
Clones to build new second-line Cosmos

The Clones have said that their second-line fleets of Cosmos CA and (possibly also) Kalahati Tuul S which comprise around 50 ships and perform basic patrolling will be replaced in the early 2120s by the Cosmos CM. These new ships will be designed for operational flexibility and extended range (which is why a variant of the Shark was not suitable) as well as being "capable but affordable".

The remaining Cosmos CA will be replaced first as they reach their end of fatigue lives in the early 2120s and the KTS could follow on afterwards.

Anderson clarifies new CDF policy

Following criticism from senior Clone Air Force and Clone Naval Air Service officers about the change in policy of Clone defence investment from a multi-spectrum to a heavy emphasis on spaceships and strategic weapons, the head of the CDF Admiral Anderson has been issuing some clarifications. He said that aviation development would continue but at a slower rate.

Some generals have said that the Clones need to continue new aircraft development to replace existing types as they age. Some major combat aircraft like the K84 and K19 date from the Clone Wars and will need replacement in the next 10-15 years. However Anderson said that both types may be replaced by an updated version of the same type.

Anderson said that a key aviation technology was hybrid power which will continue to evolve and be deployed to further types in future. "The Clones have the best warplanes in the galaxy and that lead will be maintained but we must also bring up the space fleet to scratch."


Story #2364

Molentic Nights
Redjec begins his evil plans.

Story #2363

In The Tank
Dump is called in to assist with the investigation into Redjec.


Anderson signals huge change in CDF priorities

The head of the Clone Defence Forces Admiral Anderson has signalled a sea change in Clone weapon development and priorities. He said parts of the CDF still had a Clone Wars mentality and huge sums were being spent on new and future weapons that were pointless. He said the priorities from now on would be space and strategic weapons.

A number of programmes, mainly for the Clone Air Force, have been cancelled including the third generation K45 (K45X) and planned new attack aircraft and a bomber. "The K45A was already the best jet fighter in the galaxy, the K45C being far far better at huge expense... but why?" Anderson said at a conference of CDF senior officers, "What is the K45C supposed to beat? The A is still superior to even the next version of the DDS [sic] F-10S. The C is a relic of the Clone Wars. There will be no new version of the Falcon."

However the planned mid-production update, the K45CE, and the planned mid-life upgrade K45AM will still go ahead. COIN and light attack aircraft programmes the K85QA and K58 will also proceed as planned.

Anderson said that the Space Navy must be improved and indicated that a new warship designed to replace the Kalahati Tuul S and older Cosmos in the next decade is under development, the first time this has been mentioned. The Soulaki upgrade (which will have worm drive and TPM) and the Molentic Tuul M new builds will both proceed as planned in the latter years of this decade.


NS furious over Dino/Clone deal, raised alert level

New Sparta has reacted angrily to the technology swap of TPM for CSM by the Dinos and Clones. NS Commander Knobhead said TPM technology was a vital strategic advantage that should be protected, though the technology is already out of NS hands after Starbot left the NS sphere. The Dinos having CSM mean NS have a new strategic threat to factor in - though NS and the Dinos are not currently enemies.

However Sea Urchin reminded reporters that at the start of the century the DDS (as it then was) and Dinos had a short war. "The astral-political situation is always changing." As a result of the deal Knobhead has said that any military co-operation with the Dinos and Clones will be suspended for the foreseeable future. Knobhead has also raised the NS alert status to AMBER. Though this is purely symbolic as there is no new actual threat.


Dinos and Clones agree CSM/TPM swap

The Dinos and Clones have agreed a technology swap of the Clone Space Missile (CSM) for the Dino version (transferred from the DDS of course) of the Trans-Phasic Missile (TPM). Under the deal full data and engineering assistance will be given to assist the other party in setting up their own production facilities.

As well the Clones will provide 30 mobile launchers and 80 CSM2 missiles (the latest type with signature stealth and enhanced navigation). The Dinos will provide 500 TPM rounds plus assistance in modifying Clone ships to fire them.

New Sparta is said to be concerned about the transfer though the Dino TPM technology is still based on the now obsolete TPM-1 branch. With the Clones also getting worm drive recently they now are closing the gap. There is also the possibility of TPM technology getting into their allies the Rectoids hands.

The Dinos say their CSMs will be largely based on Pulsin to face the Bolitic though missiles launched from Illiatri could reach the core UNP worlds.


Dinos want Clone Space Missile

The Dinos have entered negotiations with the Clones about buying the Clone Space Missile (CSM). Its thought the Dinos have explored developing their own interstellar missile like CSM or New Sparta's LRM but in the end decided it would be preferable to buy the Clone one. As the Clones have already sold CSM to the Rectoids it is thought they would be interested in selling it.

CSM on Pulsin would be able to reach the core parts of the Bolitic Confederacy which appeals to the Dinos. New Emperor MBH is thought to be also interested in funding a new battlecruiser Dinomark - which comes between the RS and AM in size.


Story #2362

Great Detective
Windy closes in on Redjec.

Clones add 3 new space ships to fleet

The Clone Space Navy has had a rare bit of good news with 3 new ships joining the fleet after an extended period of construction and delay. Two Cosmos CG cruisers and one Shark SKB frigate have been built. However the Molentic Tuul MTM2 has been delayed until next year (no surprise as construction has not started yet).

The head of the Clone Defence Forces Admiral Anderson welcomed the new ships but acknowledged that the Space Navy had suffered the most from the recent defence budget squeeze. He said though that this was largely due to money being ringposted for the huge Soulaki SLM battlecruiser upgrade.

But things would improve for the Space Navy in 2118 as much of the Soulaki SLM programme had now been paid for. He promised more ships would be built in 2118.


Molab order 2 more Pentekonter-MEs

Molab has ordered 2 more Pentekonter-ME/105 minesweepers. These will join the 6 they already operate on behalf of the Free Eritran States. Unlike the earlier ships which were jointly funded it is thought Molab are buying these extra ships on their own.

As part of the order all ships will receive equipment and software updates to bring them up to the same standard as NS's own Pentekonter 044Ms.


Knobhead considering standing down?

NS Commander Knobhead has suggested that the NS Commander position be turned into a presidency with limited terms, somewhere between 3 and 5 years. He said that people could be be NS Commander more than once but would have to stand for election each time.

This has sparked speculation that Knobhead is thinking of standing down of course. He has been in post since 2115 and has said before he does not think he will be commander for a long time. Later on his office issued a clarification that he is not going to stand down though this will not stem the speculation much!


Story #2361

Printer Man
The Onion has an unexpected guest.


UV235 : The End Of Evil

  • Unusual Occurrences In The Desert - Ronald places the Senate under arrest!
  • Peak Too Soon? - Open warfare erupts between the Dino Army and the SS.
  • Re-Brand This! - The possessed Ronald orders the execution of the Senate.
  • Anal Vice - GBH tries to stop Ronald.
  • Astral Battle - Ronald fights back against the Bolikaka.
  • Taken Seriously - Can Ronald stop the Acheron rising again?

Knobhead cut ship building plan at last minute

The finalised Ship Building Plan for 2117/8 was published a couple of days ago and immediately raised some eyebrows. While changes from the drafts published earlier in the year are expected the final plan was short an Olympus Balista 023M, a Kinetic 035C and a Mulberry 036A. It is understood that NS Commander Knobhead himself ordered these changes just days before the plan was published.

The reason is said, by insiders, to be due to be greater uncertainly in the astral-political situation around the UNP that has developed over the last few months. The downfall of the Utrek, the rise of a possible new threat in the shape of the Mantae and MBH becoming the new Dino Emperor has prompted Knobhead to want greater cash reserves in NS coffers. The cut in the plan will save 1.6 billion zarks which will be put (along with some other money) into a new NS contingency reserve.

If the astral-political situation turns sour quickly Knobhead wants NS to have the money and resources to immediately be able to step up munition production and fleet preparedness.

Story #2356

Taken Seriously
Can Ronald stop the Acheron rising again?

Story #2355

Astral Battle
Ronald fights back against the Bolikaka.


Operation Target Spot 2117

Target Spot is a new exercise involving special forces and info-warfare and how both integrate into other space assets. The Space Prowlers will conduct some mock combat on board an "enemy" ship (the Raegris will donate a ship for use). Elint and EW in support of an attack will also be practiced. The ships involved are:

036-103 Magnificent (flag)
041-113 Precambrian
043-107 Sea of the Hebrides
081-101 Marconi
076-106 Zesty

Fleet News 03/04/17

016-112 Wallflower is the latest Warrior 016A bomber to enter service.

036-106 Madwort is the latest Mulberry 036A fleet combat support ship to enter service.

071-102 Constellation has been fitted with worm drive and received the other upgrades to turn it into a Skytrain 131A, its new running number is 131-105. NS have decided to cut back the number of planned upgrades to 6 meaning just 1 more will be converted.

2 Extender 073A oilers also planned for this ship building plan have been carried over to the next plan.