
Story #2336

What U Want In Life
A homecoming I-1 crew defy K-2.

Story #2335

Final Battle
The Utrek capital world comes under Mantae attack.


In service testing of Proton engines begins

The two Departmental Fleet owned Pentekonter 044Ms have been re-engined with development builds of the new Proton engine family. These will be tested in real-world service use for the next 6 months. 044-113 Paris has been fitted with a Proton RM-01 with the new fuel efficient core. This engine will be the standard fit for export Pentekonter Protectors from later this year (all going well).

044-114 Hector has been fitted with a Proton RM-02X, this is the uprated engine planned to be fitted to NS Pentekonters (and maybe a new high-end export version) that will allow a speed bump to 500c. Hector will not be capable of the higher speed yet, the engine will be tested on a lower power mode first. Its thought Hector will receive structural modifications ready for full power tests in the Summer.


NS working on Type 035 unification for 2120

With 3 Type 035s now in service (the Panther, Indy and Kinetic) NS is now looking at ways to unify the fleet. Work has begun on what is termed the Type 035M Project. This will be a major rebuilding of the 3 variants into a unified type (presumably to the larger Indy dimensions).

It is thought the programme will be completed by 2120 though no date has yet been given for when it will start. However the Panther will be 10 years old next year and is due its ILU (Intermediate Life Update) - which usually occurs after 10 years service. Its possible the Panther ILU will form part 1 of the unification programme.

NS order 6 Depender 161A "special ships"

As expected New Sparta has ordered 6 Dependers (given the Type 161A code - hence will be Depender 161As in service). Officially they are for "special purposes", its thought they will supplement the Marconi 081A fleet (which is becoming a bit hard pressed) in intelligence gathering.

NS said that procurement will not be rapid and its expected that 2 a year will be built over the next 3 years.

Story #2334

Rock Climbing!
The Utrek and Mantae fleets meet in battle.

Story #2333

Endless Tedium
S101 and company are presented to the Utrek.


Argon open new embassy on Starbot

The Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao have opened an embassy on Starbot. This is just part of the growing relationship between Starbot and the Argon which is welcomed by Starbotian Commander K-2 though some Starbotians have expressed confusion at how such a recent enemy can now be their friend.

K-2 is said to be going to meet the Argon leader Kira this year. A joint military exercise of Starbotian and Argon ships could be held soon.


NS Space Force ORBAT

Last update 22/01/17.

The NS Order of Battle (ORBAT) has been completely updated to reflect a reorganisation of the fleet into 3 divisions. These are shown below:

Northern Division

01 Strike Squadron (4 Warrior, 2 Indy)
02 Strike Squadron (3 Quasar, 2 Kinetic)
01 Attack Squadron (2 Missileer, 3 Panther, 2 Med Sea)
02 Attack Squadron (2 Missileer, 2 Indy, 2 Med Sea, 1 Iso)
01 Combat Support Squadron (2 Olympus Mons, 1 Olympus Balista, 3 Iso/Freedom)
02 Combat Support Squadron (1 Mulberry, 1 Corkscrew, 2 Iso/Freedom)
01 Mine Warfare Squadron (1 Rome, 4 Pente-M)

Southern Division

03 Strike Squadron (4 Warrior, 2 Indy)
04 Strike Squadron (3 Quasar, 2 Kinetic)
03 Attack Squadron (2 Missileer, 3 Panther, 2 Med Sea)
04 Attack Squadron (2 Olympus Mons, 1 Mulberry, 3 Solaris)
03 Combat Support Squadron (2 Olympus Mons, 2 Solaris, 2 Iso/Freedom)
04 Combat Support Squadron (1 Olympus Mons, 2 Solaris, 3 Iso/Freedom)
02 Mine Warfare Squadron (1 Rome, 4 Pente-M)

Proxima Division

Rapid Reaction Force (2 Type 35, 1 Solaris)
01 Amphibious Warfare Squadron (1 Tethys, 1 Triumph, 3 Pangaea, 3 Oceania)
01 Amphibious Support Squadron (1 Olympus Mons, 3 Rome)
01 Home Defence Squadron (2 Med Sea, 2 Iso/Free/Rome)

Other patrol ships are allocated to regional pools.

Above totals and strength may be subject to change due to ship availability.


Defecting General tells Clones the Utrek is collapsing

Clone media is reporting that a Utrek General defected last month and has told the Clones that the Utrek war against the Mantae is going so badly that the Utrek could collapse within months. Its not known how the General's words (if true) have been leaked but it is known that some factions in the Clone Defence Forces would like to assist the Utrek and maybe they are behind the leak.

It is unlikely the Clones will intervene (and have not been asked), the Clones like the other Local Group powers are beginning to watch the situation closely. So little is known about the Mantae that governments still arn't sure how to react.

NS Deputy Commander Torus told a group of NS+ officers last month that for all they knew the Mantae could be friendly to them and taking down the Utrek could be a great help. Equally it could mean an even more dangerous enemy would be on their doorsteps.

F-10SNG begins flight testing

The third batch of the F-10S, the SNG, has begun flight testing ahead of an expected entry into service next year. The NS Air Corps confirmed that 50 will be built to join the 80 F-10SIM and F-10SEP already in service. The SNG will allow the ageing F-10ASE to finally be withdrawn.

The SEP will have a much improved data architecture, better tactical systems and improved agility thanks to 3D engine nozzles. This will probably be the final development of the F-10 which first debuted in the Clone Wars. NS have ceased development of a follow-on F-10X and instead will look into "clean sheet" designs for the 2130s.


NS announce new engine for Pentekonter, updated export spec coming

NS last month licenced its new economic engine core technology to Consolidated Spacecraft, but they have also used the "e-core" as its known in a new engine family called the Proton. The first engine in this family is the Proton RM-01 which will begin testing in a Pentekonter 044M next week. Proton RM-01 has the same power of the Hitachi HS-760GX currently used but uses 11% less fuel according to bench testing.

Its hoped that after extensive testing this year the engine can be used in a future update of the Pentekonter fleet. It will also form part of an updated export version of the Pentekonter Protector. Sales have slowed over the last year (though there is enough of an order backlog to last for years) so NS plan to update their product line by the end of the year.

The low-end 150 series will be dropped as it has achieved few orders. An updated mid-range Pentekonter will (probably) be the 270 series with the Proton engine and other updates. The high-end (probably 370 series) will use an uprated engine and be speed bumped to 500c. Tests have shown that only a few modest structural changes will be needed to allow for a higher speed.


First 2 Dependers delivered

The Depender 750 is an important new ship in the New Sparta export portfolio being the first type designed for smaller names not a modified NS type. The ship is based on the Friendship platform but is a multi-role type which does not have an analogue in the NS fleet (though it is thought they might buy some for the intelligence gathering role in the next ship building plan).

Eighteen are on order already and NS has just delivered the first 2 to the Solar Empire. These are Depender 751SEs and will be used in the fleet support role. They have been fitted with extensive docking bays for small craft.


CAF to refresh EW/ECM equipment

The Clone Air Force has been allocated 40 million zarks from a fund for special military projects to update its ageing EW/Elint/ECM force. Its fleet of K44E Sparktruck EW planes are based on early K44 transports and some have reached the end of their fatigue lives. Three new build K44E2 are to be built with an improved equipment fit.

As well as the new planes about 15 existing K44Es will be refurbished, to keep them in service for another 20-25 years, and also receive the updated equipment.

Forty K72E Mustang electronic reconnaissance planes will also be receiving updates. Its thought there may be some new build too but from the general procurement budget.


Story #2332

S101 and company are captured by the Bolitic.

Story #2331

What A Fiasco!
To get home S101 and company need to pass through a battlezone.


Remedians place order for ships

The Remedians have placed a 2.9 billion zark order with New Sparta for new ships to help build the Remedian Space Fleet which was reformed at the start of the year. As expected a Mulberry 036A has been ordered with extra C3 facilities as the Remedian flagship. A 6th Corkscrew 051A has also been ordered.

What was unexpected was the order for 3 Pentekonter Protector 250s which will perform day to day patrolling (more are expected to be bought later on). Another surprise was the order of a Depender 750 which will be used in the EW and intelligence gathering role.

Utrek desert border?

The Raegris are reporting almost zero Utrek ship activity along the border. Patrols had been dropping steadily over the last couple of years as more and more ships were reassigned to the war against the Mantae but now it seems the Utrek have recalled every single warship!

NS and the Remedians have confirmed that the Utrek borders are no longer being patrolled and the only ships being detected are transports. Utrek ground forces and orbital defence positions are intact however.

It is thought that the Clones received intelligence that the Utrek are in real danger of losing the war. They shared this with NS and the Dinos due to the seriousness of now real possibility of the Mantae (of whom so little is known) being on the border of the Local Group within months or even weeks.


UV232 : Ashes of Acheron

  • Impressed - The 6th Legion's new mission soon runs into difficulties.
  • Political Mess - DM65 is under attack.
  • Crunch Coating - The Dinos come under attack from strange aliens.
  • Mother Nature - The Dinos track the kidnapped Ronald to the Xomisan system.
  • 3 of U - GBH's rescue attempt does not go to plan.
  • Destroy - Ronald comes face to face with The Bolikaka... the Dino Devil.


Operation Dawn Rising 2117

Dawn Rising is the first exercise this year as NS reverts to a monthly schedule. Dawn Rising focusses on strategic reconnaissance and integration with special forces and will be based around the Rim Worlds. It will take place over the next week.

The ships involved are listed below. The Type 35s will be fitted with the reconnaissance module.

021-014 Grenadier (flagship)
035-207 Invicta
035-306 Killer
041-201 Freedom
043-107 Sea of the Hebrides
081-101 Marconi
076-102 Zebra


Solaris Update 2117

The first update programme of 2117 has been announced by NS, for its fleet of Solaris 037C fleet combat ships, like most updates this year it will be fairly modest. The upgrade will be carried out over the next 2 months during normal maintenance cycles and includes:

  • Improved communications sub-system with enhanced data security
  • Modified docking bay with improved layout for hosting small craft
  • Enhanced main computer and tactical system with better datalinking including for course correction with the forthcoming LRM-20 interstellar missile
  • New FASCHARG system to increase Z-cannon rate of fire
  • Various minor improvements and updates


NS to built new research ship to explore future warship technologies

NS Research is currently designing a new research ship which will help develop warship technologies for the next generations of NS warship. The Type 099X (as it is currently known) will be a bespoke design which will be as flexible as possible to allow for the fitting and replacement of systems under test.

Initial systems to be tested will be a fully holographic hull interior, twin worm drives and "just in time" TPM fabrication. However the ship will not be built until 2118 so details will likely change before then.


Story #2326

Ronald comes face to face with The Bolikaka... the Dino Devil.

Story #2325

3 of U
GBH's rescue attempt does not go to plan.

Three new Senators appointed

Ronald has appointed 3 new senators to the expanded Dino Senate. Long time ally and industrialist Kroc has returned to government to become the Minister of Business & Infrastructure. Former actor Eratoson has been appointed Minister of Culture.

The surprise though was the promotion of Krusty to become the Minister of the Intelligence Services. The youngster has only been in the army for a few years but has had a rapid rise thanks to Ronald's patronage.


New Dino Senate posts revealed

Eight new Senators will be created as part of the change to a Dino Empire, some ministerial portfolios will be modified with 8 new senior minister roles created, some much needed. For example a new role of Minister of Intelligence Services has been created.

GBH has moved from being the Minister of the DTA to a new role of Deputy Head of the Senate. He will deputise for Jimmy but also assist with the running of the newly expanded upper chamber.

The major departments of the Dino state will be run defacto manner by senior Senators (informally known as "super Senators" though their rank will be the same officially). These are the Interior Department (El Diablo), Foreign Affairs (MBH), Science & Industry (Cruggson), Social Affairs (Spikeson) and Defence (Zanus).

A list of the new structure of the Dino Senate can be seen here.

Ronald is Emperor (again)

The Dino Republic has become the Dino Empire again as the monarchy has been restored and Ronald the new Emperor, the third time he has held the post. How long he will remain Emperor is unknown, also unknown is the rule of succession as this has been kept vague by the architects of the return to monarchy (Ronald and MBH). It is thought MBH will succeed Ronald one day.

However this is just one of a number of changes including an expansion of the Dino Senate to 20 Senator posts. This will be phased in. Any Senator (and the Emperor) can present a bill. As before a simple majority is all that is needed from the 21 members of the Senate. The Emperor has the power of veto but only if the majority is slender. If over 2/3 of the Senate vote for a bill then it cannot be vetoed.

The post of Consul has been abolished, the final holder Jimmy has become the Head of the Senate. This will be an elected position from next year.

Story #2324

Mother Nature
The Dinos track the kidnapped Ronald to the Xomisan system.

Fleet News 01/01/17

Just one change due to the Christmas shutdown to report, 131-104 Liberator Express has been converted from Provider 071A to Skytrain 121A worm-drived standard.