
Terrasaurs try to seize Apasarra town

Terrasaur ground forces have made an assault on the town of Rekovoth which is 30km from their original bridgehead. Voth Army units were able to repel the attack and have held the line though the town is now reported to be largely surrounded by the Terrasaurs.

SS-Commander Solax has said that Emperor MBH is aware of the situation but is still refusing to allow Dino Army troops to be send to reinforce Apasarra. Some Voth politicians are beginning to openly voice entering their own negotiations with the Terrasaurs.


Taken Quickly (2823)

Ronald enters the war.


MBH faces criticism for lack of action

Emperor MBH is coming under pressure from the Senate for his lack of action and decision. Senators Cruggson, Jimmy and Zanus have called for MBH to allow the deployment of the Dino Army 12th Legion to Apasarra but the Emperor has not responded.

Indeed there are unconfirmed reports that MBH is off-planet but his whereabouts is unknown. SS-Commander Solax has said that MBH has a secret and very important meeting.


Dinos reopen Dinomark XT production line, developing LM Mark 2

The Dinos have re-opened the Dinomark XT production line and will built twenty new build XTs over the next two years. The production line had been inactive though kept available after the Dino Army soured on the Dinomark LM. The new build XTs will be XT/126s. The difference between these and the Mark 125 has not been announced though it is expected they will have some updated systems. The Dinos had considered building a more improved version, the Mark 131 which had seen some development, though building the Mark 126 will be much quicker, indeed the first two have been laid down already. The Mark 131 would have had the same engine as used in the LM.

However, this is not the end of the Dinomark LM. The new type has proven itself a useful ship during the last few months and against the Terrasaurs. The Dinos have decided to persist with the type and have funded the LM/2 which will address as many of the issues of the Mark 1 as possible. The Dinos aim to begin production of the LM/2 once the XT/126 order is completed.


Dinos paralysed as MBH refuses requests for reinforcements to Apasarra

The Terrasaurs have engaged with Voth and Dino forces on Apasarra though the actions have been restrained with the Voth and Dino commanders deciding to hold back their main forces at the capital. The Dino Army have readied a legion for immediate deployment to Apasarra but Emperor MBH is refusing permission for the troops to be sent.

He said that until the Terrasaur subspace cloaks can be countered then sending troopships to Apasarra is a suicide mission. Six Dinomarks will be sent to Apasarra to reinforce the space and aerial defences though for now the troops on the planet already are all the local commanders have to play with.


Marks of the Beast (2822)

Crickson and Xaron find themselves in a new hell.


NS begin field tests of Active EA-X

All NS warships are coated in a secret material known as EA-X, this is a highly energy absorbant material which can help reduce the energy of incoming directed energy weapons and thus reduce the damage caused. Front line warships are also able to recycle the absorbed energy into their own weapons.

One problem with EA-X is that it is fairly brittle to kinetic weapons and debris. In a major battle against the Argon a few years ago an NS warship lost over 40% of it's EA-X coating. NS has developed what it is calling Active EA-X. This consists of an array of hundreds of tiny autonomous repair robots which can fix holes in the EA-X layer in seconds. In a combat simulation a ship was able to maintain over 90% of it's EA-X layer despite coming under sustained heavy fire.

If the field tests are successful then Active EA-X will be rolled out to new ships and during updates from 2123.


Terrasaurs land troops on Apasarra

The Terrasaurs have launched a major offensive, sending a powerful fleet into the Apasarra system (the second most important planet in the Voth territory) and landing ground troops. The Voth orbital HQ was also attacked and destroyed though Voth and Dino forces were able to evacuate the base beforehand meaning there was no loss of life. A Voth Kalahati Tuul and two Dinomarks received damage in a skirmish though no serious casualties were reported.

The Voth have built a bridgehead on the main continent of Apasarra. The Voth and Dinos are assembling their forces however DTA ground forces on the planet are not that powerful. The Voth have a legion of troops supported by a Dino armoured brigade. The Dinos have ruled out sending any major reinforcements for the moment due to the risk of attack by Terrasaur ships lying in wait.


Loss of the Mirrors (2821)

Crickson and Xaron run into trouble.


Dinomark destroyed near Voth

A Dinomark PT has been destroyed in battle with the Terrasaurs near Voth. The Dinomark was part of an escort for a Dino transport bringing supplies to Voth when it was attacked by a Terrasaur warship. The transport received only minor damage. 

The Terrasaur ship was hit by a salvo of TPMs and retreated. It had been thought the Dinos had suspended transport missions though a Dino Army source said some urgent supplies still needed to be taken.


Windy lowers alert status

Windscorpion has lowered the NS alert status to GREEN. As the war between the DTA and Terrasaurs develops it now looks less likely that the Terrasaurs will intrude into UNP space, however increased patrols will be maintained along the border.

Windy has begun a tour of New Sparta, which will take in every UNP planet where there is a NS military presence to mark the closing months of his Presidency.


Melson conducts purge of two Bolitic houses accused of assisting the Terrasaurs

Troops loyal to the Bolitic Emperor Melson have arrested and executed the leadership of two Bolitic houses which are accused of assisting the Terrasaurs. Melson has forbidden such activities saying that the Terrasaurs are enemies to all Saurians.

However, some Bolitic barons including Erinthorn - who once led a rebellion against Melson - said that the Bolitic should keep it's options open.


Dougson thinks Terrasaurs are able to burrow into subspace

The Terrasaurs have used a mysterious new method of cloaking to devastating effect so far in the war. Terrasaur ships have been able to appear out of nowhere and launch attacks. Dino Chief Scientist Dougson says that telemetry analysis indicates that the Terrasaurs are burrowing into deeper levels of subspace.

"In a way Terrasaur ships are acting like submarines." he said at a Dino Army briefing, "If we consider space as the surface of the sea then the Terrasaurs are hiding undetected underwater." He went onto say that work on detecting Terrasaur ships in subspace and combating them was ongoing.


Dinomark destroyed at Sirikwan-Dino border

A Dinomark LM has been destroyed deep in DTA space, at the border of Dino Republic and Sirikwan space. It is thought the ship was destroyed by a Terrasaur ship using their worm-cloak technology which the Dinos are struggling to find a counter for.

The ship was on a diplomatic mission to Sirikwan and two senior officers were among the crew of eight, all presumed lost.


Took The Money (2816)

Quarz is left as bait for Redjec.

Horror Hospital (2815)

The Terrasaurs launch their most devastating attack yet.

Fleet News 03/05/21

The first two ships of the new ship building plan have been completed.

56-102 Mermaid is the first production Mariner 56A patrol ship, it has a number of detail and equipment changes over the original Mariner built four years ago. 56-101 Mariner will be retrofitted to the same standard later this year.

44-125 Demetria is a new built Pentekonter 44M minesweeper. It will be used in a mixed role and it's first task will be to join the patrol fleet.