orders plus the huge order for NS Protectors meant the line seemed to be set to remain open for ever, even at maximum capacity with five ships at any one time under construction.

However, as the backlog has reduced considerably (although it is rumoured a new export order is due to be announced soon) the decision has been made to close the second line by the end of the year. This means that just one line will remain open, only three ships will be under construction at any one time (which is still very good).

Its possibly the closed line may be re-tooled for Black Triangle 126A production though this is some way off.


Dinos consider changes to defence organisation

During the recent incident where a hijacked Kelsan bomber attacked Dino-Land with missiles loaded with a deadly bio-agent the Senate and other senior government and military figures were evacuated to SS-One on Jeloka as per emergency protcol.

That did leave the question as to who should be in charge of Dino-Land defence. With the defence minister Malanson on SS-One, Censor Ronald made the last minute decision to leave Foreign minister Zanus in charge of the Dino defence forces (Zanus was a former defence minister and 6th Legion old warrior).

However, Emperor MBH and Censor Ronald are considering whether there should be a dedicated senior minister for the defence of the Dino-Land system to reduce delays. MBH has also ordered that Dino forces in the system be kept to a higher alert status for the foreseeable future. A committee has been formed to examine the possibility of future Zone led attacks.


Clones honour crew of hijacked Kelsan

The bodies of the crew of the Kelsan bomber hijacked by terrorists and used to attempt an attack on the Dinos have been honoured on Cloneworld. The twelve Clones and two Daggas were honoured by Eternal Leader Oojok. He said that new security protocols would ensure that such an event would not happen again.

The Clones are also looking into adding a bio-security improvements for the Kelsan fleet which is due a mid-life upgrade soon. The Clones say they have reviewed the black box from the wreckage of the Kelsan and can see that the ship ventilation system is vulnerable to a bio or chemical attack. This will be changed in the upgrade.

The Clones also blamed Zone terrorists for the attack and are increasing their monitoring of Zone groups.


Two cruisers join the fleet

Two cruisers have joined the NS Space Fleet. 35-505 Cougar is the latest Lynx 35M rebuild/upgrade of a Panther 35A. Only three of the original Panther class now remain in service.

The other new ship is 36-114 Melton, the latest Mulberry 36A.


Professor Piss takes over NS Research, to lead merge with MBO technology group

Professor Piss has been appointed the new head of NS Research, which has been leaderless since the traitor Dr Forbidden left. Piss will lead the merging of the Mutre Bee technology group with NS Research and help develop the next generation of NS and MBO weapon systems.

A key one will be the forthcoming Black Triangle next generation weapon system. Piss revealed that the project has been under development by MBO for a number of years as the replacement for the Nectar. Black Triangle will be built for both NS and the MBO.

Another project Piss mentioned was the Nectar E project which is apparently an upgrade for the MBO destroyer using NS weapon technology including Zip cannons and improved TPM support. Nectar E will be available as an upgrade for the ships in NS service but also new build for the MBO.


Oojok orders full review of strategic weapon doctrine and security

Eternal Leader Oojok has ordered a full scale review of the doctrine and security protocols and procedures involving the Clone Defence Forces' strategic weapons. This is in the light of the theft of a Kelsan KS bomber loaded with nuclear missiles. A catastrophic attack on the Dinos using the bomber was only narrowly averted. The use of hijacked LRM strategic missiles by the MBO to bring down the NS is also a cause for concern by the Clones (though CSM launch procedures have already been changed).

The review will look into the security of nuclear warheads, their transport and launch protocols. One immediate change is that Kelsan bombers and other ships carrying nuclear weapons are no longer allowed to operate in deep space between the two halves of the Clone Star Empire without an escort (this is where the Kelsan was seized).


Disaster averted by Dinos and Clones

The stolen Kelsan KS bomber has been intercepted and destroyed before it could launch it's payload of biological weapon loaded missiles at Dino-Land. If the attack had taken place it could have killed millions due to the incredibly toxic level of the biological weapon (thought to be stolen military grade Utrek material).

Zone renegrades had stolen the Kelsan and were planning to launch the attack. The Clones worked with the Dinos to avert a catastrophe which could have sent the Local Group into full scale war.


NS cruiser damaged by Real DDS

The Mulberry 36A cruiser SS Midas has been damaged during a so-called Real DDS raid in the Sanga Alpha system. The traitors are thought to have been raiding a stores depot and took a vital component for their stolen ship SS Cicero. In escaping they fired TPMs at point blank range against the Midas which was caught by surprise. The Midas was knocked out of action with three fatalities reported.

The Real DDS escaped though NS patrols are still hunting for them. Viceroy Caratore has ordered that all security at NS Engineering depots be increased.


Dinos go to maximum alert due to threat of attack

The Dinos have gone to their highest military alert. The Senate and other senior members of the government have been evacuated to SS-One on Jeloka. The entire Dino military has been mobilised. A curfew has been called in Dino-Town and other major cities on Dino-Land.

The reason is due to intelligence that the missing Clone Kelsan bomber is thought to have been stolen by unknown beings who wish to launch an attack on Dino-Land. An unconfirmed report states the warheads from the missiles aboard the Kelsan when it went missing have been found on a freighter in deep space near Paragon. The missiles may have been fitted with military grade biological warheads instead. An unnamed source said the agent used may be powerful enough to kill millions if a full attack is launched.

The Clone Defence Forces are co-operating fully with the Dinos in the search for the Kelsan.


Goal kick (3002)

Windy and company head into NS space.

Root beer (3001)

Windy prepares for a new highly dangerous mission.

Its so fake (2996)

Ronald receives a shock.

Are we blurry (2995)

Ronald heads into Utrek space.

Bad cut (2994)

Windy receives bad news.