
Only A Spider (2853)

Terin makes a move on LORD Gibson.


Clones to upgrade and rebuild older K44s

The K44 Cargoking is the backbone of the Clone Air Force's transport arm but many of the planes are reaching the end of their fatigue lives. Although new production is ongoing, the production line is not big enough for the required rate. Instead the CAF plan to rebuild 100 or so of the oldest K44 into K44MEL (Modernised Extended Life) standard.

The K44MEL will be similar to the new build K44D though without the new wing. The MEL will have new avionics and engines as well as ECM upgrades. The aircraft will also be rebuilt and intended to last another twenty five years. The first MEL upgrade is due to be completed in 2124.


Terin grants Church greater role in military

Emperor Terin has given the Church of Oojok a greater role in the Clone Defence Forces, which for a number of years has been entirely secular. Terin said the Church of Oojok has a central role in the empire and is as important to the defence of the Clones as any missile or any warship. All CDF officers will be required to be members of the church and attend services regularly. Religious factors will also be included in promotion decisions.

A number of CDF officers have criticised the move, saying that secularism needs to be protected however this is likely to fall on deaf ears. Under Terin the Church has greatly increased it's influence and power in the empire.


Dinos expect long-term presence on Voth and Apasarra

Despite the victory in the war against the Terrasaurs, the Dino Empire expects the threat from the Terrasaurs to be long-term. Censor Ronald said, "Emperor Rumble will not give up so quickly, he will send another force at some stage, a new plan. The Dinos, the DTA and the Bolitic must be ready."

Ronald said he had been in talks with Emperor Melson and the Bolitic have agreed to maintain a permanent squadron of ships at Apasarra as well as a legion of troops. They will be backed up by a Dino Army legion and Voth Army troops. Voth will also be host to a legion of Dino Army troops and Dinomarks. All Dino and Bolitic troops will be under the direct control of a Viceroy whom Ronald has appointed. El Diablo will serve as Viceroy for the next year, it is expected a Bolitic will take over for the following year.


Climate Change (2852)

Krusty is bought back into the SS-CINT fold.


Clones furious over use of Clone technicians in CSM attack

The Clone Star Empire has responded angrily to the news CSM launchers manned by Clone technical advisors were used in the Dino attack on the Terrasaurs. The Clones said the advisors were threatened and coerced by Dino SS troops to carry out the attack. The Clones said that they were not at war with the Terrasaurs.

Privately however it is thought the Clones are pleased at CSM being used in a "real" operation and working perfectly. Indeed, they have requested telemetry data of the attack from the Dinos for analysis.


Dino transport destroyed by Terrasaurs

A Provider MX transport has been attacked and destroyed by the Terrasaurs in deep space between Dino-Land and Voth. News of the attack came just hours after the Dinos had claimed victory in their war against the Terrasaurs, however this is still thought to be the case. The attack on the Provider, from which there were no survivors, was an opportunistic strike according to the Dinos and there is clear evidence the Terrasaurs are withdrawing.

Indeed, the Terrasaur ground forces on Apasarra have already begun withdrawing. It is thought Seth has now taken charge of the Terrasaur forces after the death of Crusher.


The Battle of Templeman 615

The Dinos have declared victory in their war against the Terrasaurs after a major battle at the minor star Templeman 615. This was the location of the Terrasaur forward base and, reports indicate, the Terrasaurs suffered a major loss including the death of their commander Crusher.

The battle will not be without controversy however, as it is reported the Dinos used CSMs launched from mobile launchers on Voth as part of the attack. These CSMs were crewed by Clone advisers and intended for training (though with live warheads). The Clones are likely to be angry to have been drawn into the Dino war against the Terrasaurs.

The Dino fleet was led by Ronald. Reports indicate the Terrasaurs lost thirteen ships including their massive flagship battlecruiser, with at least a dozen others damaged. After the battle the remaining Terrasaur ships fled into deep space. The Dinos are reporting seven of their ships were lost, four Dinomark AMs and three PTs.

There are also reports of the Terrasaur ground forces on Apasarra leaving the planet and fleeing. This has not yet been confirmed.


Round Up (2851)

The Dinos launch an attack on the Terrasaur forward base.


Stella to take over NS operations before Presidential election

VP (Sec) Stella is to take over Torus' role as VP (Ops) in October. This will allow Torus to concentrate on winning the NS Presidency in November. She is the strong favourite to win though does not want to leave anything to chance.

It is thought that if Torus wins then Stella will be her second in command (as VP (Ops)) and thus this is part of her training before her new role in the years to come. Who will take from her as VP (Sec) and head of NSIS is not yet known.


NS will continue DSA effort

The DNA Scanning Agency (DSA) checks the DNA of all NS personnel regularly, with senior personnel checked every week at least. The DSA effort is very expensive and has tied up thousands of NS personnel however VP (Ops) Torus has said it will continue for years to come. "The Mutre Bee threat remains and other powers will use bio-warfare. The DSA and checking the bio-integrity of New Sparta is a fact of life now." she said.

However, DSA is working on ways to reduce the manpower required. A new automated DNA scanner is currently in field test, it is thought this can check the DNA of any person who passes it. If the scanner works then it could be rolled out across NS next year.


Bolitic Chosen Men put down rebellion

Two minor Bolitic houses have attempted a rebellion against the Bolitic Emperor and the ending of the decades long war against the Dinos. Although the two houses were not strong enough to cause Emperor Melson much trouble, it was feared more powerful Bolitic houses may join the rebellion. However, no other houses joined in and the Emperor's elite Chosen Men crushed the rebellion on Castarian.

The two Barons were arrested and executed. By Bolitic tradition the two houses have been allowed to continue under the new leadership of Barons chosen by Melson. The fact the rebellion failed miserably indicates that the Bolitic truly have moved on.


Operation Civilian Partnership 2121

The latest edition of NS' annual humanitarian relief and UNP co-operation exercise is taking place around Starbot this year and will include integration with Starbotian and Molab units. The theme of the exercise will be mass casualty evacuation and medical supply delivery in a hostile battlespace. Saeou and Malau will also be host to some of the exercise activities.

The ships involved are:

36-101 Mulberry (flag)

51-110 Chrysalis

42-101 Proxima Centauri

71-108 Lodestar

116-104 Evergreen

75-210 Avon

88-103 Doctor Vincent

73-103S Starbotian Spirit

(Plus 2 Starbotian and 3 Molab warships)


The Final Disgrace (2846)

The Dinos prepare for the final battle against the Terrasaurs.


Dinos may be preparing for major offensive

UNP sources are indicating that the Dinos may be preparing for a major offensive in their war against the Terrasaurs. According to reports (which have not been confirmed by the Dinos), Censor Ronald has departed for Voth with a fleet including one of the Dinomark RS battlecruisers.

Dino and Bolitic forces on Apasarra have now surrounded the Terrasaur bridgehead and, again according to unconfirmed reports, have been ordered to hold position for the meantime.

In other news a Dinomark PT was attacked by a Terrasaur ship but managed to escape before any serious damage or injuries occurred.


Clones deny Sleeze is still alive

The Clones have rubbished reports that former Deputy Emperor Sleeze did not die in the accident at the ODS HQ and is alive and well, but in hiding. Reports in the Dino and UNP media have said that Sleeze was not at the ODS HQ, his plane was shot down by a Clone Air Force fighter, however he managed to survive.

A spokesclone for Emperor Terin said the reports were "fantasy". "Deputy Emperor Sleeze died in the tragic accident and his memory is honoured by the Emperor and the Clone Star Empire." he said.

However, Clone Security Service (CSS) troops are said to be conducting searches of properties known to belong to Sleeze.


Dinos and Bolitic form military technology grouping

The Dino Empire and Bolitic Confederacy have formed a military technology group which will help integrate the weapons technologies of the two powers as the Saurian Alliance develops. The first chair of the group has been announced as Sir Delan, formerly of the House of Aliowaki and the former head of Bolitic Central ICT.

The first example of integration will be a new data link standard allowing for Dino and Bolitic ships to integrate their sensor technologies with each other's targeting systems and weapons.


Witness (2845)

Sleeze asks for political asylum.

SS Dinomark destroyed by Terrasaurs

An SS Dinomark XT is reported to have been destroyed by a Terrasaur ship in a hit-and-run attack near Voth. The Dinomark was travelling between two groups of ships when it was attacked. Other Dinomarks were on scene within a minute though the Terrasaurs were already gone.

An unconfirmed report states that the Dinos are going to begin field testing of a new scanner which can detect the ripples in space-time a second or so before a Terrasaur ship "surfaces" from sub-space. If the scanner works it could give the Dinos and their allies vital time to take action. 


Fleet News 03/09/21

57-204 Verbena is the latest Violet 57A patrol ship to join the fleet. Also joining the fleet is 71-130 Proxima Magic, the latest Provider 71A. This ship is jointly owned with the Proxima 7 government and will spend roughly half it's time supporting government departments.

The Deterrence 53A patrol ship 53-104 Sandhills has been withdrawn.


Gone Off (2844)

SS-CINT is betrayed by Terin.


Locked Watch (2843)

The Oojok Death Squad is wiped out.