
Story #2445

All The Worlds A Stage
Trojan Warlord remembers when he had to stage the DDS Christmas Panto!


Story #2444

Star! Its What You Wanted!
The Dinos move in on the Vegan invaders.

Story #2443

This Is How We Run
Malanson and Krusty are sent in to repel Vegans from a Dino colony.


Could the Dinos enter the ship export market fully?

It has been announced that the Dinos are considering offering an export version of the new Dinomark AM for the Aritans who are seeking to replace their Kalahati Tuuls by the end of the decade. This would be the first time the Dinos modified one of their ships for export, with sales of Dinomark XTs being of surplus and similiar to Dino Army spec ships.

With NS the undoubted market leader in ship sales, and the Clones trailing a bad second could the Dinos be considering entering the market themselves? Chief Dino industrialist (and Minister of Business & Infrastructure) Kroc is said to be keen on the idea (and owns the shipyards which would get these orders).

Although NS has the bulk of the market the traditional second-hand Utrek and Bolitic source of ships has dried up which means there could be new market opportunities. Emperor MBH is said to be sceptical however.

Sea Urchin rules out radical changes

NS President-elect Sea Urchin will take over in a couple of weeks. In a wide ranging interview with the NS News Service he discussed his plans and priorities for the next two years and again confirmed he will only serve one term in office.

Sea Urchin ruled out any radical changes, New Sparta would remain the name of the organisation and GHQ would remain on Proxima 5 for example. However Sea Urchin said there would be changes in direction to make NS a more rounded miltary machine. Land and aerial units would be reorganised and strengthened.

Sea Urchin said priority number one was the Light Patrol Craft contest between the Protector and Mariner prototypes. He said that he was already reviewing the findings of the contest and having discussions with fleet and NS Engineering officials. "I aim to make the decision as to which will become our main patrol craft and enter series production within days of entering office." he said.

Priority number two, Sea Urchin said, was NS' relationship with the UNP. Sea Urchin said that it was time NS became the UNP military officially instead of being so de facto. This is a surprise as DDS and NS leaders have always avoided this topic though will pretty much all UNP military forces except local patrol troops now absorbed by NS maybe it is the time to have the debate.

Sea Urchin finished by saying the main aim of his term of office was to prepare and direct NS ready for the 2120s. He declined to answer who he would like as his successor though the new Director of Operations Caratore is the most likely person to continue the Knobhead-Sea Urchin project.


Aritans begin search for Kalahati Tuul replacement

Eleven Kalahati Tuuls are an important component of the New Aritan fleet but are ageing and come from a variety of sources with a number of different equipment fits and technology styles. The New Aritans have decided to replace the ships by "the early part of the 2120s".

The search has now begun for the replacement. Its thought the choice will be between more Shark SKH-EA frigates and a new type. Its not thought that Pentekonters are an option as Arit has operated them before.

Dinos to review fleet and Dinomark RS

Emperor MBH has said its time the fleet was reviewed and a decision was made as to how large the fleet needs to be and how best to reach that target. Up until now the Dinos have tended to have rather vague ideas about how many ships they should have in their fleet but MBH wants it to be much better planned.

Senator Zanus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Defence Minister, has been directed to lead a review of the Dino Army fleet which will report back to the Senate next year.

Also to be reviewed is the small fleet of Dinomark RS, the only true battle cruisers in the Dino fleet. The ships are ageing and will require a major upgrade and refurbishment within the next few years however MBH is unsure if this should happen and maybe the ships could be withdrawn instead. Another option is to convert the RS to amphibious operations command ships. The Zanus led review will also consider these options.

Story #2442

Because Of All The Oil
Windy and Firefly penetrate a secret society.

Dinos crush Vegan pirates

Dino Army forces led by Senators Malanson and Krusty have defeated a band of Vegan pirates which attacked and occupied a small mining colony called Gar Greeca 6. The Vegans had installed heavy anti-aircraft defences around the colony's only town meaning an air-based attack was out of the question.

Instead elements of the 13th Legion and an SS-D unit were landed out of range of the AA defences and attacked the Vegans outside the town. The Vegans fought well but were crushed by the Dino forces which included the latest T-55ZDM2 tanks.

Many of the colonists are reported to have been killed though the majority were able to flee the Vegans.


NS begins New Year shut down and prepares for changeover

With the final exercise Winter Mists 2117 now over New Sparta has begun its traditional end of year shut down. Patrols will still go on as usual though most other operations will be curtailed for a two week period and shipyards and other facilities will also pause.

At NS GHQ however there will be more activity than usual due to the changeover of power from the last NS Commander Knobhead to the first NS President Sea Urchin. It is rumoured a ceremony will take place including all still-living former DDS and NS Commanders including the first of them all Ronald. Its unknown if he will attend though a Dino SS security team has been seen this week at NS GHQ.


Story #2441

Blind Faith In Superwar
Windy and company investigate the murder of an NS officer.

Proton e-Core engine cleared for operational service

After months of trials and several hundred light years the first engine in the new e-Core family, the Proton RM, has been cleared for operational service. Three Pentekonters have been using the engine for a number of months already as part of the development process and the rest of the fleet could receive the engine in an upgrade. The engine will also be part of the improved export Pentekonter Protector 2118.

Two versions of the engine have been produced, the RM-01 for export and the slightly uprated RM-02 for NS service.

Dr Forbidden gave a media briefing on Proton. The engine was very complicated and would generate some challenges for operational use. The target efficiency for Proton over the existing HS-760GX powerplant was to use "a third" less power. So far NS had managed to get it up to 28.6% but hoped that software refinement could improve that.

One interesting issue, Dr Forbidden said, was that Pentekonters with Proton now had a surplus of power, indeed one reactor too many. An NS Engineering chief said that a load balancing system was being developed to manage this and reduce wear and tear. This power surplus would not be so much of an issue on combat ships where the power could be used in weapons and other combat systems.


NS plan autonomous air fighter "better than K45C"

New Sparta has begun development of its replacement for the F-10S Shark 2100 fighter. The new warplane is expected to enter service by 2130 and will be a development of the Ferret UCV. President-elect Sea Urchin, in one of his final acts as Director of Technology, announced the project on Solaris earlier today.

"We have been playing catchup with the Clones for a long time. The F-10S is good but the Clones are far ahead with the K45C Falcon. We aim to jump ahead with the new fighter which will be a fully autonomous air fighter able to beat anything up there!" he said though he did not offer any further details or even what the new fighter will be called. A spokeswoman said that would be left to Sea Urchin's replacement as Director (Knobhead) to decide.


UV243 : New Regime

  • Can't Afford The Space - A Dino patrol is sent to investigate a possible Terrasaur attack.
  • Would Of Have - A Dino patrol encounters the Terrasaurs.
  • So Many Bear Traps - Sea Urchin becomes the first NS President.
  • Broader Incident - The NS come under attack from a Utrek faction.
  • Academy Nites - Trojan remembers back to a horrific incident that happened at DDS Academy.
  • I'm Shocked - Crickson has to break into a Clone prison camp.
  • MR Patrol! - Can Crickson survive the Clone prison?

Vegan pirates attack, occupy Dino colony

The Dino Army is reporting that a strong force of Vegan pirates has attacked the obscure mining colony of Gar Garleena 6. The planet, which is outside DTA space though is claimed by the Dinos is home to a colony of around 5000. Its thought many of these have been butchered by the Vegans who are thought to belong to an exiled clan.

Emperor MBH has called up the 13th Legion and a strong space force to head to the colony within the next few days. Senator Malanson has been appointed commander of the task force.


Story #2437

MR Patrol!
Can Crickson survive the Clone prison?


Molab agree 5.1 billion zark deal with NS for ships, upgrades

Molab has signed a 5.1 billion zark contract with New Sparta for new ships and upgrades as they seek to strengthen their already potent fleet. Molab say these additions (detailed below) will be the final actions of the current "generation" of their fleet. Work will now begin on planning for the next generation of the fleet in the late 2120s and 2130s which will include replacements for the Kalahati Tuuls.

The new ships ordered are 3 Pentekonter Protector 259Ms, these will have e-Core engines. The existing fleet of E1M Pentekonters will also be refurbished and updated to a standard 259M standard.

In a change of policy Molab is to use the Depender as its mine sweeper director ship and have ordered 2 759Ms for the role. Their single Isometric ME mine sweeper director will be upgraded to EMM2 standard along with their 3 EMM Isometrics. The upgrade will include TPM-VLS and improved sensors. Delivery dates are still being negotiated though Molab say they hope the new ships and upgrades will be completed by 2120.


Operation Winter Mists 2117

Operation Winter Mists 2117 is the new December exercise and is a full-spectrum "mini war" involving space combat, strike, special forces and amphibious operations. The exercise has just begun and is being held on Mars and Alpha Centauri.

The ships involved are:

021-104 Grenadier (flag)
015-101 Quasar
015-106 Baryon
023-201 Anubis
035-204 Intrepid
035-301 Kinetic
036-102 Midas
041-113 Precambrian
043-110 Andaman Sea
051-108 Comet
062-103 Baltica
063-106 North America
131-101 Skytrain
076-102 Zebra

NS have also confirmed that next year's exercise schedule will be the same as 2117.


Olympus Mons Update 2118A (OM18A)

The first upgrade programme of 2118 will be of the Olympus Mons 23A support carrier fleet. The upgrade, Olympus Mons Update 2118A (given the code OM18A), will be fairly extensive including completely new propulsion as well as weapons and sensor upgrades. The main changes will be:
  • Fitting with Electron W1A worm drive (planned speed of 4800ec)
  • Conventional engine replaced with Proton RM-07A e-Core efficient engine
  • TPM-VLS fitted increase of missile load to 48
  • Z7 Zip cannon fitted
  • Improved maintenance facilities for UCVs and small vessels
  • New communications bus with much greater bandwidth for UCV operations
The upgrades will begin early next year.

Fleet News 04/12/17

051-107 Chrysalis is the latest Corkscrew 51A to enter service.

Extender 73A oiler 073-127 Ignition has also entered service.


Story #2436

I'm Shocked
Crickson has to break into a Clone prison camp.