
His Physicality (2866)

Krusty is tasked to get a sample of Terin's DNA.

Moron! (2865)

Oojok and Sleeze are taken to the new super secret SS base.

Oojok will step back to share power

Emperor Oojok has said it is time for Clones to rule the Clone Star Empire. In an address to a group of senior clergy, military officers and civilian leaders he said the CSE would no longer be ruled by a single Emperor but instead a Troika of three individuals of which he would remain one.

Oojok said he would step back to become Eternal Leader, overseeing the other two members of the Troika who would represent the religious and military spheres of the empire. The secular civilian sphere would be headed by former Deputy Emperor Sleeze who would become Prime Minister of a new Clone parliament. In some time in the future Sleeze would be replaced by an elected politian.

Oojok said he would appoint Ayatollah Clone XE (Religious Leader) and Admiral Anderson (Military Leader) as the two other members of the troika. All major decisions would have to be a unanimous decision by the Troika. Oojok said he hoped the new system would be ready some time early in 2122 and then he would step down and abolish the role of Emperor.

Oojok did not mention how Troika members would be appointed in future though this may be yet to be decided.


Terin will not be given state funeral

Despite being a former Emperor, Terin will not receive a state funeral. Indeed, his funeral will be not take place in the Clone Star Empire at all. His body will be transferred to Dino-Land where it will be buried privately. The SS are seeking any relations he has on Dino-Land, he was found to not have been Oojok's son after all (his DNA had been masked in the past). Who Terin actually was has yet to be established.

Ayatollah Clone XE has returned to Cloneworld and led a huge parade of thanks and devotion to Oojok. The entire Kloisters Brigade paraded through the capital Ailier City, every man publicly pledging his allegiance to Oojok and the empire.


Former Emperor Terin found dead

The Clones are reporting that Terin and his adjutant General Melrose have been found shot dead in a remote farmhouse near Beyond Micom on Cloneworld. The farmhouse was surrounded by Kloisters Brigade troops after the police was tipped off by a local farmer who found the grisly scene yesterday. It is reported Terin and Melrose were liked killed at least 36 hours beforehand.

Terin's other adjutant General Remick was not found at the house though there are signs that he had been present. The Clones strongly suspect Remick killed Terin and Melrose. An unconfirmed report states that around half a billion zarks has been found missing from the empire's treasury and likely stolen by Terin.

The bodies have been bought to a Clone Army facility for analysis.


Sleeze confirms that ODS attack was act of terror ordered by Terin

The mysterious gas attack which wiped out nearly all of the Oojok Death Squad was an act of terror, the Head of the ODS Sleeze has said. Terin ordered a nerve gas weapon to be bought into the ODS base, this killed everyone inside the building in minutes. Sleeze said he now has access to Terin's emails which clearly show that this attack, and others including the shooting down of an ODS registered aircraft, were directly ordered by Terin.

Sleeze said that the ODS will be rebuilt though with only a handful of remaining personnel it is not known it what form. 


Doombringer leaves NS

Veteran commander Doombringer, who has also served with the HCS and DTA, has left New Sparta where he had been in an important but low-profile role with NS Terrestrial Forces since 2115. He was sometimes listed as head of NS land forces though it is thought his role was more in the advisory role.

President-Elect Torus thanked Doombringer for his service though it is rumoured that she did not want him in New Sparta having always mistrusted him. 


Anderson restored to CDF head

Oojok has reinstated Admiral Anderson as head of the Clone Defence Forces. Terin had sacked him a few days before the end of his regime after Anderson resisted Terin's demands that the Clones prepare for military action against the Dino Empire. In the chaos of the last days of the regime no replacement had yet been appointed so Anderson has quickly resumed his role.

NS has reduced it's alert status to CYAN following the stand down of Clone forces. NS had raised it's status as a precaution only. 


Oojok will only serve as interim leader

Oojok, restored to the throne after the usurping of the Emperor Terin, has said he will only lead the Clone Star Empire on an interim basis until a new leader can be found. However, he said that could take some time as "many issues need to be resolved". Some are speculating that Oojok will hand over to a Clone.

The legal basis of Oojok being returned to power has not been without some questioning. Under the CSE's vague succession rules only the Emperor can name a legal successor, thus Oojok could only legally become Emperor again if Terin named him. The location / status of Terin is still unknown. 

However, a clerical committee has said that Oojok named "his son Terin" as his successor. As Terin wasn't actually his son (as DNA evidence now shows) this means Terin was not a legal successor thus Oojok did not leave power. In any event Oojok has been restored to full control and has stood down the military from full alert though internal security is high.


Clone Star Empire thrown into chaos after Terin flees following Oojok intervention

The Clone Star Empire has been thrown into chaos after Emperor Terin is reported to have fled, his current whereabouts are unknown. After days of tensions and outbreaks of civil and military unrest, Oojok finally made an appearance on Clone TV. It was the first time in months he had been seen and his words rocked the empire to it's core.

He told a shocked empire how his son, the Emperor, was a traitor who had drugged him to keep him out of the way while he carried out his corrupt ends, including the mass murder of the Oojok Death Squad and other figures in opposition to him. The final bombshell eclipsed even that, Oojok said that recent DNA analysis shewed that Terin was not his son after all. Terin had used a DNA masking agent to trick tests when he was accepted into the family but that masking agent had now worn off to reveal his true identity.

After the broadcast a group of senior CDF officers, guarded by a Red Lizard unit, stormed the palace but Terin had already gone, with his few remaining lieutenants. The search for Terin continues, it is not thought he has left Cloneworld. Oojok has resumed control.


Senior Clone officials demand to see Oojok

Senior Clone Star Empire officials including the heads of the Clone Army, Clone Space Navy and Nuclear Forces have demanded that Emperor Terin tell them where Oojok is. Rumours are sweeping across the empire that Terin kept his father in a drugged up state at a remote mansion but that now Oojok has gone missing.

Terin has refused to see any of the officials. The armed forces heads are also up in arms over Terin's orders to prepare for military action against the Dino Empire. The CDF has point blank refused the orders. Terin's authority is slipping away by the hour. There are unconfirmed reports of civilian and military unrest across the empire.


Tensions rise as Terin faces backlash

A couple of days ago Emperor Terin sacked the head of the Clone Defence Forces Admiral Anderson for a still unspecified reason. Anderson, a veteran of the Clone Wars and the former head of the original HCS Navy, is highly regarded and popular with the Clone Defence Forces and his sacking has outraged troops from top to bottom.

The Kloisters Brigade has been deployed to protect the capital after reports of Clone Army troops near the capital planning to launch a coup. Troops at two barracks in Central Ailier, Cloneworld have been confined to barracks.


Terin fires head of Clone Defence Forces

Emperor Terin is reported to have sacked Admiral Anderson, the head of the Clone Defence Forces. Why the popular CDF head has been dismissed is unknown though it is rumoured he disagreed with Terin who wants plans for military operations against the Dinos.

This is a dangerous move for Terin as Admiral Anderson is very popular with the Clone armed forces. 

That Reminds Me (2864)

Can SS-CINT keep the Kloisters Brigade away from Oojok?


Terin puts Clone Star Empire on high alert

Emperor Terin has put the Clone Star Empire on high alert, though the reason for this is not clear. The Clone Defence Forces are now on the second highest alert status, the equivalent to NS' ORANGE. All CDF units have been mobilised, security has been tightened and patrols of CSE space stepped up.

In case the higher alert results in any accidental border incidents or flare-ups VP (Ops) Stella, has raised the NS alert status to AMBER.


Oh Please! (2863)

The Religious Police surround the Dino embassy.


Oojok Heist (2862)

Oojok is rescued.


Promotion of Kalifei raises concerns

President-Elect Torus has promoted Kalifei from Head of NS Intelligence to Head of NSIS and Vice-President of Security. This was Stella's previous role, now she is VP (Ops). This may be seen as a natural progression for the highly regarded Kalifei however, it has raised concerns due to the fact that Kalifei is Torus' wife.

VP (Facilities) The Shiner (and possibly future Presidental election candidate) has wondered aloud if Torus should be able to reward her wife in this way. Torus, in a bad tempered media briefing, retorted that The Shiner should concentrate on helping his girlfriend with her school homework. 


New Utrek Federation begins to flex it's muscles

The New Utrek Federation, which comprises nearly two thirds of the former Utrek territory (much of the remaining was left a wasteland by the Mantae), has put on an impressive display of it's growing power after a fleet of twenty brand new Molentic Tuuls performed a pass of the new orbital HQ over Korel. Korel is said to be the new capital planet of the Utrek, the former capital Urlik Utrekia still suffering the effects of orbital bombardment during the war.

The Utrek claimed six production lines were now operational with up to thirty Molentic Tuuls, a dozen Reptoli Tuuls and a score of a new smaller patrol ship said to be in construction. NS has been unable to confirm this.


Torus elected NS President

Torus has been elected New Sparta President with 93% of the vote. She will officially take over from Windscorpion at the start of 2122 though will likely take over immediately. She has named Stella her deputy and VP (Ops). No other high-level changes are expected.

Windscorpion has taken the role of NS Protector which he has held in the past.

NS withdraws TPM-1, creates Canister TPM-2

Canister TPM has been used to provide extra protection to non-combat ships in the fleet. The Canister TPM consists of a self-contained TPM-1 round and handling equipment bolted to the exterior of a ship and linked to a ship's own sensors (though once fired it uses it's own guidance only). With TPM-1 now considered obsolete NS has been working on an improved Canister TPM using some of the thousands of surplus TPM-2 sounds in storage.

Canister TPM-2 will replace existing installations during the next round of ship maintenance and updates. Around five hundred TPM-2s have been converted.


NS begin field tests of TPM-4

Although an introduction into service is not expected until 2124, NS has begun field tests of the next generation TPM-4. This is a clean sheet design though, as some parts of the missile are not ready yet, the test version is currently fitted with the engine and guidance package from the TPM-3 Omega 2. The TPM-4 being tested is said to be 20% smaller than the TPM-3 family and thus will have implications for weapon loads when ships convert to it later in the decade.

The TPM-4 will be more agile and faster than older missiles. A new engine with a 270 degree vector thrust will be tested next year.


Fleet News 01/11/21

86-309 Oakham and 85-310 Otter are the two latest Okra 86L light patrol ships to enter service. They have been joined by the third Acadia 163A support tender 163-103 Adonis.

Two Deterrence 53A patrol ships have been withdrawn, 53-109 Kirkdale and 53-118 Green Lane.