
NS privately said to be concerned at Dino changes

While publicly New Sparta has made no comment on the news that the Dinos are to return to a monarchy privately there is concern at GHQ at the changes this might mean to Dino foreign policy. An unnamed source said NS Commander Knobhead fears the return to a single figurehead will mean the "steady state" of the Dinos government where nothing much seems to happen or get decided may change and the Dinos could pursue a more proactive foreign policy.

An analyst said, "The Dino Senate basically cancelled itself out and its been very difficult for any decisions to be made of importance. This is course is why Ronald and MBH want to return to having an Emperor to break the log jam. Now the question is why they want to break the log jam, do they think the Dinos should be more assertive and aggressive with respect to the neighbours of the DTA?"

The change will take place at the start of next year and Ronald will once again be Emperor. That does not worry the NS too much though the prospect of MBH following Ronald one day is another matter.


Dino Empire to be reformed

Ronald and MBH's joint bill to restore the monarchy has been passed in the Dino Senate as expected with the majority of senators belonging to Ronald and MBH's respective parties. Jimmy, the current (and now final) Consul, was able to insert some changes to the bill. The change will not take place until the end of the year and so Jimmy will be able to see out the rest of his term.

Another change is the position of Head of Senate, this will be taken by Jimmy initially but will from 2118 be an elected position (from the rest of the Senate). The Head of Senate will have influence over bills and the casting vote in the event of a tie.

However the power of the Senate will be overall diminished as the Dinos will have an Emperor once more. Ronald will be the first Emperor of the restoration, the third time he has held the Dino crown. He said that at some stage in the future he will stand down and the next Emperor elected by the Senate following a recommendation from Ronald (MBH will most likely be that man).


Revisiting the A-projects

A few years ago DDS Research (as it then was) spoke about some of the "A-projects" which are warship concepts that later on may feed into actual designs. Usually they are internal only to NS Research (and secret) but a small number of interesting projects were made public to spur debate. Now almost exactly 5 years on NS Research has published a "progress report" on these 3 A-projects.

Albany was a concept for a new "multi-battlespace" warship that could operate in atmospheres as well as in space. NS have not proceeded much further with Albany though some ideas may be incorporated in future updates to the Type 035 family. Interestingly the new Dino warship the Dinomark AM has many of the features of Albany though Director of Technology Dr Forbidden said that the multi-battlespace features of Dino ships were an inspiration of Albany in the first place.

Adder was an ambitious project being a modular replacement for the Provider and Extender transport fleets. As with Albany Adder has not yet proceeded to an actual ship design though the Emerald 116A unmanned transport is said to take some ideas from Adder.

Finally August was a small warfighter with superluminal capabilities. Dr Forbidden said that the Alpha 121A NFS is based on many features of August though its development was parallel to the A-project. More aspects of August may appear in the forthcoming unmanned Lavender 105A patrol ship.


New Sparta hold full LRM test

New Sparta has held a full test of its interstellar nuclear missile the LRM-20. The missile was launched from a silo on Sanga Alpha and a couple of days later hit a target asteroid 7 light years away and detonated a small nuclear warhead. The missile had been tracked throughout by a NS warship though had operated fully autonomously. The target point on the asteroid was missed by a few km but this was within operational parameters (and the nuclear warhead meant it was still a "hit"!)

LRM-20 will now be made operational by the end of the year though a final decision on deployment has yet to be made. NS are looking into road mobile launchers for the Bright Spark ballistic missile stage.

Dinos order Olympus-E to form Dinomark JE

Five Olympus-E support carriers have been ordered by the Dinos from New Sparta. They will be delivered in a fairly unfitted state as the Dinos will want their own communications, computers, weapon systems fitted and to localise the design as much as they can. Previously known as "Future Support Carrier" the type will officially be known as the Dinomark JE.

The first delivery is planned to be next year. Five are on order though further examples may be licence built by the Dinos. They will primarily operate Ferret UCVs which the Dinos co-developed with New Sparta and Starbot though have not fielded it in numbers as of yet.

Jimmy calls for Dino parliamentary democracy

Senator Jimmy has responded to plans by Ronald and MBH to restore the monarchy by saying the Dinos should continue their transition to democracy instead of making a retreat to the past. Jimmy will propose a counter-bill for a full parliamentary democracy with an elected parliament replacing the Senate and other government levels.

Jimmy is unlikely to be successful though as Ronald and MBH have the numbers in the Senate for their bill. Ronald has said that the Senate will remain and may be increased in size as a compromise.


Story #2273

By Order Of The
Windy places an agent in NS+.


Story #2272

Humidity Factor
Windy has a mid-life crisis.


Ronald says it is time to return to a monarchy

Ronald has finally agreed with MBH that the Dino Republic system is not longer fit for purpose and the Dinos should return to a monarchy. He said that the current system of a Consul and a senate was too slow to react and there needed to be a single figure at the top who could make the important decisions.

Ronald has resisted the idea because he says he does not want to be Emperor himself but it is thought now he is open to the idea now as he can step down in favour of MBH at a later date. Consul Jimmy said he and the Liberal Party would resist the return to monarchy. "The system indeed needs change but you don't change it by going backwards." he said in the senate.

Ronald and MBH will present a joint-bill for the return of the monarchy to the Senate and their parties combined have enough votes to carry it.


Interview : Windscorpion, Director of Military Intelligence

The Director of Military Intelligence Windscorpion was kind enough to grant us a short interview after a recent NS Politburo meeting.

US : Windscorpion, can you describe what your role of Director of MI actually entails?

WS : I chair the NS Intelligence Committee and also conduct a number of special operations.

US : Can you elaborate more about these "special operations"?

WS : No.

US : Er, you have said that New Sparta needs to be more proactive, how does intelligence play a role in this?

WS : In the past we have always been reactive, allowing for threats to develop before dealing with them. I want NS to detect these threats at an earlier stage and snuff them out. To do this we need to have stronger intelligence so we can detect them earlier.

US : But some would say there is a tension between yourself and NS+, the ISSF successor.

WS : Tension is not always bad. I can keep NS+ honest. New Sparta needs a bit of tension throughout to keep everyone on their toes.

US : Where is the NS strongest in intelligence? Signals? Data gathering? Humint?

WS : Signal intelligence for sure, we've lagged in humint (though of course that emcompasses many alien species) but there will be greater investment in this area. The galaxy is becoming ever more complicated and dangerous, the effort to keep tabs on what is going on thus will be always becoming a bigger job.

US : You can't go into specifics of course but are you happy with our intelligence efforts with respect to major threats like the Tarbotians?

WS : No i am never happy, things can always get better and they will.


Story #2271

All Of The Bells
The ESBG pile in.


Fleet News 06/07/16

S253 Sobek is the latest Olympus Balista 023M to enter service.

The final two Falcon 047A (Dinomark XT) have arrived from Dino-Land, they have been named K171 Blackbird and K172 Sparrowhawk.

The first 2 ships in the big Quasar 015A upgrade have been completed and have returned to the fleet, S101 Quasar and S106 Baryon.

Finally Freedom 041B M127 Faithful has been fitted with worm drive.


UV226 : Whatever happened to Firefly?

  • Fantan Assortment - Windy and Sally punish the Tarbotians.
  • Violence Day - Firefly is in trouble.
  • On The Edge - Firefly is under attack.
  • Wild + Untamed - Firefly is led in chains.
  • Nob Jockies - Firefly makes his escape.
  • What Do You Not Know? - Smellyson recalls his days in the ESBG.
  • Eight Inch Floppy - Ronald is under attack from communist terrorists.

Operation Atomic Fist 2116

The annual NS strategic attack exercise has begun in space near Sanga Alpha. Due to the Quasar 015A upgrade programme currently ongoing the scope of the exercise is less than it has been for the last few years with just 3 simulated attack operations over the next 2 weeks. Atomic Fist will still end with its traditional live nuclear weapon operation though, an asteroid in deep space has been designated for this (which NS bomber crews regard the highlight of their year!)

The ships involved are:

S121 Warrior (flagship)
S123 Wanderer
S128 Walrus
S251 Anubis
H103 Cheetah
H112 Royal Tiger
M117 Ordovician
M127 Faithful
M209 Conflict
K109 Sulla
K115 Horace
A110 Lodestar
A156 Methane


Story #2267

Eight Inch Floppy
Ronald is under attack from communist terrorists.

Story #2266

What Do You Not Know?
Smellyson recalls his days in the ESBG.


Argrox moots separate Remedian fleet

Remedian Forces Commander-in-Chief Lord Argrox (and NS Politburo member) has said he would like the Remedians to have their own fleet again separate from the NS fleet. At the moment 5 Corkscrew 051As, 3 Perimpaz 039As (though these are about to be withdrawn) and 2 Extender 073As are operated by Remedian crews for operations along the border though remain officially part of the NS Fleet.

Argrox says he would prefer these ships to operate under the Remedian flag, working alongside the NS on integrated operations like other Tier 1 allies such as the Raegris. He is also pushing for an increase in the Remedian defence budget with the aim to increase the number of combat ships to 8 by 2120.