

Lyon's Den
Kalifei makes a shocking discovery.


Ascent Of Man
Windy heads into Utrek space.


Stay Out Too Late
Windy is given a new mission.


Mediterranean Sea Update 2118

The thirteen strong fleet of Mediterranean Sea 43G Medium Combat Ships are to receive a major update this year, the first notable update since the unification programme that created the Type 43G in 2113 and 14.

The update will include a full refurbishment and new engines (expected to be an evolution of the Meson, the TL-04E) with improved efficiency modes and thrust response). The ships will receive docking bay modifications and reorganisation to improve flexibility and increase the capacity of small craft. A little-used store room near the docking bay will modified so it can be quickly transformed into accommodation for special forces.

The main missile launcher will be augmented with an externally fitted TPM-VLS cell increasing maximum missile load to seventy-six. There will also be updates to the sensors, tactical system and internal security.

Updates will begin in the late Spring.

Final Ship Building Plan 2118/19 agreed

The next Ship Building Plan has been agreed at a session of the NS Politburo. The plan will begin in April and carry through until March 2119. The plan is dominated by the Protector 57A Light Patrol Craft which will begin mass production. There will also be four Fleet Combat Ships and four Medium Combat Ships built plus a number of transports and support ships including new special forces transports (Navelwort 86M).

Also agreed at the Politburo was the start of the Panther ILU and major updates for the Quasar and Mediterranean Sea (more details to follow).

The ship building plan is:

8 Protector 57A
1 Olympus Balista 23M
2 Kinetic 35C
2 Mulberry 36A
2 Proxima Centauri 42A
2 Corkscrew 51A
2 Zephyr 76A
2 Emerald 116A
1 Provider 71A
1 Extender 73A
2 Depender 161A
2 Navelwort 86M


Story #2462

Hold My Beer
Crickson and Xaron are captured by the Bolitic.


Story #2461

Banana Skin
Crickson and Xaron continue their investigation of a Bolitic spy on Sirikwan.

NS announce two new TPM versions

New Sparta has announced two new versions of it's key TPM missile. NS Engineering has also given details of the roadmap to the next major version for the early 2120s.

The TPM-3 will be split into two new development branches. The TPM-3 Omega is the new main NS combat missile replacing the TPM-3B in production this year. Omega's improvements focus on increased explosive potential with a new secret formula for the warhead said to give twenty percent more "bang" for a warhead the same size as in the 3B. A cluster warhead version is also being developed made from the same formula.

The second major focus for improvement is signature management. While a full cloak remains an (expensive) option the Omega will have a greatly reduced infrared signature and active countermeasures to reduce sensor echoes.

The other new missile is TPM-3 Sigma which is intended for non-front line ships as part of a high-low mix NS wish to pursue to save costs. Sigma is thirty five percent cheaper than Omega though has the same new warhead. It will lack the signature management and some guidance changes. Sigma will replace remaining TPM-1 and early TPM-2s still in use and in stockpiles. These missiles are now considered too old for use.

Finally NS announced that they expect to move to TPM-4 by 2120. TPM-4 will be a clean sheet design based around the idea of combining "warhead with propulsion". No more details have yet been given about what this actually means.


Panther Intermediate Life Update 2118

The Panther ILU has been confirmed to take place later this year and will be a major upgrade of the ten strong fleet. As well as being an upgrade in it's own right the ILU will be phase one of Type 35 Unification which will merge all three versions of the Type 35 by the mid-2120s. Panthers which undergo the ILU will be re-designated Type 35M and renumbered.

The upgrade is an extensive one and will involve a fuselage plug to make them the same size as the Indy 35B. They will also receive a new engine, a Gluon evolution. There will be no performance change though. It is thought the definitive engine for the Type 35M will be an e-Core engine though this has yet to be developed.

Missile load will be increased to one hundred and forty eight with the addition of two VLS batteries. The docking bay will be enlarged and there will be improved accommodation for special forces.

Operation Agile Response 2118

This month's exercise is Agile Response which concentrates on mock combat. Both ex-Bolitic Alpha Centauri 93A ships are available this year and will be joined by a Starsystem 91X as the "enemy". The combats will take place near Solaris.

The ships involved:

036-108 Mallow (flag)
035-106 Topcat
035-306 Killer
037-105 Barnard's Star
043-105 Arabian Sea
076-106 Zesty

"Enemy" forces:

046-101 Augustus ("enemy" flag)
093-101 Alpha Centauri
093-102 Luyten 726
091-102 Pyris

Dinos find no trace of Terrasaurs

The Dino Army has just concluded a month long search of space near to Apassara and found no trace of Terrasaur activity. A Dinomark lost in that area late last year was thought to be due to the Terrasaurs and while the Dinos are now pretty sure they were involved they have found no trace of Terrasaur ships, bases or probes.

A detachment of the Dino Army will remain at Apassara and continue frequent patrols alongside the Voth.


Zeppelin to review New Sparta armed forces

The Head of NS Armed Forces Zeppelin has been charged with reviewing all of NS' armed forces. Initially he was only going to review Terrestrial Forces but now he will review Space Forces too and NS Internal Security. NS President Sea Urchin wanted everything to be examined and reviewed.

Zeppelin will examine short and medium term threats and see if NS is equipped to handle them. One area he is likely to concentrate on is integration and co-operation between the various arms of NS.

NS planning Corkscrew improvements

With half of the Corkscrew 51A now built NS is preparing for an improved specification for the second half. Corkscrew 51A Spec B was always planned as an evolution but there are signs Spec B could be more radical than is usual with production batches.

Key to Spec B will be a new engine, NS are hoping to use an e-Core family engine though at the moment do not have a Proton with sufficient power. An uprated version is currently in bench test however will need flight testing to begin soon if it is to be used on Spec B.

Other changes confirmed for Spec B will be internal layout changes to allow for more storage of supplies, an improved databus and updated sensors. Spec B will also have improved ground attack capabilities.


Sea Urchin tells NS Politburo UNP merger is on

NS President Sea Urchin told the NS Poliburo this morning that talks on merging New Sparta with UNP Defence Command are now well advanced. He said that a formal proposal will be presented to the Poliburo soon as well as the UNP Council. Usually Politburo minutes are kept confidential though some details were made public about the merger talks, probably because of the rumours which have sparked a lot of speculation.

Even if both groups vote for the proposal there is still some way to go before a merger can take place. Sea Urchin said that NS and UNPDC are both highly complicated organisations with decades of legacy operational culture. Finding a blend that suits everyone will be an "interesting problem" he said.


UV245 : Alt-Windy

  • SWS in CWS - Windy and co. are transported to a dark alternative universe.
  • Tear In My Queer - Windy meets his alternative self.
  • Completed Orders - Firefly contains the alt-universe's Dr Forbidden.
  • Make DDS Great Again! - Windy and company take on the entire HCS battle fleet... and Hank Wolfmann.
  • Top & Bottom - Windy meets Wolfmann again - but only one can survive!
  • Personal Beast - Crickson and Xaron hunt for a Bolitic spy on Sirikwan.

NS in talks to merge with UNP Defence Command?

NS is rumoured to be in talks with the UNP to finally merge with UNP Defence Command. Over the years NS has gradually taken over more and more defence duties of the UNP though remains officially a private company whom the UNP contract out to (in theory the UNP could contract out their defence duties to anyone else).

NS has always resisted full merging as they have not wanted to fall under UNP control however NS President Sea Urchin thinks he has devised the correct formula to allow NS to become part of the UNP yet also retain sufficient independence. Sea Urchin is thought to be in favour of NS being renamed - perhaps UNP Defence Services (UDS) as one news source has reported. UDS would then be funded like any other part of the UNP.

UDS would still be able to raise funds via alternative streams and sources such as defence sales. It is possible NS could be spun off as an independent trouble shooting force while UDS handles the bulk of UNP defence duties.

Fleet News 04/02/18

016-115 Warp is the latest Warrior 16A to enter service, though the last for some time as NS say the remaining three on order will not be built in the next ship building plan.

046-112 Ovid is the latest and possibly last Rome 46A to be built.

116-103 Eucalyptus is the latest Emerald 116A specialised transport to enter service.

161-102 Inversion is the second Depender 161A to enter service.


Terrorist attack on Windy's ship caused trip to parallel universe

New Sparta is reporting that a terrorist attack occurred on Windy's ship SS Infinity which was conducting tests on a new muon accelerator. The attack caused a worm hole that sucked Windy's ship in putting it in a parallel universe (not many details of this universe have been revealed though apparently the DDS still exists in it). Thanks to help from the other universe DDS SS Infinity was able to return to our universe. Windy says they were away in the parallel universe for three weeks though were only out of our own universe for two days.

An investigation has begun into the terrorist attack. Both terrorists were killed in an explosion. A preliminary examination has revealed they were human, one having been in New Sparta for two years.