
Up you come (2984)

Windy learns of a chance to kill General Honey.


Candle (2983)

Crickson and Xaron investigate some smugglers.


Avalanche! (2982)

Caratore meets the Mutre Bee.


Colonel Beeswax appointed as MBO liaison to NS

Senior MBO officer Colonel Beeswax has been appointed as MBO Liaison Officer to New Sparta. He will represent the MBO in the senior NS leadership and also pass on directives from the Mutre Bee and General Honey.

It is also rumoured that Beeswax has been given launch key access to NS' strategic weapons such as the LRM and thus can launch them. Viceroy Caratore and Gomber also have this level of access.


Remedians receive new ships

The Remedian Belt has received two new ships including it's new flagship. R15 Lord Golux is the sixth and final (perhaps, the Remedians are thinking about adding two more to their fleet later in the decade) Corkscrew 423R destroyer.

The new flagship is R20 Brartiga II, a modified Mulberry cruiser with extra C3 facilities and VIP accommodation. 


MBO capital ships given NS operating codes

The NS fleet already operates Sting 58A fighters and Nectar 52A destroyers, though these are part of the NS fleet. MBO ships of the same types which operate in UNP space are also given reporting numbers for administrative and traffic control purposes. For example, an MBO Nectar currently stationed near Solaris has been numbered 52-532.

The two largest types of ship in the MBO fleet have also been given NS operational codes for the same reason. The Hornet heavy cruiser / command ship has been granted the code Hornet 33Q (the reason for Q at the end of the code is unknown). The gigantic new flagship of the MBO fleet (which has yet to visit the UNP) has been granted the code Hive 29Q.


Raegris order six Pentekonters

The Raegris have placed an order for six Pentekonter Protectors (known as the GC-1 Gu'Telis in Raegris service) to join the nine already in service. This will complete the orders being placed for ships to rebuild the Raegris fleet including 12 Repulse and 12 Yel'Tema

The Raegris are considering selling their four Quasars back to the New Sparta fleet. The Raegris only have four left and the small fleet size is considered uneconomic to maintain. NS are interested in the ships to bolster it's strike arm.


K19NGE/NGN New Borehole begins flight testing

The K19BEC Borehole is a venerable part of the Clone combat aviation arm, a Clone Wars type which has continued into service in the anti-shipping role for the Clone Naval Air Service. A few years ago the Clone Air Force was looking for a new long-range interdictor, also with an LEO attack role and ended up choosing a new generation K19 Borehole.

The K19NGE Borehole (sometimes referred to as New Borehole) is a completely redesigned aircraft though looks very similar to the BEC. It will enter service in 2123. A naval version of the NGE, the NGN will also enter service in 2123 replacing the BEC by the middle of the decade.


Bite under pressure after another Mosk attack

Tribune Bite, the Dino Army officer sent by the Senate to oversee the Dino response against the Mosk attacks on Pulsin, is under pressure after a deadly Mosk attack in an outer suburb of the Pulsin capital. A car bomb exploded outside of a police station, when it exploded it destroyed a passing bus killing sixteen Dino civilians. Ironically only minor injuries were reported inside the police station.

SS-Commander Solax has called for the head of SS forces on Pulsin, SS-Tribune Kenora, to be given a free hand (in other words bloody reprisals). The SS Flamethrower unit has been mobilised, though is remaining on Dino Land for now.


Mosk launch another attack

Mosk insurgents have launched another terrorist attack on Pulsin, the first since their daring attack on the SS flagship a few weeks ago. A Dino Army checkpoint near the capital was hit by a rocket, killing two soldiers. A group of soldiers went to pursue a group of Mosk but were drawn into an ambush and gunned down. Three are reported killed, plus others injured.

As of yet there has not been a Dino reponse. The Senate has instructed the SS to avoid indiscriminate reprisals.


Three more Stings and two Nectars join NS fleet

Three more Sting 58A light multi-role craft have joined the NS fleet after transfer from the MBO fleet and localisation and updates. The final four are expected to join them next year. 

Two Nectar 52A fighters have also joined the fleet. Thirteen more are due to be delivered over the next few years.


Caratore given ultimatum by Mutre Bee

Viceroy Caratore had an audience with Mutre Bee a few days ago. It is understood that Caratore has been given an ultimatum by Mutre Bee to locate and crush the outlawed Real DDS within weeks. A source said that Caratore could be replaced as Viceroy if he fails.

Caratore has formed a special group consisting of senior NSIS, Space Force and Terrestrial Force officers. They will lead a renewed push to combat Real DDS.


NS order upgraded Canada Goose amphibions

NS Terrestrial Force Air Department have ordered four more RP-30 Canada Goose maritime patrol aircraft to join the six already in service. The RP-30A has an upgraded sensor suite and improved anti-shipping capabilities including a larger weapons bay. 

The six older Canada Geese will also be upgraded to RP-30A standard after the new build has been completed.


Two four one (2981)

Rasp launches an attack on the Real DDS base, or has he?

Viceroy Caratore has met Mutre Bee

NS has confirmed that Viceroy Caratore met Mutre Bee last week at an unspecified point in deep space. Caratore travelled there in his newly refitted and updated flagship SS Jurassic, they rendezvoused with The Hive which is the new flagship of the MBO fleet. It is said to be a gigantic warship far larger than even the likes of Provider and Extender transports.

The content of the talks has not been revealed. Mutre Bee may visit NS next year though nothing has yet been confirmed.


NS bombers strike target in Rim Worlds

A squadron of NS bombers, said to be under direct MBO command, has launched an attack on an asteroid in the Rim Worlds. The asteroid is said to have been utterly destroyed by several NS attack missiles armed with cluster nuclear warheads.

However, the reason for the attack has not been given or what the attack was actually on. The asteroid is an unclaimed lump of rock, just like countless millions of others across the galaxy. One unconfirmed report states that some sort of base facility was on the asteroid and has now been destroyed.


New Sparta could be renamed... MBUM?

Viceroy Caratore has just returned to NS following an audience with the Mutre Bee. He has said he is considering renaming New Sparta because of it's "legacy of failure". NS could be renamed Mutre Bee UNP Military. A reporter said the acronym for this was MBUM though Caratore did not consider this an issue.

It is not known if the name change will take place. Caratore is said to be concerned at the lack of progress in combating Real DDS and may be looking for a diversion.


MBO hospital opens at DDS City

A hospital specialising in Mutre Bee Organisation drone anatomy has opened at DDS City. The drones, the name give by MBO for the genetically engineered beings which form the bulk of Mutre Bee's army, have a bio-mechanical anatomy with key joints and organs augmented by implants inserted at birth and which grow with the organic parts of the body. NS medical personnel are not familiar with this kind of anatomy hence the need for a dedicated facility.

The opening of this hospital is a sign that Mutre Bee intends for his MBO troops to stay in New Sparta for the long term.