- Permanent MRM racks under the missile pods (a couple of ships like SS Topcat have already trialled this)
- EA-X coatings with support for EA-X 2.0 energy recycling (which will likely be completed later)
- iSAS-PAN3 attack system with enhanced multi-mode targeting and improved datalinking
- Full FIDO-VR support with 16 holographic projectors in key positions of the ship to allow remote crewing
- New mainframe and tactical front end processor
- Various minor updates and enhancements
Panther 2113 Update A
Hot on the heels of the announcement of the yearly update for the Rome 46A comes the update for the Panther 35A, the core fighting ship of the DDS fleet. The update will take place over the next couple of months and be scheduled around routine maintenance cycles. The update will take around a week for each ship. Notable is that the update includes no new weapons as the Zip/Z7 cannon is not quite ready for full-scale deployment though may be fitted in an "Update B" later in the year. The update includes :
DDS sell 7 sites and renew UNP contract
The DDS have sold 7 sites which are now surplus following a period of reorganisation (which stretches back some years). Sale of the land, which includes plots on Proxima 7 and Solaris has raised 738 million zarks. The money will help pay for the new GHQ on Helnikan Island.
The DDS have also renewed their contract with the UNP to perform communications and governance duties with dozens of minor colonies for another 5 years. As part of the contract renewal the DDS will buy a 9th Friendship 75A transport.
The DDS have also renewed their contract with the UNP to perform communications and governance duties with dozens of minor colonies for another 5 years. As part of the contract renewal the DDS will buy a 9th Friendship 75A transport.
- The HCS Navy have decided to withdraw their remaining F-40Ns including the handful of carrier capable planes. This will leave them without aircraft capable of CAP until the arrival of the F-45K next year though the navy's carriers can still operate A-85NTK COIN aircraft and SH-26 helicopters. The F-40Ns are among the oldest jet fighters in HCS service and are becoming increasingly difficult (and expensive) to keep airborne. They are expected to be withdrawn by the Spring though carrier capable F-40Ns will be withdrawn immediately. The HCSAF will "loan" the HCSNAS around 20 F-45As to cover shore based patrols in the interim.
- The Rome fleet is to receive its yearly update over the next month. As with previous updates Rome 2113 Update A is a fairly modest affair reflecting current DDS practice and will only take a few days per ship. The update includes the fitting of a Z6 cannon, TPM-VLS support (though the new system will not be fitted yet) and a number of updates to tactical and electronic systems.
Dinos will resume XT exports
After placing a hold on military exports (mostly of the Dinomark XT) in order to concentrate on rebuilding the Dino Army fleet and then proving a kick start to the DTA allies Consul El Diablo has now ordered the freeze on non-DTA exports be lifted.
This is good news for the Clones and iP Services who have underwater capable XTs on order. The HCS ships are ex-Dino Army which will be refurbished and will be supplied as new build XTs replace them in Dino service. The ship for iP Services will be new build and will be delivered soon, although owned by iP Services it will operate under a DDS flag and be available for DDS duties when not needed by Windy.
This is good news for the Clones and iP Services who have underwater capable XTs on order. The HCS ships are ex-Dino Army which will be refurbished and will be supplied as new build XTs replace them in Dino service. The ship for iP Services will be new build and will be delivered soon, although owned by iP Services it will operate under a DDS flag and be available for DDS duties when not needed by Windy.
- Hot on the heels of the Dino announcement the DDS have placed an order for 5 more Dinomark XTs. Two will be underwater capable like the iP Services ship, the other 3 will be leased to the Free Eritran States (likely operated by Molab) though will remain DDS owned. Full details at a later date.
DDS rescue son of UNP President
ISSF Commander Torus has reported that the DDS have successfully rescued the son of UNP President Amarilla who had been kidnapped by the Bolitic. How Alfie Amarilla ended up in Bolitic hands is not yet clear but it is rumoured his yacht suffered a navigational failure and he ended up straying over the border where he was picked up by a Bolitic warship on patrol.
Torus said a combined team of Prowler, DDS Space Forces and DDS Secret Service located and then rescued Amarilla who has now been returned home to his mother (and has been grounded for the next 20 years).
Torus said a combined team of Prowler, DDS Space Forces and DDS Secret Service located and then rescued Amarilla who has now been returned home to his mother (and has been grounded for the next 20 years).
First ship completes SUP-ILU
In terms of scale of project (if not cost) the SUP-ILU programme, which is the first major update of the Provider, Extender and Marconi fleets, is now off to a start with the return to service of the first completed ship. The first ever SUP based ship A101 Provider was naturally enough the first ship completed though will be joined by 3 others in the new couple of months. The total project will take over 2 years and see nearly 50 ships bought up to an improved standard.
The SUP-ILU sees the installation of a new engine model, the HS-760AY which is more efficient and easier to maintain. Improved performance and strengthening to the structure sees the ship speed increased to 600c. A number of important systems have been updated including tactical and navigational. Armament has been boosted to 10 TPM-2s and Canister TPM plus there is support in place for TPM-VLS in future. The ships have FIDO-VR for virtual crewing and Combat Ware 2.0 support. Cargo handling and internal security has also been improved. Provider will conduct some engineering team training over the next few weeks before returning to normal transport duties.
The SUP-ILU sees the installation of a new engine model, the HS-760AY which is more efficient and easier to maintain. Improved performance and strengthening to the structure sees the ship speed increased to 600c. A number of important systems have been updated including tactical and navigational. Armament has been boosted to 10 TPM-2s and Canister TPM plus there is support in place for TPM-VLS in future. The ships have FIDO-VR for virtual crewing and Combat Ware 2.0 support. Cargo handling and internal security has also been improved. Provider will conduct some engineering team training over the next few weeks before returning to normal transport duties.
First landing of Ground Shock staged
Two DDS brigades and a regiment of Remedian Defence Force troops have been landed by DDS amphibious forces on Bintang. Other DDS and Remedian forces played the part of the "enemy" opposing the landing to a site secured by Prowler special forces. This is the first operation of the Ground Shock 2113 exercise and will be followed next week by a larger landing elsewhere on the planet.
In further amphibious news the DDS could purchase HCS Tiamon landing support carriers. During the ABBO-Bolitic War the DDS ordered 2 of these ships which can enter high atmosphere and launch aircraft to support ground operations (the Triumph 66A) but the war ended before construction began and the DDS cancelled the order. Now the ships could be built instead in a couple of years time. A DDS Terrestrial Force team will visit Cloneworld later in the year and carry out a new evaluation of the type.
In further amphibious news the DDS could purchase HCS Tiamon landing support carriers. During the ABBO-Bolitic War the DDS ordered 2 of these ships which can enter high atmosphere and launch aircraft to support ground operations (the Triumph 66A) but the war ended before construction began and the DDS cancelled the order. Now the ships could be built instead in a couple of years time. A DDS Terrestrial Force team will visit Cloneworld later in the year and carry out a new evaluation of the type.
- The HCS has said the iconic T-88 will finally leave service this year and has said that the final tanks will be withdrawn by September. Only 500 now remain in service and these will be withdrawn over the next few months as 2 brigades are disbanded and another one converts to T-55Zs. The tank was the backbone of the HCS during the Clone Wars with over 220,000 built. Hundreds have been preserved and around 7,000 will continue to serve with other nations such as the Aritans. It is likely sales of the T-88 will continue as the Clones have around 30,000 in storage in various state of repair.
- The HCS Navy have begun testing of a next generation cruise missile, the XCM-976 which will be known as the SS-NS-4 if and when it enters service later in the decade. It has a much longer range than the current SS-NS-3 and would have a much greater role in attacking in-land targets. Unlike the SS-NS-3 there will not be an air launched version.
DDS to buy Clone OPVs
The DDS are to create a new navy principally for the defence of the new GHQ on Helnikan Island on Proxima 5 though other naval operations will also be included. The Naval Division of Terrestrial Force will have the Maritime Support Regiment as its core and will also include a small fleet of OPVs as well as smaller craft for special forces and patrol.
The DDS will buy 4 OPVs based on the Clone Triona II design which is used by the HCS Navy. This will come out of the money allocated for future exports from the Clones. The DDS aim to get Naval Division fully operational by early 2114 though it is not expected that the OPVs will be operational before 2116.
The DDS will buy 4 OPVs based on the Clone Triona II design which is used by the HCS Navy. This will come out of the money allocated for future exports from the Clones. The DDS aim to get Naval Division fully operational by early 2114 though it is not expected that the OPVs will be operational before 2116.
- As for the new GHQ the DDS expect to be able to transfer command functions there from DDS Communications HQ next month. All work is said to be proceeding according to schedule with the new GHQ building now being fitted out and communications links in place. A port at Ren's Bay is expected to become fully operational by the Spring and an overland rail link to GHQ from the port will also be ready by then. The air base is also now fully operational and has a rail link to GHQ. One of the ISSF bases has also been completed. TPM-G positions will become operational next week. Firefly toured the island yesterday and said said the new GHQ would be a great asset to the DDS though a lot of work remains to be completed including the command bunker, underground rail links and a barracks for troops.
Construction of Corkscrew prototype begins
Construction of the first Corkscrew 51A MCS has begun at a production jig in orbit over Solaris. Construction was bought forward 9 months because of the accelerated production schedule and increased order book. The ship is expected to enter extended trials later in the year and will eventually be the lead ship of the type. Work on the next Corkscrews (which will be built for the Remedians) will begin early next year.
Beginning construction now is a bit of a risk as some details of the Corkscrew specification have yet to be finalised however Director of Technology Sea Urchin said these final few details would be "nailed down" within the next few weeks and would not be a problem. Some new technology for the Corkscrew will not be ready for the beginning of trials though should be ready by early 2114.
Beginning construction now is a bit of a risk as some details of the Corkscrew specification have yet to be finalised however Director of Technology Sea Urchin said these final few details would be "nailed down" within the next few weeks and would not be a problem. Some new technology for the Corkscrew will not be ready for the beginning of trials though should be ready by early 2114.
- The DDS have dropped the alert status to CYAN, the lowest state.
Clones sell tanks to DTA
The Clones have finalised a 105 million zark deal to sell new and old tanks and other armoured vehicles to the DTA. The items will be purchased by a central DTA fund and then sold onto the different DTA members. The sale includes 150 new T-55ZDM2 tanks to the Voth and Sirikwanese armies and 120 ex-HCS T-55Zs (which will be upgraded to ZDM2 standard) to the Yeng Defence Force (which is being completely recapitalised by this deal).
450 ex-HCS T-88 tanks are also being sold and will be used as a source of spare parts and for target practice (some of the tanks will be in very poor condition). The Dino Army is also to receive 300 ex-HCS Tapir IFVs and Yeng 200. These will be upgraded to the HD standard by the Dinos.
450 ex-HCS T-88 tanks are also being sold and will be used as a source of spare parts and for target practice (some of the tanks will be in very poor condition). The Dino Army is also to receive 300 ex-HCS Tapir IFVs and Yeng 200. These will be upgraded to the HD standard by the Dinos.
Clones to "de-target" CSM from DDS
One part of the DDS-CSE Treaty (as it is now known formally) has not been discussed until now and that is the issue of the Clone strategic nuclear weapons the Clone Space Missile (CSM). The Clones have CSM silos on Cloneworld and Randalf 74 though the latter is not yet operational. As part of the treaty all CSMs are to be "de-targeted" from the DDS.
However the range of the missiles and their location means that if they are not to target the DDS then there is little else they could potentially target apart from Clone Star Empire targets. A HCS source said that re-targeting could be done very quickly and they would remain the ultimate guarantee of Clone sovereignty. CSMs will not now be placed on Austini 55 as part of the treaty (which includes clauses for verification by DDS inspectors). The DDS will also not target the CSE with their LRM equivalent to CSM which is still in development.
Space launched attack missiles like MRM are not covered by the treaty.
However the range of the missiles and their location means that if they are not to target the DDS then there is little else they could potentially target apart from Clone Star Empire targets. A HCS source said that re-targeting could be done very quickly and they would remain the ultimate guarantee of Clone sovereignty. CSMs will not now be placed on Austini 55 as part of the treaty (which includes clauses for verification by DDS inspectors). The DDS will also not target the CSE with their LRM equivalent to CSM which is still in development.
Space launched attack missiles like MRM are not covered by the treaty.
DDS to buy Clone ships and aircraft
As part of the DDS-CSE deal the DDS are to buy Clone built equipment, the other for 2 Pangaea landing ships has been confirmed and now the rest of the order has been revealed. The DDS will buy further transport aircraft and helicopters on top of their existing orders. Further orders will be made in the years to come as per the deal though its not known what will be bought yet.
13 C-440 transports, 10 C-485 and 4 C-380s will be bought as well as 25 MH-26 special forces helicopters. All of these extra orders are on top of current orders and will be delivered over the next year or so. A quantity of spares including 30 engines will also be bought. The DDS have said that these extra logistical assets will provide a great degree of flexibility and "surge-ability".
13 C-440 transports, 10 C-485 and 4 C-380s will be bought as well as 25 MH-26 special forces helicopters. All of these extra orders are on top of current orders and will be delivered over the next year or so. A quantity of spares including 30 engines will also be bought. The DDS have said that these extra logistical assets will provide a great degree of flexibility and "surge-ability".
Wayne King-Meiouf : A statement of intent

First of all Happy New Year as this is my first column for 2113.
The powerful fleet the DDS has assembled for Ground Shock 2113 can only be described as a statement of intent and a warning for rival powers. The DDS now has a massively powerful fleet and a sizeable land force that can perform major raids.
The escorts alone in the Ground Shock fleet could devastate most 2nd and lower tier powers entire fleets. No fewer than 7 ships from the Amphibious Warfare fleet is a demonstration that of the local powers only the HCS exceeds the DDS' capability in this area now.
The period after the ABBO-Bolitic War has been quiet but there are astral-political rumblings now. The Tarbotians are now at the DDS' borders and have proved increasingly active in local affairs. The DTA is maturing into a powerful and stable organisation though for years yet will be "Dinos and their mates". The Clones stability is often called into question. The Utrek are looking this way again. The Bolitic seem to have stabilised under Melson though the prospect of a split, civil war and any resulting overspill is still a possibility.
Thus the DDS have felt the need to remind the local group that the DDS' combat power cannot be ignored. The DDS has rebuilt after the war and is more powerful than ever but it needs to ensure from time to time that every one knows that. The DDS don't want a war and the best way to ensure that is to put across the strong message that any conflict with the DDS can only end badly...
Operation Ground Shock 2113
As per the new calendar of DDS exercises the annual Ground Shock exercise is being run this month. Ground Shock is the main amphibious exercise DDS forces engage in and as with previous Ground Shock editions will include the landing of a substantial number of troops and equipment. The number of ships and personnel involved means this is the biggest DDS military deployment since the ABBO-Bolitic War.
The Remedian planet of Bintang has been chosen for the landings, nearly the entire 1st Combat Department (1CDept) will be landed in the main operation with 2 smaller landings involving Prowler and Remedian special forces as well. The ships involved are :
L132 Iapetus Ocean (flag)
L111 Pangaea
L114 Baltica
L115 Columbia
L151 Oceania
L153 South East Asia
L155 Europa
H104 Lynx
H110 Puma
H168 Epsilon Eridani
M116 Devonian
M117 Ordovician
M127 Faithful
P214XK Hector
P151 Fighting Falcon
P158 Harrier
P162W Pelican
A152 Butane
A107 Condor
A112 Trader
The Remedian planet of Bintang has been chosen for the landings, nearly the entire 1st Combat Department (1CDept) will be landed in the main operation with 2 smaller landings involving Prowler and Remedian special forces as well. The ships involved are :
L132 Iapetus Ocean (flag)
L111 Pangaea
L114 Baltica
L115 Columbia
L151 Oceania
L153 South East Asia
L155 Europa
H104 Lynx
H110 Puma
H168 Epsilon Eridani
M116 Devonian
M117 Ordovician
M127 Faithful
P214XK Hector
P151 Fighting Falcon
P158 Harrier
P162W Pelican
A152 Butane
A107 Condor
A112 Trader
Tarbotian fleet chewed up by 7SS
The DDS are reporting that a powerful Tarbotian fleet sent into 7 Sa Sao space has been torn apart by the Argon faction. How the DDS know has not been revealed though some sources say the DDS had a ship following the Tarbotians. Why the Tarbotians entered 7SS space was unknown though debris from a space battle between the Tarbotians and 7SS was also found by the DDS close to the border of the two superpowers' space.
The DDS say it looks like the Tarbotians were impetuous and were lured into a trap by the Argon who ripped the Tarbotians apart with a kind of cloaked mine and then finished them off with ship-to-ship fire.
Because it does not look like the incident will lead to a wider war at the moment the DDS have reduced their alert status to GREEN.
The DDS say it looks like the Tarbotians were impetuous and were lured into a trap by the Argon who ripped the Tarbotians apart with a kind of cloaked mine and then finished them off with ship-to-ship fire.
Because it does not look like the incident will lead to a wider war at the moment the DDS have reduced their alert status to GREEN.
Firefly and Oojok agree to deal
Firefly and Oojok have agreed to a massive deal between the DDS and Clone Star Empire which, a joint communique states, "will ensure peace and stability between the 2 central powers for decades to come". The agreement came after a summit on Yeng though talks will continue tomorrow to iron out some of the "fine print". The deal comes instead of the Clones accepting a huge cash injection from the Utrek in return for basing rights. Key points of the deal are as follows.
- Unatel Gamma and Kontai to be given up by the Clones. The Clones will perform an orderly withdrawal over the next 12 months with the DDS providing stability and peace keeping duties in the interim. This will save the Clones over 220 million zarks a year. Oojok never wanted these planets in the empire though this was a painful concession by Benito.
- Shared borders between the DDS and CSE to be singularly patrolled by 1 side on a rota. This will save both sides around 100 million zarks each a year.
- The DDS will guarantee 1.3 billion zarks in arms sales to the Clones in 2113 with a guaranteed 1.4 billion zarks 2114-7. Immediate sales will include 2 further Pangaea 62A amphibious landing ships and aviation. Details to be confirmed at a later date.
- The DDS will guarantee the Free Eritran States will not attack CSE-E (though a demand for the Eritrans to stop their military build-up has been dropped).
- The DDS will share intelligence on the 7 Sa Sao with the HCS.
- The DDS and HCS will hold a joint exercise once a year (from 2114).
Although the money bought in from the deal is much less than the Utrek deal would have provided the deal is much preferable politically for Oojok. For Firefly although the deal has cost implications it does remove the threat of a Utrek presence very close to core DDS territory.
Fleet News (14/01/13)
- The only new ship this month is the Freedom 41B MCS M134 Fortune which has been built for the Starbotian fleet.
- Solaris 37C H164 Castor has received a worm drive.
Sirikwan to buy DDS aircraft
DDS Commander Firefly visited Sirikwan today before heading to Yeng for his summit with Oojok. While visiting the Sirikwan ruling council it was announced that the DTA member has signed a 90 million zark contract for DDS aircraft.
Sirikwan are buying 60 MQ-14S LLAD attack drones, 20 RQ-10S Osprey surveillance drones and 6 RQ-12NS NBC reconnaissance drones. Sirikwan will also trial 3 NDAA A-12 light attack aircraft for 6 months and have also been granted access to technical data on the F-10S Shark fighter. Deliveries will begin later in the year.
Sirikwan are buying 60 MQ-14S LLAD attack drones, 20 RQ-10S Osprey surveillance drones and 6 RQ-12NS NBC reconnaissance drones. Sirikwan will also trial 3 NDAA A-12 light attack aircraft for 6 months and have also been granted access to technical data on the F-10S Shark fighter. Deliveries will begin later in the year.
UV186 : First Contact
- Sparkling Whine - Can Grogen get to safety? (The Defector P4)
- Begin - S101 remembers when the Starbotians made contact with the Dinos for the first time (First Steps P1)
- First Contact - S101 remembers how and Ronald first met (First Steps P2)
- Skeleton Key - S101 tells Ronald about the origin of the Starbotians (First Steps P3)
- Between The Sheets - Are the Tarbotians and 7 Sa Sao going to war? (Power Play P1)
- Astral-Politics - The Tarbotians advance into 7SS space (Power Play P2)
- Its Paid Off - The Tarbotians and 7SS come to blows (Power Play P3)
Firefly and Oojok to meet on Yeng next week
DDS Commander Firefly and Emperor Oojok will hold their third meeting on the DTA planet of Yeng (which is trying to establish itself as the diplomatic heart of the DTA) next week. An SS-D brigade has already arrived on the planet to secure the venue for the meeting and DDS Prowler and HCS Red Lizard units are expected this weekend.
Firefly is already in the DTA, he arrived at Dino-Land yesterday to pay a visit to the new Consul El Diablo, he will then visit Sirikwan at the weekend before arriving on Yeng.
Firefly is already in the DTA, he arrived at Dino-Land yesterday to pay a visit to the new Consul El Diablo, he will then visit Sirikwan at the weekend before arriving on Yeng.
- One thing Oojok will do on Yeng is sign off a surprise contract the Yeng government has made for Clone aircraft. The Yeng government has ordered 45 CH-26 helicopters and 10 C-440 transports for its disaster recovery and relief corps. A quantity of spare parts will also be supplied in a 170 million zark deal as will training and integration help. The aircraft will be brand new and not surplus stock.
Ronald prepares for mission
Operation Long Shot, Ronald's year long exploratory mission into uncharted space, will begin at the weekend. It was due to leave last weekend but Centurion Bite picked up a virus over the New Year period and it was thought prudent to delay the mission for a week to make sure no one else was infected.
Dinomark will set off from Central AFB and then cross the DTA to Voth where supplies will be topped up. The ship will then skirt the edge of Bolitic space to reach the Raegris. There supplies will be topped up again and Ronald will meet Raegris officials. After that the Dinomark will head off past IKA Federation space and pretty soon will be in uncharted space.
Dinomark will set off from Central AFB and then cross the DTA to Voth where supplies will be topped up. The ship will then skirt the edge of Bolitic space to reach the Raegris. There supplies will be topped up again and Ronald will meet Raegris officials. After that the Dinomark will head off past IKA Federation space and pretty soon will be in uncharted space.
Dino View : Its the Dino way!

Some of my non-Dino friends have asked me over the years why we Dinos let the SS get away with it. They act like a rogue gangster organisation and yet are not only tolerated but are provided with sufficient funding to have one of the most powerful armed forces in the known galaxy!
Simple, its the Dino way. What may be inexplicable to you is simply because you are not a Dino. Each species has its own cultural traits and mores, some species like order, some like chaos, we Dinos like challenge. Challenge is the Dino way and thats why we like the SS. They challenge us, they provide us with an alternative view.
Thats why we tolerate the plotting and scheming, true the occasional attempted coup is maybe a step too far but thats fine as it is the Dino way...
El Diablo makes changes to Dino Army
Consul El Diablo has made a number of changes to the Dino Army which some are viewing as an attempt to solidify his power ahead of a future confrontation with the SS. Jimmy has been appointed commander of the 6th Legion (Zanus was in charge before). Although the 6th is mostly an honour guard and club for Ronald's old mates these days it still has a lot of prestige and is a symbol of anti-SS power (the 6th Legion prevented Telavason's SS coup decades ago, Jimmy was in charge of it then as well).
El Diablo has also formalised the arrangement where the SS-D and CSS elite units use 6th Legion facilities for administration and organisation. The elite units will now be officially part of the 6th Legion and thus officially under Jimmy's command.
Relations between the SS and El Diablo are at a low, a young man who happened to look like El Diablo was attacked when he was seen near an SS barracks in Baeou. By the time his identity was established he had been viciously beaten and raped by half a brigade of SS stormtroopers.
El Diablo has also formalised the arrangement where the SS-D and CSS elite units use 6th Legion facilities for administration and organisation. The elite units will now be officially part of the 6th Legion and thus officially under Jimmy's command.
Relations between the SS and El Diablo are at a low, a young man who happened to look like El Diablo was attacked when he was seen near an SS barracks in Baeou. By the time his identity was established he had been viciously beaten and raped by half a brigade of SS stormtroopers.
- The HCS Navy have come under air attack from Cloneworld pirates during an operation in the Selanga Archipelago. The aircraft carrier CNSS Cloneworld was approached by an armed UAV but it was shot down by one of the Olana destroyer escorts. As the number of F-40Ns being carrier capable is at an all-time low (only 4 are now available and these have to be kept in cotton wool) the HCSN currently does not maintain CAP on carrier voyages. As the first F-45Ks are due next year the HCSN may decide to resume CAP and use up the remaining hours of its fighters, one source said "Withdrawing a clapped out fighter is a lot cheaper than replacing a sunk aircraft carrier!"
Other Fleet News (07/01/13)
- The Dinos have built 3 Dinomark XTs for their DTA allies. One each for Sirikwan, Voth and Yeng. They have also built a Dinomark PT for themselves.
- The HCS have added a Freighter TYA transport to their fleet, though an old ship has also been withdrawn giving a zero net gain.
- The Bolitic are reported to have built a new Snarl and 2 Meltinans.
- The Raegris have built their final 2 DF-1 frigates (Isometrics) for their own fleet.
Firefly and Oojok to meet again
Firefly and Oojok will meet for the third time "on neutral territory" according to reports. Dino-Land is being suggested as a possible venue. Over the Christmas period DDS and HCS officials have continued to discuss terms of a deal between the two superpowers and it is thought that a possible deal could be unveiled soon.
The Utrek meanwhile have blundered in and demonstrated why they are not renowned for diplomacy. A Utrek General has said the Clones will "pay in blood" if they choose the DDS instead of the Utrek. Later on a Utrek government source said the General had been misquoted.
The Utrek meanwhile have blundered in and demonstrated why they are not renowned for diplomacy. A Utrek General has said the Clones will "pay in blood" if they choose the DDS instead of the Utrek. Later on a Utrek government source said the General had been misquoted.
DDS to build new trials / research ship
The DDS have decided to build 1 more Indy 35B on top of the existing order however this 11th ship will be partly owned by DDS Research and will be used to help develop advanced new technologies for future DDS warships and upgrades. The ship will also be fully combat capable and will be available for use by the general fleet when not being used for trials.
The ship will be a singleton class of its own called the Infinity 35X and will carry the name H131X Infinity. Its likely to be built as part of Ship Building Plan 2113/4 so could enter service later this year. DDS Research have revealed that it will be fitted with a new distributed power system where multiple smaller reactors are used instead of one centralised battery (this incidentally was originally intended for the Panther 35A when it was first designed but was dropped for cost reasons, recent advances in micro-generation have now made such a scheme affordable).
The ship will be a singleton class of its own called the Infinity 35X and will carry the name H131X Infinity. Its likely to be built as part of Ship Building Plan 2113/4 so could enter service later this year. DDS Research have revealed that it will be fitted with a new distributed power system where multiple smaller reactors are used instead of one centralised battery (this incidentally was originally intended for the Panther 35A when it was first designed but was dropped for cost reasons, recent advances in micro-generation have now made such a scheme affordable).
El Diablo set for confrontation with SS
New Consul El Diablo has said that the SS must be "reined in" (of course being restrained by leather straps is something many SS are familiar with) and "serve the people not crush them". Diablo said that it was time for the SS to stop being a "rogue state within a state" and instead be properly integrated into the Dino Republic's moral mores.
The SS of course have responded negatively to this, but the SS have for a long time loathed El Diablo even more so than his party leader Jimmy. El Diablo is seen by many SS as a traitor as he failed as Emperor when appointed by Ronald in the late 2090s. Diablo's rivalry with MBH (whom most SS regard as a demi-god) has also soured their opinion of the new Consul.
MBH has said that the SS guarantees Dino security and must be left alone to perform its duties.
The SS of course have responded negatively to this, but the SS have for a long time loathed El Diablo even more so than his party leader Jimmy. El Diablo is seen by many SS as a traitor as he failed as Emperor when appointed by Ronald in the late 2090s. Diablo's rivalry with MBH (whom most SS regard as a demi-god) has also soured their opinion of the new Consul.
MBH has said that the SS guarantees Dino security and must be left alone to perform its duties.
- The DDS have decided to raise the alert status to AMBER. Although no threat has been directed against the DDS the possibility of conflict between the Tarbotians and 7 Sa Sao is thought to be reasonably high and there is the chance of DDS assets or allies being caught in any crossfire.
El Diablo takes over the Dino Republic
El Diablo has been officially sworn in as the Dino Republic first solo Consul in a ceremony at the Senate. El Diablo's first actions was to appoint Zanus his successor as Minister of Defence (a role Zanus has done before). El Diablo also has bought his old friend Razorback into the Senate to take over as Minister of the DTA from GBH who is vacating the post for a year to go on Ronald's exploratory voyage. Razorback will remain a Legate but will have Senator status.
El Diablo said his 2 year term as Consul would see the Dinos consolidating the political and military gains over the last few years though he also added that the Dinos also needed to trim their expenditure. While the Dino economy is still going well the surplus that has funded massive military and strategic expansion has dwindled. Diablo said that the other members of the DTA has been given their kick start but now had come the time for them to stand up on their own two feet/claws.
El Diablo said his 2 year term as Consul would see the Dinos consolidating the political and military gains over the last few years though he also added that the Dinos also needed to trim their expenditure. While the Dino economy is still going well the surplus that has funded massive military and strategic expansion has dwindled. Diablo said that the other members of the DTA has been given their kick start but now had come the time for them to stand up on their own two feet/claws.
DDS talk Alpha 121A
The Nano Fighting Ship prototype, known officially as the Alpha 121A, has just entered service. The DDS have revealed some specifications on the new ship which could lead to a new family of warships over the coming decades.
Top speed is listed at 4800ec with wormdrive and 675c using hyperspace. The latter figure has raised some eyebrows as traditionally small ships have lacked great speed because of the massive power requirements which traditionally has meant large reactor arrays (and hence no longer would make the ship that small). Alpha uses a new design of micro-reactor to give a much higher power output than previous designs, that coupled with a very highly optimised hyperspace field plus the ships' small mass enables it to each nearly 700c. The only drawback with the new design is range as it uses up nuclear fuel much faster than normal however the Alpha will have sufficient range for a typical mission in DDS or near neighbour space.
Alpha is equipped with 10 TPM-2 missiles plus a laser cannon said to use elements of the Z5m (though cut down). The new cannon has yet to be named but will be replaced by a multimode version later in the year. Alpha has full shielding which is backed up by EA-X. Active power recycling into weapons is also a future planned upgrade.
Top speed is listed at 4800ec with wormdrive and 675c using hyperspace. The latter figure has raised some eyebrows as traditionally small ships have lacked great speed because of the massive power requirements which traditionally has meant large reactor arrays (and hence no longer would make the ship that small). Alpha uses a new design of micro-reactor to give a much higher power output than previous designs, that coupled with a very highly optimised hyperspace field plus the ships' small mass enables it to each nearly 700c. The only drawback with the new design is range as it uses up nuclear fuel much faster than normal however the Alpha will have sufficient range for a typical mission in DDS or near neighbour space.
Alpha is equipped with 10 TPM-2 missiles plus a laser cannon said to use elements of the Z5m (though cut down). The new cannon has yet to be named but will be replaced by a multimode version later in the year. Alpha has full shielding which is backed up by EA-X. Active power recycling into weapons is also a future planned upgrade.
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