
Shower Attack! (2833)

The Dinos fight back against the Terrasaurs.

Windy arrested on Dino-Land!

NS has gone to ORANGE alert after reports that President Windscorpion was captured by the Dino SS at a boudoir on Dino-Land. His ship, SS Infinity, was also detected cloaked in orbit over the planet and quickly surrounded by Dinomarks.

VP (Ops) Torus was unavailable for comment though an NS source said that Windscorpion's presence on Dino-Land was a misunderstanding. The UNP Ambassador to Dino-Land is currently negotiating with the Dino government.


The Battle of Apasarra (2832)

The Terrasaur and Bolitic fleets do battle. 

The Wurm Turns (2831)

The Dino / Bolitic alliance continues to shock.


NS would take "dim view" of Bolitic getting TPMs

NS VP (Ops) Torus has said that giving TPMs to the Bolitic would violate the agreement the Dinos signed with NS years ago when NS exchanged TPM technology for worm drives. "The terms clearly say that TPMs can only be shared with the members of the Dino Trade Association, the Bolitic are not in the DTA." she said.

However, Torus admitted that there was little NS could do to stop it. Enough time has passed now for Dino and NS TPM technology to diverge along separate lines of development. Dino TPMs are said to be equivalent to TPM-2 whilst NS has more advanced technology. An NS Research source said that Dino TPMs did have some advantages however.

The Dinos said that a decision on whether to share the technology with the Bolitic has not yet been made.


Bolitic want TPMs!

Emperor Melson has said that the Dinos should share TPM technology with their fellow "Saurian Alliance" members, at the moment that is only the Bolitic Confederacy. Melson said that equipping front line Bolitic warships with TPMs would be a great benefit in the war against the Terrasaurs.

Emperor MBH has yet to respond to the request. The Dino Army are said to be not that keen though it is understood that safeguards exist to make Dino TPMs not fully effective against Dino shields (though this could be something the Bolitic could change). It is not known if this would invalidate the technology transfer agreement between NS and the Dinos some years ago though it is not thought the Dinos are too fussed about this anymore.


Bolitic defeat Terrasaurs in epic battle

The Dinos have revealed that the Bolitic fleet sent to Apasarra engaged with a Terrasaur fleet aiming to reinforce it's bridgehead and defeated them. The battle took place some days ago though details are only now emerging. 

According to reports the Bolitic fleet was hit by a large force of Terrasaur fighters. The Boltic are said to have been initially put on the back foot by the nimble fighters but then countered by the use of mass close range firepower destroying dozens of Terrasaur fighters. The fighters were withdrawn and the main Terrasaur fleet closed in, the Dinos report over forty warships though some were lighter armed assault and troop ships. The Bolitic fleet comprised around twenty warships including Furls, Snarls and Reptoli Tuuls.

The Terrasaurs were hit by a mass info-attack which apparently threw them into chaos. A Dino Army official commented that the Terrasaurs proved very vulnerable to Bolitic cyber-weapons, not having the decades of experience against them which the Dinos have! In the ensuring battle eighteen Terrasaur ships are reported to have been destroyed and others damaged. Three Bolitic ships were destroyed.

The Terrasaurs have continued to dig in on Apasarra and have continued attacks against Dino convoys. Although this battle is a definite set-back for the Terrasaurs they are not giving up yet.


UV282 : Pushed Back

  • Loss of the Mirrors
     - Crickson and Xaron run into trouble.
  • Marks of the Beast - Crickson and Xaron find themselves in a new hell.
  • Taken Quickly - Ronald enters the war.
  • No Kidding - Ronald saves the day.
  • Death Line - Quarz is prepared for LORD Gibson.
  • Team NS - A shocking new development will shake the galaxy's astral-politics.


UV281 : Total War

  • Eager Eggs
     - Red Blade is ambushed on Smolask.
  • Blocked - The Terrasaurs launch an attack on Voth.
  • Tomfoolery - The Terrasaur and Dino fleets meet in battle.
  • Fin Tech - SS-CINT gets revenge on the Terrasaurs.
  • Horror Hospital - The Terrasaurs launch their most devastating attack yet.
  • Took the Money - Quarz is left as bait for Redjec.


UV280 : Dinos Under Attack

  • Electric Heat
     - An NS ship is attacked by a rogue Clone drone.
  • Rain of Terra - The Dinos begin a hunt for the Terrasaurs.
  • How Viruses Work - A Dino patrol comes under Terrasaur attack.
  • Contract Is Intact - Coulter and his men desperately try to fight off the Terrasaurs.
  • An Eternity - Windy has a plan to capture Redjec.
  • Low Battery - Lord Grell is punished.


UV279 : Dark Web

  • Thank You
     - Ronald tells how he faced the Esoteric Knights of Rix in an Acheron hellscape.
  • The Butcher - Ronald battles an Acheron demon made from steel.
  • Sons on Anna-Key - The Terrasaurs launch a devastating attack on the Voth.
  • The Challenge - The Dinos battle the mighty Lord Grell.
  • Situation Room - The Clones begin a test of their new autonomous combat drone spaceship.
  • WSF 13 BPT - The Clone drone test goes wrong.

Two transport Dinomarks lost

Two Dinomark MX transport ships have been lost in another Terrasaur attack. The ships were travelling from Dino-Land to Voth with spares and supplies for the Dino fleet. Both ships were carrying crews of twelve Dinos, all were killed.

The Dino Army has admitted that the two transports did not have escorts. With current deployments, commitments elsewhere and maintenance the Dino fleet has become stretched. Dozens of Dinomark XTs have been returned from the civilian reserve though preparing them for a return to military service is taking some time.


Saurian Alliance will "supplement not replace" the DTA

Emperor MBH has told the Dino Senate that the Saurian Alliance will be a new grouping that will stand alongside the Dino Trade Association, he said it would supplement and not replace it. MBH said he had spoken to the leaders of Sirikwan and Yeng about joining the Saurian Alliance. The other nearby Saurian nations of Repic, Durant 7 and the Solar Empire had also been approached.

MBH said that only Saurian majority nations would be eligible to join the Alliance, thats why he wanted the DTA to continue for the likes of the Aritans and Voth. MBH said Yeng was very keen, Sirikwan and Durant 7 had also shown an interest.


Terrasaurs dig in on Apasarra

The Terrasaurs have withdrawn back to their fortified bridgehead on Apasarra and look intent in holding onto their positions despite the loss of a fleet bringing reinforcements during the battle with the Bolitic. The Terrasaurs are still able to send some supplies and personnel though Bolitic and Dino patrols make this difficult. It is thought that the senior Terrasaur commander Seth has taken direct command of the ground forces.

The Bolitic are preparing to send their own ground forces to Apasarra. Over one hundred thousand slave soldiers from Smolask are being prepared. Senator Jimmy has raised the ethical issue of zombified slaves being used to fight the Dino's battles for them. Emperor MBH refused to comment.


Two Dinomarks destroyed in Terrasaur attack

Two Dinomarks, a PT and an XT, have been destroyed in a Terrasaur attack. The ships were caught unaware by a cloaked Terrasaur ship while refuelling near Apasarra. The oiler was also hit but not damaged seriously. Two other Dinomarks managed to repel the Terrasaur ship which took on heavy damage.

Censor Ronald has denied he is considering moves to impeach Emperor MBH. No legal framework exists for such a move in any case.


MBH discusses Saurian Alliance

Emperor MBH has been quizzed about the Saurian Alliance in a public session of the Dino Senate. MBH said that at the moment the Alliance's members consisted of the Dino Empire and Bolitic Confederacy but other Saurian civilisations like the Sirikwanese and Repicans would be free to apply to join. MBH said the Alliance would be a loose-knit group of powers with a non-aggression pact and would act in mutual self-interest. He did not think the Alliance would, in the short term at least, evolve into anything more.

MBH was asked about the Dino Trade Association and whether the Saurian Alliance replaced it. MBH said this would not be the case, the DTA and Alliance would operate independently. The DTA included non-Saurian members and MBH did not think they should join the Alliance.

MBH said the first priority was to win the war against the Terrasaurs, he said that the Bolitic would help the Dinos hold the line then later in the year they could go on the offensive.


Bolitic enter alliance with Dinos, attack Terrasaurs

The galaxy has been shocked by the announcement by Emperors MBH and Melson that the Dino Empire and Bolitic Confederacy have entered an alliance, which they are calling the Saurian Alliance. The Bolitic have entered the war against the Terrasaurs and repelled a fleet approaching Apasarra to reinforce the Terrasaur ground forces there.

Melson, in an address to the Confederacy, revealed that the Dinos are paying the Bolitic twenty billion zarks to fight. This money is vitally needed by the Bolitic. He said that the war against the Dinos, which has continued on and off for decades, was now over. He declared the war had been won by the Bolitic, if the Dinos had eyebrows they would surely be raising them at that statement!

Team NS (2826)

A shocking new development will shake the galaxy's astral-politics.


Voth deny making overtures to the Terrasaurs

The Voth government has strenuously denied that it has made overtures to the Terrasaurs about surrending, maybe even voluntarily leaving the DTA. However, Dino media is reporting that a Repican merchant who trades with the Terrasaurs was contacted about approaching them with the Voth offer. The Repican refused to comply, saying it might hurt his business.

Censor Ronald said he will visit Voth in a few days and will offer them the full support of the Dino Empire, though as yet that support is not in the form of more troops.


Death Line (2825)

Quarz is prepared for LORD Gibson.


Clones begin production of K85 Quiet Attack

The Clones have begun production of the first 5th generation K85QA (Quiet Attack) COIN aircraft. Thirty development aircraft are being built which will be used for field tests. If all goes well then full-scale production will begin in 2124. The Clones say at least a thousand K85QAs will be built, replacing all K85s older than the NT (though probably including some of the oldest NT too).

The QA is a fully-electric aircraft powered by fuel cells and said to be over 85% quieter than the NT (the target is 90% though some work on aerodynamics still needs to be done). As well as acoustic stealth the QA also has active lighting built into it's skin for visual stealth. The QA also has a new wing and a brand new tactical sub-system and communications/data link stack.

The first K85QAs are expected to enter service with CAF regiments in a few months. They will be operated alongside NTs.


No Kidding (2824)

Ronald saves the day.

Fleet News 01/06/21

Two ships have joined the fleet this month. 57-203 Valerian is the latest Violet 57B patrol ship to enter service. 165-002 Acorn is the second Acadia 165A remote support tender to enter service.

Two Deterrence 53A light patrol craft have been withdrawn, both required a refuelling and it was not considered economic due to their remaining service life. They are 53-106 Waterloo and 53-116 New Brighton.