
Stunned (2636)

The NS/Dino expedition comes under attack.


Ducking Hell (2635)

NS discover the location of the Mutre Bee base.

Mafia Hotel (2634)

Boxman is attacked by the Ophir.


Sirikwan complete Shark procurement

Sirikwan have received the final two Shark SKH-E patrol ships completing their fleet of fourteen. Their version of the Clone built frigate is used for secondary patrol and minesweeping duties.

The Sirikwanese are now looking at replacing their six Bolitic Helwin cruisers which received an update in 2114 which should keep them going until the mid-2120s. The Sirikwanese are considering either more Sharks or Pentekonter Protectors.


CAC unveil K19NG prototype

Clone Aircraft Corporation have unveiled the prototype K19NG which will begin flight testing next year. The K19NG is a completely re-engineered and upated version of the Clone War era interdiction strike K19 Borehole aircraft, which is still in use in the anti-shipping role with the Clone Naval Air Service (CNAS).

The K19NG will replace the K19BECs in operation with CNAS in the early 2120s and will also be fielded by the Clone Air Force in the stand-off strike role and also to carry the ASIM (Air-Space Interception Missile) designed to attack targets in low orbit.

Leg Guards (2633)

SS-CINT captures Hilo.

Don't Want To Know (2632)

SS-CINT have to get results.

Weaponised Hatred (2631)

NS discover a Mutre Bee secret.


DDS City renamed NS HQ Proxima

The final link to the old DDS identity has gone after President Sea Urchin agreed the renaming of the huge facility near Hexian City, Proxima 7. The former GHQ was known as DDS City but will now be known as NS HQ Proxima.

This could cause some confusion as the actual GHQ is also on a Proxima world (though Proxima 5 not 7 like the former DDS City). However as the GHQ is generally just known as GHQ it is not thought to be a problem.


NS Presidential election begins

The election to replace President Sea Urchin (who is not standing again) has begun. Only two candidates have been announced (Windscorpion and Zeppelin). The deadline is the end of September though it is not thought likely there will be any other credible candidates.

Windscorpion is the overwhelming favourite despite the fact he is away on a long range (and secret) mission and won't be able to take part in any of the campaigning. His deputy Torus will take his place. Zeppelin did score some points though by querying what will happen if Windy did not return from his mission. Torus replied that Zeppelin should be beaten to death for even suggesting such blasphemy.

The vote takes place in early November.


MBH forced to give Ronald greater role

Emperor MBH has been forced to bring Ronald back into the heart of Dino politics after his approval rating took a big hit after the week long power grid outage that affected Dino-Land. Ronald had been in semi-retirement, as Chief Priest of the Senate. A prestigeous but largely ceremonial position.

MBH has revived the long dormant rank of Censor and made Ronald the Censor of the Empire for life. As Censor Ronald will be in charge of the moral integrity of the empire as well as heading public administration. He is also defacto Deputy Emperor. One rather important benefit of Ronald's new role is that he also has power of veto (like MBH) if the Senate is tied in a vote.


Third Clone Navy carrier enters service

The third (and final) Cloneworld class aircraft carrier has entered service with the Clone Navy. R03 Hospital Carnage Squad will begin it's first patrol next year and allow the CN flagship R01 Cloneworld to finally have it's refit.

Hospital Carnage Squad will embark 8 K45K fighters and 4 K85NTK light attack aircraft plus 4 Z26WNS helicopters. Compared to the two earlier carriers it has an upgraded fire control system for it's SA-N-6A SAM system and a larger missile battery.

The Clones are working on a much larger carrier which could enter service sometime in the next decade though as yet nothing has been laid down.


CAF looking for funding for more Pterodactyl

The Clone Air Force has asked for more funding to order more K03 Pterodactyl advanced trainers. The K03, which also has a light attack version the K58 Raptor, has an advanced hybrid propulsion system which combines an electric ducted fan with a traditional turbofan. The hybrid engine has proved highly reliable and efficient and the CAF are keen to incorporate this technology into other types.

The CAF ordered 110 K03s but would like to increase this to 150. A budget request has gone in with the CDF.


Dinos beef up security after grid attack

With the Dino-Land power grid now fully back up the Dinos have revealed details of how the catastrophe was caused. A terrorist, said to be a senior Dino Army officer working at the power grid HQ, launched a "data bomb" directly into the systems. The grid, like all strategic Dino systems, is protected against external cyber attack threats but not from one launched internally.

Senator Jimmy said that new security measures were being added to prevent such an attack happening again. The SS were also beefing up internal security and screening.

Emperor MBH is said to be fuming after the attack as it has badly hit his approval rating.


Civilian Partnership 2119

Civilian Partnership, one of the big four exercises, concentrates on disaster recovery and co-operation with UNP agencies. This year the exercise will cover a mock "epidemic" in a near-war zone. NS ships will transport medicine and medical personnel to an outpost on Uranus in the Terran System. Other NS ships will play the role of "enemy" warships trying to intercept and interfere.

The ships involved are:

35-309 Krafty (flagship)
51-105 Conqueror
43-102 Beta Centauri
75-104 Collective
75-110 Association
75-206 Elbe
73-115 Pentane

"Enemy" fleet:

36-103 Magnificent (flagship)
93-101 Alpha Centauri
86-201 Navelwort


Fleet News (01/09/19)

57-111 Peanut is the latest Protector 57A to join the fleet.

In a boost to the local patrol fleet it is joined by the final two Okra 86Ls 86-305 Oleander and 86-306 Oak Tree.