
Disaster on Malau kills hundreds

A dam has failed on Malau after a month of heavy rain, flood water then destroyed a chemical factory down stream causing a huge toxic explosion. A state of emergency has been called on Malau with over three hundred confirmed dead and over a thousand seriously injured.

The Malau health system has been overwhelmed by the crisis. NS have dispatched the hospital ship SS Doctor Alban to the planet, hundreds of the most seriously injured will be taken for medical care on Liberation. Three transports with relief supplies are also due to arrive at Malau in the next few days.


Burning Hatred (2666)

A new Mutre Bee plot begins.

Return of the Bois (2665)

Crickson and Xaron are given a new mission.


DSA begins it's (large) job

The new department of NSIS, the DNA Scanning Agency (DSA), has begun it's work and recruited scores of trusted staff across NS. All senior NS staff will be checked weekly, the non-invasive scan able to detect the DNA markers left behind by the Mutre Bee cloning technology and accelerated growth. Middle-rankers will be checked monthly, with a random selection also checked mid-month. Lower rankers will also be checked at random.

Given the size of NS this will be a huge task for DSA and many staff have been assigned to the new department. One worry though is the screening of DSA staff themselves, all will be screened weekly by other DSA members from other areas.

The logistical issues of the operation are difficult, especially on ships in the fleet. All NS ships are having one or two DSA officers assigned to them.

Two NSIS Space Prowler units are said to be on readiness at any one time to arrest anyone who fails the DNA test.


NS begins regular screening for Mutre Bee clones

Mutre Bee clones have flaws in their DNA due to the cloning process and rapid growth required. In conjunction with the Dinos NS has developed a suite of DNA testing and has begun testing senior staff on a weekly basis. Mid-ranking officers will be checked monthly, a random selection of lower ranks will also be tested.

This will be a colossal job even with the non-invasive test developed and NSIS has created a special department, known as NS DNA Scanning Agency (DSA) to carry out the work.

So far the UNP has refused to also join the screening programme which has bought the UNP into conflict with NS. President Windscorpion has asked Sea Urchin to put pressure on the UNP to comply as it leaves a big gap in NS security.


Unmoved (2664)

NS try to capture Tiger.

Really Enjoyed This (2663)

Windy recruits Egonneck and Neverak.

UV265 : War of the Men in Helmets

  • In the Bushes - Windy is lured to a planet.
  • Took Control - Windy goes into battle with Agent X.
  • Very Similar - G Boy has a shocking realisation.
  • Nothing Happened - Pulsin is hit by a wave of terrorist attacks.
  • Triumph of Will - NS seek to uncover Dino crimes.
  • It Was Edible - Tiger shocks NS.


Dinos mooting joint venture for DTA Kalahati Tuul replacement

Between them DTA members New Arit and the Voth have twenty three ageing Kalahati Tuuls which will need replacement by the mid-2120s. The Dinos have been looking into options to replace these ships which form the backbones of their respective fleets.

No Dino made ship is considered suitable, the AM is too large and the LM too small. The NS Pentekonter and Clone Shark is also used by the DTA but the Dinos think both types are not quite suitable.

Instead the Dinos are looking into a joint venture with New Sparta. A derivative of the Rome 46A is thought to be possible to fill the type. NS have also expressed interest. A joint team will meet in the new year.


Clones accept first Molentiuc Tuul MTM2 into service

The Clones have accepted into service the first of twenty new build Molentic Tuul MTM2 cruisers into service. These are unauthorised copies of the Utrek designed (but Clone adapted MTM). Apart from some software and system version updates they are identical to the MTM.

In a further display of growing Clone space power following a long period of stagnation (for a number of years hardly any new ships have been built) the final Mekit MK4Y cruisers have been received from the Rectoids making a total fleet of sixteen Mekits.


Corkscrew follow-on will be known as the Repulse class

The Type 51B destroyer which is expected to replace the Corkscrew 51A in production from 2122 will be called the Repulse 51B. The class of twenty ships will all have names which begin with R.

The Repulse 51B will be more powerful than the Corkscrew with a "mission wing", a larger fuselage and a flexible mission layout. Production of the Repulse is expected to last for much of the 2120s.


Stella : "Mutre Bee is an enemy unlike any other we have faced before"

The head of NSIS, Stella, has been speaking at a media briefing ahead of a security conference being held at NS HQ Proxima. The subject of the conference is the Mutre Bee threat. Stella said that a conference of military and intelligence chiefs across the NS and it's allies and other powers like the Dinos would be held early next year.

"The Mutre Bee is an enemy unlike any other we have faced before." she said to reporters, "In the past the motive of our enemies has been clear: territory, zarks, even revenge but what is it the Mutre Bee wants? Until we can know for sure it makes tackling his threat more difficult as it is harder to anticipate attack vectors."

The Mutre Bee's weaponisation of cloning technology was also something NS (and other powers) have struggled to deal with. "We are improving our detection methods but the NS consists of thousands of individuals so infiltrating NS with a clone is easy but we are working hard to counter the threat."


Sea Urchin will remain NS member in advisory role

Sea Urchin has officially handed over to the new President Windscorpion. He will take up a new role with the UNP in the new year. What was not clear though was whether he would remain an NS member or not.

In a media briefing to say farewell he said he would remain in NS as an advisory role and help relations between NS and the UNP. President Windscorpion praised and thanked Sea Urchin for his service.


Windscorpion announces plan for regional combat hubs

President Windscorpion has arrived at GHQ on Proxima 5 for the first time since becoming President. At a media briefing held before the Christmas holiday he announced a plan for a reorganisation of NS along the lines of regional combat hubs.

These will be concentrations of NS forces at strategic points around NS space. Each hub would have a rapid reaction detachment as well as Space Prowler units. Windscorpion says the hubs would be able to respond quicker and better to enemy threats. More details will be announced in the new year.


Second Windscorpion monitor delayed, maybe for good

The second Windscorpion 18A monitor will not feature in the next ship building plan according to VP (Technology) Knobhead. He said that the keel of the ship will not be laid down next year as originally planned. Some long lead orders would also be delayed, some have already been made but could be used for spares for the existing ship.

Knobhead said the second ship, to be called SS Heavy Attack Squad (the original name of the DDS/NS), had not been cancelled but could not say when it would be built. President Windscorpion is said to prefer the money being spent on cruisers. The Kinetic 35C fleet may receive a top-up order to bring the eventual total of ships built to twenty.


Operation Winter Mists 2119

The final exercise of the NS year has just concluded, kept secret due to the recent Mutre Bee issues. As usual the exercise was a "full spectrum" affair involving mock combats, minesweeping and special forces. The exercise took place around Solaris. The NS fleet will now perform it's usual Christmas shut down.

The ships involved were:

23-101 Olympus Mons (flagship)
21-105 Archer
35-310 Kando
37-106 Regulus
35-101 Panther
51-101 Corkscrew
51-112 Citadel
43-104 Barents Sea
161-105 Integer
46-104 Marius (MCM flag)
44-101 Thucydides
44-111 Cleon
44-106 Leonidas
76-107 Zulu

Pentekonter All Modes 2120 Update

NS have announced a major update for it's fleet of Pentekonters starting early next year. The update will include all ships though as the fleet has been built over an extended period of time (the oldest in 2114) the update will vary depending on the ship involved.

All ships will be re-engined with Proton RM-01 e-Core engines (as used on the Protector 57A). All ships will receive a cruise speed increase to 400c as testing has shown the ship structure can handle the extra stress without modification.

Older ships will receive a refurbishment. All ships will be fitted with a TPM-VLS 8-missile cell. This will be fitted externally.

Older 44M minesweepers will have the now obsolete SPECNES first generation mine sweeping system removed. Work is due to begin on the upgrade in January and is expected to last two years.


Oiled Up (2662)

Windy visits Starbot.

Finest Marzipan (2661)

Tiger betrays NS.


NS confirm another high-level defection to Mutre Bee's camp

Although they have not said exactly whom has defected yet New Sparta have confirmed that a "high level" officer has joined the Mutre Bee. It is thought the defection happened during an undercover mission on Pulsin, hence the uncovering of the NS force and the subsequent diplomatic spat with the Dinos.

President Windscorpion, still en route back to NS, has called for an emergency meeting of the NS Poliburo before Christmas.


Windy visits Starbot

Windy's fleet has reached Starbot on it's journey back to the UNP. The ships have spent a few days at Starbot for some maintenance and have now resumed their journey. Windy met Starbotian Commander S101 in what is his first official duty as NS President. Windy was updated on the re-integration of Starbot into NS.

Windy also met the head of the Starbotian armed forces K-1 and addressed other senior Starbotian figures aboard his ship.


Dinos accuse NS of operating on Pulsin

The Dinos have summoned the UNP ambassador to Dino-Land to protest about an alleged NS operation on Pulsin. The Dinos say two NS personnel were watching an SS tank convoy during an "operation" and were chased off by gun fire.

NS are not commenting on it. VP (Ops) Torus is understood to have refused to meet the Dino ambassador to Proxima 5 though it is not known if this is related.


It Was Edible (2656)

Tiger shocks NS.


Fleet News 06/12/19

The final new ships accepted into service before the Christmas shut down were Protector 57A 57-112 Phlox and Pentekonter 44M 44-122 Homer which is a reserve minesweeper / misc departmental duties ship.


Triumph of Will (2655)

NS seek to uncover Dino crimes.

Nothing Happened (2654)

Pulsin is hit by a wave of terrorist attacks.