
Story #2222

Truth Will Out
S101 and B-1 drop in on Egonneck.


DDS to take over UNP Space Survey Mission

The DDS has taken over the UNP Space Survey Mission (USSM) which carries out surveying and mapping in UNP space, in particular along space lanes. USSM has become part of the DDS with the DDS receiving 47 million zarks a year to carry out the mission as well as a 200 million zark one-off payment to build a fleet of new ships to replace the ageing survey ships of USSM.

The ships will be built from later this year and are will use the Friendship platform. At least 5 Navigator 161A ships will be built with all needed to be in service by the end of 2117 when the existing ships become life expired.


DDS secure big export order

The DDS has secured its first export success of the year with a 7 billion zark order for warships from the Phenaris Union a minor power now feeling threatened by the expanding Tarbotian Empire, the new Kantalda province being only 4 light years from the edge of their space.

The Phenaris Union have ordered 3 Depender 757P combat support ships, 5 Pentekonter Protector 258P patrol ships and 2 Extender 125P oilers. Deliveries are expected from 2118. In the meantime the DDS will establish a liaison base on Phenaris Prime, assist with training Phenari space sailors and provide intelligence.


Dinos make first relayed DSBT

Deep Sub-space Burrowing Teleport (DSBT) technology is the "next big thing" the Dinos are working on. It uses a variation of worm drive to allow instant transports over 5 light years. The Dinos are hoping to man rate the technology by 2117 and have the first DBST links between Dino-Land and the other planets in the Dino Republic by the end of the decade.

One part of DSBT not yet mastered was to extend the length of teleports using relays. After a number of failed attempts the Dinos say they have succeeded in sending a test object between Jeloka and Pulsin (a distance of nearly 9 light years). A Dinomark in deep space served as the relay node.


Clones agree revised price for worm drives

Following the disgrace of Wolkapi the Dino-Clone deal for worm drives was thrown into doubt however Ronald was willing to allow the deal to continue however at a price for the Clones. The original price for 30 worm drives plus technical support was 10 billion zarks however this was in addition to some offsets from other orders which Ronald says can no longer be included. With a revised (and shorter) payment schedule the price is now just short of 12 billion zarks.

However the Clones are still willing to pay it. Oojok will travel to Dino-Land next month to sign the deal and technical integration of Dino worm drive technology will begin almost immediately with the first delivery of W1A worm drives in 2117 ready for a major rebuild of the Soulaki battle cruiser.


DDS detail future MCS developments

The DDS have announced details of 3 ongoing projects for its Medium Combat Ship fleet.

Work on the first Proxima Centauri 42A is progressing with former Starsystem 91X M197T Mira now fully stripped down and worn parts of the superstructure replaced. The ship is expected to be completed for testing by the end of the year and will then undertake a full testing programme in 2117 ahead of the conversion of the rest of the fleet.

Preliminary work on the unified Isometric/Freedom classes to create the Cambrian 41G is also progressing with a number of updated components and systems to be tested on ships in the fleet this year. The DDS plan to begin the unification programme in 2118.

Also announced for the first time is an update for the Corkscrew 51A which is currently in series production. Corkscrew 51A 1.1 will commence from M212 Crescent later in the year and will include a number of improvements to combat systems including a much improved cyberwarfare protection system and improved docking facilities.


Years of under investment have left Clone weaponry availability "at critical levels"

A damning report by the Clone Defence Forces Oversight Committee has cited plummeting availability rates for warplanes, land vehicles and weapon systems. Some squadrons, the report states, have less than 40% of its planes available with an average across the Clone Air Force of 63% down from 78% in 2105. The Clone Army isn't doing much better, some units have hardly any serviceable vehicles, one company of mechanised infantry on Paragon is reported to have had to use taxis during a recent redeployment as not enough AFVs and lorries were working!

The problems are due to under investment in maintenance the report says as well as a generally ageing force portfolio. Engineering and maintenance has suffered huge cuts thanks to Clone budget woes over the last decade and a major effect of this has been a lack of newly trained mechanics and engineers to replace natural wastage as well as fewer available spare parts.

The Committee has called for a 10% real terms increase in the maintenance budget as well as the establishment of 3 new technical schools. With defence budget pressures greater than ever though because of the looming worm drive purchase it is unlikely the Committee's recommendations will find any favour. The Committee warns that the alternative will be huge defacto cuts in the CDF as the soldiers won't have enough equipment to do anything!

Other Fleet News (18/01/16)

The Dinos have completed a second Dinomark AM.

Yeng have received an 8th Dinomark XT.

The Clones have withdrawn 4 Freighter TYA transports which have become life expired.

Porquat 640 have received an Extender 123P oiler.

Haylei have received 2 more Pentekonter Protector 351HAs, and also placed an order for an 8th.

Story #2221

Decision For The Future
Can Kalifei and Tiger avert a disaster?


Utrek blame rogue agents for Dinomark attempted theft

The Utrekians have blamed "rogue agents" for the attempted theft of the new Dinomark AM. The operation which foiled but was a close run thing. The Utrekians did not apologise though said it was not a state sponsored operation. This in itself is a very unusual admission by the Utrekians.

Some are saying this indicates the trouble Utrek finds itself in with its renewed war with the Mantae and perhaps they feel the need to ensure tensions elsewhere on their borders are minimised.


UV221 : Space Heist

  • Burn The Bun - Crickson and co. are given a new mission.
  • Should It? - Are the Utrek after the secrets of the new Dinomark?
  • Southern Final - The bridge crew of the new Dinomark is neutralised.
  • A New Last Hope - The Utrek get involved.
  • Race Against Toime - Can Xaron and Origano stop the Utrek?
  • Great Northern - Kalifei and Tiger investigate a terrorist attack on Charlotte.
  • May The MR Be With You! - Kalifei has been captured by terrorists.


DDS renaming consultation begins

Following a meeting of the DDS Politburo the consultation on the renaming of the DDS has begun. DDS Commander Knobhead is keen for a decision to be made on the renaming next month with the changeover to begin immediately. New Sparta is by far and away the most likely new name though other names will also be considered over the next few weeks.

Knobhead has said he favours New Sparta though the DDS will use "NS" as its short-hand. Other names which have been mentioned include UNP Space Force (USF) and Force D.


K3 cleared to begin production

The new advanced hybrid trainer for the Clone Air Force, the K3 Pterodactyl, has been cleared to begin production following extensive type proving tests. The first production K3s are expected to be completed by the Spring though the first K3 squadron is not expected to be operational until 2117.

The K3 is an advanced trainer that had a hybrid propulsion system of a turbofan and a ducted electrically driven fan. The K3 can fly solely on the fan powered by fuel cells and in this mode has a very low acoustic signature. A COIN version, the K58, is currently in development which will make great use of this sonic stealth.


Wolkapi sent to Remedian Belt

The disgraced son of Oojok Wolkapi, who was caught trying to kill a Dino politician, has been given a new job. He has been sent to the Remedian Belt to be the Clone Star Empire's ambassador on Remedia Prime. It is a fairly prestigious role and indicates he may be able to restore his fortunes to an extent though Terin is likely to remain Oojok's heir now and indeed may become the official Deputy Emperor if Sleeze steps down as is rumoured (more details below).

Wolkapi remains banned from Dino/DTA space though will find plenty to do on Remedia Prime as Oojok is keen to restore the old Clone-Remedia alliance.

As mentioned above it is being rumoured that Sleeze will step down as Deputy Emperor this year though will remain Oojok's right hand man the change being mostly cosmetic so Terin can begin preparations to succeed Oojok one day. Sleeze has now taken full command of the Oojok Death Squad and is conducting a full "review" (a.k.a. purge).


Story #2217

May The MR Be With You!
Kalifei has been captured by terrorists.


Story #2216

Great Northern
Kalifei and Tiger investigate a terrorist attack on Charlotte.


Story #2215

Race Against Toime
Can Xaron and Origano stop the Utrek?


Story #2214

A New Last Hope
The Utrek get involved.

DDS raise alert level because of Utrek and Charlotte

After the Utrek attempt to steal a new Dinomark the DDS has raised it's alert status for the first time in months, it is now on GREEN. Patrols may be strengthened along the border with Utrek space.

The alert status has also been raised because of increased terrorist activity on Charlotte which the DDS is assisting the authorities with tackling. It is rumoured that the DDS have evidence of a state actor in the terrorism, possibly the Tarbotians.