
Terrasaurs launch major attack into Raegris space

The Raegris are reporting a major attack beginning by the Terrasaurs into their space. Around forty Terrasaur warships, in two fleets are approaching the South of Raegris space, either side of the Nemoka system. The Raegris are assembling their fleet and plan to engage the Terrasaurs near Nemoka.

Windy's NS detachment is still two days away from Raegris space. President Torus has raised the NS alert status to ORANGE.


Retro story : All action! (2121 Part 5)

Windy steals secret Bolitic tech.


Retro story : Violence w/ prejudice (2121 Part 4)

Windy and Ronald make a plan to destroy the enemy in the biggest battle in the history of the universe.


Raegris ship destroyed by Terrasaurs

A Raegris DF-1 (Isometric) warship has engaged three Terrasaur ships near the outlying Raegris system of Korik. The Terrasaur ships were disabling a Raegris subspace listening station, a key part of their early warning defences in that part of their territory. The DF-1 is reported to have destroyed one Terrasaur ship but was overwhelmed and lost with all crew.

The Terrasaurs destroyed the listening station and withdrew. The Raegris have dispatched a task force to the Korik system. Another task force of NS ships is due to depart today to reinforce the Raegris commanded by Protector Windscorpion.


Retro story : And a titan shall slay him (2121 Part 7)

Can Windy and the Triad battle their way back to their own time?

Retro story : Violent penetration (2121 Part 6)

The Dinos face the Bolitic-Utrek in battle.


Dinos and Bolitic exchange embassies

The Dino Empire and Bolitic Confederacy have exchanged embassies in the latest sign of peace between the two former foes. The Dinos are hoping to set up a permanent embassy on Castarian by the end of the year, a temporary building will open in the next couple of months. The Bolitic plans are not yet known though are expected to be on a similar timetable.

Sirikwan has formally applied to join the Saurian Alliance. The application will be discussed by Censor Ronald when he meets Emperor Melson next month.

Retro story : The battle of Dog 31143 (1492)

The Clones suffer a terrible defeat against the Xenon.

Retro story : Furvert (1491)

Redjec does some yiffing.


Windy to lead task force to assist Raegris

President Torus has ordered a task force to depart for the Raegris space as soon as possible to help the NS ally against the growing Terrasaur fleet. NS Protector Windscorpion will command the task force which will depart on Friday. The fleet is expected to consist of four cruisers and two destroyers along with support.

Torus has also raised the NS alert status to AMBER.


Raegris patrol attacked by Terrasaurs

A two-ship Raegris patrol has been attacked by a trio of Terrasaur warships on the edge of Raegris space. One of the Raegris ships, a DF-1 (Isometric), was badly damaged in the short battle. The Terrasaurs withdrew after three more Raegris ships approached. The Raegris report two of the Terrasaur ships suffered significant damage. One had to be towed away.

The Raegris have requested NS help to patrol their space. 


Retro story : Its a sexual thing (1494)

What this boy does with a snake will...

Retro story : Domination is the name of the game (1493)

Oojok plots to depose Captain Clone.


Raegris report two Terrasaur skirmishes

The Raegris have reported their patrols have encountered Terrasaur ships twice this week, on both occaisions the Terrasaur ship was violating Raegris space and opened fire when challenged. In neither case did any meaningful damage occur during the brief skirmish, the Terrasaur ships withdrawing after a brief exchange of weapons fire.

The Raegris have increased patrols along their border. President Torus is to speak with the Raegris government next week. NS may send a task force to help strengthen Raegris patrols.

Retro story : Middle class riot (1496)

SFX leads a snatch mission.

Retro story : Named and shamed (1495)

SFX is given a mission to the Bolitic Confederacy. 


NS looking into "Long Range Sloop"

NS are reported to be looking into a new type of ship for long range patrols and operations. Termed a "Long Range Sloop" this would be a capable warship but able to operate away from port for extended periods. A ship the size of a Panther is expected though the ship will not be a Type 35 derivative.

The ship would have a large crew to allow for increased crew rotation and specialists. The ship would be equipped for a wide range of missions. President Torus has authorised a design study which will report back later this year.

Retro story : Fishnets and black face (1502)

Gibson the barrista gets his revenge.

Retro story : Youth must be crushed (1501)

Oojok gets a victory.


Retro story : Unsightly discharges (1504)

The Clones invade Lornaca Melnig.

Retro story : Potty mouth arn't you (1503)

Trok now has his prize, Gibson.


Knobhead resigns from NS

Former DDS Commander and current Vice-President (Technology) Knobhead has shocked New Sparta by abruptly resigning with immediate effect. Knobhead had been a critic of President Torus in the past, and a leader of the alternative faction, though he said this is not why he has decided to step down.

Knobhead said he was tired of his role and the growing corporatism of New Sparta, which has long predated the Torus regime he says. He will remain a reserve officer for NS with ship command credentials. It is thought he will join Sea Urchin in the UNP.

Dr Forbidden has taken temporary charge of Knobhead's former role, he is the front runner to be the permanent replacement. Torus has not made a public comment on the resignation.

Retro story : No good trying (1511)

It's time for Dino Big Brother!

Retro story : Youth shot dead (1506)

Windy recruits Ronald's help for a sekrit mission.


Next generation (2891)

The Mutre Bee Organisation begins their evil plot.

UV288 : Bring me the ass of Archibald Redjec

T Ten
- LORD Gibson hunts for Redjec. 

Forced to - Redjec and the Onion break into a Clone prison. 

Turf wars - Redjec comes under attack by LORD Gibson. 

Thousands of people - Has Quarz a new tormentor? 

Omega variant - Flexson's true identity is revealed. 

Had breakfast? - NS and the Mutre Bee both battle for Redjec's ass.

Retro story : Long gone (1513)

The ABBOs attack the Dinos.

Retro story : Dark globe (1512)

Gibson's terror never ends.


Retro story : Grabbing the cock (1523)

Knobhead tangles with Kira.

Retro story : Just right for morning (1522)

The death of Captain Clone is plotted.


Retro story : Extreme take-away (1524)

The end of Captain Clone.


Retro story : Closing the deal (1525)

The Friar and Rathun try to escape.

Retro story : Number has not been (1526)

Rotarios has returned.



Retro story : Don't break my heart (1533)

Quarz prepares for his wedding.

Retro story : Spawn of incest (1532)

Crystal Ribbon goes shopping.

Retro story : Galvaston (1531)

Redjec is given a new mission.


Fleet news 01/02/22

53-205 Viola is the latest Violet 53B light patrol ship to enter service with the patrol pool. 

116-107 Illuminate is the latest Depender 161A intelligence gathering ship to enter service.