
Possible Terrasaur warship detected near Voth

A Voth Space Navy Kalahati Tuul has had an encounter with a strange ship near Pinkax 807. The ship shadowed the Voth ship for several hours using a mixture of cloaking technology and sensor spoofing. The Voth were unable to assertain much about the ship. After several hours the ship then fired an energy shot at the Voth ship (which missed - though it is thought intentionally) and disappeared into a full cloak.

Later analysis by the Dinos indicates the ship may have been Terrasaur as the energy signature is similar to that detected on Terrasaur ships before. Emperor MBH has ordered 4 more Dinomarks to go to Voth.

Former HCS general says 4th Clone War is coming!

General Gouy-Biut is well known for controversy, often appearing on Clone TV to make inflammatory statements. His recent appearance on a Proxima TV channel sparked a sensation across the UNP as he said the 4th Clone War would begin within the next 10 years. "There is no doubt in my mind that the Clone Defence Forces are preparing for a 4th Clone War with the DDS, or whatever they are called these days." he said.

He added, "We [the Clones] have developed strategic weapons and are now closing the space fleet gap. By the late 2120s we will be ready to fight Sparta again and finally defeat them!"

New Sparta did not get involved in the controversy though another former HCS officer, General Yuek said that Gouy-Biut is always spouting nonsense and reminded people that he had been kicked out of the Clone Army for ordering the execution of DDS prisoners during the 1st Clone War when he had commanded the 35th Infantry Division. "Gouy-Biut is well known for his hatred of humans, i would not take much notice of what the old fool says." Yuek said.

However some in NS and the UNP will know that there is a kernel of truth in what the general said. The Clones have finally got over their financial problems that stalled their development for over a decade and are now improving their armed forces.

Operation Civilian Partnership 2117

The annual disaster relief exercise began on Monday, this year it is based on Mars and Terra and involves recovery from massive loss of computer systems after an EMP attack. NS and UNP personnel will practice in a low-tech scenario co-ordinating the delivery of relief supplies and the evacuation of "injured" civilians.

An abandoned mining settlement on Mars will be used for most of the exercises. It will be subjected to a real EMP attack using an NS pulse weapon (fired by the deployment flagship SS Weasel, a Warrior 16A bomber). NS and UNP personnel will then have to see how they cope without most of their tech toys! The ships involved will be:

016-110 Weasel (flagship)
051-102 Centurion
047-101 Fighting Falcon
047-202 Penguin
063-103 South East Asia
073-112 Butane
075-109 Group

Story #2415

Ridicule To Really
El Diablo has to investigate the murder of an SS officer.


Torus criticises lack of opponent for Sea Urchin

Torus has criticised the likely no-contest in the first election for NS President to take place in November. So far Sea Urchin is the only likely candidate (nominations will take place in early October), no on else from the higher ranks of New Sparta looks set to stand. There are rumours of a couple of middle ranking officers considering a run but they would have almost zero chance of success.

"If Sea Urchin is elected unopposed, or against a joke candidate, then i feel it will tarnish his authority." the former Deputy Commander said at a media briefing at her office. "We need a proper contest so the future of New Sparta can be debated. Sea Urchin has outlined some good ideas and he probably has my vote but i'd like him to face a proper challenge."

Three more planets devolve CDF forces

Three more planets in the Clone Star Empire have successfully "devolved" CDF Army and Air Force units into new National armies and air forces. Taragargi, Petric and Miliaris have completed the process joining Daggaddon which was completed last year as a trial. There were problems in transferring personnel to the new National forces though the process has been a success the CDF has claimed. Critics point out, however, that only minor planets in the empire with relatively small garrison forces have been converted so far.

Admiral Anderson said that a next tranche of conversions would be made over the next 12 months and would include major planets in the empire though did not specify which. One major obstacle was CDF personnel who did not want to remain on planets as "settlers" though the CDF was building a database of personnel who would wish to transfer to help fill gaps.

Anderson announced the new formation of forces on Taragargi as an example of the devolution process:

Clone Army - Taragargi Division
190 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
8719 Panzer Company (T-55Z)
6125 Artillery Battery
340 Red Lizard Squadron

Clone Air Force - Taragargi Command
807 Air Defence Regiment (K40)
1209 Combat Support Regiment (K85 + K44)
7782 Army Co-operation Regiment (Z26)

Taragargi Army
34(A) Panzer Regiment (T-89)
79(B) Panzer Regiment (T-55Z)
110 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
111 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
458 Infantry Regiment
507 Infantry Regiment
606 Infantry Regiment
769 Infantry Regiment (Reserve)
801 Infantry Regiment (Reserve)
955 Infantry Regiment (Reserve)
1210 Transport Regiment
1309 Transport Regiment
1350 Transport Regiment (Reserve)
5117 Artillery Regiment
450 Engineering Regiment

Taragargi Air Force
503 Air Defence Regiment (K47)
679 Air Defence Regiment (K40)
411 Ground Attack Regiment (K84)
126 COIN Regiment (K85)
144 COIN Regiment (K85)
153 COIN Regiment - Reserve (K85)
172 COIN Regiment - Reserve (K85)
278 Observation Regiment (K85+K85O)
557 Electronic Warfare Regiment (K72+K85O)
912 Transport Regiment (K44+K48)
967 Transport Regiment (K39)
998 Transport Regiment - Reserve (K48+K39)
1209 Army Co-operation Regiment (Z26)
1560 Army Co-operation Regiment (Z26)
1787 Army Co-operation Regiment - Reserve (Z26)


NS looking into "common core" for future warships

New Sparta has begun early development work on the future generation of warships for the NS Space Fleet - though any entry into service is still decades away. Dr Forbidden gave a briefing yesterday where he discussed the latest NS ideas including the "common core". This is the base spine of a spaceship - power and control systems - with mission dependent modules and facilities added depending on the ship's role.

For example future Fleet Combat Ships and Medium Combat Ships could have the same common core but have different modules added. This, it is thought, would reduce costs and increase reliability. While no new NS types are planned in these areas for some time the common core ideas may be used in future export orientated types.

Sea Urchin will not be the "continuity candidate"

Sea Urchin, who looks increasingly likely to be the only candidate in the first election for New Sparta President, has said he will not be the continuity candidate some expect. Sea Urchin said he will not continue along the same general trajectory as Knobhead but will instead instigate some major changes.

It is thought NS Terrestrial Forces could be the early focus of his attention with Sea Urchin questioning whether NS' land force component is what NS needs in this sphere. Sea Urchin is thought to also want to reorganise the space fleet.

Uniforms to be updated to Combat Wear 5.0

Service clothing and personal protection for NS personnel is to be updated to Combat Wear 5.0 standard over the next 2 years. The biggest change will be the merging of Integrated Force Goggles - the eyewear worn for protection in combat situations with augmented reality features including targeting with the Darli laser rifle - with the standard NS headwear. NS personnel won't need to carry IFGs with them, the new goggles will pop down from the headwear automatically.

Prowler troops will also have a chameleon layer on their uniforms with active visual stealth. Blast protection and bio-monitoring systems will also be improved.

Second generation Darli enters service

The "Darli" laser rifle now in use by NS special forces and a growing number of Terrestrial Force personnel has received its first major update. The rifle is officially the DAR-L2 though will retain the "Darli" (derived from DAR-L1) nickname. Interestingly NS have chosen not to change the official name to NAR as the D in DAR stands for DDS!

DAR-L2 has an improved battery pack with better charge retention, faster charging and higher output. The Augmented Reality targeting system has also been enhanced following feedback from experience in the field.


Story #2414

Shop Floor
Windy learns of a possible fortune.


Story #2413

All Our Yesterdays
Windy remembers an old battle.


Utrek split into rival factions

The Utrek Federation has totally collapsed according to Raegris intelligence officers who have been examining the Utrek since its defeat at the hands of the Mantae. At least 5 successor states have formed based around major planets in the former Utrek Federation and there have already been skirmishes between these new powers as they jockey for position and seek to add unaligned planets.

Central authority has gone, the vacuum caused by the utter destruction of the Utrek homeworld and the state apparatus. The Raegris said that the Utrek were very centralised, maybe more so than previously thought and therefore the loss of the central authority has thrown the whole system into chaos.

The Bolitic are getting involved in this new reality. They had already been involved with the Utrek in the war against the Mantae (dozens of houses fighting as mercenaries). Now it has been recorded various Bolitic ships visiting the successor state based around Molentic and they may have even joined the Molentic Utrek in skirmishes against other successor factions.


Story #2412

Figured It All Out
How Ronald got his mystic sword Nebuchadnezzar.


Protector 57A prototype to be rebuilt from existing Pentekonter

Departmental Fleet Pentekonter 044-113 Paris has begun a conversion to what could be a major new type of light patrol ship. The ship will be rebuilt as the prototype Protector 57A. This is expected to be ready by the end of the year then will take part in a contest with the Mariner 56A prototype. The winner of the contest (expected to be decided next Summer) will then be built in large numbers to replace the ex-UNP SP fleet.

The specification of the Protector is still being developed but will include a Proton RM-01 e-Core engine. Two 8-cell VLS batteries with a mix of TPM and other missiles carried and a Z6m cannon. The Protector will also have improved docking facilities though the prototype is not expected to have as extensive a docking bay as any production examples.

As for the first (and so far only) Mariner it has begun a series of evaluation trials. Impressions so far are good though the ship is much smaller and more limited than the Protector (which is expected to win).

Fleet News 07/09/17

036-107 Magnolia is the latest Mulberry 36A to join the fleet. It has been joined by 046-110 Brutus, the latest Rome 46A.

The other new ship is the second Emerald 116A unmanned transport 116-102 Ephedra.

Story #2411

Pit Stop Strategy
Cruggson and GBH continue their memories of the Ottoman incident.


Monday Interview : Terin

The Deputy Emperor of the Clone Star Empire and heir of Oojok Terin recently gave a short interview to the Daily Dino.

Daily Dino : Deputy Emperor Terin, soon you will welcome MBH [this interview took place just before the summit], have you met our Emperor before?

Terin : Only briefly at an embassy event a few years ago, before i had a senior role in my father's empire. I am looking forward to meeting Emperor MBH, he is... interesting.

DD : Relations between our two empires are improving, do you see this continuing.

TR : Oh yes, its in our mutual interest. There are some big challenges on the horizon.

DD : Such as?

TR : The break-up of the Utrek. It affects us much more than you i know but i am sure it is also a concern to the Dinos. For us its a big deal, especially as civil war has begun between the various successor states. Then there is the Mantae of course. Will they come to fight us too?

DD : Would you say this is the greatest issue for the CSE now?

TR : Yes, especially us in the East as we are really on the front line. 

DD : Also you are on the front line against the Free Eritran States, do you see any more trouble from that quarter?

TR : Not really, war between us and the Eritrans will mean war against us and New Sparta and no one wants that. I know my father certainly doesn't want another Clone War.

DD : Finally, do you ever think about one day succeeding Oojok?

TR : Of course, once i became the designated heir it became possible. But father is in no mood to stand down any time soon. He is in his prime, hundreds of years younger than Ronald of course and Ronald only recently decided to cool it. I don't see myself being Emperor for centuries yet. And who knows what the galaxy will be like by then! Maybe the CSE will span galaxies!

TPM-3B enters production

The latest version of the prime NS space weapon the TPM-3B has entered production and will replace the A3 at all production sites by the end of the year. 3B has a new cluster warhead with a variety of kinetic and penetration aiding elements designed to overcome some of the latest shield advancements such as the Tarbotian cellular shield.

3B also has a modified motor which has the same thrust but 40% reduced IR emissions which, added to sensor spoofing and other ECM technologies will make it harder for an enemy to defend against a TPM attack. 3B also has a number of updates to its guidance and communication systems.

Knobhead reads riot act on LRM

With the Clones having fielded CSM for years and now the Dinos buying the technology New Sparta has still yet to make its own interstellar missile the LRM operational. LRM-20 has successfully passed pre-deployment tests but now there are delays with building silos for it on Proxima 7 which means a planned entry into service in late 2117 (i.e. about now) has slipped to mid-2118.

NS Commander Knobhead said it was simply not acceptable that LRM is still not operational. He called the LRM programme a complete nightmare (in less polite language to be honest) as years have been wasted with "trying to run marathons before we can crawl". The problem with LRM is that the DDS (as it was at the time) tried to leapfrog over CSM by several generations and go straight to a much longer ranged missile. This has cost years in delays. Since DDS Commander Firefly refocussed the programme around the much more modest LRM-20 in 2114 finally has there been progress.

Knobhead said that LRM-20 would be operational next year and that a mobile launcher would be developed for 2119. The longer-ranged and worm-drive equipped LRM-100 and LRM-W projects are said to have been "shelved" for the time being.


Dinos to buy Clone Space Missile!

The Dinos are buying the Clone Space Missile interstellar weapon in a huge deal which will see them receive full technology transfer and jointly develop future versions with the Clones. The deal will have serious astralpolitical repercussions for sure, especially with New Sparta. CSM based on the Dino planet of Jeloka will be able to target all of the core UNP worlds.

MBH and Oojok have signed off on the deal which is for 7 billion zarks plus 30 worm drives. For this the Dinos will receive 180 of the latest CSM model plus 20 inert training rounds (some launchable). The warheads will be of Dino design. The Dinos are going straight to land mobile launching and will receive 100 mobile launcher systems. They will also receive full technological transfer plus the right to start building their own CSMs. They will also jointly work with the Clones on at least 2 future models.

Emperor MBH said that purchasing CSM (which is likely to be known as the Dino Interstellar Missile) will greatly boost Dino defence. He said that 3 new brigades will be formed to operate the new weapon plus a 4th training brigade. MBH said that deployment would vary depending on the strategic position at the time. He said the new weapons could be operational by 2120.

Thirty worm drives is a huge boost to Clone efforts to improve its space fleet. Its thought the drives will be used on the new Molentic Tuul MTM2 cruiser now being built.


MBH arrives on Cloneworld for state visit

Dino Emperor MBH has arrived on Cloneworld for a 3 day state visit which will culminate with a summit with Oojok as well as meetings with Ayatollah Clone XE and Terin, Oojok's son and heir. Details of any treaties which may be discussed at the summit have been kept secret though it is speculated the Dino Trade Association and Clone Star Empire may agree closer military ties.

It is thought that the relationship between the Dino and Clone empires may be friendlier with MBH now the Emperor instead of Ronald.