
NS unveil heavy duty e-Core engine

NS have revealed the latest engine in the e-Core family. The Lepton RM-07 e-Core is designed for larger ships such as the Missileer which will be the first to be retrofitted with the Lepton engine during it's ILU later in the year.

The Lepton RM-07 has 10% more maximum thrust than the HS-740 used in the Missiler presently though uses 7% less fuel. The engine also has a reduced infra red signature and e-Core technology has proven more reliable as used already.


Bolitic agree ceasefire on Rahmenesh 7

The Bolitic have agreed a ceasefire with New Utrek Federation representatives and officers from the Rahmenesh 7 armed forces. The Bolitic have control of the Rahmenesh capital though little else of the planet.

Under the terms of the ceasefire the Bolitic will withdraw all forces from the planet and the Rahmenesh system. It is thought Rahmenesh have paid the Bolitic a sum of money to facilitate their withdrawal.

The Bolitic Emperor Melson has proclaimed the short campaign a great victory.


Age Old Obsession (2683)

The Bolitic attack a minor Utrek planet.

Outer Space (2682)

Does G-Boy know who the Ophir is?


NUF demands Bolitic withdraw from Rahmenesh 7

The New Utrek Federation has demanded the Bolitic Confederacy withdraw from Rahmenesh 7. Bolitic troops have control of the capital and have destroyed most of the Rahmenesh fleet. Although Rahmenesh is not a member of the NUF they are still ethnic Utrek.

It is not known what the Bolitic's aims are for Rahmenesh, they haven't deployed enough forces to conquer the planet. One analyst thinks Melson just wants a show of strength to shore up his support back at home.


Bolitic launch invasion of Rahmanesh 7

Earlier today the Rahmanesh detected a Bolitic fleet entering it's system, three hour later their own fleet was lying in ruins and Bolitic warships were launching a merciless bombardment on the planet. The Rahmanesh capital was devastated along with a number of key military bases.

Thousands of Bolitic slave soldiers led by Bolitic warriors were transported to the surface and captured the capital. The leaders of the Rahmanesh Free Republic have either been killed or captured though fighting continues across the planet.


Bolitic warships attack Utrek successor state

Bolitic warships have attacked two ships of the Rahmanesh Free Republic, one of the successor states to the Urlik Utrek Federation. The RFR is a rather minor entity consisting of just Rahmanesh 7 and a few mining colonies. It has resisted becoming part of the new looser New Utrek Federation formed last year.

It is not known why the Bolitic have attacked though there was a report that 30 Bolitic military advisers were arrested and executed by the RFR last year. The RFR later accused the Bolitic of trying to overthrow the government.


Zoneland may be habitable again soon

At a recent science conference the team attempting to make Zoneland, which suffered a catastrophic nuclear attack, habitable again announced they have made major breakthroughs with new geoengineering technology. A timetable of decades until the planet is barely habitable has been reduced to years.

This is of vital importance to the Clone Star Empire because of the mineral wealth that is on the planet, said to be worth trillions of zarks, cannot be extracted due to the levels of radiation. The CSE Science Academy said that limited mining could begin in five years.


Any Disasters (2681)

Ralph intervenes (and kills someone).

Become Your Life (2676)

Crickson and Xaron get a lead.


NS GHQ in fear of the Ophir

Deranged sexual terrorists are nothing new to New Sparta but the latest attacks by a serial killer who calls itself the Ophir have even shocked NS veterans. The Ophir has made a number of attacks over the last year, sexually attacking and killing young men. Despite the number of CCTV at GHQ none of the attacks have been caught on camera, except the Ophir's own. It uploads videos of itself and it's latest victims to video sharing sites.

Head of GHQ Security Boxman has been tasked with finding and stopping the Ophir. However he has nearly become a victim himself, he was cornered by the Ophir and managed to escape. Now President Windscorpion has demanded NSIS step in and end the menace which is starting to affect morale.


Melson faces opposition... and support

Since the existence of DTA-Bolitic Confederacy talks were revealed Emperor Melson has faced a barrage of opposition on the Bolitic capital Castarian. Seven Barons, the heads of Bolitic houses, have called on Melson to end the talks. One, Trehane the head of a middle ranking house, said the Bolitic should not lower itself for money.

"The Emperor seeks to betray our principals for koleks! What next, maybe our daughters can turn tricks to earn extra Dino coin!" he roared at a rally outside the palace.

However Trehane is one of the most notable opposing barons and not high ranked. Melson also received support from an unlikely source. The powerful Baron Erinthorn, who once plotted to depose Melson, has said the Bolitic need to adjust to the new reality, take the money and rebuild.


NS to experiment with AR ship interiors

NS is to experiment with augmented reality (AR) ship interiors according to a briefing given by Dr Forbidden. A test ship will be fitted with holographic projectors and will be able to adapt controls and interiors depending on mission and ship status. For example combat specific systems and controls may be hidden until a combat situation and vice versa to reduce visual clutter and potential confusion for crews.

Dr Forbidden said that the projectors would also be able to adapt controls and displays for specific crew members using a adaptive database. "The ship will learn what the crew member uses mostly, any specific likes and needs and optimise the display for them." he said. It is not yet known which ship will be fitted but it is likely to be one of the departmental service Pentekonters.


Sirikwan would be used as intermediary in any Dino-Bolitic deal

Censor Ronald has said, at a media briefing, he is the main architect behind the peace talks between the DTA and Bolitic Confederacy which are being held on Yeng. Ronald has not attended the talks himself which are being led by a Sirikwanese delegation, this is to help defuse tensions between the Dinos and Bolitic.

Ronald said he was confident a peace treaty would be signed by Emperors MBH and Melson. It would be likely that Sirikwan would act as an intermediary in any future contact between the Dinos and Bolitic including the 10 billion zark "bail out" which would officially be from the DTA (though really Dino money). Trade would also be led via third parties in the DTA.

"Decades of conflict are not easily swept aside." Ronald said and thus it was sensible to make use of Sirikwan. "One day i'd love to visit Castarian but we can wait for that."


Shock Dino-Bolitic talks revealed

The Sirikwanese media has revealed that Dino, Bolitic and Sirikwanese representatives have been holding talks on Yeng for months. The secret talks have been held to negotiate a peace treaty between the DTA and Bolitic Confederacy... but more important for Emperor Melson a bail out for the crumbling Bolitic economy.

The Bolitic economy is in tatters following disastrous wars (both external and internal) and demographic pressures. Bolitic shipyards have been inactive for over a year and unemployment and shortages are causing unrest. One Dino commentator said that the Bolitic could be one failed harvest or natural disaster away from total collapse.

The Dinos have offered a 10 billion zark (about 18 billion Bolitic koleks) bail out as a "reward" for a comprehensive peace treaty including a formal declaration of peace made by both Dino and Bolitic emperors. Talks would also begin on an economic treaty between the DTA and Bolitic.

Senator Cruggson, when asked about the talks, said that people should expect some sort of announcement later in the year.


Operation Agile Response 2120

The mock space combat exercise Agile Response has begun for the last time. NS is moving to having four big exercises plus up to four smaller ones at random times during the year. However as preparations had already been made for Agile Response Windscorpion allowed it to go ahead. Mock space combats will take place around Solaris and Alpha Centauri over the next week.

The ships involved are:

35-311 Killer (flag)
37-106 Regulus
35-206 Impregnable
51-102 Centurion
51-111 Carnage
42-105 Richard Nixon
43-109 Sulu Sea
41-209 Fierce
76-102 Zebra


Fleet News (02/02/20)

Just one ship has been completed this month, 57-114 Plantain is the latest Protector 57A to join the fleet.

Four Sentinel 55A patrol craft have been withdrawn due to end of fatigue life. These are 55-101 Herault, 55-108 Indra, 55-109 Jura and 55-113 Cher. There has also been a withdrawal of a Guardian 54A, 54-109 Yvonne Godalming has also become life expired.