
Story #2034

707 Coming At Ya!
The Onion enters the New Puritan Way lair.

DDS will merge Type 35... eventually

The DDS have confirmed that the various Type 35 versions will eventually be merged into one class as happened with the Velocity/Solaris Type 37. The process will be a long-term one though with the final unification taking place in the mid 2120s.

The Panther 35A is set for its ILU around 2118-9 and it is planned to turn the Panthers into the forthcoming Kinetic 35C as part of the upgrade. Finally the Indy 35B will be merged into the Kinetics as that has its ILU in the next decade. The singleton Infinity 35X trials ship is likely to remain separate for the foreseeable future though this may also be merged into the other Type 35s eventually.


DDS agree terms for Type 36 but order on hold

The DDS are understood to have agreed terms for 12 Type 36 Fleet Combat Ships based on the Raegris Yel'Tema design but the order is on hold pending the resolution of the current financial uncertainty. The ships will be equipped with Z7 and TPM-VLS as well as having a sizeable docking bay for special forces and drones. The ships will also be worm drive equipped, the Raegris having already calibrated the hull form for a planned worming of their similar ships next year.

No names have been decided yet though Andromeda 36A has been mentioned in one publication though this is unofficial (and the DDS tend to decide on final names quite late into production of the first example anyway). If the order can be confirmed soon then the first ships could enter service within 14-16 months. The Kinetic 35C is likely to be delayed to 2116 in this case, this could happen anyway as orders for long-lead items are already on hold meaning a planned entry into service before the end of 2115 is already looking doubtful.


Story #2033

Slaughterhouse Sex
The Onion infiltrates the New Puritan Way.

Missileer 2114 Update A

An upgrade of the DDS' fleet of Missileer 21Bs is due to begin next month. The upgrade was funded and agreed before the current DDS financial restrictions with items already bought or ordered meaning it can go ahead without any changes.

The main change includes the fitting of W1AA worm drives to the fleet, a Z7 cannon will be fitted and 2 TPM-VLS batteries. The ships will receive a new power grid (which is needed for the wormdrive and cannon anyway) and improvements to the communications and internal security systems. The upgrades are likely to be completed by the early Winter.


K45C enters CAF service

Finally the first 5 K46C Falcons have entered service with the Clone Air Force after a long and highly expensive development process. 845 aircraft are on order to supplement the nearly 900 K45As in service. The new version will help replace much of the legacy and ageing K40 Ford fleet and help keep Clone aviation way ahead.

The K45A was already considered the best fighter around (though the DDS F-10SEP has closed the gap) but its capabilities are easily surpassed by the new version. The K45C is a complete redesign of the type with a mission adaptive wing, active inertia cancelling, active EW and many other cutting edge technologies.
  • Its mostly symbolic but the fact the K85 COIN fleet has now dipped below 3000 aircraft after the latest withdrawals has raised some Clone eyebrows (figuratively of course as Clones don't have eyebrows!) New Brownings will not be built until the all-electric K85QA early in the next decade. By then the K85 fleet is projected to dip to around 2700. It remains the core warplane in Clone service, called upon to deliver warheads onto insurgent forehead on an almost weekly basis.


Shiner eases financial restrictions

With the funding uncertainty at its height the DDS' Finance Officer The Shiner put strict rules in place as to new purchases and contracts with anything over 200 million zarks on hold. Although there is still a lot of uncertainty The Shiner has raised this limit to 350 million zarks.

This allows for the next stage in development of the Type 18A "Mobile Cannon" weapon system. The funding will allow for development and building of a prototype Z-Max cannon which will be at the core of the Type 18A. A firm order for the type may also be made within weeks. Funding will also be released for tooling ready for the Kinetic 35C fleet combat ship.
  • The DDS has signed a 110 million zark contract with the Free Eritran States for continued updates and engineering assistance with their fleet of DDS warships. The contract will cover support, software updates and selected hardware upgrades until 2118.


Story #2032

Hard At It
Team Gibson strikes again.


DDS exploring drone transports

DDS Research held an Unmanned Space Vessel conference at DDS City this week where DDS and industry experts met to discuss and explore the various technologies needed in unmanned space-faring drones like the Ferret 101B and Alpha 121A.

One snippet from the conference was that the DDS are looking into the possibility of an unmanned transport ship to supplement the transport fleet and intended for hazardous cargoes / situations. The ship would likely be smaller than the River 75B but would still be capable. No word was given as to whether the DDS would proceed with designing such a ship. The Clones are developing an unmanned transport though the Horizon HZ has yet to enter service, it is due this year but as yet there have been no sightings or announcements.


Operation Atomic Fist 2114

The DDS' annual strike exercise is due to begin next week and will mark the first time the new Warrior 16A takes part in the DDS' strategic strike exercise though it will only perform a supporting role to the Quasars. The exercises will take place near Malau in DDS South and will include a series of simulated strategic attacks and reconnaissance. The final exercise will use live nuclear weapons.

The ships involved will be:

S101 Quasar (flag)
S106 Baryon
S107 Charm Quark
S122 Warspite
H126 Intrepid
H167 Regulus
M115 Permian
M126 Fury
M173 Celebes Sea
M201 Corkscrew
A112 Trader
A149 Refinery

Two Raegris Quasars may also join the deployment.


DDS in talks with Raegris over Yel'Tema

The Yel'Tema is a Raegris designed ship in service with the Raegris and on order by Helinox, an older version is also the basis of the Cosmos the backbone of the Clone fleet. In an unexpected move the DDS are said to be interested in buying a fleet for themselves.

The DDS see the Yel'Tema as a capable Fleet Combat Ship but also cheaper than DDS designs. Buying 10 for example would cost 75% of the total cost of building 10 Type 35s (this includes a discount from the Raegris). A DDS spokeswoman said the Yel'Temas would be in addition to the Kinetic 35C already on order though this third generation Type 35 might be pushed back a year.

A DDS Yel'Tema would be similar to the upgraded Raegris RC-2B with a Z7 cannon and worm drive added. Talks are ongoing and any order is also waiting on the Proxima budget situation being resolved. The Type 36 designation has been reserved for the type.


10 billion zarks worth of contracts suspended by New Puritan Way uncertainty

As it looks like Proxima 7 will have to re-run their election after the New Puritan Way failed to find an accommodation with one of the two largest parties this means that the period of uncertainty over DDS finances looks set to continue into the late Summer.

A by-product of this is a suspension on new long-term contracts over 200 million zarks by DDS Financial Services until the funding issue is resolved. Around 10 billion zarks worth of contracts are currently suspended including funding for the new Olympus Balista 23M carrier, Kinetic 35C Fleet Combat Ship, worming of much of the heavy transport fleet and upgrades to DDS Communications infrastructure. As most of these contracts are due to begin next year a delay of a few months will not have too bad an effect however the DDS Finance Officer Shiner said that delaying infrastructure projects will have a knock-on effect on costs and capability.

Story #2031

A New Direction
Windy takes SFX in-hand, meanwhile Team Q get a new mission.


Other Fleet News (18/05/14)

  • The Dinos have built a Dinomark XT and a Dinomark PT.
  • The Bolitic have built a Snarl, rumoured to be the last one to be built. The first of the replacement Furl class is under construction.
  • Voth have received their final 3 refurbished Kalahati Tuuls, completing a fleet of 12.
  • Molab have received their final Pentekonter-ME minesweeper.


UV202 : Windy's Family Affair

  • Sexual Inadequacy - Can our heroes escape the Garmii? (A Little War P5)
  • Gibson Comes Down Hard - Krusty makes a shocking discovery, meanwhile Gibson makes a decision. (Breakthrough P1)
  • Locked On - Gibson forms his new force of uber evil. (Breakthrough P2)
  • Cooked 3 Ways - Terance is a suspect in the Cruggson shooting meanwhile Team Gibson prepares to strike... (Breakthrough P3)
  • Slow To Turn - Windy confronts SFX (Interloper P1)
  • Hunting For Uranus - Windy and SFX hunt the Garmii stowaway (Interloper P2)
  • Parental Disapproval - Can SFX finally regain some favour? (Interloper P3)


Story #2027

Parental Disapproval
Can SFX finally regain some favour? (Interloper P3)


Story #2026

Hunting For Uranus
Windy and SFX hunt the Garmii stowaway (Interloper P2)


DDS conduct "anti-CSM" test

The DDS have conducted a test interception of a "interstellar missile" (the DDS did not mention the Clones' CSM by name but its obvious this was the missile the test was against). A modified Ferret-G was outfitted with a cloak and then set on a preprogrammed attack vector. The DDS say they detected the Ferret even though its cloak was operational.

The DDS have not said how they did this though it is thought they used neutrino grids and other detection methods to find the missile. How useful the test was is unknown. By their nature systems like neutrino grids can only be deployed on a limited scale due to cost and technical limitations so the DDS had to know a missile was coming and roughly where it was. These are not necessarily things the DDS would know if faced by a real CSM.

Classic story #0893

Split That Firm Up
The DDS and Tarbotian fleets meet in battle.


New stretch of DDS GHQ Metro opens

The latest stretch of the DDS GHQ Metro has opened at Helnikan island, Proxima 5. The line has now been extended from Air Base to the ISSF HQ on the island. The final extension of this part of the network up to the Quentin Hills Observation Point is ahead of schedule and should open by the end of the year.

The new stretch of the line also includes some extra subterranean storage sidings to allow a higher train frequency on the network.


Story #2025

Slow To Turn
Windy confronts SFX (Interloper P1)


New Puritan Way rage against the DDS

The New Puritan Way, still locked in coalition negotiations (which arn't going anywhere fast), have launched a blistering response to Firefly's warnings about budget cuts. His Holiness Father Sharpe, the spiritual leader of The Way, told a gathering of supporters the following:

"The Arch-Demon of the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah lies when he says the future of the UNP and human race depends on ever more millions of zarks being fed into that bastion of sin and sloth. The UNP is not under threat, any danger is manufactured by their propaganda machine to put fear into the ungodly and scare them into submission.

"But the supporters of the New Puritan Way are not swayed by the forked tongue of the King of serpents. We have the iron shield of faith to protect us from evil...

"The money the DDS demand could be better spent on Bibles and study for children, to learn the ways of the Lord and not fund the filthy lifestyles of He Who Walks Backwards and his little demons..."

Sharpe's speech was later condemned by rival party leaders.


Firefly warns that budget cuts will imperil UNP

DDS Commander Firefly has issued a stark warning to the UNP that cutting the money they give to the DDS will be a very dangerous move and will imperil the UNP and even the existence of the human race!

With Proxima 7's political parties still locked in coalition talks it is rumoured the DDS funding from P7 could be rolled back to 2109 levels as part of a deal with the New Puritan Way. This would cut DDS funding by around 2.3 billion zarks. However as P7 is the biggest contributor the other UNP members may also want to cut their contributions to keep them all the same size in relation. Thus the cuts to the DDS could amount to 5.7 billion zarks.

That would severely affect DDS operations and capability Firefly has said. "We would not be able to build as many ships, run as many upgrades and would have to scale back training and development. The DDS would be badly weakened and hence the defence of the UNP. Tarbot and Utrek lie on our borders waiting for our weakness, ready to strike, we must become stronger not weaker! We're not talking about nice people here but enemy powers who wish to conquer and destroy the UNP. The DDS is the only defence against that!"


Ronald and Meika expecting

Ronald has announced that his new wife Meika is pregnant and will lay her egg within the next few weeks. He added that it should hatch during the late Summer.

He said he hoped it would be a daughter. His only daughter Crystal, along with his first wife Holisai, died in a Zone attack on Dino-Land during the ABBO-Bolitic War. He of course has 3 sons whom he regards with varying degrees of distaste.


Firefly not worried by New Puritan Way "challenge"

DDS Commander Firefly said he is not worried by the prospect of the New Puritan Way holding the balance of power after the Proxima 7 elections. "We work with all UNP elected governments and officials, and work with politicians across the board. I see no reason why we can't work with the New Puritan Way."

The Way however are hostile to the DDS in a way few other parties dare and openly seek to reduce the funding to the DDS. Some of the most radical in the party even want the DDS kicked off Proxima 7. Firefly said that the DDS maintain a portfolio of options depending on what might happen though there is no doubt that the DDS could be badly hurt by a cut in funding.

One source says the Way want to reduce P7's contribution to the DDS by 50%, that would mean 23% of the DDS' entire budget being lost (as P7 has the biggest economy in the UNP). The Way are continuing to negotiate with the 2 leading parties, luckily for the DDS both parties regard cutting the DDS budget as "lunacy" as a Public Alliance spokeswoman recently said.


Trouble for DDS as New Puritan Way hold balance of power after P7 election?

The religious fundamentalist New Puritan Way has won a quarter of the seats in the Proxima 7 parliament following the general election which took place last week. Now they are poised to be the kingmakers with both the ruling Proxima People's Party and the rival Public Alliance needing the Way's seats to form a majority and a government.

Why should this worry the DDS? Because as a pre-requisit for support the Way want strict new controls over the DDS in return for continued funding. The Way have been bitter opponents of the DDS for some time, calling them the moral cancer at the heart of Proxima 7. Thus with the Way as part of the P7 government the DDS would find it much harder to operate on the planet which is still the major home of the DDS even after GHQ has moved to Proxima 5.


Story #2024

Cooked 3 Ways
Terance is a suspect in the Cruggson shooting meanwhile Team Gibson prepares to strike... (Breakthrough P3) *** STORY CONTAINS ADULT THEMES (YAY!) ***

DDS update Order of Battle

The DDS has updated its Order of Battle or ORBAT for the first time in a while. The most notable changes are to the Strategic Division which gains a third strike squadron equipped by 2 Warrior 16As supported by an Indy 35B. It is likely a third Warrior will be added to the squadron replacing the Indy when available later in the year. The squadron is intended as a training squadron for the moment and the teething problems with the Warrior mean it is not likely to be deployed yet.

Strategic Division also gains a Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron which is equipped by 2 Type 35s fitted with the EW/TR module.
  • After much delay (mostly due to the ABBO-Bolitic War) the DDS has finally accepted into service the Pave Orange MCM control system which has been fitted into a combat module acceptable by the Rome 46A and Corkscrew 51A. The Romes will be taking over the minesweeper director role from the small number of Isometric 41As fitted with Pave Yellow. These ships will retain the system as a back-up though it likely by the end of 2115 the minesweeper director role will be wholly performed by the Rome (though Corkscrews will also be available as a back-up).


Fleet News (02/05/14)

  • S122 Warspite is the second Warrior 16A bomber to join the fleet.
  • X702 Beta is the replacement for the lost Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Ship. It has been assigned to ISSF for evaluation of the type for special forces operation.

Story #2023

Locked On
Gibson forms his new force of uber evil. (Breakthrough P2)


Clones sell tanks and upgrades to Dinos

The Dinos are building their own T-55ZDM2s (they are retaining the old name for the tank not the new CDF J55ZDM2 designation) but as production is not yet at a sufficient rate for the Dino Army and DTA needs have placed an order for 120 tanks from the Clones.

The Dinos have also bought upgrade kits for 170 of their older T-55Zs (ex-HCS stock) to bring them up to the ZDM2 standard.