
Clone Navy begins refit of Ailier frigates

The Clone Navy has begun a refit of one of it's core assets, the Ailier class frigate. The veteran Ailier frigate (the only warship survivor of the original HCS Navy) and the five follow-on Ailier II ships will all receive a refurbishment. The original Ailier will also receive modifications to match the later ships, and be re-designated an Ailier II.

The refurbishment will include communication updates including the ability to datalink to SeaGale and sea launched CSM.

UV272 : The New Nightmare

  • Voodoo Curses - Krusty goes missing.
  • Burgundy Red - Stinkyson is given a new job.
  • Federal Agents - The Mutre Bee has a new focus.
  • Back to Win - Parallax is given a new mission.
  • Traitor - Parallax hunts down Bolitic agents.
  • Over the Line - Can the Bolitic agents escape capture?

UV271 : Tiger : The Truth

  • Blood Sports - Windy has a new mission for S101.
  • On Lockdown - Ronaldson enters Dino Big Brother.
  • Under the Moon of Love - Stinkyson puts his plan to cheat reality TV into action.
  • Got a Dictionary - The brutal Koval begins his investigation.
  • WSBPT+13 - Tiger and Krusty make their escape.
  • Redemption - Can Tiger and Krusty gain freedom?


NS use LRM to attack space ship

Although the LRM (Long Range Missile) is intended to strike land targets across a distance of up to twenty light years NS have demonstrated it also has a secondary use against space craft. In a test as part of the recent Atomic Fist exercise an LRM was launched from a land mobile launcher on Proxima 5. The missile was given course corrections three times during it's flight and it eventually was guided to strike a withdrawn commercial freighter in deep space around three lightyears away, which NS had purchased for use in the test.

The LRM had an inert warhead though if it had been armed it would have destroyed the target ship. The target ship was not moving and NS want to conduct another test against a moving target later in the year. An NS spokeswoman said that LRM could be used against concentrations of enemy warships. "Obviously we'd want a pretty big warhead for that." she added.


Clones reaping rewards of armed forces devolution

A few years ago the Clone Defence Forces began devolving Category B army and air force unit on provincial planets to local control. Starting with a pilot on Taragargi this has now resulted in sixteen separate territorial planetary armies and air forces (with more to follow) which handle the bulk of military operations on outlying worlds.

To take for an example, Colum. The Colum Territorial Army now consists of eight regiments of locally drawn or permanently transferred troops and six air force regiments. The Clone Army also maintains a regiment and Red Lizard detachment, the Clone Air Force two regiments also.

These territorial armies and air forces are 50% funded from the central defence budget and 50% from local funds. This has saved the CDF over a billion zarks a year from the defence budget and this saving will rise as start-up costs reduce. Other savings are being found from lower salaries (as living costs away from Cloneworld and a few other capital planets are less) and other running costs.

The next step will be localised procurement. Taragargi has again been chosen as the pilot for this. Three factories have been set up for the production of ammunition, uniforms and engine parts for Taragargi Army vehicles. With lower wages and running costs this is expected to save Taragargi (and hence the CDF) over a million zarks a year.

The money saved has helped the Clones afford the resumption of space ship production. There are issues on the horizon (who funds the replacement of worn out equipment for example) though at the moment the devolution of the Clone Defence Forces is a great success.


NS considering forming new force for strategic weapons

Currently responsibility for NS strategic weapons such as the LRM are shared between the three NS forces. President Windscorpion is thought to be considering forming a fourth force to take sole responsibility for strategic weapons including deployment, operations and support.

However the three existing forces: Space Forces, Terrestrial Forces and ISIS all want sole responsibility for the strategic weapons themselves and have made pitches to the Politburo. Windy is said to prefer creating a new force for political reasons, possibly called NS Nuclear Forces.


Windy orders review of NS electronic countermeasures

President Windscorpion has ordered a review of NS electronic countermeasures and data security after a recent incident where Bolitic agents launched a successful info-attack on a NS ship. The ship was knocked out of action for about thirty minutes by the Bolitic attack however there was no lasting damage. Windy said though the ship was lucky as the Bolitic were using an unarmed vessel as they were a sitting duck.

Windy said that the Bolitic had progressed with cyber warfare and NS had fallen behind. Dr Forbidden is said to be working on fractal encryption for the next generation of NS communications and this technology can also be used to protect NS ships from info attacks.


NS completes tank standardisation

NS Terrestrial Force Land Corps has completed the standardisation of it's tank units on the SMA T-62Y. The final T-55Zs were withdrawn last month, they have been sold to an undisclosed nation (it is thought they already use the tank and will use the former NS tanks as spares).

NS has also introduced an improved version of the tank, the T-62Y2. It has a number of upgrades to the tactical computer and communication suite. SMA are said to be working an an engineering tank variant known as the T-62YE.


Over the Line (2726)

Can the Bolitic agents escape capture?


Traitor (2725)

Parallax hunts down Bolitic agents.


Back to Win (2724)

Parallax is given a new mission.


NS forming regiment to protect nuclear assets

NS Terrestrial Forces have formed the Nuclear Forces Protection Regiment dedicated to protecting NS' nuclear assets including LRM. The two thousand man strong force is part of NSIS and will be deployed to Proxima 5, Proxima 7, Solaris and Liberation.

The regiment will guard the NS nuclear weapon store on Solaris, the reprocessing and enrichment plant on Proxima 7, the test site on Proxima 5 and LRM batteries on a number of planets. The regiment will be declared operational later in the year.


Clones working on unmanned warship

The Clones are working on a development of their Nybble NLB unmanned warship. The Nybble NLM will have a boosted performance (500c), a suite of weapons and a fully autonomous tactical system.

The Clones have ordered 8 NLMs. It is not known if they are for deployment or for extended testing of future space warfare technologies.


NS prepare Quasar and Isometric for final decade

The Quasar 15A and Isometric 41A fleets are among the oldest in the fleet having begun service in 2101 and 2102 respectively. Both are due to be withdrawn after thirty years service in the early 2130s. NS outlined plans for both types final decade in service.

The Quasar bombers will continue their role though are expected to move into a more command role. They are due to receive an upgrade to enable them to give course corrections to LRMs in flight.

The Isometrics will become dedicated patrol ships which will lighten their work load and should ensure they will reach their intended withdrawal date.


DTA begin large multi-national exercise

A large exercise involving dozens of ships and thousands of troops from every Dino Trade Association (DTA) member has begun. About half of the force deployed is Dino though leadership is by a Sirikwan general. The exercise will last 3 weeks and includes mock combats in space as well as special forces deployment and amphibious landings.

The main purpose of the exercise though is to improve cross-DTA integration. Although the Dinos dominate DTA military capabilities, the other nations have increased their fleets and armies over the last few years. The Dinos are keen for the DTA to operate on a multi-member basis in military operations.


NS to change new ship naming convention

Over the last few years NS has used plant names (starting with the same letter) for the majority of new spaceship classes. However this policy will now change after a debate in the NS Poliburo. The supply of possible names is starting to run out and VP (Ops) Torus thinks it is time for the convention to change.

The first class of ship to be named using the new convention will be the Repulse 51B destroyer. Although the lead ship will be called Repulse the other 19 ships will be named after English places which end with -cote!


Dinos to field 5 regiments of DSM

The Dinos have formed four Dino Army and one SS regiment to operate the Dino Space Missile (DSM) which, following another successful test, looks to be declared operational by the end of the year. Each Interstellar Attack Regiment (as they will be called) will have twenty mobile launchers and thirty DSMs.

Senator Malanson, the Minister of Defence, said that all DSMs would have conventional warheads though could be fitted with nuclear warheads should the need arise. All Dino nuclear weapons are in the care of the Dino Army Nuclear Brigade.


Clones switch production to J55Z7E

The Clones have switched production to the Z7E version of it's J55 Destroyer tank. The Z7E is a fairly modest upgrade, the Clones decided not to build the final Dino funded version the ZDM3 for themselves a few years ago.

The Z7E has LED lighting, engine modifications to improve fuel economy and improvements to the radio system. The Clones have increased production rate and intend to replace the 2,000 oldest J89s with new build J55Z7Es


Clones buy 8 more Mekit cruisers

The Clones have placed an order for eight more Mekit MK4Y cruisers from the Rectoids. The Clones already operate sixteen Mekits (eight MK4As and eight upgraded MK4Ys). The Rectoids will also carry up an upgrade of the eight MK4As to bring them up to the MK4Y standard.

It is rumoured the Clones are paying for the ships with interstellar missile technology. Not CSM as such but the means for the Rectoids to develop their own version.


Operation Atomic Fist 2120

NS' annual strategic attack exercise will begin at the end of the week. This time it is being held in Remedian space with mock attacks near Mila and Remedia Prime. The exercise will culminate with a live nuclear attack on an asteroid near the NS-Remedian border.

This year the NS interstellar nuclear missile the LRM-20 will also be used in one of the exercises. Two missiles (with inert warheads) will take part in an attack on a "target". NS warships will also practice detecting and intercepting the missiles.

The ships involved are:

21-103 Musketeer (flag)
16-101 Warrior
16-104 Wasp
16-113 Witch
21-201 Anubis
35-307 Kale
35-107 Snow Leopard
35-110 Royal Tiger
51-108 Comet
51-114 Chasm
42-105 Richard Nixon
41-201 Freedom
41-108 Holocene
71-116 Voyager
73-120 Alkane 


Fleet News 03/07/20

57-117 Plum is the latest Protector 57A patrol ship to join the fleet. Also joining the fleet are the final two Navelwort 86M special (forces) transports 86-205 Nicotiana and 86-206 Norway Maple.

Three Sentinel 55A patrol craft have been withdrawn due to becoming life expired. These are 55-104 Calvados, 55-114 Aude and 55-115 Dordogne. The Guardian 54A patrol ship 55-116 Patricia Farnborough has also been withdrawn.


NS working on superluminal space fighter

NS is said to be working on a development of the Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Ship. This is said to be a three man space fighter with superluminal capabilities. Although the ship will be equipped with TPMs and a full suite of combat systems it will be designed to cheap (relatively) to build and operate. NS thus could build a large fleet for the same cost of a small cost of full size warships.

The ship could also be operated in unmanned mode though NS say this will be mostly used for ferrying and routine patrols. NS will decide whether to go ahead with this new project later in the year.