
Dinos building "planet killer" weapon?

The Dinos are neither confirming or denying reports in the UNP media that they are developing a "planet killer" weapon. This is thought to be a missile based on trans-phasic technologies but which phases into the core of a target planet where then a cluster of powerful warheads detonate and cause extreme disruption to the planet's core. This could cause mass devastation on the surface or even the destruction of the planet!

The weapon is still in the early development stage according to reports but could be ready in the next decade. The NS have said that such a weapon would be seen as a direct threat and would sour UNP-Dino relations.


Story #2284

All Lives Matter
Flying Boxcar's Space Prowler detachment runs into trouble.


NS will radically change ORBAT

NS say their forthcoming ORBAT (Order of Battle) change will be far more than a shuffle of fleet resources. Rather it will be a radical reorganisation of the first line fleet taking a "zonal" rather than a "functional" approach.

In other words rather than organise the fleet by role the fleet will be ordered by the part of NS space they are responsible for. The fleet will be reorganised by NS North, NS South, NS HQ Section (space around the Proxima system), a reserve and a floating reinforcement. The new ORBAT will be punished in the Autumn.


Dino Elders rubber stamp return to monarchy

The Dino Elders, an influential council of elder statesmen, has given its blessing to Ronald and MBH's plans to return the Dinos to a monarchy at the end of the year. A bill has already been passed by the Senate so even if the Elders had declined the change it would not have stopped the change necessarily though the loss of face would have been considerable.

One change the Elders did suggest was that Jimmy be made Head of the Senate for as long as he wants the role as a counter balance to the Emperor (who will be Ronald). After Jimmy stands down the position of Head of the Senate will be put to a Senate vote. Ronald has agreed the change, Jimmy who is not happy with the return of monarchy is said to be accepting of the role "grudgingly".


Story #2283

Meaningless Stormtrooper Dialogue
Hijackers seize a Terran freighter.

Civilian Partnership will still go ahead

The 2116 edition of the annual humanitarian/disaster relief exercise Civilian Partnership will still go ahead next month NS say despite the NS being heavily involved in a real emergency on Golinar Sigma which suffered massive loss of life and environmental disaster after a huge nuclear explosion. Fourteen NS ships are currently involved in the disaster relief mission.

Civilian Partnership 2116 will be focussing on interaction with the Remedians and Raegris a NS source said and these are vital areas that require training and development. There will also not be significant overlap in the ships required with those already committed to Golinar Sigma the source added.


Story #2282

Inquiry Set
Egonneck receives a shock.

UV227 : Step Into The Fire

  • All Of The Bells - The ESBG pile in.
  • Humidity Factor - Windy has a mid-life crisis.
  • By Order Of The - Windy places an agent in NS+.
  • Swift Build - Windy and Sally are called into action.
  • Puffy Stuff - Windy and Sally hit a new low.
  • Big Fat Disaster - York fights back.
  • Iceland - Its York o'clock!


Story #2281

Egonneck finds a vital clue in his hunt for Neverak.


Fulcrum to be withdrawn from service, Coril 086M announced

The final 2 Fulcrum 085A special forces transports, modified versions of Utrek High Speed Transports, have begun the process of being switched off. They are due to be withdrawn in a few months but will remain available if needed though on a reduced readiness status.

They were bought from the Clones in 2107 and have performed admirably if at sometimes rather precariously due to their age and "exotic" nature of the technologies used to achieve speeds of 900c. They will be not be directly replaced immediately but the NS have announced that will replace them, the Coril 086M. This is a specialised version of the Coril-DDS shuttle which will have worm drive and a specialist (and secret) equipment fit. Five 086Ms will be built from next year.


Operation Klondike

NS has announced a 6 month operation to eradicate piracy which has become a problem in space near to Sanga Alpha and is now affecting core transport routes in the UNP. Windscorpion himself will command the operation which will be based off Sanga Alpha though will be highly mobile. The force contains ground troops too in the form of Space Prowler units and a regiment of NS Terrestrial Forces infantry will be on standby on Sanga if there is a need for reinforcements.

Operation Klondike, as it has been called, will begin next week. The ships involved are:

S251 Anubis (flagship)
H141 Kinetic
H145 Keel
M105 Palaeocene
M122 Furious
K107 Hadrian
K112 Tacitus
K153 Eagle
K162W Pelican
L131 Tethys Ocean
A155 Pentane
A230 Avon


UNP accuse NS of causing Golinar Sigma disaster!

While the relief convoy left Solaris earlier today there came reports that members of the UNP are blaming NS for the nuclear explosion that has caused such a disaster on the Rim World of Golinar Sigma. It has emerged that an NS warship in orbit around the planet came under fire from a warlord on the planet and returned fire. The shots from the NS warship detonating a nuclear stockpile which devastated a large island and killed tens of thousands.

However NS have countered that they are not to blame. They were defending themselves after an unprovoked attack and did not know of the nuclear stockpile which NS say the UNP, which has a liaison office on the planet, should have known about it and warned NS about it. NS was operating in the area with UNP blessing it was added.


NS fleet despatched to Golinar Sigma

NS Commander Knobhead has ordered a relief force to the Rim World planet of Golinar Sigma which suffered a massive nuclear explosion killing thousands and badly damaging an already fragile and marginal ecosphere. Emergency supplies and medical personnel as well as engineers and disaster response experts will be taken with the fleet which will consist of:

S221 Olympus Mons (flagship)
H164 Castor
M180 Sulu Sea
K151 Fighting Falcon
K156 Kite
L153 South East Asia
L159 Australasia
A119 Crane
A156 Methane
A210U Association
A903 Doctor Vincent

The fleet will depart from Solaris tomorrow and reach Golinar Sigma by the end of next week. Two ships are already in orbit and have taken UNP Astral Weather Service experts to examine the effect of the explosions on the planet's ecosphere. There was a worry that the planet might become uninhabitable but that is now thought unlikely though there will be a period of uncertainty.


Massive explosions at colony in Rim Worlds

Massive nuclear explosions have been reported on the colony of Golinar Sigma in the Rim Worlds. The colony has been settled by humans though is non-UNP. There is a UNP liaison however who reported multiple nuclear detonations on an island in the narrow habitable strip around the planet's equator.

The death toll is unknown but is thought to be in the many of thousands. NS and the UNP have despatched ships with relief supplies and medical personnel. Golinar Sigma is only barely habitable and it is feared the fallout from the explosions could wreck the fragile ecosphere. Over 750,000 colonies are thought to be on the planet which started as a mining colony but has become pretty lawless.


Story #2277

Its York o'clock!


Withdrawal of final Perimpaz brings an end Kalahati Tuul service with the NS

Although they have been on a very low level of readiness for several months now (if they were needed its touch and go if they could have been worked up again) the final 3 Perimpaz 039As with the Remedian flotilla have finally been officially withdrawn. This brings an end to a long service of Kalahati Tuul family ships with the NS and its predercessors (including the sovereign Remedian fleet). Two of the ships will go to museums on Remedia Prime and Terra.

The Remedian flotilla now uses 5 Corkscrew 051A ships. The Remedian military has requested 2 more ships be added to their fleet and are asking the Remedian government for extra funding.

Fleet News 04/08/16

S130 Weasel is the latest Warrior 016A to enter service.

H205 Minotaur is the latest Mulberry 036A to enter service.

S102 Photon is the latest Quasar 015A to receive worm drive and other updates.

M128 Foxhound is the latest Freedom 041B to receive worm drive.

The 3 remaining Perimpaz 039A ships, the last Kalahati Tuul family ships in NS service, have been withdrawn.


Story #2276

Big Fat Disaster
York fights back.


Story #2275

Puffy Stuff
Windy and Sally hit a new low.

Story #2274

Swift Build
Windy and Sally are called into action.