
Clone Navy inducts new SSN, order more Dinomark XTs

The Clone Navy has inducted a third Sealion class nuclear attack submarine into service, a fourth will be added to the fleet by the mid-2120s. The submarine fleet is now considered strong enough for the elderly CNSS Tinfish, a veteran of the original Clone Navy of the Clone Wars, to finally leave service and return to the museum it came from!

The Clone Navy has also ordered three more underwater capable Dinomark XTs from the Dinos, these will be second hand craft. However, due to the ongoing war with the Terrasaurs a delivery date has yet to be set.


Don't Stop Dreaming (2842)

The Raegris make a discovery.


Dinos receive first CSMs

The Dinos have received five mobile launchers and sixteen CSMs from the Clones. These are to be used for training and development purposes ahead of the delivery of Dino built launchers and missiles from 2123. The Dinos aim to field three brigades of mobile launchers, to be known as Space Artillery Brigades plus a fourth reserve/training unit.

A Dino Army source said that the Dinos would only deploy land mobile launchers and not field CSM (to be known as DIM, Dino Interstellar Missile) in ground silos or from submarines. It is expected to have around 100 DIMs in service by the end of the decade. The Dinos have not said what the warheads will be though a new nuclear weapon factory is said to be under construction.


Witchdoctor given full-time NS role as head of NS Poliburo

Witchdoctor has been restored to a full-time position in New Sparta. President Windscorpion has made his old friend the head of the NS Politburo (and a member of the group which governs NS). Witchdoctor will chair meetings and is a powerful position in the NS hierarchy. 

It is thought Windscorpion has made this appointment to shore up Torus' power base and maintain Windy's legacy.


Porquat 640 order more Protectors

Porquat 640 have ordered two more Pentekonter Protectors E2P1s to add to their existing fleet. The ships will be of a similar specification apart from having e-Core engines. The older ships in their fleet are expected to also be re-engined. All this is expected to take place in 2123.

NS have also confirmed that the two Velocity-Es which are being returned by Putri 500 in a part-exchange deal for new Corkscrews will be added to the NS fleet in about 2124 following rebuilds and conversion to Solaris 37C standard.


Operation Pine Ridge

New Sparta have announced an extra military exercise to be held over the next few weeks called Operation Pine Ridge

VP (Security) Stella said the exercise would consist of a number of special forces operations by Space Prowlers and NSIS officers. A key operation would be the "insertion" of a special forces team into "hostile" territory and then an "extraction".

The ships involved are:

81-104 Fleming (flag)

51-103 Champion

41-115 Permian

47-107 Isometric

47-105 Buzzard

161-101 Indigo

86-202 Nectarine

86-206 Norway Maple


Bolitic and Dinos battle Terrasaurs near Apasarra

A combined Dino-Bolitic fleet has intercepted a Terrasaur force attempting to reach Apasarra and resupply their beleaguered ground troops on the planet. A Bolitic Snarl was reported to have been destroyed in the battle, three Dinomarks were also badly damaged though survived (with casualties). Three Terrasaur ships were reported to have been destroyed.

The Terrasaur ground forces have been withdrawn to their original landing point and are now surrounded by Bolitic and Dino troops.


Terin denies foul play in ODS incident, claims it was a "tragic accident"

Emperor Terin has rubbished claims in the foreign press that the Oojok Death Squad was killed by a chemical attack. Terin said the ODS was killed in a tragic accident, a gas leak or explosion is the official if vague reason given by the Clone Defence Forces. Terin said that the accusations of foul play were a monstrous attack on the Clones by "evil foreign interests".

A CDF source said that NBC Warfare Regiment troops had sealed off the ODS HQ as a precaution due to potentially toxic substances stored at the HQ.

Ayatollah Clone XE has given a eulogy for former Deputy Emperor Sleeze who was killed at ODS HQ, though some foreign reports say he was not at the HQ during the "incident".


Oojok Death Squad reported to have been killed in attack

Oojok's private army, the Oojok Death Squad, is reported to have been wiped out in a "gas explosion" at it's HQ just outside Ailier City. However, NS and Dino sources are saying that the ODS was killed by toxic gas, maybe a nerve agent. ODS HQ was sealed off by troops from the Clone Army NBC Warfare Regiment.

The former Deputy Emperor Sleeze is said to have been killed in the incident (whatever it was). Emperor Terin has promised a full investigation and three days of national mourning.


Clones hold dramatic demonstration of strategic power

The Clones have launched five CSMs from Cloneworld, including two from a submarine. All five hit separate targets ranging from three to five lightyears from the planet. All missiles carried inert warheads though in service CSM carries a range of nuclear payloads.

The exercise was a dramatic demonstration of Clone strategic capabilities. This is the first time a CSM test has involved multiple targets. It is thought the exercise was a warning to the Clone Star Empire's rivals and also internal dissidents. Emperor Terin has said that "no traitors are safe and will face the full firepower of the Clone Defence Forces."


Dinomark lost in battle with Terrasaurs

The Dinos are reporting that a Dinomark PT has been lost in a battle with the Terrasaurs near Apasarra. The Terrasaurs were attempting to send supplies to their beleaguered ground forces on the planet, a squadron of Dinomarks intercepted. The Terrasaur ships (said to number three) were forced to retreat after taking heavy damage.

As well as the lost PT, two other Dinomarks suffered significant damage.


Clones begin testing of K19NG

Production has testing of the K19NG Borehole attack aircraft. This is a reengineered development of the Clone Wars era K19 with new avionics and engines. Initial production (K19NGN) will be to replace the ageing K19BEC in service with the Clone Naval Air Service in the anti-shipping role.

From about 2123 production will begin to the K19NGE for the Clone Air Force where it will perform the stand-off strike and interdiction roles. It will also carry the ASI Missile that can attack targets in low-orbit.


Raegris warship skirmishes with Terrasaurs

A Raegris Quasar has skirmished with two Terrasaur warships in deep space. The Quasar was carrying out a survey of asteroids when it encountered two ships, which phased out of sub-space. The ships opened fire on the Quasar causing minor damage and no reported injuries. The Quasar returned fire, hitting one Terrasaur ship. Both ships withdrew and returned to sub-space. It is thought the Quasar was mistaken for a Dino, DTA or Bolitic ship and once the Terrasaurs knew their mistake they called off their attack.

The Quasar has returned to Raegris space.


The Shiner is interested in becoming NS President

Former DDS Commander (and indeed with a reign of nine years the longest serving one) The Shiner has said he is interested in becoming NS President "one day". The Vice President of Facilities said he has taken a backroom role for a long time now and wishes to return to the front. Though many who know The Shiner and his infamous lack of courage will know he does not mean the front line!

The Shiner was quick to say he will not stand this year in what is likely to be a walk-over for Torus. Knobhead's opposition faction has had it's hopes pinned on Zeppelin to become President but it may be that they may consider The Shiner a surer bet in two years time.


The Headache (2841)

Terin plans more purges.


Terrasaur breakout fails on Apasarra

An attempted breakout by Terrasaur ground forces on Apasarra has been repulsed by combined Bolitic and Dino Army troops. The Terrasaurs are now surrounded on the planet and had tried to break through the cordon to reach a strategic hill some kilometres away. The hill is occupied by the Dinos who use it to direct artillery and air strikes on the Terrasaur positions.

A Bolitic slave legion, flanked by Dino Army and SS troops, stopped the Terrasaur advance and forced them back. The Dinos launched a major attack on the Terrasaurs using Dinomarks and K18D attack aircraft. One Dinomark XT is reported to have been forced down but was able to recover to home positions.


Fleet News 03/08/21

105-102 Lily is the second Lavender 105A unmanned patrol ship. This has a number of detail and equipment changes from the first ship and is said to have improved autonomous mode capabilities.

86-307 Orkney and 86-308 Orangutan are the latest Okra 86L light patrol ships to enter service.


Struck Late On (2836)

Windy comes face to face with Solaxxxxxx.


More arrests by Religious Police

Scores more officers in the Clone Defence Forces, including the head of all military forces on Daggaddon, have been arrested by the Religious Police on the order of Ayatollah Clone XE. The officers are accused of blasphemy and being "against Terin". A Terran source says that nearly three hundred officers have been arrested now, though around fifty have been released. The source says that some officers have been killed, possibly during interrogation.

Former Deputy Emperor Sleeze has said that he thinks the arrests are too harsh and could cause resentful in the Clone Defence Forces, however his warnings have fallen on deaf ears.