
Story #2456

Personal Beast
Crickson and Xaron hunt for a Bolitic spy on Sirikwan.

Story #2455

Top & Bottom
Windy meets Wolfmann again - but only one can survive!


Story #2454

Make DDS Great Again!
Windy and company take on the entire HCS battle fleet... and Hank Wolfmann.

Story #2453

Completed Orders
Firefly contains the alt-universe's Dr Forbidden.


Three more warships to be added to Ship Building Plan

Following discussions at the NS Politburo it has been announced that three more warships have been added to the provisional Ship Building Plan for the next financial year. These are an Olympus Balista 23M, a Mulberry 36A and a Corkscrew 51A.

The extra ships are being funded by delays to new land and air weapons. NS President Sea Urchin has said that all new land and air weapons development needs to be put on hold until a full review of the non-astral battlespace is conducted this year.


Dinos developing Imperial cult

Over the last couple of decades there has been a steady trend by which many Dinos, mostly in the SS, have begun to worship Ronald as a living god. The cult has many chapters in the SS and has become increasingly organised with a "priesthood" and branches in most SS facilities and units.

Emperor MBH has made the unusual move of legitimising the cult as a Dino religion. However he has made it based on the Emperor and Imperial power of the Dino Empire not just Ronald. It is thought some fringe SS have begun to worship MBH too.

Its not known what Ronald makes of it. He has expressed embarrassment about the religious fervour towards him by some SS though at the same time has not suppressed it. Ronald is the Chief Priest of the Dinos and thus officially head of religious practice in the empire (it is a largely ceremonial role) and is known to be a devout worshipper of Orach the great sky snake (the chief deity of the Dinos).


Provisional Ship Building Plan 18/19 published

The first draft of the next Ship Building Plan for 2118/2119 has been published. As expected the plan is dominated by the priority building of the Light Patrol Ship Protector 57A. Overall the plan is a lot lighter than previous years with just fourteen warships planned for construction compared to over twenty in the current plan (support ship totals are about the same). However extra ships will likely be added to the plan before it is finalised and signed off by the NS Politburo next month.

The plan includes:

8 Protector 57A
2 Kinetic 35C
1 Mulberry 36A
2 Proxima Centauri 42A
1 Corkscrew 51A
2 Zephyr 76A
2 Emerald 116A
1 Provider 71A
1 Extender 73A
2 Depender 161A
2 Navelwort 86M


NS order 2 more Zephyr tankers

New Sparta has placed an order for two more Zephyr 76A Fast Fleet Tankers. These are fleet supply ships based on the Velocity/Solaris platform, eight are currently in service. Although much smaller than the Extender 73A the Zephyr can keep up with fast fleet deployments. One tends to be always allocated to the Rapid Reaction Force.

VP Operations Caretore said the extra ships would allow for greater flexibility and ensure coverage especially when the fleet goes through a major overhaul (one is likely in a few years as the oldest ships are now about five years old).

NS will continue to use plant names for ships

Recently New Sparta has opted to name most new ships using plant names which start with the same letter for example on the forthcoming unmanned Lavender 105A patrol ship. NS said this policy it to continue from now. The issue came up during a media conference with VP Operations Caratore.

He was asked about the names and replied that it was due to the number of name already used and the increasing difficulty in coming up with unique random names. Plant names also add a layer of ambiguity and security.

Other new ship classes with this new naming method will include the Protector 57A and the Navelworth 86M shuttles.

NS to invest in new UNP weather reconnaissance satellite system

New Sparta is to contribute two hundred and twenty million zarks (about half the cost) and take project ownership of a UNP programme to replace weather reconnaissance satellite systems across the UNP. Existing systems around nine planets will be replaced and three others will be augmented as part of the programme - some systems dating back to the 2060s.

The new systems will have much greater data bandwidth as well as improved sensors and will be able to feed data into NS systems much easier. One problem with the current system is that their age and incompatible protocols makes using the weather data for NS tactical use problematical. The new systems will be rolled out from 2119.

Sea Urchin meets MBH

NS President Sea Urchin has met Dino Emperor MBH at a summit on Sirikwan in the Dino Trade Association. The meeting was during the annual conference of DTA heads of state. Sea Urchin attended an open session of the conference and will have talks with the Sirikwanese and Aritan leaders tomorrow.

After his meeting with MBH Sea Urchin said that relations between the two had improved over the last few months. He said that both the NS and Dinos are concentrated on mutual threats rather than "pointless sabre-rattling" at each other. Sea Urchin said he will meet Oojok soon too.


Operation Dawn Rising 2118

The first of twelve monthly exercises in the NS calendar is Dawn Rising which includes training on strategic reconnaissance and special forces integration. Following criticism by the Raegris that NS do not hold any exercises in their space NS President Sea Urchin has chosen the Raegris Central District for the 2118 running of this exercise and has promised another exercise in Raegris space too later in the year.

Three Raegris ships will join the deployment which also includes:

036-101 Mulberry (flag)
035-102 Jaguar
035-304 Kingfisher
041-116 Devonian
041-211 Firedrake
047-104 Vulture
161-101 Depender
081-101 Marconi
073-114 Skymaster


Story #2452

Tear In My Queer
Windy meets his alternative self.

Story #2451

Windy and co. are transported to a dark alternative universe.


Clones propose updated tank to Dinos

The Clones have pitched a further improved T-55Z to the Dinos called the T-55ZDME which has refinements to the new turret of the ZDM3, improved fire control and communication systems and armour enhancements. The Dino Army are not said to be that interested at the moment however as they are currently in series production of the ZDM3 which fulfils their needs.

The Clone Army may get the improvements however, an enhanced T-55Z production standard which includes some of the ZDME changes may be cleared. The Clone Army are also looking into the T-89NG - an extensive rebuild and upgrade of older T-89s many of which are now getting a bit old.


More details of Protector 57A

NS has confirmed the order for forty Protector 57As, a light patrol variant of the Pentekonter platform. Much of the design is said to be similar to the mid-end version of the highly popular Pentekonter Protector export ship (hence the name). However there are some differences especially with respect to the docking bay and crew accommodation which will be added to the first production Protectors coming later this year. The prototype 057-101 will have these retrofitted at a later date.

The Raegris will build the first two production Protectors this year as the new production jig will not be ready until the Summer. All going well NS should be able to build six in the rest of the financial year. NS plans to build eight a year for the four years.


Protector (and Mariner) chosen for Light Patrol Craft

NS President Sea Urchin has chosen the Protector (as expected) as the Light Patrol Craft to replace the legacy fleet of ex-UNPSP types. Originally 70 Mariner 56As had been ordered but Sea Urchin requested a look at a ship based on the Pentekonter instead. As per Sea Urchin's decision at least 40 Protector 57As will be built with production starting in months. The aim is to build 8 a year.

Urgency is required as the bulk of the UNPSP legacy fleet is due to retire at the end of the decade though some ships may be able to last a few more years. However even with mass production of Protector NS is likely to be short of patrol ships by 2120.

Sea Urchin has also allowed the formation of a "Light Patrol Contingency Pool". These will be 8 or 9 ships (likely to be Pentekonters or Romes) fitted ready for use as light patrol ships if the need arises (though will also perform other duties). The pool will remain in place until sufficient new ships are in place to cover requirements.

Choosing Protector was no surprise as Sea Urchin has long preferred it however what was a surprise was that around 12 Mariners will also be built too to cover the lightest of patrol duties. However due to capacity issues they won't be built until after 2120.


UNP force Sea Urchin to ditch cargo plan

The third priority of Sea Urchin's presidency is said to be "Improve relations with the UNP" but there is now more work to do after the fall-out of The Shiner's plan to sell surplus capacity on NS freighters to commercial companies resulted in an emergency meeting between the NS and UNP Presidents (remotely) and Sea Urchin was forced to publically bury the plan.

Five large civil carriers put pressure on the UNP, fearing unfair competition from NS in what is a cut-throat and low margin business. The UNP have told Sea Urchin that NS must refrain from competing with commercial companies. However Sea Urchin has also told The Shiner that billions of zarks need to be raised in this way.

A former Proxima 7 president has said that sooner or later the UNP and NS must decide what exactly their relationship is. NS has now become the defacto armed forces of the UNP though is still officially a private company. Could NS become part of the UNP one day? Sea Urchin said no when he was asked that but the line between public and private could become even more blurred in the years to come.


The Shiner's money raising plans criticised

The new Vice-President of Infrastructure The Shiner has announced plans to raise hundreds of millions of zarks by selling surplus space on NS freighters to commercial customers. Under the plans he unveiled ships that are not full could also take civil cargoes. It is estimated that the plan could raise at least 200 million zarks and maybe as much as 400 million if fully realised. With tough targets for raising extra funding and NS export revenue dropping The Shiner has had to come up with a number of new ideas to raise funds.

However his plans have been heavily criticised. Commercial hauliers have said it will be unfair competition and have complained to the UNP. Some senior NS figures including VP Operations Caratore have also questioned the plans. Caratore said it could compromise NS security and add delays to the NS logistical chain.

Later in the day The Shiner said the plan was an "idea" which would be presented to the NS Politburo later in the year and was still being worked on.


UV244 : Panto Season

  • Blind Faith In Superwar - Windy and company investigate the murder of an NS officer.
  • Because Of All The Oil - Windy and Firefly penetrate a secret society.
  • This Is How We Run - Malanson and Krusty are sent in to repel Vegans from a Dino colony.
  • Star! Its What You Wanted! - The Dinos move in on the Vegan invaders.
  • All The Worlds A Stage - Trojan Warlord remembers when he had to stage the DDS Christmas Panto!
  • Strange New World - Terrorists attack a NS weapon test.

Fleet News 02/01/18

As per usual the production line shutdown over the holiday period meant that only a ship completed in late December and receiving its commissioning testing over the last two weeks has entered service.

That is the latest Mulberry 036-108 Mallow.

Sea Urchin officially takes charge

Sea Urchin has officially taken over from Knobhead as the first New Sparta President. His first decision was to appoint Knobhead his successor as Director of Technology (now called Vice-President of Technology) and make official the new power structure already largely put in place over the last couple of months.

The first big decision for Sea Urchin is the winner of the Light Patrol Craft contest between the Protector and Mariner. Sea Urchin said he will chair a meeting of Space Navy and NS Engineering heads tomorrow and make his decision on Friday.

Story #2446

Strange New World
Terrorists attack a NS weapon test.


Clone Navy looking into navalising K39

The Clone Navy Air Service (CNAS) is in need of a carrier-capable multi-engined transport which can be used for a multitude of potential roles including COD and AEW. The obvious choice is to navalise the air force's fairly new K39 Carnival light transport as funding for a brand new design would be unlikely.

One problem though is the K39 is a bit smaller than the CNAS would like however its thought they will learn to live with it. Funding is being arranged for a carrier capable prototype with test landing achieved by 2120.