
DDSAF receive more K-18Ds but NDAA delayed until late next year

40 more of Dino built K-18D close support aircraft have been delivered to the DDS Air Force. The DDS now have over 100 of the type though not all are in service because of a shortage of pilots. The DDSAF aim to have around 150 of the aircraft by the end of next year though maybe only 90 at any one time will be in service.

The DDS' own light attack aircraft the NDAA was hoped to be ready by the end of 2110 but problems with the flight control software (thought to have been not helped by DDS Research staff being moved to other projects because of the war) means that the aircraft will not now begin production until Q3 2111 with an entry into service by the end of 2111.

ABBO fleet departs from Malau for Liberation

A fleet of around 240 ABBO warships has left Malau and is said to be heading for Liberation though it's intension is not yet clear. The DDS have been maintaining strong forces at the capital planet of DDS South and it is thought have completed upgrades to the orbital defence posts which include full rate of fire TPM2 launchers and Z5t turrets. Similiar upgrades to Proxima 7 and Solaris' orbital stations are also being carried out.

The DDS are also thought to have received several thousand space mines from the Raegris and they plan to mine space near Liberation. A minesweeping flotilla is being prepared at Solaris for departure to Liberation. How the DDS will lay the mines is unknown but one unconfirmed report states that a couple of River class transports have been modified for the role.


HCS send more ships to CSE-E

The HCS have sent around 20 extra warships to the eastern half of the Clone Star Empire, a move which some observers believe is a sign the Clones may be looking to expand their territory in Benito's part of the empire. The only real opportunity for new territory would be at the expense of the Free Eritran States such as Molab who generally are DDS allies.

However it could be the Clones sense the perfect opportunity to break the Free Eritran States with the DDS being occupied elsewhere at the moment.


Dinos go to the polls

Voting has begun in this year's Consul election which will replace Cruggson for a two-year period. El Diablo and Zanus are the main contenders with both polling over 40% in recent opinion polls. Zanus is said to have a recent surge in support especially from the SS and may even get over 50% thus avoiding the need for a run-off.

Zanus is also said to be getting much support from Liberal voters who do not have a candidate this year as the intended candidate for the Liberal Party ZBH was killed in the war earlier in the year. The Liberals decided not to replace him but will wait until next year.
Take + Hold
The ABBOs attack New Arit.


Anti-DDS riots on New Arit

DDS offices and personnel have been attacked during large protests at the New Aritan capital as opposition groups have called for the end of Aritan membership of the DDS. The opposition say the DDS have let the Aritans down even while Aritans die on Delta 9.

"One ship! One Rome corvette is what the DDS sacrificed for us." said an opposition leader in a speech, "We appreciate that loss but look at it in context. A few DDS men die, meanwhile dozens of Aritans die or are injured daily on Delta 9! We are bleeding for them, they are not bleeding for us! We must leave the DDS. Its not our fight with the ABBOs!"

The Aritan government have not commented though were quick to deny media reports that the government have quietly asked the Dinos for DTA membership terms.

Aritan brigade "revolts" near DDS GHQ

The 3rd Light Brigade of the New DDS Army is reported to have demanded to be returned to New Arit to assist with rescue efforts on the planet. The Aritan unit of the DDS army is part of the 3rd Division currently based near DDS GHQ. It is understood there have been some gunshots heard at their base though there are no reports of casualties.

The 7th Light Brigade, a Windy Massive unit, which is part of the same division has been readied "just in case" according to DDS insiders. A Hoods unit the 9th Light Brigade is also said to be moving from GHQ to a camp nearer to the Aritan base.


Dinos to send relief convoy to New Arit and Dalsanian

The Dinos have dispatched two relief convoys to New Arit and Dalsanian taking emergency supplies and rescue equipment as well as some Dinomarks to help protect the two planets which are now virtually undefended after the almost total destruction of the Aritan fleet. The DDS are also to send help though their convoy has yet to depart.

The DDS have announced that the ship lost in the battle was K115 Vespasian.

The Battle of New Arit

Earlier today the ABBO fleet attacked the combined Aritan-DDS-Dino fleet awaiting it at New Arit though an ABBO detachment also attacked the Aritan planet of Dalsanian in a simultaneous operation. The battle was fierce with the Aritan fleet plus the DDS and Dino ships in attendance nearly totally wiped out though the ABBOs did lose 161 ships themselves.

New Arit was pounded by the ABBOs during the battle, it is reported the TPM factory was badly damaged along with some other military bases. The capital was spared an attack though. The Aritan and other ships present performed heroically despite the odds according to the Aritan government and managed to break the back of the ABBO attack to prevent any further destruction on the planet though the price was high.

4 Intrepids, 2 Solaris II, 4 Kalahati Tuuls, 2 Pentekonter-Es and 39 Ferrets from the Aritan fleet, a large proportion of their fleet, were destroyed. A 5th Kalahati Tuul was also destroyed at the attack on Dalsanian.

The Dinos lost 16 of their 17 Dinomarks present, the DDS lost a Rome 46A corvette (as yet unnamed). The DDS said that help would be sent to help the Aritans recover. The remainder of the ABBO fleet is said to be now headed for Malau.


17 Dinomarks arrive from Xi to New Arit

17 Dinomarks have arrived from Xi to bolster the defending forces at New Arit. Other Dinomarks are said to be on the way from Dino-Land but will not arrive until next week. The Dinomarks are all XTs and have not been fitted with TPMs. The Aritans are fitting the XTs with some TPMs from their own stockpile.

As well as the Dinomarks 5 Intrepids, 2 Solaris II, 4 Kalahati Tuuls and 3 Pentekonter-Es of the Aritan fleet have been assembled. Two DDS Rome corvettes are also thought to be in the area and will join the battle.


DDS move loyalist units incase of Aritan rebellion?

A DDS blogger (who has now strangely been silenced) has reported that Windy Massive and Hoods 2.0 units of the New DDS Army have been quietly moved to the same locations as Aritan units (except in the case of Delta 9 because of the combat situation).

It is thought the DDS are guarding against a rebellion by the Aritans if their homeworld is destroyed and the DDS are perceived as not lifting a finger to help. The DDS however continue to state that they cannot do anything to help the Aritans in time.

Aritan units of New DDS Army threaten to rebel unless DDS help New Arit

Four brigades of the New DDS Army currently deployed, including 2 on Delta 9 fighting the ABBOs, are Aritan and they have threatened to rebel if the DDS do not intervene and send ships to help New Arit which is facing an ABBO attack in days.

The DDS have warned Aritan soldiers to stay loyal to the DDS and have said that the DDS would not be able to get a fleet to New Arit in time. "It is an unfortunate fact that we cannot help Arit in their forthcoming battle."

The Orchid told reporters earlier, "We are however preparing a relief fleet that will get to Arit as soon as possible as help the recovery from the aftermath of the battle. Aritan soldiers should stay loyal to the DDS. This is a bigger fight than just one attack on Arit, bad as that is. If the DDS falls then Arit will not have any reconstruction and will likely be destroyed. Only together can we defeat the ABBOs and rebuild."


ABBO fleet changes course for New Arit

The ABBO fleet is reported to have changed course and is now heading directly for New Arit and is expected to be in a position to attack by Thursday. Pretty much the entire Aritan fleet has been assembled at Arit but there are no DDS ships in the area though one or two on nearby patrol routes could be redirected in time. The DDS have said they will not send a fleet from DDS Centre as it would not reach Arit until the end of next week at the earliest.

The Aritans have said they will fight to the last man and should put up a decent fight with their old but upgraded ships but are unlikely to able to prevail against 300 ABBO warships.


First CSM silo declared operational

The first Clone Space Missile silo has been declared operational on Cloneworld. Three CSMs are thought to have been deployed in the silo south of the capital Ailier City. All three missiles are thought to have been programmed to attack DDS GHQ though this is mainly because that is the only target the HCS have managed to programme yet.

Three more silos are expected to be converted from Gale IRBMs to CSM over the next 6 months though a full deployment will not be carried out until the end of 2111 at least with the arrival of an improved version of CSM that allows for rapid retargeting and other enhancements. A sea launched and road mobile launched versions of CSM are expected by the end of the decade.
Deepest Blue
Team Redjec try and join the Windy Massive. Fools!


Aritans ask DDS for help

Although the latest ABBO fleet seemed headed for Proxima Centauri the Aritans have requested the DDS send some ships to bolster the Aritan fleet. "The ABBO fleet could easily change course and is only a few days away from our space." an Aritan minister said, "Our entire fleet is not a match for an ABBO fleet of this size. We need help!"

However the DDS are unlikely to send any ships to New Arit as they will need every available ship in DDS Central. There is likely to be 1 or 2 DDS ships near New Arit however and these could be diverted should the need arise.


New ABBO fleet on the way?

300 ships of an as-yet unknown designation have been detected by the Clones skirting the edge of Clone space near Aouris. The fleet is said to be heading towards Proxima Centauri and is likely to be yet another new ABBO fleet.

The DDS as yet have not responded to the news. At current speed and trajectory they will not reach DDS space for about 2 and a half weeks and will not reach the core DDS worlds for a week after that. The DDS are likely to already have a ship shadowing the fleet though.

DDS increase size of minesweeping fleet

The DDS have finally fitted minesweeping systems to the 3 remaining Pentekonter 44Ms which had been used in a general duties role. M111 Euripdes and the re-numbered M112 Cleon and M113 Xerxes have been fitted with the DDS/Raegris developed DMS.

The DDS say that they will slowly replace the Clone built SPECNES with DMS on the rest of the fleet at a future date (likely to be after the war). Mines have not been a big feature in the war though and the minesweeping fleet has generally been used on general patrol duties though a flotilla is kept ready at Solaris.

Isometric ILU programme completed

The Isometric ILU (Intermediate Life Upgrade) programme, the longest and most expensive upgrade in DDS history, has finally been completed with the return to the fleet of F123 Devonian and F124 Ordovician. The whole fleet of (now) 18 frigates is to ILU standard though there have been some improvements to the ILU specification during the lifetime of the programme and these earlier upgrades are being bought up to the later standard during routine maintenance.

The next major upgrade is likely to be the Terran Sea ILU and unification though this will not begin until after the end of current hostilities (and is planned for after 2112 anyway). The Isometric jig is now to be given over to full Freedom 41B production. Four more of the latter have been ordered.


Howharn ally with HCS

Unaligned Eritran planet Howharn, already customers of HCS weapons, have signed a formal agreement with the Clone Star Empire (East) and will allow the HCS to build a refueling point in orbit. The HCS will be allowed to station up to 4 warships at the station at any one time though it is likely that only 1 will be allocated to the station under normal operations.

Howharn is in a strategic location near the Free Eritran States and the central core of the Utrek Federation and thus it is likely to be home to HCS reconnaissance missions. One unconfirmed report states that the HCS may also place a listening post on one of Howharn's moons.

What Howharn will get out of the agreement has yet to be unveiled but it is thought they will purchase some Clone built warships (no doubt with a healthy discount).

Sirikwanese and Voth to join attack against Bolitic?

There are reports on Dino-Land that Sirikwan and the Free Voth Republic will join the Dinos in a final offensive on the Bolitic. It is thought the Dinos will send a fleet within the next couple of weeks and try and smash the remaining power of Emperor Borca. The Sirikwanese may send some ships with the Dino fleet and the Voth may contribute some troops.

DDS analysts say that both Sirikwan and the Voth are likely to join the DTA and that the fleet may indeed operate under the DTA banner. Yeng may send some observers along with the fleet too.

UV160 : Endless Sorrow

  • Bum Rap - SFX launches an attack...
  • Things I'd Like To Do - Origano must enter the SS... or will the SS enter him?...
  • Charm Bracelet - Windy hunts for the truth behind SFX...
  • Inserted Within - Is Windy being lured into a trap?...
  • Imagineering A Narrative - The Triad meets the ABBOs in battle...
  • Fading Fast - The battle of Voth...


DDS withhold ships as Voth enter talks to join DTA

The DDS has suspended the delivery of 2 more reconditioned and upgraded Kalahati Tuuls to the Voth Space Navy (unspecified "technical issues" have been given as the reason) amid news that the Voth have approached the Dinos about joining the Dino Trade Association.

It has been reported in the media that the Voth deputy prime minister travelled back to Dino-Land in a worm-drive equipped PT to hold talks with the Dinos. A squadron of Dinomarks is already providing protection for the Voth following the Bolitic attack.

Fleet News (17/11/10)

Following a flurry of new ships over the last few months things are a bit quieter this month with just 1 new combat ship joining the fleet this is the Solaris 37C destroyer D168 Denebola II which has joined the DDS Centre fleet.

A new Provider 71A transport has also been built as part of the emergency fleet loss replacements A122 Hercules II.

Panthers to receive combat enhancements

The Panther 35A fleet is receiving an upgrade which will be completed over the next few weeks. The upgrade, known as Panther Combat Enhancement 2110, is being carried out during routine maintenance and typically takes around 40 hours per ship. The upgrade includes:
  • An improved combat suite with a faster target data processing core and higher bandwidth.
  • Software upgrades for passive sensor processing and cloak management systems
  • Modifications to TPM launchers to fix an issue that has caused a jam in rapid fire mode on a couple of occaisions
  • Improvements to internal security monitoring and threat management systems
  • Upgrades to communication security systems


DDS query DTA

DDS Commander The Orchid has queried the setting up of the Dino Trade Association saying it was a strange time to launch such an organisation while the galaxy was wracked with war. The Orchid warned DDS allies such as the Sirikwanese and Aritans to think carefully before joining the DTA. Its known that both nations have been approached by the Dinos over the last few days.

"In the DDS our allies have access to everything the DDS can offer. I am sure the Dinos can offer a lot too but not everything we can." she said. However some analysts say that what the DDS offer over the Dinos may be hard to define these days. "The Dinos have TPM-1 and worm drive plus their war is drawing to a close. What can the DDS offer over that apart from the opportunity to die fighting the ABBOs?" one unnamed UNP analyst said.

Dinos announce Dino Trade Association

Hot on the heels of the alliance with Yeng the Dinos have announced the setting up of the Dino Trade Association or DTA and of course Yeng are the first members along with the Dinos themselves. It is thought the DTA is really the Dinos ambitions for an extended sphere of influence and will also include military and strategic ties.

A Dino source said that Sirikwan and Voth were already in talks about joining the DTA. Senator Zanus said that the DTA would be to the mutual benefit economically of all members and that DTA membership would be compatible with DDS membership. He did not answer though when asked if the DTA would morph into a full military alliance.

Yeng enter alliance with Dinos

Neutral world Yeng has up until now stayed out of space politics apart from re-equipping its army and air force with HCS equipment bought last year. Now however they have signed a mutual defence pact with the Dinos which will see the Dinos guarantee their space.

In return the Dinos will be able to build a space dock around Yeng and will also build a base on the planet. It is thought they will maintain a squadron of Dinomarks and an SS-D rapid reaction brigade on the planet as well as performing refueling and maintenance on other ships. Yeng will also train alongside the Dinos and will begin their own rapid reaction force which will follow the SS-D pattern and may take part in future operations.

Speaking on Voth Ronald said that Yeng was the first nation to join the Dinos in a new partnership for mutual defence and co-operation. Trade deals and cultural exchange will also form part of the agreement.


Sea Urchin warns DDS to not let allies slip away

Sea Urchin has said the DDS cannot afford to ignore its allies like the Aritans and Sirikwanese. "They are being openly courted by the Dinos." he said in the light of the Dino offer to ally with these allies against the Bolitic and the Dino "rescue" of the Voth and Sirikwanese. "I know our attention is quite rightly fixed on the war with the ABBOs but we are ignoring the Dinos muscling in on our left flank!"

Sea Urchin said that the DDS should have sent relief supplies to Voth following their attack. Voth is now being protected by a Dino squadron and it is feared that Voth may turn to the Dinos instead of the DDS in their future.

Zanus opens lead ahead of Dino poll

With the Consul election poll just a couple of weeks away Senator Zanus has opened a 5% lead over his rival Senator El Diablo. The SS are also understood to be planning to give their bloc vote to Zanus (with punishment and rape for anyone who votes otherwise). This in itself if a surprise as El Diablo is in Ronald's (the God of the SS) party. However Diablo is almost universally despised by the SS because of his courage, honour and integrity.

El Diablo has stepped up the attacks on his rival though and has repeatedly pronounced Zanus's name "Zay-Nus" instead of "Zan-Nus" in an attempt to ridicule his opponent.

Dinos recruit Sirikwan and Arit for attack on Bolitic?

Ronald and MBH have both made visits to Sirikwan and New Arit respectively and are understood to be in talks with the two minor powers about joining a "final attack" on the Bolitic. Dino insiders say the Bolitic regime of Borca is just one more defeat from total collapse with only the remaining power of his Chosen Men keeping the Bolitic in the war.

However unless the war is pursued then the Bolitic may rebuild and be able to resume the war next year. The Dinos themselves are very depleted and are hoping to get Sirikwanese and Aritan involvement in the battle. Both are understood to have been offered a lucrative share of the "spoils" when the Bolitic are overthrown.


Fading Fast
The battle of Voth.


DDS deny fleet at breaking point

The DDS have denied media reports that the condition of the fleet is fast deteriorating due to the war and that if the war continues into 2111 then the DDS might not have a fleet able to continue the fight. The reports say that regular maintenance has had to have been abandoned because of the war, that added to the harder than usual operation and battle damage is leaving many ships in a poor state of repair.

One report claims there is an Isometric 41A frigate that cannot go above 376c because otherwise the stress would rip it apart. A Quasar 15A cruiser is also alleged to have suffered 4 radiation leaks from its reactor array over the last 6 weeks. The DDS have said these reports are untrue and that DDS Engineering are doing an "amazing job" in keeping the fleet in "as best a condition as can be expected".


Bolitic in chaos as 2 Barons try and seize the crown

As the battered fleet of Emperor Borca returns to Castarian the vultures are beginning to circle what looks like the finished carcass of his reign. Two Barons have already announced they are the true Emperor and have begun fighting each other. Borca's House is staying out of the fight, no doubt hoping the 2 Barons cancel each other out. Fighting is raging across the capital planet.

Borca still has a powerful backing, his Chosen Men still have some potency. Indeed the biggest threat to Borca probably comes from his own house.


Ronald arrives at New Arit for surprise meeting

Ronald has arrived on New Arit for talks with the Aritan government. It is thought he is trying to persuade the Aritans to join the Dinos and Sirikwanese in an alliance to stop the Bolitic once and for all. Interestingly the Aritan fleet sent to Voth is continuing to travel there despite the Bolitic fleet already been stopped.

According to unnamed Aritan sources inside the government the Aritans are considering a much tighter alliance with the Dinos though will continue to be DDS allies.

The battle of Voth

Earlier today Voth & Sirikwanese forces engaged with the Bolitic war fleet on the edge of the Voth system, a battle it looked like the Bolitic were winning until the timely arrival of a Dino fleet which turned the tide against the Bolitic and probably broke the Bolitic fleet finally as a threat.

In the early stage of the battle the Voth & Sirikwanese were outmatched in numbers and quality but made up for it with tenacity and courage (and the heavy use of TPMs helped too). The Voth lost 3 Kalahati Tuuls (leaving them with just 2 ships - both damaged). The Sirikwanese lost a Helwin and 16 Ferrets.

As the Bolitic were pushing the allies back into Voth's orbit and preparing for an invasion a wormhole suddenly opened and 9 Dinomark PTs emerged and attacked the rear of the Bolitic fleet causing chaos. The Dinos later said they were always intending to take part in the battle but kept the decision a secret to surprise the Bolitic (and because even with worm drive they were not sure they would be able to get to Voth in time).

The Dinos lost 2 PTs in the battle but the Bolitic fleet was smashed and retreated broken. The Bolitic lost 6 Snarls, 9 Meltinans and one of their remaining 2 Reptoli Tuuls. The Emperor himself watched the defeat and cannot avoid association with it. It is likely Borca will be facing even more open revolt now.


Imagineering A Narrative
The Triad meets the ABBOs in battle.

3 more DDS Army brigades declared operational

The 1st Heavy Brigade (Terra), 14th Light Brigade (Terra) and 21st Light Brigade (Arit) have all been declared operational and ready for combat operations. The DDS have not started forming any more brigades instead deciding to concentrate on getting existing units up to speed and improving their quality first.

The DDS are understood to have bought 100 more Tapir IFVs from HCS Reserve stocks and are also looking into buying a tracked SAM system though have yet to decide on one.

Bolitic halt just outside Voth system

The Bolitic war fleet has come to a halt just outside the Voth system and is now regrouping ahead of a likely attack later today or tomorrow. Facing them near Voth is a motly collection of DDS, Bolitic and Utrek built ships of the Voth and Sirikwanese fleets. The Aritan force is still 6 days away.

Its unknown if the Voth-Sirikwanese will fight or will instead try and delay the Bolitic in order to evacuate the Voth government.


DDS attack ABBOs on Malau

It has been reported that a DDS frigate has made a short attack on the ABBO base on Malau following a special forces operation. Damage to the ABBO base has been called extensive by the DDS. The frigate bombarded the base with it's Z5i cannon. More damage was caused to the base by a special forces raid.

It is thought this raid is a one off and not an indication of a new DDS policy. It is thought the DDS are going to try and avoid conflict for the next few weeks in order to get their fleet back up to something near full strength.


Borca leading Voth attack personally?

It has been reported that the Emperor himself if leading the Bolitic attack fleet which is now just a couple of days away from Voth. The Bolitic attack fleet compromises the remnants of the front line of the Bolitic fleet and the entire Chosen Men who guard the Emperor. Borca knows that he must conquer the Voth if he is to save anything from the disasterous war against the Dinos and more importantly to prevent himself dying in an unfortunate accident with a sharp blade.

Conquering the Voth plus annexing the Vosun may be enough to placate the other major Barons who are beginning to prepare for a war of succession once Borca falls.

Bolitic bridgehead on Pulsin collapses

Although there has been a ceasefire for the last few weeks between the Dinos and Bolitic the Dinos have maintained their blockade of the Bolitic bridgehead on Pulsin. However the bridgehead has now collapsed without a shot being fired.

The general in charge of Bolitic forces on Pulsin, Lord Vokenzin was reportedly killed by some junior officers as starvation has hit the Bolitic in the bridgehead and their slave armies which have revolted. The new commander Sir Yolnewakapti surrendered the bridgehead to the Dinos after delivering the head of Vokenzin to the Dino commander in a box, it is reported Yolnewakapti was disappointed the Dinos did not eat the head as is custom with the Bolitic.

A Dino source says this surrender indicates a wider rebellion in the Bolitic ranks as Vokenzin was of the House of Borca, the Emperor but Yolnewakapti is of one of the Bolitic houses now openly trying to bring down the Emperor. The Dinos are now disarming the Bolitic forces and are providing food aid.

DDS introduce new short-range attack missile

The DDS have quietly introduced a new short-range attack missile for ground attack from orbit. The missile, Apex-70, replaces the several older missiles which have been in use and has improved guidance, a larger payload, steathly features and an improved motor. It has been fully integrated with the attack system SAS carried by DDS warships.

The weapon has already been used in an attack on the ABBOs on Malau it has been reported. Mass production is now underway.

HCSN clear 4 more F-40Ns for carrier use

The worst secret in the HCS Navy is that very few of it's fleet of F-40Ns are actually capable of carrier operations because of the generally poor state of their undercarriage and structure. It is currently estimated that 8 F-40Ns are available for use off the carrier CNS Cloneworld and the HCSN have been rationing their airpower on deployments, typically just 2 are carried at any one time.

However this has been slightly improved by the clearance of 4 more fighters for carrier use after a rebuild by CAC. This brings the number of aircraft available to 12 and will likely suffice as the A-85NTK and later the F-45K will become available over the next few years.


Inserted Within
Is Windy being lured into a trap?


Crankcase project cancelled, new Clearwater project

The Crankcase project to develop a new patrol ship in the late 2120s has been cancelled though the project had been on the back burner for some time. A new project that has been announced by DDS Research is Clearwater (following the C-designations used recently for new ship projects).

Clearwater is the project name for the proposed Medium Unmanned Reconnaissance Vehicle (MURV) which is the DDS counterpart to the HCS Nybble NL. Clearwater will also be armed and have a strike role. It is thought Clearwater will be similiar in size to the Pentekonter and thus in some ways is a replacement for the Crankcase project. The DDS have begun initial design work and aim to have Clearwater in service by 2116 or 2117.

Its not clear yet how Clearwater will integrate with the FLUSV unmanned strike vehicle project which is part of the future cruiser Chrysalis project though one DDS Research insider said FLUSV would likely be a variant of Clearwater.


Sirikwan skirmishes with Bolitic

A Sirikwan Helwin cruiser shadowing the Bolitic attack fleet heading towards Voth has come under attack from 2 Bolitic Meltinan patrol ships. The Sirikwanese, ironically in a Bolitic built ship themselves though now updated with DDS technology, managed to destroy 1 Meltinan before cloaking and retreating to an asteroid field. The Sirikwanese ship suffered damage itself and is now returning to Sirikwan.

The rest of the Sirikwanese ships sent to help the Voth are now approaching Voth and will form a defence line with the Voth fleet. Their odds of success are not great though.


LLFX F-47 unveiled

The LLFX F-47 the "Light Local Fighter" has been unveiled by CAC ahead of an expected first flight next month. The curiously old fashioned F-47 is a subsonic single-engined jet fighter designed purely for secondary worlds in the Clone Star Empire. It will replace 1000 F-40s on general patrol and policing duties saving the HCS an estimated 800 million zarks a year in lower flying costs and cheaper maintenance.

"Of course the F-47 cannot really take on a modern combat fighter like the F-45 or even the DDS Shark but its not supposed to." Sleeze said at the unveiling, "It is a very low-cost recapitalisation of our back-up fighter fleet providing an important support role."

Dinos delay Dinomark PT/3, PT/2b as stopgap

The Mark 3 Dinomark PT has been in development for some time and it was hoped for the new type to enter service early next year but this has now been put back to the end of 2111 at the earliest. The delay is to allow for the development of a new tactical sub-system to take advantage fully of the TPM and some further enhancements to the power grid.

To plug the gap production will revert to the Mark 2b next year (or PT/2b). This will have improvements to damage control and recovery, an improved missile launcher and improved passive sensors.

Dinos will not help Voth

In a surprise move the Dino senate has decided not to intervene in the current Bolitic attack on the Free Voth Republic. It is now pretty likely that the Voth will be conquered by the Bolitic and as the DDS war against the ABBOs shows no signs of ending soon the Bolitic will be able to consolidate their conquest greatly before the DDS might be in a position to try and repel them.

Ronald was keen to send a fleet but was outvoted in the senate. Consul Cruggson said the Dinos needed more time to rebuild their fleet.


ABBOs attack Proxima 5

The ABBOs have launched a surprise raid deep in DDS space. Proxima 5 was attacked by 12 ABBO warships which had been hiding in the wake of a comet passing through the Proxima system. The main target of the raid was the HQ of DDS Communications which was hit by at least 6 beam strikes and 1 missile.

The facility is said to have been moderately damaged though the most important areas were unaffected. Hypernet, the DDS network, was down for a brief moment before a backup restored service. Some monitoring was also disrupted briefly. 5 of the ABBO warships were destroyed, the others fled.

The main impact of the raid will be to show the DDS that the ABBOs can strike anywhere in the DDS and thus will need to maintain strong forces at all key points.

Sirikwan & New Arit send forces to help Voth

Sirikwan and New Arit have both dispatched ships to help the tiny Free Voth Republic's fleet against the approaching Bolitic war fleet which is likely to reach Voth itself by early next week. Unfortunately the Aritan ships are unlikely to arrive in time and the ships Sirikwan are sending will not be enough to halt 30+ Bolitic warships.

Sirikwan is sending 2 Helwin cruisers, a Pentekonter-E120 and a Relan combat support ship which will carry 25 Ferret-E UCVs. Arit is sending an Intrepid, a Solaris II and 2 Kalahati Tuuls. Voth themselves have 4 Kalahati Tuuls available. Even altogether these ships would not be enough to hold against the Bolitic fleet.

The Sirikwanese say they hope they can delay the Bolitic long enough for the arrival of substantial forces from the DDS or Dinos. However the DDS do not have any available ships. The Dinos as yet are undecided whether to send a fleet though the Senate are meeting later today.

Bolitic invade Free Voth Republic

The Bolitic war fleet assembled at Remnatar is not a continuation of the Bolitic-Dino war it appears as a fleet of around 34 Bolitic warships has been detected crossing the Voth border and is heading for Voth. One Voth Kalahati Tuul has been destroyed in a border skirmish.

The Voth are appealing to their allies for help, unfortunately the DDS have got no ships in Voth space so the DDS have asked Sirikwan and the Aritans if they can help. The Dinos are currently deciding whether to get involved or not.

HCS Fleet News (03/11/10)

  • A Kalahati Tuul KTB, one of a number reactivated to cover a shortage of secondary assets, has been withdrawn following cracks found in its reactor.
  • 2 Derinny DR minesweepers have been withdrawn, the rest are now due to leave service by early next year.
  • A Nybble NL UCV has joined the fleet.
  • A Type A transport has also joined the fleet. The first Type H weapons carrier is now in production, it is still unsure if this is a Type A conversion into a Missileer type warship or merely a specialised transport.


Charm Bracelet
Windy hunts for the truth behind SFX.

Dinos demand Bolitic reveal reason for their fleet concentration

The Dinos are demanding the Bolitic reveal why they are building a powerful fleet at Remnatar near the Bolitic-Dino border. Around 50 warships are now thought to be collected near the planet with refuelling and preparations for an operation said to be taking place. The Bolitic refuse to comment.

The peace talks on Yeng have been suspended because of the tensions caused by this. Both parties are now returning to their respective territories.


Other Fleet News (01/11/10)

  • The Dinos have added 3 Dinomark PTs and 3 XTs to their fleet this month. Production is set to continue at this maximum rate well into next year as the Dinos rebuild their shattered fleet. Replacing the surviving NGs is set to take place early next year too as the ships come up to their overhaul times.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have added 1 Snarl and 2 Meltinans to their fleet this month. Around 15 Helwins and Meltinans are also undergoing heavy overhaul and upgrades.
  • The Raegris have added 1 new DF-1 frigate and 2 PC-1 patrol ships (their version of the Pentekonter).
  • Porquat 640 is reporting the entry into service of another Quagan 665.