

Struck Out
Can Bife defeat Ronald? (The Losers P5)


DDS and Clones offer Dinos jet fighters

The Dinos have said they intend to buy (or likely licence-build) a number of jet fighters to take over air defence over Dino-Land and other Dino worlds in order to lighten the load on the Dinomark fleet. The Dinos have asked for details of the DDS F-10S and the Clone F-45A and both have now sent specifications the Dinos are now evaluating.

The DDS have offered an updated and localised version of their fighter called the F-10SED Shark, they have emphasised the multi-role capabilities of the Shark and its ability to fire TPM-As which would also be included (or rather help to integrate the LEO attack missile with the Dinos own TPM warhead). The SED has a similar specification to the latest SEP model for the DDS' own Air Division.

The Clones have offered an upgraded model of their F-45A Falcon called the F-45ADM. Unlike the DDS the Clones are not offering their latest fighter (the C model of the Falcon) though the ADM is considered a superior fighter the F-10SEP overall though not quite as good in the attack mission (and it cannot yet carry TPM-A). The F-45ADM would be fitted with the new radar from the F-45C as well as some ECM modules.

The Dinos are expected to decide in a few weeks, the DDS plane is considered the favourite.


Massive explosions rock New Vosun

The ex-Vosun Voth Star Empire member New Vosun, a colony rather out on the limb on the edge of DTA space, has been rocked by massive explosions across 4 cities Dino media has reported. The cause of the explosions are unknown though there has been a terrorist movement operating on the planet for some months trying to stop government moves to join the DTA.

The group want New Vosun to either re-establish its link to the remaining Vosun Empire or become a neutral non-aligned planet.



Nice Speech
Dinomark is shot down (The Losers P4)

ISSF to rationalise special forces fleet

The head of Internal Security Special Forces (ISSF) Torus has announced that the organisation will standardise around the underwater capable Falcon 47W (Dinomark XT) and withdraw the ageing Coril 86A and expensive to maintain Fulcrum 85A transports.

The Coril 86As are among the oldest ships in the DDS fleet, one indeed was built in the early 2080s (though entered DDS service in the mid-2090s). Although it was planned to keep them until the next decade their advanced age plus the heavy intensive usage ISSF make of them means they will require a major overhaul to reach that. The 3 Fulcrum 85As are Utrek built High Speed Transports, the advent of the worm drive in DDS service means that the compromises and expense of the Fulcrums is not one the DDS wish to continue with.

Under the plans laid out by Torus, with the backing of Firefly, the 5 Falcon 47Ws will become dedicated to ISSF use and be permanently fitted out with the specialist equipment needed on special forces operations (at the moment the ships are frequently used by ISSF but need fitting out first before every mission). A sixth Falcon 47W will also be bought next year and all the ships will be fitted with worm drive.

The DDS will begin phasing out the Corils this year (once the worming and conversion of the Falcons has begun) and the Fulcrums next year.
  • The Clone designed and Dino funded new generation self-propelled artillery gun, the ATC-107GDM has begun testing at a range on Cloneworld. Further testing will also be held on Dino-Land later this year as well as on Pulsin, Xi, Sandworld, Lomar and Austini 55 over the next year. The Clone Army have yet to decide if they will buy the type though are following the testing closely. The Dino Army will standardise on it as its main artillery piece.


Size Is Everything
Bife explains how he ended up on such a remote planet (The Losers P3)


HCS name to live on

The Clones are busy converting their armed forces from the HCS to the Clone Defence Forces. It is estimated that it will take over 12 months to rename and repaint everything to the new insignia and labels though some old equipment may never be renamed due to cost and the limited remaining service expected in the items in question.

The HCS name will live on however. Oojok has decreed that the GHQ of the Clone Defence Forces will remain HCS GHQ, mostly for heritage and nostalgic reasons it is thought after Oojok was lobbied by a number of senior CDF officers including a couple of remaining veterans from the original HCS. Oojok has also said that the third aircraft carrier in the CDF Navy's Cloneworld class will be named Hospital Carnage Squad.  Construction of this ship has not yet begun so is not likely to be in service until 2117 at least.


DDS and Dinos to work on worm drive for SUP

A joint DDS and Dino team has been formed to work on worm drives for SUP class spacecraft, especially the Provider and Extender which serve in both organisations' space fleets. The Dinos have never fitted worm drive to a ship quite as large before though Chief Scientist Dougson believes the worm drive should work. "The theory is quite sound."

The team will calibrate the Provider and Extender for wormdrive and run tests and simulations before a real drive is fitted to a ship. This is likely to be a Dino Provider-EDA as the DDS do not plan to fit worm drives to any of their transports yet though they intended to make the Extender oiler fleet ready for the drives on their next update.


Corkscrew proving period explained

SS Corkscrew is due to officially added to the DDS fleet next week but is unlikely to enter full service this year. Earlier the head of DDS Technology Sea Urchin explained why at a media briefing at DDS Engineering. He explained that new types of ship need a longer proving period than is usual for new ships (usually 1-2 weeks).

Corkscrew however will spent 4-5 weeks being tested from top to bottom. "Even down to the smallest component we need to rigorously test the new ship." As well as testing Corkscrew the DDS need to test the DDS around Corkscrew! How Corkscrew integrates with DDS networks and systems will be tested and DDS automated systems will need updating and calibrating with the new type.

Sea Urchin also explained that the Remedians, who will receive ships 2 and 3 early next year, will perform some training on SS Corkscrew in the early Autumn as will trainers from the DDS Space Academy and engineers from DDS Engineering. "By late November most testing and training will be done, we are hoping to have the Z7 fitted by then too. If all goes well Corkscrew could take part in an exercise before the end of the year."


Corkscrew begins trials

SS Corkscrew, name ship of the new Medium Combat Ship class (and future of the DDS fleet in many ways), has begun proving trials. The ship will officially enter DDS service in a few weeks but will remain under the control of DDS Engineering for much of the rest of the year. The lead ships of new classes undergo a much longer proving period than later ships. Construction of later ships will also be much faster, Corkscrew was delayed around a month due to some construction issues though DDS Engineering say these have now been ironed out.

The Corkscrew 51A is based on the Rome 46A though is larger and more powerful coming with TPM VLS batteries and a Z7 cannon (the latter not yet fitted, a stock Z6 has been fitted instead for the meantime). The DDS have 54 on order though the next 5 to be built will be for the Remedians to finally replace the ageing Kalahati Tuul 2 (Perimpaz 39A). These ships will begin construction soon for delivery in 2114 and early 2115.
  • The DDS Exports Agency and DDS Engineering have, with the first Corkscrew beginning trials, described how they will switch over production from the Isometric to the Corkscrew. The Corkscrew will be built at 2 sites, one at Solaris and the other at the Raegris Central District. Each will be able to produce about 3 Corkscrews a year when at full capacity. At the moment the Raegris line is building the Isometric-E of which there are 5 orders outstanding. The DDS are hoping to complete production on that line by the end of 2114 or early 2115 and then (after around 5-6 months to modify the jigs) build Corkscrew on it too. It is unlikely that more than one Raegris built Corkscrew will be seen before the end of 2115. Extra Isometric orders could delay things further though its likely the DDS will cease selling the type early next year. The DDS say they are not expecting full 6-a-year production until 2116, that plus the fact any export orders will be given priority will mean it could take well over 11-12 years to complete the DDS order alone. This will be similar to the Isometric though which has been in production now for 13 years.


UV191 : Omni-Wave

  • Are You Sure? - Can the Dinos survive the Berkiv attack? (The Berkivs P3)
  • Edge Of Darkness - The DDS investigate the destruction of a Raegris ship (Tremors P1)
  • The Omni-Wave - Asian Hawk runs into trouble (Tremors P2)
  • Seize The Gay - Windy intervenes with the Repicans (Tremors P3)
  • Into Cow Corner - Caught between the Repicans and Utrek what can Windy do? (Tremors P4)
  • She's Not Dead - Ronald's team make an unexpected discovery (The Losers P1)
  • A Life Of Endless Misery - Bife explains what happened to him and his colleagues (The Losers P2)

Triple Megan buy IRBMs, extra armour

Triple Megan have topped up their Clone arm sales with a purchase of 30 road-mobile ex-Clone Army Gale-II IRBMs. The missiles were replaced by Gale-III but were kept in storage. They will be refurbished before delivery. The missiles will be only fitted with conventional warheads which will also be supplied.

Triple Megan has also ordered 150 more second-hand T-88++ tanks and 50 Tapir IFVs. Some of the tanks will be used for spares.


A Life Of Endless Misery
Bife explains what happened to him and his colleagues (The Losers P2)



She's Not Dead
Ronald's team make an unexpected discovery (The Losers P1)


Operation June Fade 2113

The latest DDS operation is June Fade 2113 which is a minesweeping exercise. The operation was due to start last week but a shortage of available ships from the DDS Minesweeping Squadron caused a delay. The exercises will take place near Sanger Alpha and involve mine hunting and disposal as well as combat drills.

The ships involved are:

S226 Everest (flag)
M110 Cryptozoic (Pave Yellow)
K202M Demosthenes
K207M Orpheus
K214MX Hector
A152 Butane


Land Division performs shuffle

The Land Division of DDS Terrestrial Forces has performed one of its regular shuffles of its 4 active departments, some brigades moving into a reserve status and some moving into a more active status. As well as this the 1st Fire Support Brigade has been declared fully operational. The first of 3 brigades supplied by the Porquatians, the 4th Armoured Brigade, has also been declared operational though it remains on the reserve list for the time being.

The head of Terrestrial Forces Zeppelin said the shuffles were vital in keeping troops fresh and also allowing time for units to recharge and refresh training after periods in service.
  • June Fade 2113, the latest DDS exercise was due to start this week though was delayed for some unspecified reason (but thought to due to a shortage of available ships). The minesweeping exercise will still take place but not until next week. The ship line-up will be announced tomorrow.
  • The Dinos are reported to have begun trials with a research Dinomark XT (ex-Dino Army) fitted with a fully holographic interior. The ship's interior including controls are computer generated and can be adapted for different crews, missions and situations.

Fleet News (14/06/13)

  • The only new ship this month is the latest Olympus 23A carrier S229 Pavonis Mons.
  • Solaris 37C H170 Tau Ceti has been fitted with worm drive.
  • Rome 46A K102 Caesar has also been fitted with worm drive and will be used by Firefly as his flagship while SS Cicero continues its repairs and updates (due to be completed in August) thereafter it will be the reserve flag but perform usual duties when not needed by the commander.


Dino View : Q and A on Dinomarks and Dino space policy

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

My opinion piece on the Dino fleet sparked a frenzy of debate on Twitter (including a few death threats) and elsewhere online. A number of questions reached my email box and so i have decided to answer some below. As some of the questions came from serving Dino officers i have decided to not print the sender's names.

What is the thinking about getting a Panther like ship built for the Dino forces?

The Dinos have considered a ship of this kind of size (or rather mid-way between the RS and PT) for some time now. The problem is it goes against the Dinomark doctrine that has been ingrained in the Dino military for 70-80 years. This i feel has caused the "Dinomark prison" and its a tough one to break out of!

Is the XT just too small?

For some missions yes, such as combat against a first-rate power. For other duties it is fine like patrol, special forces et cetera. The key issue is, should the Dinos be using the same type of ship for so many missions where the likes of the DDS use different ships of many differing configurations and sizes?

I think the Dinos would do well with a Missiler or "Missiler lite" type ship. Do the Dinos need to purchase the Missiler lite design to supplement the PT's sensors?

I actually think the Olympus could be bought. The Ferret UCV was a joint project between the Dinos and DDS after all but as yet the Dinos have yet to make full use of the unmanned space fighter. There have been rumours the Dinos do want some kind of carrier. As they have the rights to licence-build the Provider and Extender it could be they could roll their own Missileer type ship, or maybe even develop one from the Dinomark MX.

Are the Dinos at a disadvantage by not having wide spread super energy cannons like that on the DDS Q/P classes (Z cannon) and the HCS Cosmos?

The next version of the PT will likely have a larger cannon, but the size of the ship will dictate the maximum  theoretical size of the cannon. I think the Dinos indeed are at a disadvantage here.

Why do you say the Dino fleet is too small and not fit for purpose? The Dinos have never lost a space war.

Indeed so, but a defensive war is much different to an offensive one. In a defensive war you can concentrate your resources and choose your battlegrounds. As the Dinos move to a more imperialistic and expansionist model thanks to the DTA then the deficiencies in the Dino fleet are much more pronounced.

The DTA allies have larger ships, could the Dinos simply use them?

Yes the DTA allies do have larger ships though these are either medium sized like the Shark and Pentekonter or old like the Kalahati Tuul. Plus the Dinos would be ill-advised relying on their allies without back-up. The DTA is not a cohesive force like the DDS or Clones, DTA allies might not go along with Dino plans especially if it has an imperialist edge.

F-10ASE crashes on Terra

A F-10ASE with the Air Department of DDS Terrestrial Forces has crashed during training at a range on Terra. The pilot was able to eject but the jet fighter crashed into hilly territory in central Spain. No one was hurt in the incident. The pilot has admitted it was probably his error that caused the crash though a full investigation will be taking place.

Windy's ship SS Scorpion has picked up the pilot as it was in the area anyway while on its way home following a mission.


Dino View : Trapped in a Dinomark prison

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

The question El Diablo and the Dino Army command isn't the number of Dinomarks they need and can afford by 2116 or 2120 it is whether the Dinomark concept is still the right one in the changing galaxy we live in.

For decades the Dinos have based their space power around small, nimble and powerful warships they could build in large numbers. The current plans are to maintain large fleets of the main combat PT and the support XT, 222 examples combined. A big fleet! The problem with that is the DDS fleet (to take an example) is also big!

By the next decade the DDS could have over 50 Fleet Combat Ships and over 100 Medium Combat Ships. Are 70 Dinomark PTs the match for 50 Panthers and Solaris? Although the PT is an excellent ship i think the ratio needed in a combat scenario would be at least 2:1. For XTs maybe 3:1 or higher given a lot of XTs are older ships.

No the Dino fleet isn't big enough. To base a fleet around the Dinomark concept no longer cuts it. Our rivals have much bigger fleets than they had in the last century. They have gone for larger and more powerful ships in decent numbers and that has really eroded any advantage the Dinos have, especially as the Dinomark fleet has to perform other duties too like air and ground operations.

What the Dinos need to do is great a combat fleet based around its RS type consisting of around 20 larger warships (Panther size and class) to support the RS (which we could do with more of). This would be the combat fleet and then allow the PTs and XTs to be used for support and patrol.

The main problem with this is it is not the cost and time (although these would be big problems) but the cultural changes that would need to be made. For decades now the Dinomark through its various incarnations has been the face of Dino space power. Larger ships would need considerable doctrinal and cultural changes (the RS are rather unpopular for this very reason hence the small number built).

So the alternative would be to greatly increase the Dinomark fleet. Really El Diablo should have doubled the target for PT and XT deployment not salami sliced it. I really worry about how the Dino fleet would hope in a major war against a first rate power like the DDS, Utrek or even Clones. We simply do not have enough ships!

New target strengths for Dino fleet

Consul El Diablo has told the Dino Army it needs to cut spending over the next 5 years by 2% over previously published budgets. This is part of El Diablo's plans to increase social spending without increasing the size of the budget overall. The news isn't all bad for the Dinos as the defence budget will continue to increase but not as much as previously hoped.

The Dino Army has revised its target strengths for its Dinomark and Provider fleets for 2116. The table below shows the current, original target and revised. SS and other agency Dinomarks are not included in the table as they are funded by separate budgets (which also will be reduced).

The Dinos will still have well over 200 warships by 2116 (though quite a few will be older XTs). To mitigate the reduced number of Provider transports the number of unmanned transport Provider XMA conversions (from old XTs) will increase.

Ship Type 2113 (Current) 2116 (Original) 2116 (Revised)
Dinomark RS 3 3 3
Dinomark PT 60 75 70
Dinomark XT 126 158 152
Provider MX 13 24 20
Provider EDA 8 10 8
Provider SX 7 8 8
Provider XMA 2 6 8


Dinos announce Dinomark XT/121

The Dinos have announced the Mark 121 of their iconic Dinomark XT (many numbers have been missed out over the years, there haven't been 120 versions!) The XT/121 will be mainly an upgrade specification for now as older XTs are rebuilt but there will be some new build maybe from late 2114.

The XT/121 retains the same power unit of the XT/120 but has a new computer architecture, improved internal arrangements and security systems, a new info-warfare system (thought to be similar to the DDS IWC in scope) and various other minor updates and improvements. The XT/121 will not have an underwater capable version though a new version of that to replace the XT/117W is also in the works for 2116-7.



Into Cow Corner
Caught between the Repicans and Utrek what can Windy do? (Tremors P4)


Terin installed as Deputy Emperor of CSE-E

Marcus has installed the younger son of Oojok, Terin, as his deputy in the Eastern empire. The move looks set to further enrage Benito loyalists though they are likely to keep a low profile after the rebellion by some army units was ruthlessly crushed by the Clone Defence Forces.

The 2nd Legion, Benito's old command, is to be disbanded with some units also disbanded (those closer to Benito) and others reallocated to other legions in the empire (and away from Austini 55). As a replacement the CDF GHQ has announced the 11th Legion will move from Daggaddon to Austini 55 next year.

The defences of the CSE-E are also to be bolstered by 4 extra Cosmos CS allocated to their fleet defence pool. Two squadrons equipped with F-45As will also transfer to Austini 55 and Woloron 12 replacing F-40 equipped squadrons (which will be disbanded).


Vontapi place order for DDS warships

The invention of the worm drive has bought new worlds into range of the DDS, this can mean new strategic worries of course but also new export opportunities. Vontapi is a medium sized power caught between 7 Sa Sao and Tarbotian space and have placed an order with the DDS for new warships to improve their defences.

Details of the Vontapi in the public domain are scant but they are said to be ethnic 7SS, perhaps descended from the Xenon. Their territory is centred on the planet Vontapi but also includes 6 other star systems, 3 with populated colonies. Their defence force is said to be made up from ageing ex-Tarbotian and home built warships.

In a 7 billion zark order (the largest for some time) the Vontapi have ordered 3 Isometric 160s, 6 Pentekonter 216s, and 2 Extender 120 oilers. The ships will be equipped with QPM and the order includes 300 rounds of the missile. Deliveries are due to begin next year. Other military equipment including personal weapons, communication devices and sensor satellites are also included in the order.
  • The DDS have reduced their alert status to CYAN.



Seize The Gay
Windy intervenes with the Repicans (Tremors P3)


DDS order 3 Tiamon carriers as Triumph 66B

The DDS has gone ahead and ordered 3 Tiamon carriers from the Clones (not 2 as rumoured) which will be the Triumph 66B in DDS service (they ordered the Tiamon before during the ABBO-Bolitic War though cancelled the order due to the end of hostilities hence the B designation). The Triumphs will be delivered from 2114 and will form a key part of the DDS Amphibious Warfare force.

The Tiamon carrier has served with the Clone fleet in 1 form or other since the mid-Clone Wars. It is specially designed to be able to enter high atmosphere and can launch combat aircraft to provide a initial strike capability. DDS F-10S have performed a couple of test flights from a Clone Tiamon over the last few days which was the final test before the DDS committed to the order. It is thought the F-10S may need some aerodynamic and avionic changes to better operate from the Triumph and the DDS may reserve a specialist pool of their fighter for this role.

The Triumph will also serve as a command ship. The DDS have already paid for the ships as it forms part of their defence pact with the Clones. A DDS team is to work with the Clones to help finalise the Triumph's equipment fit.
  • The DDS have decided to terminate the Missileer 21A variant and list all of their Type 21 carriers as 21B. Although some differences do remain between the older and newer ships various upgrade programmes have made the differences fairly slight by now.


DDS revise alert system

The DDS have issued a revision to their alert system with refined standard graphics and a new PURPLE alert level. The new graphics have supplementary information helping to inform DDS personnel as to measures that should be taken with a given alert status (though they should know this by training anyway).

The new PURPLE status is above RED and is for the event of the DDS being in serious danger of destruction or defeat. DDS personnel are informed to take pre-planned contingency measures to continue operations. These measures are secret of course but will include the relocation of command functions from GHQ if it should be lost. A DDS spokesman said that they hoped PURPLE would never have to be used (RED has only been used once) but it was prudent to have it just in case.

Other Fleet News (04/06/13)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs for export, both going to the Clone Navy. They have also built their final Provider EDA transport and converted the second old XT into a drone Provider XMA transport.
  • The Aritans have received 3 more refurbished Kalahati Tuuls.
  • The Clones have completed their final Soulaki SLBK. It is unlikely any more will be built.
  • Helinox/Sear N7 have received their second shared Isometric E1H5.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have received 2 Reptoli Tuuls and completed a Meltinan.


The Omni-Wave
Asian Hawk runs into trouble (Tremors P2)


DDS to upgrade MRMs

The DDS' stock of Medium Range Missiles (MRM) which is a superluminal capable space launched cruise missile is to receive an upgrade. MRM-1M as the modified missiles will be called will see improvements to the warheads and the signal management system.

The missiles will also see some components replaced by "hardened" versions to improve EMP survivability and to ease maintenance. All missiles in the DDS inventory (thought to be around 130) will be upgraded. The DDS are not currently building new MRMs though if they did it would be to this new standard.
  • Although the situation is still considered "fluid" the DDS have decided to drop their alert status to GREEN in the light of the main Benito loyalist rebellion being crushed.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Boosting DDS attack air power

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The DDS Air Force, just like the army (or shall i say the Air and Land Divisions of DDS Terrestrial Forces!) have always been rather unbalanced. They have always been designed purely to do a single job and not be multi-spectrum and balanced.

The DDS have often wanted a balanced force but budget pressures have put paid to that. However in recent times the DDS have gained a number of new warplanes however the fleet is as unbalanced as ever. Currently the DDS has a fighter with a limited ground attack role and 3 light attack or COIN types. Now the DDS are looking at improving their attack aircraft options.

The problem is how. The DDS do not really want to add yet another new type to their fleet, plus it would likely have to be an off-the-shelf purchase form elsewhere due to the reasonably modest number that would be needed. That would likely mean a Clone type and the DDS are already a bit sniffy about becoming overly reliant on Clone weapons.

The other option is to improve what they already have. The third generation F-10X will likely be a much improved multi-role aircraft but that is not due until the next decade. Budget and time will mean a substantial update of the current F-10S is out of the question. What has been proposed has been a modest retrofit of the current SEP standard.

The SEPA concept will add a multi-mission "hump" atop the fuselage which will include targeting sensors, ECM and improved communications. This would be coupled with modifications to the cockpit to improve the multi-mode displays. If the DDS go ahead with SEPA then new build could arrive next year and the existing SEP could be quickly updated.

Another option is to improve the NDAA A-12. Although its a fairly small light-attack type it is a very clean and stable aircraft and has a lot of room for expansion. One concept being considered is the A-12EA which would have a boosted powerplant, strengthened wing and improved attack sensors.

The DDS are likely to go ahead with both the F-10SEPA and A-12EA. It won't be as good as a dedicated attack aircraft like the Clone A-84 but will improve DDS capabilities and help the DDS Air Division's role as a supporting arm for land operations.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The Tarbotians (3) : The culture

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Apologies for the delay but here is the final part of my in-depth look at the Tarbotian Empire. Here i look at the culture and how recently the racial make-up of the empire has changed.

The Tarbotians are an ancient people, their species is very long-lived and they usually adopt a very long-term view. No doubt they have thought about one day conquering the DDS but i wouldn't be surprised if any plans are decades away from coming into action. That doesn't mean the DDS should ignore the threat, if the Tarbotians see an opportunity to strike now they could take it. The DDS must be mindful of the long game and take steps to perhaps extend the Tarbotian plans still further.

The Tarbotians like to grow their empire piece by piece, the new province forged from ex-ABBO territory will slowly and carefully consolidated. New cities will be built, new colonies formed, new bases constructed. But these could take many years. The governor of the new province (Rotarios) still has his office in the neighbouring province pending construction of a new HQ.

Like many things the process is careful, deliberate and well-planned. Occasionally the Tarbotians thrown caution into the wind and act more spontaneously (the attack on the DDS in the 2090s was an example) but these sometimes end up in disaster and over time these events have become less frequent.

One recent change to the empire however could change the way the Tarbotians act forever... perhaps. The Tarbotian civil war in the early 2100s was an utter disaster for the empire, especially for the Tarbotians themselves. So many died in the strife and this forced Dr Slow when he was restoring the empire to bring in people from conquered nations to fill the gaps. These races like the Okram*Green are now seen frequently in Tarbotian deployments, while few have reached the top echelons yet that is surely just a matter of time. When the key decision makers are no longer Tarbotian then perhaps the thinking will change?

Maybe or maybe not. There are signs the conquered races are assimilated into the empire comprehensively (and conquered races are usually treated fairly - if they submit to the will of the empire) and may end up thinking like Tarbotians. If this can be carefully managed then by combining the Tarbotian long-termism with the energy and variety from other species the Tarbotian Empire may become even more dangerous than anyone can ever imagine...

Benito rebellion crushed

Finally displaying the ruthlessness Oojok had been demanding of him, Emperor Marcus has crushed the remaining Benito loyalist rebellion by ordering the apartment block they had been cornered in demolished by a sustained artillery barrage.

In an hour the large complex was pounded to rubble by ATC-107C guns, A-85 COIN aircraft also dropped cluster bombs to speed up the process. Its not known how many of the remaining rebels survive though the remaining senior officers are all thought to have been killed. The scene is currently sealed off by CDF Army troops.


End in sight for Benito rebels

Red Lizard special forces have seized a key command post held by Benito loyalists in Austini City and captured 2 of the 3 generals in command of the rebellion. Simultaneous thrusts by CDF Army troops at 7 points around the rebel held area also saw around 200 rebels killed or captured. The total death toll has now been raised to 972.

The rebels have retreated to a block of apartments on the edge of the park they once held. It is thought the rebels may number no more than around 150 now and could be running low on ammunition. They did manage to shoot down an A-85 with a SAM, the COIN aircraft was scanning the block with an IR camera. Marcus has told the rebels they must surrender by midnight tonight or he will "unleash the full power of the HCS" (he used the old army name probably by mistake). Artillery units have been bought up into the capital.
  • The Remedians are keen to buy 2 Extender 73A oilers. The ships would be operated as part of the DDS fleet but would be dedicated to support Remedian operations, which from next year will be using Corkscrew 51A Medium Combat Ships.