
NS hold exercise for "purple alert" situation

Purple alert is the highest NS alert and is one the NS hope will never be reached as the alert status basically means New Sparta is in imminent danger of being destroyed. Purple alert is more a final order to the NS than an alert status as it is assumed NS would cease to exist after it was raised. However there are plans for how the fight would continue and over the last few weeks NS have held a top secret exercise to practice for it.

Usually NS exercises are well publicised in advance and documented for propaganda reasons but the purple alert exercise (which has not been given a public name) was known only to a select few who took part in the series of scenarios and exercises. Most details of which are being kept under wraps.

It has been revealed however that dispersion of space assets was practiced, terrestrial forces went "underground" to prepare for a guerrilla action and various methods of communicating in the event of an NS meltdown were trialled including leaving messages in a newspaper personal advert column!

NS+ Commander Torus said that purple alert was unlikely to ever be needed but that NS needed to practice and prepare just in case. She said that some issues had come to light during the exercises and that procedures would be reviewed.

Story #2354

Anal Vice
GBH tries to stop Ronald.


Final Dinomark XTs delivered

The last 2 Dinomark XTs to be built have been delivered to DTA member Yeng bringing to an end over 60 years of production (and an estimate of over 1, 500 actual ships built). Hundreds are in service with the Dino Army, DTA, NS and other nations and are expected to be around for the rest of the century.

It has been reported by the Dino press (though unconfirmed by NS) that New Sparta tried to buy 3 more XTs at the start of the year to add to its fleet of Falcon 047s but the order was too small to keep the line going. The main XT production line has already been switched to the replacement Dinomark LM and the secondary line will also follow suit in 2118.

The LM is due to enter service later this year, there have been a number of teething troubles though a Dino Army source said these were being rectified.

Story #2353

Re-Brand This!
The possessed Ronald orders the execution of the Senate.

Story #2352

Peak Too Soon?
Open warfare erupts between the Dino Army and the SS.


Clone Army to close 117 bases... at least!

The Clone Army is to close 117 bases across the empire within the next 3 years, with more being looked at too. The closures will help save 200 million zarks a year and potentially release over a billion in land sales. However the Army says the reason for the closures is because of the decentralisation of the armed forces and concentration of remaining central assets.

The Clone Air Force is also likely to close dozens of air bases as second line units are devolved to a local level however they are said to be keen to keep some bases for use as dispersal locations.


Panthers will be "Indy-ised" in ILU

NS has confirmed that the Panther ILU Programme will begin next year and is expected to last nearly 2 years. The Intermediate Life Upgrade is the first major upgrade and rebuild of NS combat ships which usually occurs after around 10 years service. The Panther ILU will be part 1 of a larger NS plan to unify its 3 fleets of Type 035 ships into a standard Type 035M.

The Panther ILU will involve enlarging the main hull to match the Indy 035B. The ships will also be re-engined with a new evolution of the Gluon TM07A-GM drive and weapon and system upgrades (which will be revealed at a later date).

Following the Panther ILU will be smaller upgrades for the Indy to bring it up to the same standard. Both will also be merged into a new Type 035M class. The Kinetic 035C will join them in the early 2120s.


Sea Urchin clarifies Quasar plans

Director of Technology Sea Urchin has clarified NS' plans for the Quasar 015A bomber. It has been suggested they could be withdrawn early and replaced by an evolved Warrior 016A. Sea Urchin said this was on the cards though the Quasar would remain in service well into the 2120s even if so.

The Quasar is due to be withdrawn after 30 years service in the 2130s but will require a final major overhaul in the early 20s in order to achieve that. The Quasar Multi-Update Life Extension (MULE) would be a costly programme costing a couple of billion zarks. It may be NS will instead build new bombers instead of the Quasar MULE and withdraw them from 2123-25.

However the Evolved Warrior (as the programme is currently called) is still in the early stages so no firm plans either way exist yet.


NS mull early withdrawal of Quasar

New Sparta are said to be considering withdrawing the Quasar 015A bomber by the early 2120s and replacing them in the strike role with an evolved Warrior 016. The Quasars are among the oldest ships in the fleet (only the Starsystems and ex-Bolitic Helwins used for training are older), with the oldest being nearly 17 years old, and are expensive to operate compared to more modern types.

A NS Engineering study found that replacing the Quasars with new build Warriors would pay for itself within 10 years due to the lower running costs and higher availability of the new ships. What counts in the Quasar's favour is their higher performance and firepower plus they have only recently had a major upgrade. NS are thought to have asked the Raegris (who operate 5 ex-NS Quasars) if they would be interested in any more.


Operation Ground Shock 2117

The latest edition of the Ground Shock exercise, the main training for NS' ground attack and strategic forces has begun. Apart from an actual war scenario Ground Shock is the only time NS will use live nukes in training, which will be the final simulated attack set-piece.

This time the exercises will take place in Porquat 640 space with the Porquatians acting as the "enemy" though also training alongside NS in other scenarios. A mock-base on an asteroid just outside Porquat space will be where the final live nuclear warhead attack will take place next week. The NS forces involved will be:

021-104 Grenadier (flag)
016-101 Warrior
016-105 Whirlwind
016-110 Weazel
021-201 Anubis
035-103 Cheetah
035-108 Puma
041-101 Cambrian
041-210 Formidable
051-104 Conflict
071-106 Condor
076-104 Zephyr

Explosion at DDS City destroys accommodation block

Dozens are feared dead after an accommodation block at DDS City on Proxima 7 (the former GHQ) was destroyed in an explosion. NS+ immediately sealed the area off and put the huge DDS City complex on a high security alert.

Its rumoured the blast was caused by a bomb though NS are not commenting on it at the moment.


Story #2351

Unusual Occurrences In The Desert
Ronald places the Senate under arrest!


Clone defector tells of empire in serious decline

A former general of the Clone Defence Force has defected to the Free Eritran States. It is understood he has told the Eritrans (and hence New Sparta) that the Clone Star Empire's problems are continuing. The empire has been in trouble for nearly 20 years now, shortage of money and instability dogging the empire and the armed forces. The general said that cutting maintenance on the Space Navy has resulted in some classes of ship now having availability rates below 50%.

He also said that a lot of senior CDF officers are starting to grow restless about the inability of those at the top to finally sort out the problems with the CSE economy and hence the money available for the defence budget.

An unnamed NS source said that the problem with the CSE is that the empire was built quickly on the back of huge debt and that so much of the empire is not in a position to replay that debt. "The empire is subsidised by a small number of rich planets with most planets being a net loss."

However the source also said that the general is exaggerating to appease his new friends. "The empire has a lot of problems but isn't on the verge of collapse."


Firefly returns to New Sparta

Former NS Commander Firefly has returned to New Sparta following a lengthy period away. He resigned at the end of the Argon War having found it difficult to handle the responsibility for so many lives. He headed off into deep space and is said to have had a number of adventures across little known space.

He was located and rescued by his brother Windy marooned on a planet between the Western Rim and Tarbotian space. He has now been accepted back as a New Sparta member and will work with Windy's as Assistant-Director of Intelligence.


Provisional new ship building plan published

New Sparta has published a final draft its ship building plan for 2117/2118. As expected the new Windscorpion and Mariner classes have been added to the plan after production delays meant they slipped from the current plan. The rest of the plan has few surprises and follows on from the pattern of recent years.

It includes the first Depender multi-mission ships and the first of the new batches of Rome and Coril. The plan is as follows:

3 Warrior 016A
1 Windscorpion 018A
3 Olympus Balista 023M
3 Kinetic 035C
3 Mulberry 036A
2 Pentekonter 044M/T
3 Rome 046A
2 Corkscrew 051A
2 Proxima Centauri 042A
3 Mariner 056A
2 Emerald 116A
1 Provider 071A
2 Depender 161A
3 Coril 086M

Fleet News 01/03/17

051-108 Comet is the latest Corkscrew 051A to enter service along with the new Pentekonter 044M minesweeper 044-117 Herodotus.

A new type of ship has joined the fleet, the first Emerald 116A unmanned transport (it does have a small crew module if needs be but will usually run as an unmanned space vehicle). 116-101 Emerald is the lead ship.

UV234 : Home To Roost

  • I Remember Ewe! - Firefly faces a challenge.
  • Go Home Or Go Hard! - The Tarbotians thirst for revenge.
  • Yoicks! - Firefly heads off up to the robot.
  • I Can't Wait 2C - Firefly battles for control of the robot.
  • Served 10K MCs - Firefly battles a Tarbotian fleet!
  • Eradication! - Windy and Firefly are reunited at last.