
ABBOs bombard Delta 9

Around 40 ABBO warships have made a sustained bombardment of DDS positions on Delta 9. The ABBOs seemed willing to lose ships to TPM-As and around 19 were shot down by F-10S patrols on the planet (a TPM-G battery is being set-up too). Two F-10s were also shot down by ground fire.

One problem for the DDS is said to be that their stockpile of TPM-As is running down fast and they need resupply within the next few days. It is thought however that the DDS are preparing to resupply their forces on the planet. Damage to DDS defence positions was said to be "substantial" but the lines still held against an ABBO attack.

Bolitic complete annexation of Vosun

The Bolitic have completed their annexation of the Vosun Star Empire which now remains in just name. Some loyalist Vosun troops are understood to have made a stand on Melsan 90510 but were ruthlessly crushed by Bolitic forces. It is thought the Bolitic will maintain garrisons and ship deployments on Vosun and Melsan.

A new puppet leader of the Vosun has been installed, a former Vosun army general. He has announced the construction of 10 new warships and a rejuvenated army that will fight "alongside our Bolitic allies".


The hunt for the Zone pirate homeworld begins.

DDS ask HCS for help?

There are unconfirmed reports that the DDS have contacted the HCS about the Clones entering the war against the ABBOs to help the DDS defeat their enemies. The DDS are denying it but several sources point to "senior DDS officials" visiting Cloneworld this week. One report even said Sea Urchin had met Deputy Emperor Sleeze.

However the HCS will not enter the war though they promised to not allow the ABBOs to use their space to outflank the DDS.


First 30 A-85s cleared for DDS service

The first 30 of 50 ex-HCSAF A-85 COIN aircraft have passed inspection and have been cleared for service with the DDSAF. The aircraft came from the HCS Reserve and were given a light refurbishment as well as having their controls localised for DDS use. Some modifications were also made to the pylons so they could be fitted with DDS bombs and rocket pods. The original HCS cannons have been retained, the DDS have bought a quantity of ammunition from the HCS Reserve to equip their fleet.

The other 20 A-85s on order are expected before the end of the year. The DDS are keen to get them to Delta 9 as soon as possible where they will be useful against the ABBOs.


ABBO fleet confirmed

A Dino patrol operating out of Xi has confirmed the existence of a new ABBO fleet, estimated at about 350 ships. The fleet was last detected passing Porquat 640 and its trajectory will take it towards DDS GHQ on Proxima 7. The ABBO fleet is estimated to reach GHQ by early October.

The DDS have kept strong forces at GHQ though the bulk of their fleet is at Liberation. The DDS have got enough time to relocate some ships though will need to make a decision very soon.


Dino TPM production begins

The first of 6 TPM production facilities for the Dinos (4 will be on Dino-Land and one each on Pulsin and Xi) has begun full production and the first all-Dino built TPM-1s have begun rolling off the production line. When production is ramped up to maximum rate by November it is expected up to 75 a day will be produced.

The Dinos are also working on their upgrade package for the missile which will begin to diverge from the DDS designs over time. It is thought the Dinos want a faster missile and are happy to lose some range. A new motor is in development.

LLFX design to be revealed soon

The LLFX F-47 project for the HCSAF to produce a very cheap and easy to maintain basic fighter for second-line units is proceeding apace ahead of an expected 2112 entry into service the HCSAF have said. The LLFX design will be unveiled soon though the HCSAF did say it was a single-engined and subsonic design that would be "70% cheaper" than the legacy F-40s it will replace but still be suitable for the policing and general air command roles intended for it.

1000 LLFXs are expected to be built and will supply the air regiments on secondary planets in the empire as well as reserve units.


New ABBO fleet on the way

DDS listening stations in the Rim Worlds are reporting a great deal of EM activity in ABBO space which is likely to be a large number of ships travelling in a fleet. It is thought likely the ABBOs are sending yet another fleet to reinforce their (still quite powerful) forces at Malau. A sizeable reinforcement would give the ABBOs the ability to properly commit to the invasion of Delta 9 and to attack the DDS fleet again which is still recovering from the last major battle.

Another concern is if the ABBO fleet comes up through the Rim Worlds, it would mean the ABBOs were heading direct for DDS Centre and the DDS would have to weaken their forces at Liberation to strengthen their core worlds defence.

DDS land supplies on Delta 9

Using deception the DDS have managed to land some much needed supplies on Delta 9 for the DDS forces on there who are battling the ABBOs. While some DDS warships created a diversion 3 Friendship transports entered orbit and beamed down a quantity of ammunition and other supplies including TPM-As and 30 T-55ZDMs tanks supplied by the Dinos.

One Friendship did come under fire but did not suffer serious damage. An Isometric was also hit by ABBO fire and suffered some damage but no crew fatalities were reported. 3 ABBO ships were destroyed.


Ronald steps into a darker place.


TPM-A-2 cleared to enter service

The air-launched version of the TPM-2, the TPM-A-2, has finally been cleared to enter service. Its development was largely completed last year but the DDS decided to stay with the TPM-1 based TPM-A for an extra year to bring down stockpiles. TPM-A-2 has now been completed using the latest missile specification as its baseline and will begin production before the end of the year.

The smaller missile will allow 2 to be carried by aircraft like the F-10A and F-10S instead of the one as present.

HCSAF unveil new ALCM

The HCSAF have unveiled their new air-launched cruise missile the AS-7 which will be a key part of the HCS' "counter invasion" strategy which has seen the HCS been remodelled as a reactive force on Cloneworld designed to attack any invading forces. AS-7 can be seen as a key part of this strategy along with the Gale-III and HCS Navy.

AS-7 can be launched by A-84 and F-45 aircraft and will be a key weapon of carrier operating F-45Ks in a few years time. The AS-7 can be fitted with a nuclear warhead and has a range up to 500km. It is fitted with a number of systems to aid penetration of enemy defences the HCS said. It is expected to enter service from next year.

Independence 35B put back until 2112

The Independence 35B destroyer, the follow-on class from the Panther, has been officially put back until 2112 to allow production to continue of the Panther. The DDS said it would be a mistake to commit now to production of a new type in the middle of the war. Two extra Panthers have already been ordered to replace war losses.

If the war is continuing into late 2111 then the Independence will be further delayed of course. It is also likely the design will undergo a refinement to include worm-drive and lessons learned from the war.

DDS attack ABBOs again with MRM

The MRM is fast becoming the DDS' weapon of choice while they are in a holding phase of their battle with the ABBOs. The tactical flexibility of the MRM is also becoming apparent with the latest attack a prime example of the advanced "wait-then-strike" mode built into the missile.

Following the last attack the ABBOs dispersed their ships throughout the Malau system to prevent a MRM attack destroying more than 1 or 2 ships (and thus being a waste of a missile). However from time to time ships needed to be collected into larger concentrations for refuelling. A MRM launched by a Quasar 15A some 2 light years away was put into a holding mode at the edge of the Malau system then when around 15 ABBO ships were bought in for refuelling the DDS ship (thought to be a Panther 35A) lurking in the system then re-activated the MRM and guided it to attack the ABBO concentration. All 15 ABBO ships plus a resupply dock were destroyed.


HCSN goes pirate hunting

The HCS Navy has embarked on a sustained campaign against the pirates who have started operating in the Oksana Islands off the main continent's east coast on Cloneworld. This is the first combat deployment of the aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld which has embarked 4 F-40Ns to support the anti-pirate operations (though most offensive operations are likely to be using small craft and helicopters).

Cloneworld is supported by 2 Olana class destroyers, 3 Triona patrol boats and a Mariner class support ship. A submarine is also thought to be part of the fleet.

DDS launch missile attack on ABBOs

The DDS have attacked the ABBO fleet at Malau with a long-range attack by MRMs, the first time the missile has been used at its maximum range of 5 light years. 3 Pulsar 12A bombers are understood to have made the attack firing 2 MRMs each. Terminal guidance was assisted by a Panther 35A destroyer that got close to the ABBOs under cloak and relayed passive sensor data to the MRMs via a subspace link.

Each MRM was fitted with the new cluster nuclear warhead. Around 60 ABBO warships are estimated to have been destroyed. Following this attack the ABBOs have dispersed their fleet throughout the Malau system.


Dinos will help DDS against ABBOs

Consul Cruggson, who was released from hospital yesterday (but is unlikely to return to combat duty this year) said that the Dinos would help the DDS in their war against the ABBOs once the war against the Bolitic was over. "The ABBOs are enemies of the Dinos too, if they defeat the DDS then we would be next. When we are sure of our peace with the Bolitic, and their mercenaries, and the threat is over then we will send forces to assist the DDS."

It is thought around 30 ships may be sent to help the DDS plus a legion of the army and some SS-D special forces though it is unlikely any forces will be sent until October at the earliest.


Bolitic install puppet government on Vosun

The Bolitic have installed a puppet government on Vosun which appears to going to be run as a client state of the Bolitic Confederacy with independent domestic policy but a foreign policy that serves the Bolitic's ends. The Vosun will be allowed to rebuild their fleet to up to 20 warships but these will operate as part of the Bolitic fleet. Some analysts think the Bolitic intend to use the Vosun as their proxy when politically it is awkward for them to use their own forces.

Although the old Vosun state machine collapsed without a fight an insurgency has begun on Vosun and some of the other planets in the Vosun Voth Star Empire though at a fairly low level. A Bolitic liaison officer was pelted with rotten fruit at a market in the capital in one of the recorded incidents.

Last ship begins Isometric ILU

F122 Permian has begun its Isometric ILU, the last ship to begin the major upgrade programme. F124 Ordovician has completed the upgrade though F121 Phanerzoic is still on the jig as it also had to receive major repairs. Both ships will be completed before the end of the year.

Work will then begin on Isometric ILU Normalisation 2110, a much more modest programme to bring all of the Isometric 41A fleet to the same level of equipment and software, later ILUs had a slightly updated specification but the normalisation will bring the whole fleet up to the same standard. This work will be carried out during scheduled maintenance and will be completed by early next year. The Isometric fleet is also to receive a shield and CIWS upgrade over the next few days to protect against ABBO suicide attacks.


Fleet News (17/09/10)

D114 Manx is the latest Panther 35A to join the fleet. It has already joined the forces assembled at Liberation. D204 Kilmore and D205 Kite complete the Kingfisher 39B reactivations. All 5 Kalahati Tuuls are now fully operational and form the core of DDS North at the moment.

A164 Energy Of Starbot is the latest Extender 73A oiler to join the fleet, though is a Starbotian ship. It will support DDS and Starbotian operations based off of Starbot.

The DDS have placed an emergency order for 2 extra Panther 35As (only 2 more were left to be built) to replace war losses.

Prowlers attack ABBOs on Malau

Two Prowler units are reported to have attacked the ABBO compound on Malau destroying a construction facility that was being built on the planet (thought to be intended to make ABBO Fighters).

A communication relay post was also destroyed by the special forces. The DDS are understood to have set up a forward base for special forces operations on Starbot. Two of the Fulcrums have been despatched to the planet.


MRM Release 1B, cluster warhead deployed

Just too late for the Battle of Liberation but ready for the next the latest version of the MRM has been cleared for production. MRM Release 1B has a number of extra bugfixes plus an uprated motor to increase its speed in the terminal attack mode. It is thought the countermeasures built into the medium attack missile have also been improved though the DDS are not commenting on this.

The new cluster nuclear warhead which is developed especially for attacking large concentrations of enemy ships has also been cleared for production. The attack bus contains 9 separate cluster nuclear warheads which are sprayed outwards just prior to detonation to increase the radius of destruction by up to 400%.
The Battle Of Liberation
The DDS and ABBOs meet in battle.


Sea Urchin to visit New Arit

Sea Urchin will visit New Arit next week to try and re-estabish the previously good relationship between New Arit and the DDS which recently appears to have hit hard times. Analysts however blame much of the recent acrimony on the new Aritan government as it seeks to differentiate itself from previous administrations. "Much of the acrimony has been played out in the state media." a DDS blogger said, "On the ground actual relations between the Aritans and DDS have remained good and should continue that way."

Sea Urchin will be careful to remind the Aritans that their re-emergence as a military power after their defeat by the Porquatians was due to the DDS and that Arit can only flourish in partnership with the DDS. "The DDS have been very generous with the Aritans who only recently have started to pull their weight. Not everyone gets free ships, upgrades and TPM-2s but the Aritans have and if they want to continue that they need to be a bit more humble in my view." an unnamed DDS officer was quoted in Latest Victory News, the DDS newspaper.

Fighting continues on Delta 9

Fighting is continuing on Delta 9 though the DDS are managing to hold their lines fairly comfortably though this may change if the ABBOs land more troops on the planet. A F-10S was shot down by an ABBO fighter in combat over the capital city though an ABBO warship in low-orbit was shot down by a TPM-A.  Another F-10S was forced to make a heavy landing due to damage from ground fire and had to be written off (though the pilot escaped unharmed).

The DDS commander on the planet has asked if the DDS can get some supplies to them, perhaps a "hit and run" foray into orbit to teleport some heavy weapons.

HCS unveil multi-phase missile

The HCS have unveiled a multi-phase missile warhead which they say will greatly increase the firepower of the Space Navy. The HCS themselves also acknowledged though that multi-phase is still many years behind the trans-phase weapon technologies of the DDS (which have now been shared with the Dinos).

However a HCS spokesclone said multi-phase weapons are still hard to defeat even with the latest shield technology (though the DDS, Dinos and Bolitic have shields that are proof against them). Against other enemies though the new weapons will give the Clones a big tactical boost. The first production warheads are expected to start being deployed next year.

As Bolitic arrive in orbit Vosun government flees

Bolitic ships have begun to arrive in orbit but have found there is no Vosun to surrender to them (or otherwise). Seemingly overnight much of the Vosun government and military command have melted away fearful of reprisals under Bolitic rule. Indeed a fairly minor government official was left to surrender his empire to the Bolitic ambassador on the planet.

Some Vosun leaders may be planning to fight an insurgency against the Bolitic however as a quantity of military equipment has also gone missing. The remaining ships in the Vosun fleet have surrendered however. The ancient Vosun-Voth Star Empire, a political entity that began reaching out to the stars while mankind and Dino kind were still fighting with spears appears to have finally died after centuries of decline with a whimper.

Dinos and Bolitic begin peace talks

An initial session has been held on Yeng between the ambassadors to Yeng of the Bolitic Confederacy and Dino Republic. Full talks proper will begin at the weekend when Senator MBH and Baron Melson come to represent their respective sides. The initial session has been most about the organisation and terms of the peace talks.

No weapons will be allowed in the meeting room which has annoyed the Bolitic however they preferred the alternative of a glass screen between the two parties less.


Bolitic tell Vosun they will become part of Confederacy

With a Bolitic fleet now approaching the capital planet Vosun the Bolitic government have told their Vosun counterparts to surrender and accept becoming part of the Bolitic Confederacy. Emperor Borca said "The time of the Vosun Voth Star Empire has gone, now the Vosun can become part of the Bolitic Confederacy as it regains strength and takes its rightful place as one of the major powers in the galaxy."

Borca said the Vosun would be allowed autonomy but would pay tribute to the Bolitic and if they built new ships they would operate under the Bolitic fleet.

Dr Forbidden admits EM Paint Bomb was a "hopeful hack"

The head of DDS Research Dr Forbidden has admitted that the "EM Paint Bomb" which the DDS used in the Battle of Liberation had been a "hopeful hack" that his team had been working on even as the missile lay was being readied to fire from a Quasar cruiser.

"The nano-level material the warhead released had to be exactly tuned to block ABBO sensor and communication transmissions otherwise all the material would have done would have been to make the ABBO ships look dirty." he said in an interview with DDS TV. His team were working on refinements and the weapon would remain part of the DDS' armoury, also having a nice as a non-lethal weapon."

Aritans incensed Aritans been "left to die on Delta 9"

Relations between the DDS and New Arit have fallen further after the Aritan government accused the DDS of leaving their troops to die on Delta 9. The 1st Light Brigade (Arit) and 5th Light Brigade (Terra) are on the planet and are currently engaged in combat with landed ABBO troops. The DDS have told the DDS forces on Delta 9 they will have to hold on for a couple of weeks.

The DDS have denied the troops there are being sacrificed. "The ABBO forces they are facing are limited and our troops are well dug in and have plenty of supplies. To say we have left them to die is nonsense. We will relieve them but for now the troops just need to hold their lines and we are confident they will."


DDS tell Delta 9 to hang on... because help is a long way away!

The DDS have told the land forces on Delta 9, currently fighting ABBO invasion troops, that they need to hold on for several weeks at least. The DDS fleet is not currently in a state to be able to support an amphibious landing of reinforcements as the landing ships are likely to come under heavy attack by ABBO ships if they enter orbit around Delta 9.

New DDS Army forces are well dug in around the capital and are also equipped with F-10S fighters which, it is reported, have destroyed 2 ABBO ships that entered orbit using TPM-As.

ABBOs attack Delta 9, land troops

The ABBO forces at Malau have made a surprise attack on nearby Delta 9. Around 60 ships attacked earlier today, chasing off a Provider 71A transport which was in orbit (the transport cloaked and fled). The ABBOs then began to attack the positions of the New DDS Army on the planet. Around 2 brigades of the army were recently landed on the planet plus a couple of thousand of citizen militia reserve raised from the population of the planet itself.

Unlike the earlier attack on the planet however which was a hit and run raid the ABBOs seem intent on staying. Around 5000 ABBO soldiers were landed on the planet using teleport devices and a few assault ships. The ABBOs are now attacking the capital though the DDS troops are currently holding their lines.


Bolitic fleet enters Vosun space

A fleet of around 20 Bolitic warships has entered their former allies Vosun's space and is now approaching the capital planet Vosun (which is unfortunately close to the border following the annexation of VVSE space some years back by the Bolitic Confederacy). The Vosun fleet now consists of just 3 warships and a number of smaller craft and it is unknown if the Vosun will put up a fight. They have requested help from neighbouring powers but it is unlikely to come, even if it did it would not come in time to prevent the Bolitic reaching Vosun.

It is possible the Vosun government could flee to another planet such as Melsan 90510 however some observers say this would be futile. Vosun ships are slower than Bolitic ships and it is unlikely a Vosun ship would be able to reach another planet before being intercepted by the Bolitic.

Sirikwan to send 4 ships to help DDS, Arit refuse

Sirikwan is to send 4 ships to the DDS next week to help guard DDS Centre (and allow 2-3 DDS ships to be released to DDS South). It is thought the Sirikwanese will send 1 of their Pentekonters along with 3 of their Helwin patrol ships. It is expected the Sirikwanese will reach DDS Centre in about 3 weeks. Sirikwan made the offer after the battle of Liberation in the light of the current depleted state of the DDS fleet.

New Arit was requested by the DDS to send a couple of ships but refused saying they needed all of their ships for their own use. They said they are already providing cover for the DDS in the Rim Worlds and simply don't have enough ships to spare any.

Dinos and Bolitic to meet on Yeng next week

The Dinos and Bolitic will meet on Yeng next week to begin talks on a full ceasefire. The head of the Dino party is not yet known but it may be MBH because of his experience with dealing with the Bolitic. Only 3 ships each from both sides will be allowed in the Yeng system. Telvin 802 has agreed to be a neutral party monitoring the system in case of any attempts at betrayal (Yeng has no space fleet). The CSS and SS-D will protect the Dino party.

Consul Jimmy said that a lasting peace had to be the result of the talks. "Both sides have lost so much, we can't go on shedding blood pointlessly however if the Bolitic try to trick us they should be warned that we have plenty of fight still in us."

The Orchid hails the heroism of the DDS

The DDS fleet is battered but unbowed The Orchid has said in a live video address to the entire DDS. She hailed the heroes aboard the DDS fleet which managed to withstand a massive ABBO fleet and send them packing. "Our greatest gratitude is reserved to those who paid the ultimate price, and there are many, but everyone who fought and enabled the fight is also a hero!"

The DDS estimate that all but the most seriously damaged ships will be back in action by mid-week though full repairs may take some time. The Orchid warned that the ABBOs are still a serious threat. "When they repair their damaged ships they still have around 300 ships at Malau and who knows how many more they can reinforce from their home bases. The war is not yet over, there may be a long way to go but the DDS will win!"

The Battle of Liberation

The DDS and ABBO fleets engaged in battle earlier today in what was a definite win for the DDS though the cost was high with 9 ships destroyed and over 20 knocked out of action (though some of those have been given emergency repairs) as well as 54 Ferret UCVs lost. The losses for the ABBOs were huge though with an estimated 308 ABBO ships destroyed. The ABBO fleet is now returning to Malau.

With the two fleets taking position the DDS opened fire with a salvo of MRMs, a tactic they have used before. However on this occasion one of the TPMs was equipped with what has been called a "electro-paint bomb", a secret weapon especially designed to fight the ABBOs. The bomb when it exploded amid the ABBO fleet sprayed dozens of ABBO ships with a nano-engineered EM-dampening "paint" which is said to have disrupted all sensory and communication input to the ABBO ships it sprayed. These ships were basically rendered useless. Other MRMs were equipped with nuclear warheads and exploded deep within the ABBO fleet.

The DDS then attacked with several waves of Ferret UCVs, some on suicide attacks. The ABBO flagship was destroyed by these attacks. The DDS then moved in and engaged with TPM salvos. By now well over 100 ABBO ships were already destroyed but the ABBOs began to regroup and fight back. Dozens were sent on suicide attacks, although shield and CIWS upgrades to some ships did prevent their loss some other ships such as the Starsystem on the flank were destroyed when ABBO ships rammed them.

Despite the pressure from the ABBOs the DDS held their discipline and the ABBOs began to falter as dozens of ships were destroyed in salvo after salvo of TPMs. The ABBOs, with little over 100 ships still operational, finally decided to withdraw. The DDS picked off the still crippled ABBO ships who had been hit by the paint bomb. Unfortunately the DDS only had one such weapon available, it being developed by DDS Research within the last few days. More will now be built though it is expected the ABBOs will develop some kind of counter.

The 9 DDS ships lost are listed below. Most are frigates which had not yet received shield upgrades though a few larger ships were also lost due to shield failures or mass attacks.

C130 Kaon
D106 Lion
D163 Sirius II
F113 Quartenary
F126 Mesozoic
F139 Banda Sea
F152 Aral Sea II
P135 Hawk
T108 T.S. Eliot

DDS Engineering is now urgently trying to repair the damaged ships, virtually every ship in the battle received damage of some kind. However it is expected the ABBOs will not be able to attack again for some time. The DDS unfortunately are not in the position to follow up the battle and try and dislodge the ABBOs from Malau.


HCS to invest heavily in anti-aircraft weapons

The HCS have announced a 2.1 billion zark investment in a new generation of anti-aircraft missiles. Since the end of the Clone Wars the HCS have seldom faced a tactical air threat and the AA weapons of the HCS have stagnated with just the Stoat AA tank and some manpads remaining in recent years. The resurgence in the DDSAF has led the HCS to develop a new generation of weapons.

The TAA-4 Stoat tank has already been upgraded and the fleet recapitalised but the main new weapons are two missile systems which were unveiled today at a HCS event. The SA-33 short-range SAM and SA-34 long-range SAM are both tracked units carrying a number of missiles. Reconditioned T-88/9 chassis are to be used in the initial batch of 300 units each, the number of missiles is unspecified but is expected to be several thousand loads. The 2 new systems are expected to enter service next year. A new manpad to replace the venerable SA-17A is also in development the HCS said.

ABBO fleet approaching Liberation

A large ABBO fleet which has been travelling from Malau is now approaching Liberation. The ABBOs have slowed though will still reach the waiting DDS fleet by tomorrow. It is thought the DDS will wait until the ABBOs attack using the advantage of their positions on the edge of the Liberation system. A second line comprising orbital defence posts and second-line ships has also been formed at the planet's high orbit. F-10S armed with TPM-A are flying patrols in the planet's atmosphere as a last line of defence.

The Orchid said the ABBOs would not be allowed to proceed any further. "This is where our line is and the ABBOs will not be allowed to cross it. We have assembled the most powerful fleet in the history of the DDS and although the ABBOs are many we are better."


Ronald : There is no ceasefire against the Zones

Today the bodies of Holisae and Crystal Iguana were buried at a traditional Dino funeral which included a solemn procession and plenty of Dino death metal. Ronald, afterwards, was asked what he was going to do now. He said that the Zones would pay dearly for their crimes.

A reporter asked about the ceasefire, Ronald said the terms of the ceasefire were clear. Fighting against the Bolitic has stopped but no other nation has been mentioned. Ronald is thought to be gathering various SS experts in "liquidation" to Dino-Land. Indeed the SS, which of course reveres Ronald as its god, has pledged to help Ronald turn the galaxy into an "ocean of Zone blood".

Clones wish to buy New Jakarta from DDS

New Jakarta is a recent addition to the UNP/DDS and is in a very strategic location with respect to the Clone Star Empire. It is understood that the Clones have offered to buy the planet off the UNP for 12 billion zarks and also provide 2 billion zarks for resettlement expenses for any inhabitants of the planet who wish to leave.

The DDS of course are unlikely to agree to the sale though one DDS officer was reported as saying that 12 billion zarks would buy a lot of Panthers.

Dinos issue "tactical ceasefire" pending Senate decision

Senator Zanus has ordered all offensive operations against the Bolitic to be temporarily ceased or as he said a "tactical ceasefire" pending the decision by the Dino Senate whether to agree to a ceasefire and then begin negotiations with the Bolitic with respect to ending the war.

The Senate are to consider the ceasefire shortly, it is thought the Bolitic want to hold talks at a neutral venue. Yeng is probably the most likely location.

Aritans want more hand-outs from the DDS

New Arit, which has recently seen a change in government, has said that the DDS should invest more in the Aritan fleet. The Aritan Prime Minister said Aritans were dying for the DDS and the DDS was merely throwing them scraps in return. "A few ancient ships is our reward for our blood?" he said at a party meeting.

The DDS have replied that the Aritans have been given a number of good ships, free updates, TPMs and other military assistance.

Bolitic offer ceasefire to Dinos

The Bolitic have said they have halted all combat operations against the Dinos and have called upon the Dinos to also stop. "We have ceased all offensive operations in our war with the Dinos." a spokesman for the Emperor said on space-radio (in Dinoese), "We will only fight the Dinos in self-defence. We call upon the Dinos to also cease operations and to begin talks on ending this war."

As yet the Dinos have not replied though Jimmy has called a meeting of the Senate for this afternoon.


Bolitic preparing to withdraw from Dino war?

There are signs the Bolitic may be preparing to end the Dino war. Ship deployments in Dino territory are being withdrawn and ships intended to resupply the Pulsin bridgehead are being prepared to return to Castarian. However the Bolitic are not thought to be intending to end hostilities but rather attack the Vosun Star Empire instead.

Despite huge cost the Bolitic are unlikely to get anything tangible out of the war and Emperor Borca is now searching for a honour saving victory (which will not save his life but at least might make his certain assassination less painful). The Vosun were Bolitic allies but left their alliance after their fleet was shattered in a war with the Raegris. Conquering the Vosun would be fairly straight forward for the Bolitic who could crush the remaining Vosun ships fairly quickly though getting enough troops landed might prove more tricky with much of the Bolitic merchant and amphibious fleets destroyed by the Dinos. It may be the Bolitic will destroy the Vosun fleet and then force the Vosun to surrender else suffer an orbital bombardment.

In the fast shifting geopolitical situation in that part of space the Vosun are desperatly trying to get some allies, obviously it is too soon for the DDS (who have other concerns right now) however one potential ally could be the Utrek whose relations with the Bolitic have now hit rock bottom. However it may be too late for the Vosun to get any real help even if the Utrek wanted to.


DDS unveil new patriotic poster to boost morale

The DDS have unveiled a new poster to boost morale. The Orchid said she wanted the DDS to regain the spring in their step and go into battle knowing that they are the DDS thus they are the best!

Repicans have had enough

The Repicans have told the Bolitic they can no longer assist them in their war with the Dinos. 6 of their ships was destroyed in the battle of Pulsin and much of the rest of the 14 ships they sent are damaged and need repair. The Repicans are making preparations to return to their homeworld.

Interestingly the Bolitic have not told them to stay. The feeling from Bolitic watchers is that the Bolitic have had enough of the war and are wanting to move onto more important matters such as when Borca will be killed and who will replace him.

Dinos attack Bolitic shipyard

The Dinos have launched a raid on a Bolitic shipyard in the Iceworld system. The shipyard was producing transport ships for the Bolitic, something the Bolitic now have a serious shortage of due to Dino attacks over the last couple of months. A force of 15 Dinomarks made the attack, 2 Meltinan patrol ships were destroyed. The shipyard was wrecked according to initial analysis. A nearby Bolitic oiler was also destroyed.

Three Dinomark XTs were lost in the raid though the crews from 2 of them were rescued. A Snarl battlecruiser was also attacked as the Dinos made away and badly damaged.

ABBOs on the march

A fleet of just over 500 ABBO warships has just departed Malau and is headed towards Liberation. The DDS have been expecting this for several days and are building up as much of their fleet as possible near Liberation for what could be the key battle of the war. At current speed the ABBOs will reach the DDS by Sunday.

The ABBOs have left around 60 ships at Malau including some support ships. It is known that the DDS have considered launching an attack on Malau using the Starbotian fleet but a reconnaissance has detected two orbital defence platforms the ABBOs have placed in orbit (thought to have been taken with the invasion fleet in modules and assembled once Malau was conquered). These platforms are thought to be very formiddable and it is likely the DDS will hold off now until the result of the battle near Liberation.

The DDS could advance their fleet to meet the ABBOs but will hold off to delay the battle as long as possible. If they can delay the battle until Sunday or Monday then two extra ships will arrive from DDS North and a third ship will have completed repairs.


UV158 : Support Our Sickness

  • Might Is Rite - Crickson's team hunt for a traitor...
  • Underage Not Under The Page - The HCS prepare to attack...
  • Get Those Fans In Here Com'on! - The HCS punish the Xenon...
  • Passion On A Plate - The Panthers kick ass...
  • Youth Must Be Crushed - Can Ronald save the Dinos from oblivion...
  • Aftermath - The Zones attack Dino-Land...

Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade recalled from Pulsin

The infamous Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade of the SS has been recalled back to Dino-Land from Pulsin where it has been taking part in the fight against the Bolitic. It has been at the frontline for a few months (and is said to be in need of a regroup) but insiders say it is being recalled because Ronald intends to use them for an operation against the Zone pirates.

Ronald has now arrived on Dino-Land and is preparing for the funeral of his wife and daughter and for a commemoration of all those lost in the Zone attack (the death toll for civilians alone is now over 22,000). It is thought that after the funerals he intends to launch an attack against the Zone pirates and knock them out of the war. However the inclusion of the Black Dragons in his force could indicate he wishes to go further...


Clones seek to distance themselves from Zone attack

The HCS have deplored the attack by Zone pirates on Dino-Land and have been sure to confirm that no Zones based in the Clone Star Empire took part in the attack. "The Zone pirates are outlaws who are opposed to everything decent. The Zones of the CSE have begun to rebuild their lives with hope, effort and worship of Oojok. All the pirates worship are zarks. They have taken the tainted coin of the Bolitic to attack our allies, the Dinos, and we condemn them for that."

Some Zones are said to be terrified the Dinos will attack them, the memories of the DDS attacks on Zoneland just a few years ago still fresh and raw. A thunderstorm on Colom, where most Zone refugees are, sparked a panic which resulted in a riot.


The Zones attack Dino-Land.


Other Fleet News (04/09/10)


The Dinos have got some much needed reinforcements after their recent losses. 3 Dinomark PTs and 5 Dinomark XTs have joined the fleet from new. Two further XTs have rejoined the fleet following a recall from the civilian reserve. These 2 ships needed some work before they could be declared operational.


The Bolitic have also been busy. 1 new Snarl and 4 Meltinans have joined their fleet. A Helwin has also been reactivated. It is thought the ship had been damaged and abandoned years ago in a civil war and has recently been repaired and restored to service.

New Arit

New Arit have received a Coril-E shuttle. They have also carried out a weapon upgrade on their Intrepid destroyer fleet. It is thought they have been fitted with anti-matter weapons.


Sirikwan have received their first Provider-E transport. The ship has, however, been leased to the DDS for the next few months though will operate with a Sirikwanese crew.

Putri 500

Putri 500 have received 2 Coril-E shuttles.


Ronald addresses nation

Supported by GBH and Smellyson Ronald has given a live video address to the Dino Republic from his flagship Dinomark which is returning from its mission to Smolask to destroy the ash cannon. In a slightly shakey and low voice Ronald sought to reassure his battered people that the war was winnable and that the Zones would be punished.

"Fellow Dinos, earlier today we faced one of the largest battles and costliest days in the history of our armed forces. Our homeland has been struck by criminals in the pay of our enemies and many civilians have paid the ultimate price.

"You all know my loss but i also feel your loss. The thousands who have died since the start of this war, i feel all of their losses. But i say this, their losses will not be vain. The war is being won, our enemies have thrown everything into one last desperate attempt to defeat us but we held firm. Our enemies have nothing left, we still have our freedom, our values, our democracy, our lives.

"The criminals who involved themselves in our war with the Bolitic have made a mistake. A deadly mistake. We will punish them for their audacity. We will punish them for their criminal targeting of civilians. We will punish them for their greed. We will punish them for their involvement in affairs that are not their business."

The video was suddenly cut off, rumoured to be because Ronald began barking.

Sirikwanese send help to Dinos

The Sirikwanese are to send 4 ships to Dino-Land to assist with the recovery efforts at the battered capital. Two warships (to help guard the Dino-Land orbit) and 2 transports loaded with medical supplies plus 6 recovery teams are being sent. They are expected to leave Sirikwan either tomorrow or Sunday and arrive at Dino-Land by mid-next week.

The death toll at the capital has been raised to 11,160 though this does not include around 2000 military personnel at the military bases also attacked on the surface. Consul Jimmy has vowed that Dino-Land will not be attacked again.

Holisai killed in Dino-Town attack

The Dinos are reporting that Holisai, the wife of Ronald (and of course the former Empress) was killed in the Zone attack on Dino-Town. Ronald's daughter Crystal was also killed when the shopping mall they were in was hit by a missile and was destroyed. They were just 2 of an estimated 8,500 casualties in the city. The death toll is likely to rise though.

Although the Zones directed most of their attack against military establishments in the capital (including Central Air Base which was badly hit) some stray missiles and weapon beams did hit civilian areas. The SS have locked down the city. Consul Jimmy has moved military command functions to a secret bunker outside of the city (though GHQ itself did not suffer any hits).

Ash cannon base destroyed

The Dinos have destroyed the military research base responsible for the ash cannon the Dinos are reporting. The attack, led by Ronald, took place around the same time as the battles raging around Dino-Land and Pulsin and the success of the attack has given the battered Dinos a much needed morale boost.

It is not thought any ash cannon technology survived the destruction of the base, its unknown if any data was stored elsewhere or there were any other prototypes held elsewhere (though Dino intelligence is saying there wasn't).

Bolitic and allies launch all-out attack on Dinos

The Bolitic and their new allies the Repicans and Zones have launched an all-out attack on the Dinos at Dino-Land and Pulsin in what appears to be a final attempt by the Bolitic to win the war or at least regain the advantage. Losses on both sides are high but the Dinos managed to hold the line and, most importantly, prevent the Bolitic from re-supplying their Pulsin bridgehead.

At Dino-Land the attack was a surprise assault by around 40 Zone warships backed up by around 12 Bolitic. The Zones managed to break through the defensive line around the planet and attacked Dino-Town from orbit. Casualties are said to be "severe" at the capital. A Dinomark RS was destroyed in the onslaught, Consul Cruggson was badly injured in the battle though is his injuries are not thought to be life threatening.

27 Zone ships plus 3 Bolitic ships (a Snarl and 2 Meltinans) were destroyed in the battle. The Dinos lost 23 ships. As well as the RS, 6 PTs, 2 NGs and 14 XTs were lost (3 of the latter caught on the ground at Dino-Town).

The attack at Pulsin was made by a mixed force of Repican and Bolitic warships, an attempt being made to blow a hole in Dino lines to allow for transport and troopships to get into orbit over the bridgehead. The Dinos managed to hold their lines. 6 Repican ships plus 11 Bolitic were lost (2 Snarls, 3 Helwins and 6 Meltinans were lost). The Dinos lost 6 PTs and 15 XTs. During the battle a group of Dinomarks managed to infiltrate the Bolitic lines and then attacked the waiting troopships. 8 were destroyed and 7 others badly damaged.

The dust is still settling after the battle but the Bolitic attempt to seize the advantage has failed. With these latest losses it may be the case now the Bolitic and Dinos cannot continue the war for much longer.


Youth Must Be Crushed
Can Ronald save the Dinos from oblivion?

Dinos raid Bolitic shipyard

The Dinos have raided a Bolitic shipyard in the Castarian system. The 12 ship force was trying to destroy or disable the large Snarl production jig but it is thought to have fallen short of that though one Snarl under construction was damaged quite badly and the jig will be out of action for a couple of days. Two Meltinans were also destroyed.

Three Dinomark PTs are reported to have been lost in the raid which must be considered a bit of a failure because the jig will be back in action very soon. The latest losses have pushed total Dino ship losses over 200.


HCSAF news round-up

The HCS Air Force has increased the number of legacy F-40s to be updated to the hybrid F-40S (which employs some F-45A technology) by 90 to 250. The number is expected to be further increased over the next couple of years. These updated F-40s are expected to remain in service until the end of the 2120s though the F-45C and F-47 are expected to replace the bulk of the fleet.

Around 100 of the oldest TR-72 Mustang reconnaissance aircraft are to be given a life-extension refurbishment and have their equipment upgraded to the latest standards. They may also be re-engined with the same engine as used on the latest model.

Finally the T-76 new basic trainer, which is based on the well-proven A-85NT platform, has begun flight testing ahead of an expected entry into service next year.

2 new brigades declared operational

Two new brigades of the New DDS Army have been declared operational following an inspection and a training exercise. 16th Light Brigade - 1 Div and 10th Light Brigade - 2 Div are both Aritan units and are drawn from transferred volunteers from Arit's own army which has allowed the brigades to become operational in a fast time.

It is likely 16LB-1D (to use the nomenclature) will be deployed to Saeou 6 soon. The 2nd Division of the army is still considered not quite ready for away deployments however. No fewer than 5 new brigades have begun forming as the army seeks to gain size as soon as possible before it is called upon to fight the ABBOs.