
Starbot make u-turn on Corkscrew?

The Starbotians are said to be re-considering their decision to cancel their order for Corkscrew Medium Combat Ships after the destruction of their TPM-2 depot which some, including the Starbotian leader K-2, blamed on DDS sabotage.

Military Chief K-1 is said to be urging K-2 to change his mind saying that alternatives like the Clone Shark will be "inferior" and, with the billion zarks already spent on Corkscrew (which will not be returned) taken into account, would not be that much cheaper.


Story #2166

Under The Slash
The Onion comes face to face with Redjec.


Proxima Centauri 42A specifications announced

The Proxima Centauri 42A, which will be an extensively rebuilt and upgraded Starsystem 91X, will use a lot of systems and technology from the Isometric/Freedom platform. This will aid with fleet commonality and reduce maintenance costs as well as produce a highly flexible and powerful Medium Combat Ship.

Speed will remain around 500c due to the legacy structure (though this will be strengthened), a new engine has yet to be decided. Worm drive will be fitted giving a speed of 4900ec. Weapons wise the Proxima Centauri will have a Z7 cannon, TPM-2 launchers though no MRM support due to the different layout (this may come in a later upgrade).

Systems wise the Proxima Centauri will have the same computer systems and data architecture as the Isometric and much the same sensor suite though without iSAS ground attack systems. Work has already begun on the first rebuild of the stored M197T Mira with some systems to be tested on other ships.


Atomic Fist 2115

The delayed (due to the war of course) 2115 edition of Atomic Fist has finally begun. This is the annual DDS strategic weapon exercise, this year it also includes special forces elements after Info Affair 2115 had to be cancelled earlier in the year.

The exercise will run for the next week and will include special forces deployment, reconnaissance, retrieval, defence suppression and simulated attacks. This year there will be no live nuclear fire as the DDS have already tested this for real against the Argon!

The ships involved are :

S101 Quasar (flag)
S102 Photon
S107 Charm Quark
S223 Vesuvius
H142 King
H175 Altair
M135 Fox
K106 Tiberius
K115 Horace
M139T Luyten 726
A155 Pentane
A302E Morse


Full T-62Y production begins

Following a year long in-service trial of around 40 early production examples of the new DDS/SMA tank the T-62Y by units of DDS Terrestrial Forces full production will begin in a few months. The DDS has placed an initial order for 500 of the tanks with Sanger Municipal Arms its in-house land weapon developer and supplier. Eventually the DDS will buy around 2000 of the tanks which will replace the mixture of T-89s and T-55Zs currently in service over the next 5-6 years.

The production model is known as the T-62Y1 and has a number of detail changes thanks to experience with the prototypes which served on Proxima 7 and Liberation. Molab is said to be also interested in the tank though will also take ex-DDS tanks replaced by the new one.


Starbotian elders warn K-2

B-B and K-1 have both warned Starbotian leader K-2 that he is being too erratic with his approach to the DDS. B-B said in a televised interview that there was no proof that the DDS destroyed the TPM-2 depot. It was logical to assume that they may have done it but without proof Starbot was potentially endangering its position without reason.

"The TPM-2s are gone now, we could not use them anyway. Our reaction has been illogical. We have cancelled out order for much needed Corkscrew warships even though we have paid over a billion zarks already and that money will not be refunded. We also have to think about maintenance and updates of our existing DDS ships. We cannot do this if we make the DDS an enemy."

Military chief K-1 also said that Starbot was picking the wrong fights. "The VC rebels are still extant and free. We need to deal with them and not damage our astral standing. We also need replacement warships as fast as possible."

On the latter it has been reported the Starbotians have sent a request to the Clones for details and delivery schedules for its Shark frigate.


DTA decline Starbot membership request for now

The DTA have declined Starbot's application to join its organisation citing the massive astralgraphic distance between itself and the rest of the DTA and the short period since Starbot left the DDS. The DTA has however granted a new "Associate Membership" to Starbot and promises greater co-operation and technology and intelligence sharing.

One result of this, which benefits the DDS, is that the DTA do not want Starbot to share transphasic technologies with other powers. In return the DTA will station a detachment of Dinomarks on Starbot to assist with patrols and defence until Starbot's own fleet can be strengthened. K-2 has agreed to the deal and accepted the associate membership though says that full membership must come "soon".


DDS mark end of Isometric production

With the delivery of the 108th and 109th Isometric family ships to Vontapi production of the type has formally ended after 14 years. The final 2 ships were actually completed earlier this year though delivery was delayed due to the Argon War as the ships would have had to transit to their new home through a war zone untested.

A Vontapi team instead performed acceptance testing of the 2 ships in Raegris space before taking them home after the end of hostilities between the DDS and the Argon.

The DDS marked their departure by escorting the new ships for a time with an Isometric 41A, a Freedom 42B and a Mediterranean Sea 43G at various points across DDS space. The Isometric in some form will remain in service for another 35-40 years at least with the DDS. The rebuilt Starsystems will also incorporate a lot of Isometric technology so some say the story is not quite over yet.


Other Fleet News (15/07/15)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs.
  • The Clones have introduced the first Horizon HZ unmanned transport into service. The long delayed refurbishment of 25 Freighter TYA transports by the DDS has also begun with the first 3 beginning refurb work at a custom built facility at Liberation. A new commercial grade engine will also be fitted replacing the worn Clone powerplant.
  • Sirikwan have received 2 Pentekonter Protector 350s.
  • Vontapi have received 2 Isometric 160-V1s, the final Isometric ships to be built by the DDS/Raegris.


Clones order more Rectoid ships

The Clones have ordered 8 more Mekit "Mushroom" ships from the Rectoids. These will be a developed version of the current Mekit MK4A ships of which are in service (with 2 more in testing it is reported).

The second batch of Mekits, to be known of Mekit MK4Y will have enhanced weapon packages (no more details were forthcoming) as well as better integration between Rectoid and Clone sensor and communication technologies. Deliveries will be from next year. It is thought the MK4Ys will be new ships unlike the MK4As which were refurbished ex-Rectoid Fleet ships.

Story #2165

The Hunt Renewed
The hunt begins for Redjec.

Story #2164

Rodak III
Why has Krusty become so reckless?


Story #2163

Krusty Attacks!
Krusty goes into the attack against the beast.

Story #2162

Rodak : Creature Of Evil
Krusty's ship comes under attack.


Starbot applies to join DTA

Starbot has contacted the Dinos and asked to join the Dino Trade Association. K-2 said on a public channel that the Starbotians and Dinos have been allies for a long time (indeed the Dinos gained superluminal spaceflight thanks to the Starbotians) and that the ties should be renewed and tightened.

Its not known if the Dinos will accept, especially as Starbot is a long way away from the rest of the DTA. Though Ronald has been friends with senior Starbotian figures such as S101 and K-1 for a very long time.


Starbotians cancel Corkscrew order

Convinced that the DDS are behind the explosion of a depot on Starbot which destroyed their stock of TPM-2s Starbot has cancelled its order for Corkscrew 421S Medium Combat Ships. Starbot had 5 on order with the first deliveries set for next year. Military chief K-1 said Starbot would now look for alternatives.

Starbot has already paid 1.1 billion zarks for the ships but the DDS said there would be no refunds. Unfortunately for Starbot the bulk of their fleet are DDS built ships so the Starbotians will have to continue dealing with the DDS for spares and updates. The status of outstanding orders for other ships the Starbotians have is unknown.


Story #2161

A New Broom
Windy moves to stop the Starbotians selling TPM secrets.


Explosion on Starbot destroys TPM-2 store

A depot on Starbot has exploded destroying their stock of TPM-2 missiles. They received the missiles earlier in the year from the DDS but had not received compatible launchers when they left the DDS a few weeks ago. The depot was utterly destroyed and it is feared a number of Starbotians were killed.

Starbotian leader K-2 has been quick to accuse the DDS of sabotage though in answer Sea Urchin said that TPMs could sometimes explode and it was "unfortunate".


DDS to build next generation fighter "better than the K45C"

A sign of the change in Knobhead's new regime is that the DDS will strengthen Terrestrial Forces so they can stand on their own right against peer opponents and not just act as a supporting act to the space fleet. This doesn't mean the DDS army and air force will become as large as the Clones' for example (which would be virtually impossible anyway) but Knobhead wants the DDS to have air and land weapons "second to none".

Key to this is a new fighter which will replace the F-10S from the late 2120s. Knobhead has announced initial funding for the Next DDS Fighter or NDF which will be "better than the (Clone) K45C". Details are vague on the NDF for now though it will draw on a number of existing DDS Research projects which may give a hint into its planned capabilities. These include HSMAVs or Hyper Sonic Micro Air Vehicles, laser weaponary and AI driven ECM.


New DDS Politburo meets for the first time

Knobhead's new DDS Politburo (minus Doombringer who is still on Sirikwan) has met for the first time at DDS GHQ on Proxima 5. Knobhead said that he could be seen as a continuity leader after Firefly but that he also had his own ideas for change. One of these is the Politburo which is larger than before but also excludes the likes of the Remedians and Raegris.

Knobhead said that a new committee of DDS members would be formed out of Tier 1 allies but that also Tier 1 allies would have a greater degree of independence, something the Remedians have long campaigned for.


DDS to test airborne laser gun

The DDS, having recently introduced its first laser rifle the DAR-L1 ("Darli"), is keen to deploy the technology across other weapons and platforms too. A laser anti-aircraft gun is under development but the most interesting project is to fit one on an aircraft.

A F-10A owned by DDS Research has begun flight testing a laser gun derived from the Darli. At the moment operational deployment is some way off as the gun loses accuracy quickly at distance which isn't a problem for personal firepower but could be vital for air to air combat.


F-10SNG had first flight

The next version of the main DDS Terrestrial Forces warplane, the F-10SNG, has begun flight testing ahead of an expected entry into service in 2116. Twenty five SNGs will be built in a first batch though more are expected as the SNG will replace the remaining 48 F-10As.

The SNG has an uprated version of the engine, improved radar and data architecture and a brand new integrated ECM and electronic management system.


Knobhead announced new DDS Politburo

New DDS Commander Knobhead has finalised his general staff who will form the DDS Politburo. As already announced Torus is the Director of Operations (and defacto deputy). Under her are the heads of the armed forces (a new post) and ISSF. Zeppelin has been named the head of the armed forces and Stella promoted to head ISSF.

Underneath Zeppelin are the heads of the Space Force (Caratore), Terrestrial Forces (Doombringer) and the heads of DDS North (Von Kane) and South (The Chef). DDS Centre has been abolished and instead merged with DDS North. A multi-spectrum Rapid Reaction Force has also been formed comprising warships, special forces and conventional troops which will be headed by Akbar.

Sea Urchin's Director of Technology job has changed to become Director of Facilities with The Shiner becoming the head of DDS Assets including base facilities and infrastructure. A diagram of the new DDS command structure can be seen here.


UV215 : Fall Of A Dynasty

  • Meek Pride - Team Quarz makes a shocking discovery.
  • Adam & Eve It - Team Quarz reel from the discovery Redjec is alive.
  • The Battle Of Aldebra - The DDS seek to regain its territory.
  • Decisions - Firefly shocks the DDS.
  • Do You Have An Answer? - Ronald remembers back when Oojok tried to cause a rebellion.
  • Fascist Regime - Back in 2080 Ronald confronts Oojok.
  • The Dirtiest Player In The Game - Back in 2180 Oojok learns a valuable lesson in not underestimating Ronald.

Doombringer offered job by Knobhead

It is thought that former HCS general and current military adviser to Sirikwan Doombringer has been offered the job of head of DDS Terrestrial Forces by the new DDS Commander Knobhead.

Doombringer has been in the DDS before but was not fully trusted because of his past with the Clone armed forces but it is felt that enough time has passed to give the robot another chance. Its not known yet if he will accept but it is thought he has tired of Sirikwan.


Story #2157

The Dirtiest Player In The Game
Back in 2180 Oojok learns a valuable lesson in not underestimating Ronald.

Knobhead is the new DDS Commander

The result was never really in doubt, Knobhead is the new DDS Commander. The only question remained would be if he could get 85% of the vote and he did it, just, by getting 85.2%.

Knobhead thanked his supporters and said the DDS would continue the good work and rebuilding begun under Firefly. He named Torus his successor as Director of Operations and said a full reorganisation of the DDS staff would follow in a few days.

Fleet News 01/07/15

  • H201 Mulberry is first Mulberry 36A Fleet Combat Ship based on the Yel'Tema/Cosmos platform. It is now undergoing extended new type testing.
  • NFS X706 Eta has entered service.
  • With the war over ship upgrades can resume, Isometric 41A M112 Archaeozoic has received worm drive as part of its repair after battle damage.