
Story #2346

Windy and Firefly are reunited at last.

Story #2345

Served 10K MCs
Firefly battles a Tarbotian fleet!


Operation Agile Response 2117

The first edition of the new mock-combat Agile Response exercise has begun, a week late after technical problems with 2 of the ships allocated and an ion storm in the designated location for some of the training scenarios. The exercise will take place all this week, with most actions in Sanga Alpha space. A Rome 046A and an Alpha Centauri 093X (an ex-Bolitic Helwin) are acting as the "enemy" in the combats though some combats will be also between "peer" opponents.

The ships involved are:

036-101 Mulberry (flag)
035-110 Royal Tiger
035-202 Illustrious
037-113 Altair
046-109 Horace
093-102 Luyten 726
073-103 Zenith


Story #2344

I Can't Wait 2C
Firefly battles for control of the robot.

Story #2343

Firefly heads off up to the robot.

Zanus appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs

Zanus has moved from Defence to the powerful position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, a non-political member of the Senate he was seen as a compromise candidate between MBH and Ronald. Malanson, a member of Ronald's Imperial Order Party has moved to Minister of Defence.

Another change has been the merging of the Departments of Social Services and Culture. The Minister of Culture Eratson will head this new combined department. This returns the Senate to 21 posts. Junior Minister and Assembly Member Lolison (Imperial Order) has been promoted to the Senate and will be the Minister of Education.

MBH said that remaining vacant positions in the Senate will be filled soon.


MBH and Ronald clash over new Foreign Minister

Emperor MBH (shown below with his new rank armbands) has clashed with Ronald over who should take the vacated post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, one of the most important government roles. Ronald wants Malanson to be given the job though MBH is opposing this (and has the power to veto a Senate vote over it). What doesn't help the Emperor's position though is that he has advanced no alternative.

The only possible candidate among his staff is his deputy Lakes though this would not be backed by the Senate. An outsider not from MBH or Ronald's parties may be sought instead. The Minister of Defence Zanus is highly respected and is not aligned to one of the three political parties in the Senate and may be a compromise candidate.


MBH crowned as Emperor

MBH has been officially crowned as Emperor of the Dinos at a ceremony in the Dino Senate building. He said he will now work to complete the make up of the expanded Senate which still has many places vacant including the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs which he was before he became Emperor.

Its thought Ronald asked GBH if he wanted to take that role but GBH declined as he wishes to take less active role and is content with being Deputy Head of the Senate.

Story #2342

Go Home Or Go Hard!
The Tarbotians thirst for revenge.

Story #2341

I Remember Ewe!
Firefly faces a challenge.


Ronald resigns as Emperor! MBH new Emperor

Ronald has sensationally resigned as Dino Emperor at a special meeting of the Dino Senate even though he has only been in office since the start of the year. It was following an incident where he was possessed by an Acheron spirit and nearly caused a civil war. Ronald said that he no longer felt his position as a secular leader was tenable due to the religious cult built up around him that dominates the SS.

Ronald said that he would continue in the Senate and take up a new role as Chief Priest of the Dino Empire.

Ronald's final decree as Emperor was to appoint his successor: MBH! A controversial choice though the "Dino" way. It is hoped the strengthened Senate and Ronald's new position will help temper any excesses of the new Emperor.


Acheron plot foiled

An Acheron plot to possess and control Ronald and cause a devastating civil war has been foiled just in the nick of time. Its thought Ronald was taken over by the Acheron late last year before he became Emperor and has been waiting for the chance to strike. The aim of the plot was to cause a full scale civil war between the Dino Army and SS.

With the SS 1st Legion and Dino 2nd Legion poised to fight the Acheron plot was foiled as Ronald resumed control. All units have now returned to their respective bases though there were reported over 70 soldiers killed in skirmishes beforehand.

Ronald has lifted the house arrest of the Senate. He said he will address the Dino Republic later.


Legion commander killed by SS?

The situation on Dino-Land, already tense after Ronald accused one of the Senate of treason and placing them all under house arrest, has just ramped up after the apparent murder of the commander of the 2nd Legion Legate Woodhead by the SS. Woodhead was travelling to the Imperial Palace to try and see Ronald (against orders that no senior officers should enter the capital) in his Dinomark which was shot down by SS anti-aircraft forces at Central Air Base.

The status of Woodhead is unknown with rumours rife that he was killed. Already there have been reprisals against SS personnel by Dino Army soldiers and vice versa.


Ronald suspends Senate

The first meeting of the Dino Senate was cut short after Emperor Ronald sensationally suspended the Dino ruling body accusing one of the Senators of treason. He said that only a Senator would have known the destination of a recent 6th Legion mission where Ronald was kidnapped by forces unknown. Ronald was later rescued.

Ronald said that the security of the Empire was at stake and that all Senators would be restricted to their homes (house arrest basically) while an investigation takes place by the SS.


Starbot admits it cannot build TPMs; Running out

When Starbot left the New Sparta Ally system it had in its possession TPMs, the small number of TPM-2s it had were lost in a mysterious factory explosion, but it still has a stock of TPM-1s. Unfortunately for Starbot they cannot work out how to make new ones and NS will not supply them with any more. With total stocks now below 200 all use of the missiles in exercises and tests has been stopped and most missiles have been placed in a strategic reserve.

Dr Forbidden says its no surprise Starbot has been unable to reverse engineer the technology. "Its incredibly difficult to reverse engineer an alien technology. We've had Dino worm drive technology for a number of years now, and have made some changes, but a great deal of how the drives work is still a 'black box', we know it works but don't know why. Reverse engineering and integrating utterly alien technology is the hardest task any engineers and scientists face."

Its thought also the nature of the Starbotian mind, which lacks the ability to "think outside the box" like organics also contributes to the inability to build TPMs. Its thought they have made a request to the NS for more TPM-1s though NS have yet to respond.


Clones and Dinos to build new tank

The Clones and Dinos have agreed a 250 million zark contract to develop a third generation of the T-55ZDM. The T-55ZDM3 (which will be called T-55Z8 by the Clone Army) will be jointly developed by the Clones and Dinos but the Dinos will build their own examples as they already produce ZDM2s.

While the ZDM2 concentrated on a new turret its thought the ZDM3 will look to improve and modernise the rest of the tank. A new engine and improved armour are expected.

Local Group leaders to hold urgent summit

Following the news of the Utrek defeat at the hands of the Mantae NS Commander Knobhead has invited the leaders of the Dino Republic, Clone Star Empire, Raegris and Remedian Belt to an urgent summit at NS GHQ to discuss the news. The Free Eritran States have also been invited to send a representative.

Knobhead said that the fall of the Utrek will make the space that borders the Local Group very unpredictable and dangerous as there are already reports of Utrek governors attempting to seize power in the vacuum caused by the death of the Emperor. It is thought everyone except Oojok has already agreed to the summit.


Utrek defeated by Mantae!

S101, returning from a long-range reconnaissance has revealed that the Utrek Federation has been defeated by the Mantae! The Starbotian reported that the Utrek fleet had been ground down and defeated and the Utrek capital devastated in a nuclear attack which had left the Emperor and senior staff dead. The Mantae had now returned to their border leaving the Utrek in chaos and in danger of descending into civil war.

It is thought the Starbotian Commander K-2 had tried to suppress S101's report to maintain a tactical advantage but S101 had gone against his commander as he felt it more important for the information on the Utrek and Mantae be available to the other Local Group powers.

NS Deputy Commander Torus said New Sparta was currently digesting the information but that it tied in with what information they had received on the Utrek recently.


Dr Forbidden talks weapon developments

The Head of Technology at New Sparta yesterday spoke at a weapon system technology conference on Solaris. Dr Forbidden revealed a number of interesting things in his speech on NS weapon developments. The TPM-3 is to receive an update this year. TPM-3B will have a new cluster warhead with optional kinetic elements to help defeat the Tarbotian "cellular" shield technology that has negated some of the destructive power of the TPM.

He also spoke about cloaked TPMs and said that NS would not field all of its TPMs this way, largely due to cost and waste. He also said that enemies would quickly negate the advantage by leaving their shields up all the time anyway.

Finally he discussed the "next big thing" in NS weapon development. This is called Integrated System Approach (ISA - the NS love their acronyms!) Dr Forbidden said this was inspired by the Bolitic and from analysing telemetry from the ABBO-Bolitic War. He said that the Bolitic treat everything as part of their weapon system especially sensors and info-weapons. He said that the Bolitic constantly monitor an enemy ship's shields and status and their weapons automatically adapt to the input from the sensors.

"We saw from our analysis of a battle between a Bolitic and an NS ship. When the NS ship's shields weakened on a certain frequency band the Bolitic cannons automatically adjusted to further exploit this weakness. It happened in less than a second so must be done automatically." he said. Cyber-warfare is also part of all weapon systems not a separate system Dr Forbidden said. "The Bolitic use their info-attacks to weaken opponents to help other weapon effectiveness."

ISA will begin to integrate NS weapon systems, sensor systems and info-warfare systems with artificial intelligence to optimise NS attack potential from this year Dr Forbidden said. ISA would not be a separate roll-out but a gradual enhancement to existing systems.


UV233 : End of an Empire

  • What A Fiasco! - To get home S101 and company need to pass through a battlezone.
  • Cooking - S101 and company are captured by the Bolitic.
  • Endless Tedium - S101 and company are presented to the Utrek.
  • Rock Climbing! - The Utrek and Mantae fleets meet in battle.
  • Final Battle - The Utrek capital world comes under Mantae attack.
  • What U Want In Life - A homecoming I-1 crew defy K-2.


Mariner and Windscorpion delayed

The Mariner 056A Light Patrol Craft has been delayed until later in the year after problems were discovered with a static version of the data architecture bus. The first Mariner is now expected by the end of the Summer.

The Windscorpion 018A Monitor Ship has also been delayed until later in the year. It is thought that cracks in the focussing crystals following test firings of the Z-Max cannon will require some modifications to the power regulation systems.

Fleet News 01/02/17

023-205 Isis is the latest Olympus Balista 023M to enter service.

035-306 Kale is the latest Kinetic 035C to join the fleet.

042-101 Proxima Centauri is the second conversion of a Starsystem to the new Proxima Centauri 042A standard.

071-120 North Star is the latest Provider 071A to enter service, possibly the last to be built for NS (though a follow-on order is possible).