
K3 and K58 to share platform

Two new warplane projects for the Clone Air Force are the K3 Pterodactyl advanced trainer and the K58 close support aircraft. Both are likely to enter service in the late 2110s. The Clone state aircraft manufacturer CAC has said that the two types will share a basic platform and configuration to save costs and cut development time.

However the two types will be different enough to warrant different type designations. The K3 is scheduled to arrive first with the first flight aimed for later this year and an entry into service planned for 2116. The K58 may enter service around 2118.


Dinos look to build larger ships

Apart from the singleton prototype Dinomark ZX (which ended up sold to the DDS, later lost in combat) and the Dinomark RS the Dinos have stuck to their small-medium sized ship concept for their fleet. However after much internal debate in the Dino Army it now seems the Dinos are ready to "bulk up".

A "Fleet Combat Ship" sized ship said to be the size of a DDS Type 35 or a Solaris is said to be the Dinos preferred target. A fleet of 25-30 ships of this type could form a new combat orientated core for the Dino fleet in the 2120s and beyond, moving away from the general purpose XT and PT designs. The Dino Senate is to debate the issue of the new ship next month though there are indications development will go ahead.


Clones begin tests of J15 AA tank

The Clones have begun field trials and tests of a new anti-aircraft system based on the J89 chassis and using the medium-range SA-8 missile. The J15 Ferret has been largely funded by the Dinos though will also be in Clone service eventually.

The J15 along with the second generation J4NG Stoat which uses the latest SA-6A missile are part of Clone Army efforts to renew its field anti-aircraft capabilities. An improved version of the SA-8 missile is also in development (likely to be the SA-8A) and this will probably be the weapon carried when the Ferret enters service around 2116.


DDS to develop drone transports

The DDS is to explore development of an unmanned transport similar to the pending Clone Horizon HZ design. The Type 171X as it currently known could be used as an armament resupply transport, bringing fresh supplies of TPMs for example to the front line, and being unmanned and smaller will be more expendable and less vulnerable than a lumbering Provider 71A for example.

The contract granted to DDS Engineering does not guarantee the Type 171X will be built yet, just that a feasibility study and early development work will be carried out over the next few months. However such a type would be the kind of "force multiplier" Firefly is keen to add to the DDS portfolio.


Oojok seeks summit with Firefly

Emperor Oojok has said he would like to meet with DDS Commander Firefly on "neutral ground" in order to clear the air after bad blood between the DDS and Clone Star Empire over recent weeks. Firefly has not yet said if he will agree to a summit though the DTA have offered their diplomatic facilities on Yeng as a venue.

The Clone media has notable toned down its rhetoric over the last couple of days though Clone TV still broadcast a repeat of the Clone Wars documentary "The death of the DDS".


DDS still want their 3 Triumph 66Bs

Despite the rhetoric between the Clones and DDS lately the DDS are still eager to receive 3 Triumph 66B amphibious strike carriers (the Tiamon II design in CDF Space Navy service). The 3 ships, the first 2 of which are understood to be under construction at Cloneworld, will be the final piece in the DDS' amphibious warfare force jigsaw and in any event have been paid for already.

The DDS refused to rule out remaining a customer of Clone built military hardware in future though said that "The Clones were just one of a matrix of domestic and interstellar suppliers." Privately these ships will likely be the last Clone built weapons for the DDS for the time being. Public attacks like the one by Sleeze who jeered on TV that the DDS without Windy was a rudderless ship are not helping relations between the two superpowers.
  • The two remaining Fulcrum 85A special forces transports have been put in reserve ahead of their withdrawal later in the year. The ships will still be available if needed (after a delay) though will not be used in everyday operation. 
  • The DDS are working on an improved version of its subluminal utility transport the Heron (or SROPS as its usually known). As the fleet expands then the number of SROPS needed also increases (every DDS warship is supposed to carry at least one). Before a new order however the DDS are looking at improving the shuttle into a Rev C model which will have improved ECM, control systems and docking capabilities.

Story #1994

The Year We Make Contact
Windy will be avenged (The Pteli P3)


Oojok denounces "war monger DDS"

Emperor Oojok of the Clone Star Empire has denounced the DDS as a "past-it bunch of war mongers" in the light of news the DDS are to boost the size of their fleet. Oojok said the DDS were "the past" and were trying to cling onto their past glories by spending greater sums on their fleet and trying to intimidate the Clones who he claimed were peace loving and democratic.

"It is a sign of a decaying regime that increased military spending is used as a sticking plaster over a crumbling edifice." Oojok sneered. "The DDS is dying, they are fading into irrelevance. The future belongs to freedom loving peoples like the Clones and Rectoids!"


DDS announce fleet changes

The DDS Politburo has reported back from its 3 day enclave discussing the new threats to the DDS and how the fleet needs to be changed and augmented to match these threats in the short and medium terms. It is going to cost a lot of money (sadly noted by The Shiner on his blog about teen girls) but is a multi-year effort to boost the DDS fleet. Key parts of the plan, which is to be rubber stamped by the Politburo at the weekend, include:
  • The new Olympus Balista 23M missile carrier (as already announced), no less than 20 will be ordered though production will be spread over 4-5 years.
  • Initial gate funding for the development of the Type 19A "ultra cannon ship".
  • Production of Corkscrew 51A accelerated with 2-3 ships for the DDS expected by 2115 and 4-5 by 2116 and subsequent years.
  • Top up orders for the Kinetic 35C (up to 12) and Warrior 16A (up to 15). The extra 3 of the latter will be a sub-class with a primary role of strategic reconnaissance though will be fully capable of being used in the strike mission.
  • An extra 3 Extender 73A and 2 Zephyr 76A oilers ordered. An extra 2 Falcon 47As also ordered.
  • A new minesweeping flotilla formed, 4 new Pentekonter-Ms ordered. The minesweeper director role will also be given full-time to the Rome 46A (which will receive a major update next year). 
  • A further 5 Alpha 121A NFSs ordered with capability enhancements. These will be the final pre-production examples before the DDS embarks on series production.
  • 500 more Ferret UCVs ordered, probably in a new improved version.
  • Extra investment in upgrades and capability enhancements.
  • Improved communication links to the Rim Worlds from core DDS space.


K45K takes to the seas

The K45K Falcon fighter has embarked on its first operational cruise aboard the Clone Navy flagship CNSS Cloneworld. 4 of the planes, joined by 8 K85NTKs, have been taken on a training exercise. The K45Ks will maintain CAP (or practice anyway) and also perform some reconnaissance sorties.

The Clone Navy hopes to embark a full complement of 8 Falcons on an operational cruise later in the year. The CN is keen to launch another offensive against the pirates on Cloneworld, this time augmented by new and improved weapons like the Falcon and new ships like the Albatross intelligence gathering ship (the first of which has also joined the above exercise incidentally).

Story #1983

Have A Runabout!
Windy and SFX's departure from Ptelinus is delayed (The Pteli P2)


Olympus Balista 23M revealed

The DDS have revealed an artist impression of the proposed (its order has yet to be finalised though it will be) Olympus Balista 23M fast strike missile carrier. The design is said to be "95% finalised" and is likely to have 2 main missile launchers that can fire TPMs, MRMs and other missiles plus a TPM-VLS cell. It will also have a Z7 cannon, info-weapons and UCVs.


DDS to develop Olympus Balista for themselves

The Olympus Balista is part of the DDS export portfolio though as yet had no takers. The Balista version of the Olympus is a missile carrier, dubbed "Mini Missileer" by some observers. The DDS have decided to build it for themselves though their version will be a lot more powerful than the export spec and be equipped with a worm drive.

The Olympus Balista 23M will be equipped with multiple TPM launchers including VLS, MRMs and a Z7 cannon. It will also have a (reduced) UCAV complement. It will be ordered soon as part of the DDS Poliburo's "new direction" for the DDS fleet. Others details of any changes to the DDS fleet have not yet been announced, though some have noted that orders for long lead items for the Corkscrew 51A have been speeded up.


CAF makes changes to close-support / COIN fleet

The Clone Air Force counts close-support and counter-insurgency as among its most important roles (and it certainly COIN that provides the most combat opportunities for the CAF). As part of efforts to trim 120 million zarks from the CAF budget (which will be redirected to the K45C procurement programme) the air force has announced a number of cuts and changes to its huge close-support/COIN fleet.

Production of new K85 Browning COIN aircraft has been suspended for the time being and new K85s are not likely to be built now (for the CAF at least) until the early 2120s when the next generation K85QA debuts. The huge K85 fleet is expected to shrink below 3000 over the next couple of years though some aircraft will be upgraded including to the inflight refuelling capable K85NIK. 25 old K85s will be converted to K85O liaison / observation aircraft.

The Q3 Black Dragon UAV's outstanding order has been reduced by 40 also as part of cost savings. In happier news for the close-support fleet however the proposed K58 is now confirmed and serious development work will now begin. This will be a small jet powered aircraft said to be similar in capability and role to the DDS NDAA.

Story #1992

Thats Windy To Yow
Windy's sekrit mission begins. (The Pteli P1)


DDS will build "bigger, better" fleet

The DDS Politburo has begun a 3 day meeting discussing the changing astral-political spacescape, especially the changing threat matrix and how the DDS can adapt to it. Although the meeting is in lockdown and no official news will be released until the weekend at the earliest DDS Commander Firefly said beforehand that he expected the DDS would have to build a "bigger, better" fleet.

The Shiner has already begun a review of the DDS' finances with a view to boosting the ship building budget and Knobhead has begun a review of the DDS fleet. A bigger fleet is a given it seems, the Politburo just need to decide exactly what more they will build and when.

Fleet News (15/01/14)

  • The new year of DDS shipbuilding has been opened by a whole new type. S121 Warrior is the first of the new Warrior 16A bomber class. The ship has now begun extensive new type trials and will enter full service in the Spring. It is hoped it will be able to take part in exercises before that as part of its testing.
  • One class leaving the DDS is the Arafura Sea 43C Medium Combat Ship class, the last 2 examples have now been converted and upgraded to Mediterranean Sea 43G standard, they are M178 Sea Of The Hebrides and M179 North Sea.


Story #1991

Man's Inhumanity To Man
Can Krusty be saved from a fate far far far worse than death? (Distant Thunder P3)


DDS Politburo to discuss changing astral-political spacescape

The DDS Politburo is to meet next week in a 3 day "locked" session to discuss the developing astral-political situation and how DDS doctrine and procurement policies need to be adjusted. The major change is the Clone-Rectoid link up with the Tarbotian situation also a growing threat. The DDS may be forced to accelerate ship building plans to grow the size of the fleet.

Not just ships but other weapons will be discussed, the DDS have already sped up plans for their LRM strategic missiles but its thought that improved MRMs may also be developed as a counter to the Clone space launched CSM-S.


DDS ships to take part in DTA exercise

Three DDS ships, 2 MCS and an oiler, will take part in a large DTA military exercise that will conduct mock combats and other training missions over the next 2 weeks. A Raegris ship will also join the fleet which will consist mainly of Dino and Sirikwanese warships.

With the DDS now moved from monthly exercises to 4 large exercises throughout the year the opportunities for mock combat have lessened so the DDS are keen for their crews to take part in other nations' exercises to increase their experience and knowledge base.


Type 35 2114 Update A

The first upgrade of the year involves the DDS Panther and Indy fleets. The Type 35 2114 Update A is intended to keep the primary fighting ships of the fleet up to date with the latest weapon and sensor technologies. The upgrade includes :
  • Z7 Zip Cannon fitted
  • iSAS-PAN4 attack system fitted with improved targeting sensors and data filtering
  • Improved datalinking for interoperability with Ferret UCVs
  • Modifications to internal layout to improve special forces accommodation (Indy 35B only)
Upgrades have already begun and will be completed as per normal maintenance cycles over the next few months.


UV198 : Last Long Shot

  • White Out - Ronald escapes but the hunt is on! (Terra P6)
  • Time To Go Extreme - Ronald battles to survive (Terra P7)
  • Final Long Shot - Can the Dinos escape the Terrasaurs and Terib-Kan? (Terra P8)
  • I'm The Champion - Captain Akbar is handed a secret mission deep into Clone space (Operation Pudding P1)
  • A Peace Of The Action - Can the DDS get back behind their own lines? (Operation Pudding P2)
  • Death Of A Friend - A Dino agent dies trying to bring vital info back home (Distant Thunder P1)
  • We're Gonna Miss You - Krusty is kidnapped by some kinky SS. (Distant Thunder P2)

Story #1987

We're Gonna Miss You
Krusty is kidnapped by some kinky SS. (Distant Thunder P2)


Ronald attends mysterious funeral

An obscure merchant ship captain called Constantino has been given a military funeral at the Orach Glory Temple just outside Dino-Town. This small temple is often used for low-key military funerals by the inner circle. Constantino was given an honour guard of 6th Legion personnel and Ronald led the service.

Constantino was ex-Dino Army though had a rather undistinguished career. He was said to have been a good friend of Ronald (and former comrade) though it is also speculated he may have performed secret duties for Ronald such as espionage along the Raegris-Utrek border where he usually operated.


Rectoids return home... but will be back

The Rectoid squadron visiting the Clones, which caused tension between the Clones and DDS, has finally set off for home. However the Rectoid commander Artem 413 told Clone TV that the Rectoids would be back!

"The Rectoids will soon send a permanent force to stay in Clone space. The ships, small in number i think, will help the Rectoids train with their new Clone allies and help lay the groundwork for the integration of technologies between our two nations."

Paragon has been spoken about as a possible site for a Rectoid orbital post.


Story #1986

Death Of A Friend
A Dino agent dies trying to bring vital info back home (Distant Thunder P1)

Firefly reboots LRM team

DDS Commander Firefly has replaced the head of the LRM development team and told the new head that the project is "DDS priority number 1" with Dr Forbidden being given a more direct role in oversight of the project. Firefly has set 2116 as the date for limited operational status with full operational status of the interstellar missile set for 2117-8.

The missile being talked about is the 20 light year ranged LRM-20 which uses the Bright Spark launcher, a 100 light year version LRM-100, has been put back for the early to mid 2120s. LRM-20 has sufficient range to reach Cloneworld in any event, the weapon being a counter to the Clones' own CSM.

Bright Spark (a derivative of a commercial launcher) is already considered ready for use though work on the space stage has been lagging however much of the work that needs to be done can be derived from existing UCV work a DDS Research source has stated.

Silo locations will be finalised this year, the DDS plan to locate the missile on both Proxima 5 and 7. A road launched missile is also in development.


Rectoids to share technology with Clones

The Rectoids and Clones have announced a joint technology institute to be located on Cloneworld. The institute will be for technology sharing between the two powers and working to integrate shared technology into each other's systems. Analysts think much of the advanced technology sharing will be one way, Rectoid to Clones though the Rectoids are keen for much Clone technology such as aerial and land weaponry too where the Clones are undisputed leaders.

Unconfirmed reports state that the DDS spy ship, a Panther 35A, skirmished with a Rectoid Mekit 5 "mushroom" ship before it could get back over the border. The DDS ship had a lot of problems with the Rectoid offensive and defensive technologies. If the Clones can get these as an upgrade it could be very serious indeed for the DDS.
  • The DDS have reduced their alert status to GREEN (though this was announced before the Rectoid-Clone one, maybe the DDS would have kept the status higher if they had known?)


Clones protest DDS incursion

The Clones are protesting the incursion of a DDS warship (a Panther 35A) into the heart of Clone space. The ship decloaked in orbit around Cloneworld and was chased off by orbital defences and Clone ships in orbit. The Clones say the DDS ship was snooping on the Rectoid ships in orbit and called the incursion "reckless and provocative".

The DDS meanwhile replied the ship had "navigational issues" and was in Clone space by mistake. The spokesman even managed to keep a straight face as he said it too!


Other Fleet News (01/01/14)

  • The Dinos completed a Dinomark XT for their own fleet before the Christmas shutdown.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed a Snarl and Meltinan.
  • Porquat 640 have received their first 3 Coril-E shuttles.
  • Sirikwan have received their first 2 Shark SKH-E patrol/MCM ships from the Clones. The arrival means the 2 obsolete Reliwan frigates (Tarbotian Vortis) have been withdrawn (though they have been on the reserve list for the last 8 months anyway).