
NS to upgrade tank force

NS is to upgrade and unify it's tank force which consists of SMA T-62Y and Y2s. A new version called the T-62YM has been developed which has an improved gun barrel, enhanced EO sensors and a new engine supercharger boosting power. Communication has also been improved with enhanced encryption to match a new NS Terrestrial Force standard. The tank computer has also been upgraded.

No new YMs will be built but all existing tanks will be upgraded as part of a general refurbishment and rebuild over the next couple of years. The total number of tanks NSTF currently field is a secret though has been reported in the 750-800 range by some publications.


Dinos report new Utrek warship type

The Dinos have reported a new type of Utrek warship which entered service earlier this year and is now in series production. The Yamtok Tuul is a smaller ship than the Molentic and Reptoli Tuuls and is intended to rebuild the Utrek fleet replacing the now almost extinct Kalahati Tuul.

The Yamtok Tuul has been encountered by a Dino ship, the report does not state where. The Yamtok Tuul is said to be light cruiser class but uses the weapon system from the Molentic Tuul thus is powerful. The Yamtok is said to include some new technologies never deployed by the Utrek before including active EM stealth and the Utrek equivalent of the TPM, a quad-phase cluster warhead missile.

Hundreds of Yamtok Tuuls are expected to be built over the next decade.


NSAD to withdraw K-18D

New Sparta Air Department has said it will withdraw all 150 K-18D close support aircraft next year. It likely they will be sold back to the Dinos. The reason for the withdrawal has not been given though the K-18Ds have not been that popular with the Air Department since they were bought off the Dinos in 2110. The K-18Ds were localised for human use though many parts of the aircraft were still optimised for Dino anatomy and thus crews have found them awkward to use at times.

NSAD has 120 A-12 NDAA and 105 A-85 COIN aircraft in service and consider they have sufficient close support aircraft for their needs. The K-18Ds will be withdrawn early in 2123. The squadrons will be disbanded and crews transferred. A new close support aircraft, the OA-25, with a ducted fan is in development. This will replace the A-85 and allow A-12s to be moved to the attack role.


NS to deploy new kinetic weapon for base defence

New Sparta will deploy a new kinetic defensive weapon in the new year. The weapon uses inert metal warheads propelled by an electromagnetic cannon. The projectiles aim to overload ship shields through weight of firepower and kinetic energy.

The weapon will be deployed ideally where vast amounts of raw materials are available. The weapon system includes an automatic warhead fabricator to rebuild stocks almost as fast as they are expended. NS have not said where the weapon will be deployed first.


Viceroy Caratore addresses MBO-New Sparta

Viceroy Caratore has given his first Christmas address to MBO-New Sparta since becoming the leader in the wake of the MBO take-over of New Sparta. He congratulated New Sparta for recovering from it's defeat and for entering a new and fruitful partnership with the Mutre Bee Organisation. The full text of his speech is as follows.

"Fellow Spartans, earlier this year New Sparta suffered it's greatest defeat. It was bought down by the superior technology, performance and tactics of the Mutre Bee Organisation. Despite this defeat, the recover has shown the power and resilience of New Sparta.

"New Sparta has been able to recover, to integrate itself into the MBO, to adopt new and improved procedures and systems. I am proud of you all for not sulking or hiding away in bitterness, as some obsolete has beens have, but for knuckling down and getting on with the job. And that job is to protect the UNP, it's population of humans, Sangans and other species. Under the umbrella of the enlightened leadership of the Mutre Bee we will be able to perform that job even better than before!

"The last year has been tough but the coming years will be better. New Sparta will be better and more powerful than ever before. Long live New Sparta! Long live the Mutre Bee!"


Dinos develop fractal DNA "scrambler"

The Dinos have said they have developed a DNA "scrambler" that uses fractal noise to make the scanning and duplication of a subject's DNA signature impossible. The scrambler, said to use nano technology, has no detected side-effects or performs no harm on the subject though medical tests are continuing. 

The technology could be used to protect senior members of the Dino state from Mutre Bee style cloning attacks. However, the technology is said to be years away from deployment and a power like the MBO likely already has the DNA signatures of key targets secured.


Remedians receive new ships

The Remedians have received three new ships into their fleet, including their new flagship, in a major boost to their fleet. R20 Brartiga II is a Yel'Tema YT-111R (Mulberry) which will become the new flagship of the Remedian fleet. Technically this ship was already delivered last month but the Remedians have not officially taken ownership until today, said to be due to "political reasons".

They have also received two Pentekonter Protector 255Rs which will take over secondary duties to free up time for the Corkscrews.

All three ships will begin training up in the new year and are expected to be fully operational by the summer.


Windy addresses Caratore's message

The leader of the so-called Real DDS, Windscorpion, has responded to Viceroy Caratore's comments where he said Real DDS were humiliated and finished. On an interview broadcast on Dino TV, Windy said that Real DDS had failed in their mission but had still dealt MBO a heavy blow. "We destroyed various ships of the Mutre Bee scum and wrecked an important base on Solaris. OK, i accept our primary mission was a failure but we arn't finished yet by any means, baby!"

UNP media re-broadcast the message though NS official media has ignored it. Windy said that in 2123 the battle would continue. "We will not rest until Caratore, Honey and that buzzing idiot Mutre Bee lie dead at our feet. We are the Real DDS and we are the real deal."


Caratore congratulates MBO-NS after "Real DDS humiliation"

Viceroy Caratore has congratulated MBO-New Sparta for luring the so-called Real DDS into a trap on Solaris and coming very close to total victory over the rebels. Caratore said that Real DDS escaped by the skin of their teeth, their ship badly damaged and their reputation in tatters. Caratore said the trap has been a joint effort of MBO and NS elements and showed the true power of the "holy partnership".

Caratore said Real DDS were now an irrelevance, "old men and has beens trying to relive old glories". He said they were obsolete and it was likely in 2123 Windscorpion and the rest of his team would face total defeat.


Za'Enyu order NS ship

Za'Enyu have ordered a Depender 758Z ship for liaison duties. Za'Enyu have been a buyer of Clone ships and weapons up until now so this is a potentially important breakthrough for NS exports and a welcome sale in what has been a lean time this year.

NS hope to score some big export successes next year, the once long sales backlog has become thin in recent years.


Fleet news 14/12/22

Two Sting 58A scouts have joined the NS fleet, 58-107 Silent and 58-108 Success. Two more are currently being localised and modified for NS use and should join the fleet next year.

Deterrence 53A patrol ship 53-105 Brades Hall has been withdrawn.

Explosions reported over and on Solaris

Explosions have been reported in orbit over Solaris 4 and at an NS base on the planet. NS has not confirmed or denied reports, it is rumoured to be a so-called Real DDS operation which has been foiled by MBO-New Sparta.

A couple of MBO ships have been destroyed but a nefarious Real DDS plot to kill a senior figure in MBO has been foiled according to unconfirmed reports.

Robo-vampire (2993)

Is this the end for Windy?

Lonely this Xmas (2992)

Real DDS is hunted down.

The sadness of sex (2991)

Windy is trapped... or is he?


Huge security lockdown around Solaris

Space around Solaris 4, the engineering and research hub of New Sparta, has been put under a full security lockdown. It is understood that an entire squadron of MBO warships is leading the lockdown supported by NS warships. An MBO fleet has also entered the Solaris system which is led by a Hornet 33Q command cruiser.

The reason for the lockdown is unknown but is likely to be due to a visit by a VIP from the MBO, perhaps even General Honey.


Clones outline plans for K45 follow-on

The Clone Air Force has outlined it's plans for the follow-on from the K45C fighter. Initially it was thought the CAF would field a third generation sometime in the 2130s but now plans have changed and the CAF wants a clean sheet fighter which has been given the name Future Combat Fighter (FCF) K55.

The K55 will have a hybrid powerplant offering improved cruise loiter capabilities and improved acoustic and infrared stealth. Not much else is known about the K55 though as flight testing is not due to begin until the next decade. One source says the K55 will be optionally manned and will be able to act as a director for drone swarms.

The K45C is still in production. An improved model, the K45CM, is thought to be in development for the final batch for production this decade.


World cup! (2986)

Is it all a trap?


Ermine (2985)

Windy's team infiltrates an NS base.


Up you come (2984)

Windy learns of a chance to kill General Honey.


Candle (2983)

Crickson and Xaron investigate some smugglers.


Avalanche! (2982)

Caratore meets the Mutre Bee.


Colonel Beeswax appointed as MBO liaison to NS

Senior MBO officer Colonel Beeswax has been appointed as MBO Liaison Officer to New Sparta. He will represent the MBO in the senior NS leadership and also pass on directives from the Mutre Bee and General Honey.

It is also rumoured that Beeswax has been given launch key access to NS' strategic weapons such as the LRM and thus can launch them. Viceroy Caratore and Gomber also have this level of access.


Remedians receive new ships

The Remedian Belt has received two new ships including it's new flagship. R15 Lord Golux is the sixth and final (perhaps, the Remedians are thinking about adding two more to their fleet later in the decade) Corkscrew 423R destroyer.

The new flagship is R20 Brartiga II, a modified Mulberry cruiser with extra C3 facilities and VIP accommodation. 


MBO capital ships given NS operating codes

The NS fleet already operates Sting 58A fighters and Nectar 52A destroyers, though these are part of the NS fleet. MBO ships of the same types which operate in UNP space are also given reporting numbers for administrative and traffic control purposes. For example, an MBO Nectar currently stationed near Solaris has been numbered 52-532.

The two largest types of ship in the MBO fleet have also been given NS operational codes for the same reason. The Hornet heavy cruiser / command ship has been granted the code Hornet 33Q (the reason for Q at the end of the code is unknown). The gigantic new flagship of the MBO fleet (which has yet to visit the UNP) has been granted the code Hive 29Q.


Raegris order six Pentekonters

The Raegris have placed an order for six Pentekonter Protectors (known as the GC-1 Gu'Telis in Raegris service) to join the nine already in service. This will complete the orders being placed for ships to rebuild the Raegris fleet including 12 Repulse and 12 Yel'Tema

The Raegris are considering selling their four Quasars back to the New Sparta fleet. The Raegris only have four left and the small fleet size is considered uneconomic to maintain. NS are interested in the ships to bolster it's strike arm.


K19NGE/NGN New Borehole begins flight testing

The K19BEC Borehole is a venerable part of the Clone combat aviation arm, a Clone Wars type which has continued into service in the anti-shipping role for the Clone Naval Air Service. A few years ago the Clone Air Force was looking for a new long-range interdictor, also with an LEO attack role and ended up choosing a new generation K19 Borehole.

The K19NGE Borehole (sometimes referred to as New Borehole) is a completely redesigned aircraft though looks very similar to the BEC. It will enter service in 2123. A naval version of the NGE, the NGN will also enter service in 2123 replacing the BEC by the middle of the decade.


Bite under pressure after another Mosk attack

Tribune Bite, the Dino Army officer sent by the Senate to oversee the Dino response against the Mosk attacks on Pulsin, is under pressure after a deadly Mosk attack in an outer suburb of the Pulsin capital. A car bomb exploded outside of a police station, when it exploded it destroyed a passing bus killing sixteen Dino civilians. Ironically only minor injuries were reported inside the police station.

SS-Commander Solax has called for the head of SS forces on Pulsin, SS-Tribune Kenora, to be given a free hand (in other words bloody reprisals). The SS Flamethrower unit has been mobilised, though is remaining on Dino Land for now.


Mosk launch another attack

Mosk insurgents have launched another terrorist attack on Pulsin, the first since their daring attack on the SS flagship a few weeks ago. A Dino Army checkpoint near the capital was hit by a rocket, killing two soldiers. A group of soldiers went to pursue a group of Mosk but were drawn into an ambush and gunned down. Three are reported killed, plus others injured.

As of yet there has not been a Dino reponse. The Senate has instructed the SS to avoid indiscriminate reprisals.


Three more Stings and two Nectars join NS fleet

Three more Sting 58A light multi-role craft have joined the NS fleet after transfer from the MBO fleet and localisation and updates. The final four are expected to join them next year. 

Two Nectar 52A fighters have also joined the fleet. Thirteen more are due to be delivered over the next few years.


Caratore given ultimatum by Mutre Bee

Viceroy Caratore had an audience with Mutre Bee a few days ago. It is understood that Caratore has been given an ultimatum by Mutre Bee to locate and crush the outlawed Real DDS within weeks. A source said that Caratore could be replaced as Viceroy if he fails.

Caratore has formed a special group consisting of senior NSIS, Space Force and Terrestrial Force officers. They will lead a renewed push to combat Real DDS.


NS order upgraded Canada Goose amphibions

NS Terrestrial Force Air Department have ordered four more RP-30 Canada Goose maritime patrol aircraft to join the six already in service. The RP-30A has an upgraded sensor suite and improved anti-shipping capabilities including a larger weapons bay. 

The six older Canada Geese will also be upgraded to RP-30A standard after the new build has been completed.


Two four one (2981)

Rasp launches an attack on the Real DDS base, or has he?