
Story #2306

It's Great!
Will it be a happy ending for Egonneck and Neverak?


Story #2305

Egonneck begins his rescue mission.


Clone ICBM upgraded with cold flame

The Clone Army has accepted the Gale IIIB SS-5B ICBM into service though roll-out is expected to be slow. The Gale ICBM is the launcher for Clone Space Missile though dozens are also fielded with nuclear and conventional warheads. Gale IIIB has the cold flame technology recently developed by the Clones which reduces infrared signatures by over 80%.

Gale IIIB also includes guidance and countermeasure improvements though it is likely this will be the final version of the ICBM with most development now being concentrated on the submarine launched version SeaGale/SeaCSM.

Story #2304

Why Don't You Dig?
Egonneck closes in on Neverak.


Story #2303

Spasm Shot
Egonneck has a new ally in his search for Neverak.


Clone Space Missile upgrade announced

The Clone Space Missile is to receive a major upgrade next year as the Clones seek to maintain their advantage in the field of interstellar missiles. The range of CSM will be increased to 15 light years from 10 (though still less than LRM-20 which New Sparta will soon field). Mid-course correction will also be enabled and improved penaids.

A more substantial upgrade is also in the works for 2120. A brand new engine will enable CSM to reach over 20 light years in range and also be a lot faster.

The Clones have also confirmed that SeaCSM is now operational, the trials submarine CNSS Warhammer is said to regularly go to sea with 2 SeaCSM loaded. Full deployment with purpose built submarines is expected in 2119.


Joint NS/DTA intelligence report concludes Bolitic heading for collapse

A previously top secret joint intelligence mission by New Sparta (represented by the Raegris) and DTA (represented by the Dinos) has reported back on the state of the Bolitic Confederacy and it does not make for pleasant reading if you are Bolitic. The report concludes that the Bolitic are unable to recover from their heavy loss in the ABBO-Bolitic War followed by the civil war after the death of Borca. The Bolitic Confederacy is virtually bankrupt and Emperor Melson is finding it increasingly difficult to keep a lid on discontent (and keep himself in one piece).

The reasons for the Bolitic inability to bounce back from defeat as they have in the past were also explored by the report. Unlike in previous conflicts the Bolitic were unable to swell their coffers with loot. They have also fallen behind peer opponents in many areas though the Utrek partnership has helped stem the gap somewhat (though this help has dried up as the Utrek face a renewed Mantae threat). A key problem the Bolitic face is the loss of so many senior Barons and veteran soldiers in the war and civil conflict. The cream of the Bolitic military machine was lost. Finally the report explores the decentralisation of the empire with the rival power base of Erinthorn which has diluted Bolitic power.

The report says that the Bolitic are in danger of becoming a third rate power though stubbornly refuse to accept it even though their shipyards remain idle due to lack of funds. If Melson is deposed then a radical new Emperor may decide the Bolitic need to go out in a blaze of glory and attack their enemies. Both the NS and DTA should maintain strong defences along the Bolitic border and monitor closely events on Castarian.


NS announce NDAA 2.0

With the production run of the Next DDS Attack Aircraft, otherwise known as the A-12, coming to an end next year (5 have been added to the outstanding order) attention has now been turned to the next step. Work has begun on a major upgrade for the light attack aircraft known as NDAA 2.0.

The NDAA 2.0 will be applied to all 100 A-12s in service plus there will be some new build. Key to the upgrade will be an improved turbofan with 15% more power but with reduced infrared signature. The airframe will be slightly lengthened which, together with a reorganisation of internal systems, will allow for larger fuel tanks. Range should be increased by around 17%. The attack and navigation systems will also be upgraded with improved data linking and signal processing.

NDAA 2.0 is expected to begin flight testing next year. One of the prototypes has already been modified.

Daggaddon becomes first planet to devolve Clone Defence Forces

Just a month after the announcement of a massive reorganisation of the Clone Army and Air Force called Clone Armed Forces Devolution Daggaddon has already announced it has set up the Daggaddon Army and Air Force. The planet, the first world added to the Clone Star Empire of course, began the process earlier in the year as part of the pilot scheme before Oojok gave the go-ahead and order for the process to be carried out empire wide.

How Daggaddon has reorganised it's land forces has been published as an example to other worlds which have to start the process by the end of the year. Before the devolution there were 18 Clone Army regiments on the planet. Fifteen of these have been transferred to the Daggaddon Army. They have kept their CA regimental numbers though this may change when the transfer has been completed with respect to personnel.

Daggaddon's army has been organised into 3 divisions:

Daggaddon First Division

58(A) Armoured Regiment
231 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
278 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
670 Infantry Regiment
692 Infantry Regiment
1478 Transport Regiment
1690 Transport Regiment
670 Artillery Battalion
397 Engineering Battalion
1902 Reconnaissance Battalion

Daggaddon Second Division

131(B) Armoured Regiment
302 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
486 Infantry Regiment
557 Infantry Regiment
1002 Transport Regiment
809 Artillery Battalion

Daggaddon Third Division (Reserve)

229 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
116 Infantry Regiment
1974 Transport Regiment
1763 Reconnaissance Battalion

The Clone Army on Daggaddon (formerly known as the 7th Legion) has been reduced to the following:

262 Mechanised Infantry Regiment
199 Infantry Regiment
1606 Transport Regiment
320 Engineering Battalion
+ Red Lizard Company


LRM-20 successfully hits target over 17 light years away

The long-running and much troubled Long Range Missile project, the NS equivalent to the Clone Space Missile, has finally held a successful full test from silo to a target light years away. A LRM-20 was launched from a silo at DDS City and hit a target on an asteroid 17 light years away. Although the warhead was inert the accuracy was sufficient to have destroyed the target if it had been armed.

In 2114 the then DDS Commander Firefly had reorganised the LRM team and restored the previously cancelled LRM-20 with the aim of limited operational capability in 2116 with full operational status in 2117. NS sources say these may be reached with 6 silos on Proxima 7 approaching completion.

In 2118 NS will field more silos on Proxima 5 and Solaris. An updated LRM roadmap shows a mobile launcher in 2118 and an improved missile in 2119. The follow-on LRM-100 and LRM-W projects are ongoing and still expected for the early 2120s.


Dinos and NS announce partnership for next generation worm drives

The respective chief scientists of the Dino Republic and New Sparta, Dougson and Dr Forbidden, have held a joint media briefing on Dino-Land where they announced a new partnership to develop the next generation of worm drive. Both the Dinos and NS will pool their worm drive development and a joint team will be set up to work on new engines.

It is thought the eventual aim of the partnership is the "10K" engine, a worm drive that can propel ships at up to 10000ec. This is twice the speed of the latest Dino worm drives though is not expected anytime soon. An analyst thinks that 7000ec is the first target and could be achievable within 4-5 years. The 2030s could be when speeds of over 10000ec are reached though unexpected advances could cut that dramatically.

The partnership has also unlocked the W2 worm drive family for NS who will buy 5 off the Dinos and at a later date built their own. A source said that a W2 drive could push a Panther over 5000ec.


Story #2302

Bare Back Man
Krusty's latest SS-CINT mission begins.


Molab order more ships/upgrades

Molab has been quiet on the ship ordering front after several years of high spending, mostly in order to integrate what they had bought into their fast growing fleet. Now however they have signed a 4.1 billion zark contract with New Sparta for 3 new ships and a number of upgrades.

Two more Pentekonter Protectors have been ordered to add to their fleet of 16 (6 being minesweepers). They will be to same spec as the existing patrol E1Ms though will be more 350 series in specification. The existing fleet will also receive a refresh to bring them to the current high-end Pentekonter Protector specification.

A fourth Provider transport has also been ordered. There will also be upgrade kits for Molab's 3 Isometric EMMs which includes TPM capability and a new sensor suite.


NS draw back on Corkscrew, reduce order

New Sparta have drastically reduced the size of the order for the Corkscrew 051A Medium Combat Ship from 59 to 25 (of which 11 are currently in service). Instead of a single fleet NS will instead build the type in batches that develop and improve over time as has happened with the Type 035 (which has been built as the Panther, Indy and latterly the Kinetic) and Type 041.

At current rate the remaining ships will be built by the end of the decade, after that there will be a second batch of around 20 ships currently known as the Type 051X which will have "design and conceptual differences".


Clones receive 3 new warships

The Clone Space Navy has accepted into service 3 new ships, a rare event with the current budgetary pressures. Two new Cosmos CG ground attack cruisers and a Mekit MK4A cruiser delivered from the Rectoids are now in service with the main fleet.

Money is tight but the Clone Space Navy is supposed to be on the verge of beginning 2 expensive new ship programmes in the form of the Soulaki SLM rebuilds and the new Molentic Tuul MTM2. Both are due to start in 2117 though the Soulakis may now been delayed.


Story #2301

Down On The Kids
Krusty is given a new mission.

Fleet News 05/10/16

T241 Scholar is the first Pentekonter 044T training ship to enter service with the fleet.

H146 Killer is the latest Kinetic 035C fleet combat ship to enter service.

S104 Positron is the latest Quasar 015A to receive worm drive.

M129 Fierce, a Freedom 041B, has also received worm drive.


UV229 : How hard Little Cub

  • Sand Down - Windy gets a new mission.
  • Just A Joke - Firefly comes under attack from the Tarbotians.
  • 13GWSBPT - Firefly ends up marooned.
  • Endless Pr0n - Firefly explores his new home.
  • Trip North - Windy's anti-piracy operation begins.
  • Blue Light At Night - An alien menace threatens S101, B-B and Egonneck.