
Panther ILU to begin next month

The Panther Intermediate Life Update (ILU) programme will begin next month. This will be a major rebuild and upgrade of the cruiser and will be phase 1 of the Type 35 Unification which will aim to create a single standard for the Type 35. Completed Panther ILUs will form the first batch of the Lynx 35M class and the ships will be renumbered (SS Lynx will be the first ship to be converted, giving the class it's name).

The Panther ILU will include extending the hull (to the same length of the Indy 35B), a larger weapon load, larger docking bay, uprated engines (Gluon TM07B-Y6) and other system updates.


Lavender begins first manned mission

The Lavender 105A is an optionally manned warship designed for long-range scouting. The lead ship entered service last year and has conducted a number of missions. However, the habitable zone of the ship was not finished in time so 105-101 Lavender returned to the shipyard at the start of the year to have the habitable zone added.

Lavender has now begun it's first manned mission, with a crew of five. NS said that the Lavenders will usually operate unmanned though manned operation also needs to be tested.


NSIS to review ship security

NSIS are to conduct a review of ship security after a River 75A transport, SS Amazon, was taken over following the death of the crew. Dr Forbidden said that NS Research are looking into the possibility of using UCV technology to give ships the ability to fly themselves to the nearest port if all the crew aboard are killed. At the moment all NS ships have a "dead man switch" which stops the ship dead if the crew die, though this system can be fairly easily overruled.

NSIS have confirmed that SS Amazon was taken over by the Mutre Bee Organisation after bio-control technology was detected in the brain of one of the dead NS crew. It is thought the crewman was taken control of and used to take control of the ship. CCTV is said to show the crewman killing the ship's captain.


Plot to attack Proxima Central foiled by NS

New Sparta have revealed that an enemy group (whom they are not naming) seized control of the NS transporter SS Amazon, killing the crew in the process. The ship was then operated remotely and sent on a collision course with the large orbital space dock Proxima Central in orbit over Proxima 7. The UNP President was visiting Proxima Central at the time, it is not known if the enemy intention was to kill the President or not but it is suspected it was no co-incidence they made the attack now.

NS said that they detected the attack and managed to restore control of the Amazon while it was on the edge of the Proxima Centauri system. The ship has now been towed to an NS orbital facility for analysis by NSIS and repair. NSIS are said to be looking into how the terrorists were able to seize control of the ship. A source has said that the Mutre Bee Organisation was suspected to be behind the attack though NS are, at the moment, not naming the culprits.

VP (Security) Stella, who is currently in charge of NS (Windscorpion is on leave, Torus is said to be ill), has raised the NS alert status to AMBER.

Old People's Music (2786)

Ronald begins the tale about how he got his mighty sword. 

Took Over (2785)

Can Redjec's mad plan to destroy Proxima Central be foiled?


Starbot receive first two Dependers

Starbot has received the first two of six Depender 755S Combat Support Ships they have on order. As with the Dependers in the NS fleet the actual role of these ships is unclear but is thought to be for intelligence gathering, especially Elint and Sigint. This is also thought to be the NS fleet role for the type and the Starbot ships may have the same equipment fit.

To mark the arrival of the new ships, the head of the Starbotian military K-1 has arrived at NS GHQ to meet with VP (Ops) Torus and the NS military chief Zeppelin. K-1 said that he hoped Starbot could take a larger role in future NS exercises and operations.

NS sell/swap warships with Putri 500

New Sparta has made it's largest (in terms of value) export order for some time with the sale of five Corkscrew 427P cruisers to Putri 500. Deliveries are due to start next year and should be completed within two years. The value of the order has been off-set by the return of two Velocity-Es which Putri 500 bought a number of years ago (indeed they were the only customer of this type).

Although the ships have served Putri 500 well they do not want to operate two types of cruiser. NS will accept the two ships back and rebuild them to Solaris 37C standard for their own fleet. It is expected these ships will be returned next year and could join the NS fleet in 2123.


Clones preparing to test UCV warship

The Clones are said to be preparing to test the Uncloned Space Fighter or USF. This is a fully autonomous warship capable of faster than light travel thought to be similar to the New Sparta Lavender 105A. The USF is said to be a scaled-up version of the Clone Sprite-NG UCV using the same engine of the NSV portion of the Clone Space Missile (and presumably some of the same systems).

The USF is said to be highly agile using vector thrust and equipped with two laser cannons with 360 degree field of fire. The Clones are hopeful that the USF will lead to a whole new generation of warship.


Clones begin mass DNA scanning with Dino help

Although it is not thought they have been subjected to any bio-clone attacks like NS and the Dinos, the Clones are to begin mass screening of DNA of senior politicians, clergy and military officers. It is thought some of the most senior figures in the CSE including Emperor Terin have been given DNA tests but the vast majority have not.

A team from the Dino SS, who carry out the DNA screening in the Dino Republic, has arrived on Cloneworld to assist with the development of a dedicated agency said to be similar in scale and scope to the New Sparta DNA Screening Agency (DSA). A factory will be set up to make DNA screening scanners and thousands of Clone Army personnel trained in their use. Terin wants tens of thousands of daily tests by the end of the year.

However, an analyst says that this will only lessen the threat and that to provide proper protection they need to screen millions. "The real threat comes from cloning and replacing middle ranked officers who are able to fly under the radar. I estimate this includes nearly ten million soldiers and politicians in the Clone Star Empire, all would need regular testing, at least weekly. To carry that out would be a hugely expensive and time consuming task!"


Hair Apparent (2784)

The Ophir and LORD Gibson work together for the first time.


Dinos confirm skirmish with Terrasaur ship

The Dinos have confirmed that one of it's long-range patrols operating outside of DTA space has encountered and engaged in battle with a Terrasaur ship. No more details of the action were given by the Dino Army except that there had been no fatalities or serious injuries aboard the Dino ship. The Terrasaur ship retreated after taking damage.

A Voth source says that the action took place close to the order of Voth space and may have also included a ship from a third party (and non-DTA) though the Dinos did not comment on this.


Remember The Date (2783)

DM17 and the Repicans battle a Terrasaur scout ship.

A Set Of Facts (2782)

Red Blade and company encounter the Terrasaurs.

Dinos to deploy 12th Legion to Voth

The Dinos will deploy the 12th Legion of the Dino Army next month as the apparent Terrasaur threat rises in the Voth sector of the DTA. The 12th Legion consists of an armoured brigade, two infantry brigades and around forty Dinomarks. Added to Dino and Voth forces already in the area it will greatly strengthen defences in this corner of the DTA.

The Dinos are probing possible sightings of a Terrasaur ship in Voth space. It is thought a Terrasaur ship is in the area and making regular incursions over the border.


UV277 : End of the Mantae

  • Shadow of Deaf
     - A new cloning weapon is revealed.
  • The Org - Redjec reveals the dark power behind the scenes.
  • Deeper Than Night - S101 and B-B reach the Mantae homeworld.
  • Judder Man - Xoizz's dreadful plan is revealed.
  • Arn't U Cold - SS-CINT has it's revenge on Vendleson.
  • It Is Time To Let Go? - Quarz has to get aboard a Rectoid ship.

NS and CDF warships skirmish over data

New Sparta has protested to the Clone Star Empire after one of it's destroyers was attacked by two CDF ships. The Clones claim the NS ship stole data from the Rectoids, who are Clone allies. This is something NS denies.

The unnamed destroyer is thought to have made it's escape after a successful cyber attack left the two CDF ships disabled. This is thought to be the first combat use of offensive cyber weapons by NS. NS report that there were no injuries aboard the destroyer which only received superficial damage.

Fill That Buffer (2781)

Tiger meets his new First Officer.

It Is Time To Let Go? (2776)

Quarz has to get aboard a Rectoid ship.

Arn't U Cold (2775)

SS-CINT has it's revenge on Vendleson.


Early ships of the DDS

In it's early days the DDS operated a rag-tag fleet of one off spaceships as it learnt the ropes of operating a space fleet. What happened to those ships operated in the early-mid 2090s?

Starhunter UM

A medium-sized scout ship rebuilt from a commercial design. It was used for reconnaissance and light attack. It was destroyed in combat with the Clones near Sandworld.


A prototype long-range scout ship based on a UNP Space Patrol design. Solaris was withdrawn from service in the early 2100s due to fatigue and obsolescence. The Solaris was used as the basis of the upgraded Solaris II production class which served with distinction in the early 2100s. The original Solaris is now in the Proxima Space Museum.

Dinomark ZX

The ZX was a prototype ship built by the Dinos in the 2180s, their first large warship. The ZX was withdrawn due to poor performance, the Dinos later building the much more successful Dinomark RS. The ZX was sold to the DDS to give them experience in operating a large warship. However, it's combat potential was limited due to a lack of power and it only saw limited use. It was withdrawn when the DDS has sufficient Pulsars in service. The ZX's fate is unclear, it is thought to have been scrapped.


NS are observing Terrasaur situation

NS are said to be observing closely the growing Terrasaur threat on the edge of DTA space. Although the UNP has not been targeted, NS believes that any DTA-Terrasaur conflict could easily spill over into UNP space.

It is thought NS have asked the Raegris to send a ship to the area of known Terrasaur activity just outside the DTA. A Marconi Elint ship may also be despatched to Raegris space. A Depender intelligence gathering ship may already be close by.


Dinos step up alert status after detection of more Terrasaur activity

The Dinos have raised their alert status to the equivalent of NS' AMBER after the detection of Terrasaur energy signatures near to Voth. There were no confirmed sightings of Terrasaur ships though the signatures indicate more than one ship was in the area.

The Minister of Defence Zanus has held talks with the Voth military and says the DTA will send more ships to Voth if necessary.


Zeppelin rules himself out of Presidential election

The head of the NS Armed Forces, Zeppelin, has been reported as saying to colleagues that he will not stand in the NS Presidential election later this year. Zeppelin is a member of Knobhead's alternative faction and the only really viable alternative to a Torus coronation.

However, Zeppelin himself thinks his chances of winning would be remote and it would just cause harm to his career.


Stella promoted to Vice President (Security), third in command

The head of NSIS, Stella, has been promoted to Vice President (Security) or VP (Sec). She will retain control over NSIS but also oversee the DNA Scanning Agency. As well she has been made the official third in command of New Sparta after Windscorpion and Torus.

However, she will not have the power to raise the NS alert status to PURPLE or launch nuclear weapons, these remain restricted to the top two. Stella has already taken over control of New Sparta this week as Windscorpion's leave is said to not end until Saturday and Torus has also taken leave due to an illness.


Operation Extra 2021A

The first exercise of the year has begun, one of a number of smaller exercises which President Windscorpion can call at short notice. However, it was actually called by VP (Ops) Torus as Windscorpion is on leave. The exercise will involve special forces in a number of training scenarios in the Solaris system including boarding a ship (thought to be the Friendship 75A transport SS Circle) which has been "hijacked".

The ships involved are:

81-101 Marconi (flag)
37-109 Procyon
51-113 Careless
41-209 Fierce
75-107 Circle 
73-103 Jetstar


Fleet News (01/02/21)

Two ships have joined the fleet this month. 57-120 Pavonia is the last Protector 57A to be built before production switches to the Violet 57B.

71-128 Proxima Congress is the latest Provider 71A transport. This could also be the last of it's class to be built (though NS has restarted production a number of times).