
Working Class (2455)

What Did I Learn (2454)


Clone Navy to build new generation of carriers... one day

With two Cloneworld class aircraft carriers in service (a third is due to enter service in 2119), plans have been made for the next generation of larger carriers. The Clone Navy did have a follow-on class in development though cancelled it due to the Clone Star Empire budget problems in the earlier part of the decade.

Admiral Anderson, the head of the CDF, has announced the launch of a new project for carriers twice the size of the Cloneworld class. The new carriers would have a much larger aircraft complement. However he didn't reveal when these carriers would be built apart from a vague "sometime in the next decade".


Operation Material Asset 2118

Material Asset is a logistics and rapid supply exercise. This year an NS force will pick up equipment from Solaris and then "rush" them to Aldebra. NS has chosen not to have an "opposing" force trying to intercept the force this year with the exercise concentrating more on organisation.

The ships involved are:

036-102 Midas (flagship)
041-201 Freedom
043-110 Andaman Sea
071-114 Hercules
071-119 Freightliner
071-121 Supplier
073-115 Pentane


WS+LGS Time (2543)


NS to return to nautical terms for ship types

The New Sparta Space Fleet is to return to using traditional naval terms for it's different types of spaceship. This is due to confusion and a blurring of the distinctions especially between the heavier combat orientated Fleet Combat Ship and Medium Combat Ship.

The combat fleet will consist of the following types:

Bombers (no change from existing class for strategic attack ships)
Carriers (no change from existing class)
Cruisers (Fleet Combat Ships: Type 35, Mulberry and Solaris)
Destroyers (Medium Combat Ships, Isometric, TS and Corkscrew)
Frigates (Lighter MCS, Rome, Mariner, Protector)
Corvettes (Smaller ships including Falcon)
Patrol Boats (Smallest combat ships)

No date has yet been given for the change though will be rolled out before the end of the year.


Sea Urchin's shuttle explodes, President unharmed

NS has gone to ORANGE alert following the destruction of a shuttle which was intended to take President Sea Urchin (right) to his flagship SS Cicero. He was due to travel to Proxima 7 for a meeting with the UNP, teleporter problems on his ship meaning a shuttle was to be used instead. It is reported he missed the shuttle due to a last minute meeting with Torus. The shuttle exploded over GHQ. The two crew and Sea Urchin's aide were killed.

Sea Urchin has been taken to a safe location by NSIS. The cause of the explosion is not yet known but terrorism is considered the most likely.


Missing Tubes (2542)


Bangs in the Night (2541)


Epiphany spins off ship building division

Epiphany has spun off it's ship construction business to form New Sparta Ship Construction (NS2C). It is thought the move will allow NS2C to consolidate it's position in the industry and maybe even buy up smaller ship building companies - something impossible as an UNP owned entity.

President Sea Urchin said that NS2C would be a non-profit wholly owned company by Epiphany, any revenue going into Epiphany coffers or infrastructure investment. He added that the change was largely administrative and there would be little day-to-day change to the business for now.


Fleet News 01/11/18

036-109 Maple is the latest Mulberry 36A to enter service. It has also been announced that an extra three Mulberries will be built giving a final class total of fifteen.

086-303 Olive and 086-304 Olea are the latest Okra 86L patrol ships to enter service. Two Deterrence 53As have been withdrawn.