At a ceremony on Dino-Land Consul Ronald stepped down from office (though officially he is still in charge until midnight!) This brings to an end the reign of the greatest leader the Dinos have ever known.
Ronald first came to power in 2052 after he overthrew the drug-addled Juliawaki who had let the SS take over the state. He easily won an election for the vacant Emperorship and went on to lead the Dinos into the brave new intergalactic world of the latter part of the 21st century. He held power until 2097 when he was seriously injured in the epic war between the Tarbot Empire and the DDS, Dinos & HCS. It bought to an end his first reign when he had led the Dinos to many victories and also helped rebuild the Dino state to face future challenges. He also found the time to create the DDS in 2086 and was it's first commander.
In 2099 Ronald stepped in to depose the maniacal One-Horn who had seized power and began his second reign as Emperor. He quickly found his second reign more wearsome though, especially dealing with MBH. He tried, at first, to create a two-Emperor system but when this failed dissolved the empire and formed the Dino Republic and ruled as one of the first 2 Consuls.
Ronald can now finally retire but will remain head of the senate and leader of the Imperial Order party. Under the 5 year rule he is eligable to stand for Consul again in 2112, no one would be surprised if he did make a comeback.
DDS look into standardising Terran Sea fleet
The Terran Sea frigate fleet, the follow on to the Isometric, ended up being completed in 3 separate classes as technology advanced. The original Terran Sea A has already been bought up to B standard but now the DDS are looking into bringing all Bs and older Cs into the final C2 standard.
To get up to C standard Bs will need a new engine core and a new databus able to take the demands of FIDO 1.0 VR crewing. Sensors will also need to be upgraded and all ships not C2 would get 360 CIWS (some ships in both classes already have this). It would be costly but would result in a standardised fleet of 21 very capable frigates. The standardisation would reap cost benefits in years to come too.
To get up to C standard Bs will need a new engine core and a new databus able to take the demands of FIDO 1.0 VR crewing. Sensors will also need to be upgraded and all ships not C2 would get 360 CIWS (some ships in both classes already have this). It would be costly but would result in a standardised fleet of 21 very capable frigates. The standardisation would reap cost benefits in years to come too.
DDS tests Ferret-G and announces Ferret-K
Ferret-G is the next version of the Ferret unmanned space fighter, it is capable to flying in atmospheres as well as space and will be a key component of future DDS ground force support and ground attack. The Dinos took the lead on the Ferret-G though the DDS are working on the main attack system. Missileer carrier R106 Bowman has spent the last few weeks testing a shipment of pre-production Ferret-Gs delivered from Dino-Land in November. The testing has now been completed and Bowman has finally joined the fleet.
The UCVs were tested over Proxima 5 and Solaris and were found to be largely successful though engine problems caused 2 of the UCVs to be lost. One exploded because of a failure in the engine sealant and the other lost power in high altitude and had to be destroyed. The Dinos say engine problems should be ironed out in the next production batch due in March 2109 which will also have a pre-production build of the attack system. The DDS and Dinos are hoping to field the Ferret-G in 2110.
The DDS have also announced the third phase of the Ferret UCV, the Ferret-K which will be superluminal. This is not expected to well into the next decade however. As yet the Dinos have not said if they will take part in this version.
The UCVs were tested over Proxima 5 and Solaris and were found to be largely successful though engine problems caused 2 of the UCVs to be lost. One exploded because of a failure in the engine sealant and the other lost power in high altitude and had to be destroyed. The Dinos say engine problems should be ironed out in the next production batch due in March 2109 which will also have a pre-production build of the attack system. The DDS and Dinos are hoping to field the Ferret-G in 2110.
The DDS have also announced the third phase of the Ferret UCV, the Ferret-K which will be superluminal. This is not expected to well into the next decade however. As yet the Dinos have not said if they will take part in this version.
Windy reaches Starbot; to review foreign policy
Windscorpion's task force has arrived at Starbot following it's reconnaissance mission of the 7 Sa Sao. The ships in the task force will remain at Starbot for refuelling and repairs though Windy has transferred his flag to the Rome class corvette K101 Cicero and has resumed his journey to Proxima 7 at once (the rest of the fleet will follow him later in January). He is keen to return to GHQ as soon as possible and meet with senior DDS figures (Starbotian commander S101 is accompanying him back to GHQ) for a major review of DDS foreign policy.
It is thought Windy wants a more proactive foreign policy with, as he told reporters, "the DDS putting out the sparks instead of reacting to raging forest fires".
It is thought Windy wants a more proactive foreign policy with, as he told reporters, "the DDS putting out the sparks instead of reacting to raging forest fires".
OTA shoot down 2 CAO aircraft as fight back begins
A Clone Army of Oscar (CAO) A-85 COIN aircraft and an O-43 reconnaissance aicraft have been shot down by Oscar Terran Army (OTA) forces as the humans have attempted to fight back against the CAO who seized the key town of Erinborough following a successful offensive.
An OTA spokeswoman said heroic patriots used SA-37 SAMs, the latest DDS MANPAD which has apparently been supplied to the OTA, for the shoot downs. Up until now only the older SA-17K and SA-22B road mobile missile systems were known to have been supplied. Two CAO T-55Zs were also destroyed by OTA artillery in the outskirts of Erinborough. An attempt to break through the CAO lines and re-enter the town by the OTA was foiled however.
Meanwhile the front near Los Calamos, scene of an unsuccessful OTA offensive in October, has also come to life as CAO forces have mounted an attack on the OTA positions. However the OTA are pretty well dug in there so it is unlikely the CAO will be able to break through especially as most of their heavy weapons were thrown into the attack to take Erinborough.
In other news the F-10A(S) supplied to the OTA have begun flight training though some in the DDS now question the wisdom of providing these jets and the TPM-A to the OTA as the prospect of the TPM falling into CAO hands would be a nightmare scenario, "you can bet the TPM would be on Cloneworld before you could say 'hyperspace jump'" a DDS spokesman said.
An OTA spokeswoman said heroic patriots used SA-37 SAMs, the latest DDS MANPAD which has apparently been supplied to the OTA, for the shoot downs. Up until now only the older SA-17K and SA-22B road mobile missile systems were known to have been supplied. Two CAO T-55Zs were also destroyed by OTA artillery in the outskirts of Erinborough. An attempt to break through the CAO lines and re-enter the town by the OTA was foiled however.
Meanwhile the front near Los Calamos, scene of an unsuccessful OTA offensive in October, has also come to life as CAO forces have mounted an attack on the OTA positions. However the OTA are pretty well dug in there so it is unlikely the CAO will be able to break through especially as most of their heavy weapons were thrown into the attack to take Erinborough.
In other news the F-10A(S) supplied to the OTA have begun flight training though some in the DDS now question the wisdom of providing these jets and the TPM-A to the OTA as the prospect of the TPM falling into CAO hands would be a nightmare scenario, "you can bet the TPM would be on Cloneworld before you could say 'hyperspace jump'" a DDS spokesman said.
Major setback for OTA as Clones seize major town
The Oscar Terran Army has been forced to retreat from the key town of Erinborough after an offensive by the Clone Army of Oscar. The 1st CAO Armoured Regiment backed by A-85 COIN aircraft attacked OTA lines near the south of Erinborough and broke through. OTA forces in the town were forced to vacate the town to avoid being encircled by the CAO though several thousand civilians have been left in Clone hands.
The OTA has made a plea to the DDS for help, with Erinborough gone the Clones now have a clear road to the human capital of Oscar Town (imaginative we know) and are said to be massing for a major push at the capital within weeks.
The OTA has made a plea to the DDS for help, with Erinborough gone the Clones now have a clear road to the human capital of Oscar Town (imaginative we know) and are said to be massing for a major push at the capital within weeks.
Captain Clone puts The Friar under house arrest!
It has been reported that The Friar was 2 days ago placed under house arrest on the orders of Captain Clone. Today the order changed and The Friar was allowed to leave his dacha in Western Ailier. A spokesman for Captain Clone said it was an "administrative error".
It is not thought to be anything other than a rather blatant attempt to intimidate The Friar and show him who is in power now on Cloneworld. And truthfully The Friar has little real influence anymore and is maintained in position to give the presence of non-military power. Sooner or later Captain Clone may decide to end the charade.
It is not thought to be anything other than a rather blatant attempt to intimidate The Friar and show him who is in power now on Cloneworld. And truthfully The Friar has little real influence anymore and is maintained in position to give the presence of non-military power. Sooner or later Captain Clone may decide to end the charade.
Clones working on stealth missile technology?
Various HCS bloggers are reporting that the HCS are working on a "Stage 0" for the forthcoming Gale III ICBM which will also be the basic for the SeaGale SLBM and CSM space missile. Stage 0 will be a compressed air booster to project the missile to several hundred metres from the launch pad (after a usual cold launch) before the rocket stage 1 begins.
This would enable the missile to avoid emitting infrared which could help the DDS detect it's launch. Although CSM is likely to be fitted with a cloaking device they do not work as well in atmospheres. Especially close to the ground with hard surfaces to reflect IR and heat, a compressed air stage would negate much of that. Cloaking devices also do not work as well because of the physical material the missile has to travel through. Although the missile can be cloaked the air it displaces as it moved cannot. It is thought the Clones are looking at advanced aerodynamics to help reduce this air displacement as much as possible.
If the DDS can detect a launched missile then they have the chance to destroy it before it enters space, then it would be virtually unstoppable. The race is now on between the HCS and DDS in cloaking the missile and detecting it.
This would enable the missile to avoid emitting infrared which could help the DDS detect it's launch. Although CSM is likely to be fitted with a cloaking device they do not work as well in atmospheres. Especially close to the ground with hard surfaces to reflect IR and heat, a compressed air stage would negate much of that. Cloaking devices also do not work as well because of the physical material the missile has to travel through. Although the missile can be cloaked the air it displaces as it moved cannot. It is thought the Clones are looking at advanced aerodynamics to help reduce this air displacement as much as possible.
If the DDS can detect a launched missile then they have the chance to destroy it before it enters space, then it would be virtually unstoppable. The race is now on between the HCS and DDS in cloaking the missile and detecting it.
Poll result : What did Windy want for Xmas?
"The result is in and our readers believe Windy wants Quarz's ass for Xmas, 100% voted that way, well it was pretty obvious" writes Redjec. "Windy is going to marry Quarz next year, they are going to move in together, wearing matching pink cardigans and have 14 cats."
Be sure to take part in our new poll.
Be sure to take part in our new poll.
A Christmas message from Team Redjec
Commander Redjec Esq here, i would like to take this chance to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Well not everyone, not Quarz obviously as i hate him. Its Christmas Eve now and the shops are closing, actually i haven't bought any presents yet. I'll get them from a gasoline station tonight, my family and friends always appreciate my presents like anti-freeze and road atlases.
I wish it could be "Punish Quarz With An Electro Lash Day" every day
Actually i don't buy for many people as i do not have many friends, as a top professional i find it lonely at the top as so many are jealous of my great success, unlike Quarz whom i hate i have achieved so much in the DDS and the name Redjec is always on the lips of those in command. I suspect i shall be asked to become DDS Commander next year when Windy decides he is too old and fat.

I did hear a rumour he was retiring, and he was going to live with Quarz. Wearing matching cardigans and a house full of cats. Pillowcases and towels marked "His" and "Also His". I so wish this to happen so Quarz can get violently sodomised for the rest of his miserable life. I hate him.
A friend in need is a friend you don't need
But anyway yes friends, well i am not lonely as i inspire myself with my great exploits. I write down all of my successes in my diary which, let me tell you, soon becomes a very weighty tome! When i feel down or want to cool down after being infuriated by the injustice that a maggot like Quarz has a ship and i don't or if Trojan Warlord has screwed up again like when he accidentally e-mailed his highly embarrassing medical records to everyone in the DDS last week then i reach for my diary and remind myself of my SUCCESS. Like yesterday when i successfully found my way out of a telephone kiosk. I was stuck in there for 2 hours, unable to find the exit. It was down to sabotage of course, a rival faction no doubt put the exit behind me!
The Onion has gone home to his Mummy, the sap. Dump has gone off to hunt for some young men. The Hoplite has returned to Greece and Trojan Warlord is hiding after some Hoods tried to put him on top of their Xmas tree, well he is a fairy like Quarz, whom i hate. So its just me at GHQ this year... I have a very enjoyable Xmas planned. I am going to watch all of my Fall Guy and Airwolf DVDs back to back. Then i shall plan tortures and abuse for Quarz, as i hate him. How can life get better than that?!
This year has been a great success for Team Redjec, culminating in us taking over this website, next year we will take over the DDS! Then Quarz will suffer along with his degenerate woman Crystal Ribbon. I hate him! Merry Christmas!
I wish it could be "Punish Quarz With An Electro Lash Day" every day
Actually i don't buy for many people as i do not have many friends, as a top professional i find it lonely at the top as so many are jealous of my great success, unlike Quarz whom i hate i have achieved so much in the DDS and the name Redjec is always on the lips of those in command. I suspect i shall be asked to become DDS Commander next year when Windy decides he is too old and fat.

I did hear a rumour he was retiring, and he was going to live with Quarz. Wearing matching cardigans and a house full of cats. Pillowcases and towels marked "His" and "Also His". I so wish this to happen so Quarz can get violently sodomised for the rest of his miserable life. I hate him.
A friend in need is a friend you don't need
But anyway yes friends, well i am not lonely as i inspire myself with my great exploits. I write down all of my successes in my diary which, let me tell you, soon becomes a very weighty tome! When i feel down or want to cool down after being infuriated by the injustice that a maggot like Quarz has a ship and i don't or if Trojan Warlord has screwed up again like when he accidentally e-mailed his highly embarrassing medical records to everyone in the DDS last week then i reach for my diary and remind myself of my SUCCESS. Like yesterday when i successfully found my way out of a telephone kiosk. I was stuck in there for 2 hours, unable to find the exit. It was down to sabotage of course, a rival faction no doubt put the exit behind me!
The Onion has gone home to his Mummy, the sap. Dump has gone off to hunt for some young men. The Hoplite has returned to Greece and Trojan Warlord is hiding after some Hoods tried to put him on top of their Xmas tree, well he is a fairy like Quarz, whom i hate. So its just me at GHQ this year... I have a very enjoyable Xmas planned. I am going to watch all of my Fall Guy and Airwolf DVDs back to back. Then i shall plan tortures and abuse for Quarz, as i hate him. How can life get better than that?!
This year has been a great success for Team Redjec, culminating in us taking over this website, next year we will take over the DDS! Then Quarz will suffer along with his degenerate woman Crystal Ribbon. I hate him! Merry Christmas!
Dino shipbuilding plans for 2109
Consul MBH addressed the media today and outlined Dino shipbuilding plans for the new year. Dinomark PT production which has been proceeding at a rapid pace for the last few years will finally slow down and stop next year before resuming at a later stage with a new future version of the PT. A programme of upgrades for the existing PT fleet will begin including fitting worm drives to all PTs by 2111.
All 4 Dinomark RS will receive worm drives too by then though some may ask why considering the RS hardly ever leave orbit. The Dinos have said, though, they want to make greater use of their battlecruisers and use them more in a flagship role for expeditionary forces rather than the home defence role they have at present.
Dinomark XT production will continue at a reduced pace in 2109. However as the DDS, HCS and Sirikwanese all have XTs on order the factories will be very busy. The Dinos want to get mostly the latest underwater capable version the XT/118w next year. Work is also progressing on the next version, the XT/121 which will have worm drive but this will probably not arrive until 2112.
Finally production will begin of the new transport ship the Dinomark MX next year. This is a scaled up XT (about 4 times the size) and will supplement the Provider-EDA fleet.
All 4 Dinomark RS will receive worm drives too by then though some may ask why considering the RS hardly ever leave orbit. The Dinos have said, though, they want to make greater use of their battlecruisers and use them more in a flagship role for expeditionary forces rather than the home defence role they have at present.
Dinomark XT production will continue at a reduced pace in 2109. However as the DDS, HCS and Sirikwanese all have XTs on order the factories will be very busy. The Dinos want to get mostly the latest underwater capable version the XT/118w next year. Work is also progressing on the next version, the XT/121 which will have worm drive but this will probably not arrive until 2112.
Finally production will begin of the new transport ship the Dinomark MX next year. This is a scaled up XT (about 4 times the size) and will supplement the Provider-EDA fleet.
Windy rescued from 7SS
Windscorpion has been rescued from the 7 Sa Sao, teleported off a 7SS ship whilst engaged in combat with a 7SS commander known as Facilitator Toko. Windy actually was rather displeased at being rescued as he says he was about to "have Toko's ass". (I bet he was, the degenerate fiend! - Redjec)
Windy has decided to end the 7SS exploration mission because of pressing issues at home. Task Force Windy is now heading back to DDS space. The fleet is expected to reach Starbot by the end of the year and then be back at GHQ by late January.
Windy has decided to end the 7SS exploration mission because of pressing issues at home. Task Force Windy is now heading back to DDS space. The fleet is expected to reach Starbot by the end of the year and then be back at GHQ by late January.
Operation Western Phoenix
The DDS have announced their first major exercise for 2109 which will begin early in the new year. Operation Western Phoenix will take place in an around the space of the Voth Free Republic and is aimed at "showing the flag" as much as actual training. The deployment will last for around 3 months and will be the first to include a contribution from the DDS' allies. An Aritan ship will join the deployment (one of the Intrepids already in Voth space) and Sirikwanese and Vothite officers will serve aboard various ships underneath experienced DDS officers. The fleet consists of :
C102 Australasia (flag)
D154 Evolution
AS05 Tulan Lanu (Aritan Intrepid destroyer)
F144 Flores Sea
F133 Baltic Sea
F107 Palaeocene
A112 Liberator Express
A149 Octane
C102 Australasia (flag)
D154 Evolution
AS05 Tulan Lanu (Aritan Intrepid destroyer)
F144 Flores Sea
F133 Baltic Sea
F107 Palaeocene
A112 Liberator Express
A149 Octane
Fixture List
Windscorpion is loose on the ship, every young man's nightmare. But Toko decides to take him on... man on man... the fool!
HCS Round-up (22/12/08)
The HCSAF have ordered the E-1 AWACS production line be re-opened and 4 more built (with the promise of further orders later). The new aircraft will use the latest version of the C-440 as it's base and also have some upgrades to the radar system. All E-1s will be receiving communications upgrades next year to work with the forthcoming fleet of ER-72ACR Airborne Communications Relays.
F-45A production will end on 900 airframes for the HCSAF early next year though 120 more at least will be produced for the Naval air arms on Aquaworld and Austini 55. Main production of the F-45 will resume with the F-45C around 2114 but until then (as the naval F-45s should be completed by 2111) the factories will be given work to upgrade and standardise the existing F-45 fleet to bring them all to the latest standard. The F-45A has been built in 3 blocks with varying levels of equipment fit and capability. All will be bought up to F-45A Block III which includes an A2G mode. All aircraft (including existing Block IIIs) will receive mild refurbishment depending on need and upgrades to the datalinks.
The A-19 fleet has now finally left HCSAF service and begun training with it's new owners in the HCSN (though the existing A-19 pilot pool has transferred with the aircraft so the navy expect to up and running fairly soon).
The penultimate Triona class OPV P09 Temple North has entered service with the HCSN Cloneworld fleet. Just one more OPV is in building and after that production will switch to the larger Triona II.
More funding has been secured for HCSN Aviation including F-45As (mentioned above) and more refurbished SH-26 helicopters.
The last Type U super-transport has left service with the HCS Space Fleet early because of serious metal corrosion detected on the ship. As the replacement Type Z are still some way away (a design has not even been finalised!) this means the HCS have a serious gap in their spacelift in super-large items.
F-45A production will end on 900 airframes for the HCSAF early next year though 120 more at least will be produced for the Naval air arms on Aquaworld and Austini 55. Main production of the F-45 will resume with the F-45C around 2114 but until then (as the naval F-45s should be completed by 2111) the factories will be given work to upgrade and standardise the existing F-45 fleet to bring them all to the latest standard. The F-45A has been built in 3 blocks with varying levels of equipment fit and capability. All will be bought up to F-45A Block III which includes an A2G mode. All aircraft (including existing Block IIIs) will receive mild refurbishment depending on need and upgrades to the datalinks.
The A-19 fleet has now finally left HCSAF service and begun training with it's new owners in the HCSN (though the existing A-19 pilot pool has transferred with the aircraft so the navy expect to up and running fairly soon).
The penultimate Triona class OPV P09 Temple North has entered service with the HCSN Cloneworld fleet. Just one more OPV is in building and after that production will switch to the larger Triona II.
More funding has been secured for HCSN Aviation including F-45As (mentioned above) and more refurbished SH-26 helicopters.
The last Type U super-transport has left service with the HCS Space Fleet early because of serious metal corrosion detected on the ship. As the replacement Type Z are still some way away (a design has not even been finalised!) this means the HCS have a serious gap in their spacelift in super-large items.
DDS to ponder TPM-1 stockpile problem
This year the DDS has begun the switchover to TPM-2 from TPM-1 which is expected to take around 7 years to complete with TPM-1 development ceasing in 2-3 years. However the rate of change has been greater than expected with a number of ships already TPM-2 capable. Following the Utrek War the DDS set up a network of factories across the DDS to mass produce the TPM-1. Although these factories are now switching over to TPM-2 there now exists a stockpile of around 7000 of the older missiles!
Production of TPM-1 has been reduced to minimal rate with all factories expect one expected to be switched to TPM-2 by the end of 2109 however unless there is a major war it is expected the DDS will be left with 1000s of the old missiles. Although still fine over time they may become out of date and finally obsolescent.
The DDS are considering ceasing TPM-1 production entirely in 2110 and then, instead of producing newer models, updating their existing stocks with the final few TPM-1 evolutions. The DDS are also looking to put around 750 missiles into a (so-called by analysts) "reward fund" for DDS allies. These allies getting free TPM-1s in return for assistance. Indeed the Aritans are to get 100 TPM-1s next year in return for assisting with the defence of Voth, also ironically they are also switching to TPM-2 and soon the factory based on New Arit will be producing the new missiles.
More missiles will also be packaged in the new TPM Cannister Round which is a self-contained missile and launcher that can be quickly fitted to non-combat and other ships to give them TPMs for self-defence. Pentekonter-Ms and the transport fleet will be receiving these cannister rounds next year.
Production of TPM-1 has been reduced to minimal rate with all factories expect one expected to be switched to TPM-2 by the end of 2109 however unless there is a major war it is expected the DDS will be left with 1000s of the old missiles. Although still fine over time they may become out of date and finally obsolescent.
The DDS are considering ceasing TPM-1 production entirely in 2110 and then, instead of producing newer models, updating their existing stocks with the final few TPM-1 evolutions. The DDS are also looking to put around 750 missiles into a (so-called by analysts) "reward fund" for DDS allies. These allies getting free TPM-1s in return for assistance. Indeed the Aritans are to get 100 TPM-1s next year in return for assisting with the defence of Voth, also ironically they are also switching to TPM-2 and soon the factory based on New Arit will be producing the new missiles.
More missiles will also be packaged in the new TPM Cannister Round which is a self-contained missile and launcher that can be quickly fitted to non-combat and other ships to give them TPMs for self-defence. Pentekonter-Ms and the transport fleet will be receiving these cannister rounds next year.
Windy emergency beacon discovered
A few days Windy was captured by the 7 Sa Sao following a battle where the 7SS suffered at the hands or rather ultraweapons of the DDS. Since then the DDS force now led by MBF and B-B have been unsure what to do as no trace of Windy was discovered and the near perfect emission suppressing of 7SS cloaking technology meant that the DDS had no leads to follow.
However now we learn that Windy's emergency beacon has been detected. The DDS are now en route to rescue the commander.
Redjec adds : "Well there was me hoping the fag had been gone for good, after the 7SS ran a train on his ass! Wait he would enjoy that... hey you sure this bit won't be added to the article Trojan?"
However now we learn that Windy's emergency beacon has been detected. The DDS are now en route to rescue the commander.
Redjec adds : "Well there was me hoping the fag had been gone for good, after the 7SS ran a train on his ass! Wait he would enjoy that... hey you sure this bit won't be added to the article Trojan?"
85% wish to join Team Redjec!
85% of people on the poll on this website have said they would like to join Team Redjec! Commander Redjec is of course pleased and expected it anyway. Team Redjec is for winners and not losers like Team Quarz, whom Redjec hates.
Team Redjec : World Losers
Commander Redjec Esquire and Lord Of The Manor here again, my first message on this blog was received very favourably which is no surprise as i am a WINNER and not a LOSER like Quarz, who i hate. In fact it was so successful that LPG, who i believe is a gay, has put Team Redjec in charge of this website! From now on we will be writing all of the articles and so you will see a resulting increase in quality and professionalism. Unless Trojan Warlord writes anything as then the website would probably die or be covered in beast porn or something.

If Quarz was a tank he would be a pink tank like this, without the chicks of course as that is for REAL MEN only like Commander Redjec Esq
Team Redjec - your assurance of quality
Team Redjec has been hitting the headlines recently, as the top new faction in the DDS. The South Erdington Chronicle and millions of other newspapers have reported on our deeds. About how many young men are flocking to Team Redjec because we offer the true Third Way between the self-abuse of Hoodism and the even worse of Windyism. I could, of course, call this Redjecism but i am a very modest man of course.
Because of Team Redjec's success which some people have put down to the inspired leadership of Commander Redjec Esq the Team has been given many important duties. TW has been made Assistant to the Assistant Toilet Attendant. The Onion apparently was asked to fix Firefly's laptop. This shows that Team Redjec is for WINNERS and that is why Quarz will never be allowed to join.
Quarz is a LOSER
Quarz is the world's biggest loser, a man (if you can call him that!) of zero talent and worth. Yet he has been given command of a ship. There is injustice in this galaxy that is for sure. It matters not as Quarz will soon be in his rightful place : at my feet. Then i shall give him to Dump for Xmas.
I am better than Quarz in every way. I am better qualified. I am better dedicated. I am better better. I hate him.
Crystal Ribbon, what kind of thing is this?
Delicate Flower, the loathsome pus stain on the anus of humanity, was found hanging in his vile paedo pad. The weight of so much self-loathing and self-hatred obviously too much for him. Lets face it, if Quarz is your ideal man then you must be the world's most insane individual. But now i have received reports DF's twin sister Crystal Ribbon is in the DDS!
I have seen pictures of the woman, if you can call her a woman. She is basically DF without a penis. The thought makes me shudder and i have to go and look at pictures of Mylie Cyrus instead to recover. Intelligence i have received from a trusted source tells me that CR also desires Quarz. Insanity runs in the family no doubt. How could anyone sane desire Quarz? He is the biggest wimp in history, a man so sad he wears Hello Kitty underwear. I hate him so much. One day i will destroy him. I shall tie him and this vile woman CR to the front of my tank and drive the pair past crowds of Team Redjec members who will jeer and spit upon the loathsome pair.
One day finally I shall win.

Real men who are a success like me get chicks like this, losers like Quarz get Crystal Ribbon

If Quarz was a tank he would be a pink tank like this, without the chicks of course as that is for REAL MEN only like Commander Redjec Esq
Team Redjec - your assurance of quality
Team Redjec has been hitting the headlines recently, as the top new faction in the DDS. The South Erdington Chronicle and millions of other newspapers have reported on our deeds. About how many young men are flocking to Team Redjec because we offer the true Third Way between the self-abuse of Hoodism and the even worse of Windyism. I could, of course, call this Redjecism but i am a very modest man of course.
Because of Team Redjec's success which some people have put down to the inspired leadership of Commander Redjec Esq the Team has been given many important duties. TW has been made Assistant to the Assistant Toilet Attendant. The Onion apparently was asked to fix Firefly's laptop. This shows that Team Redjec is for WINNERS and that is why Quarz will never be allowed to join.
Quarz is a LOSER
Quarz is the world's biggest loser, a man (if you can call him that!) of zero talent and worth. Yet he has been given command of a ship. There is injustice in this galaxy that is for sure. It matters not as Quarz will soon be in his rightful place : at my feet. Then i shall give him to Dump for Xmas.
I am better than Quarz in every way. I am better qualified. I am better dedicated. I am better better. I hate him.
Crystal Ribbon, what kind of thing is this?
Delicate Flower, the loathsome pus stain on the anus of humanity, was found hanging in his vile paedo pad. The weight of so much self-loathing and self-hatred obviously too much for him. Lets face it, if Quarz is your ideal man then you must be the world's most insane individual. But now i have received reports DF's twin sister Crystal Ribbon is in the DDS!
I have seen pictures of the woman, if you can call her a woman. She is basically DF without a penis. The thought makes me shudder and i have to go and look at pictures of Mylie Cyrus instead to recover. Intelligence i have received from a trusted source tells me that CR also desires Quarz. Insanity runs in the family no doubt. How could anyone sane desire Quarz? He is the biggest wimp in history, a man so sad he wears Hello Kitty underwear. I hate him so much. One day i will destroy him. I shall tie him and this vile woman CR to the front of my tank and drive the pair past crowds of Team Redjec members who will jeer and spit upon the loathsome pair.
One day finally I shall win.

Real men who are a success like me get chicks like this, losers like Quarz get Crystal Ribbon
Carrier operations resume... sort of
With the first 3 F-40N2s returned to the HCSN, the refurbished aircraft having their carrier operations equipment (arrester hooks, strengthened undercarriage et cetera) restored, training has begun on "CNS Plank". This is a simulated aircraft carrier at an undisclosed airbase location and has a landing strip complete with a steam catapult and arrester wires.
The first proper carrier CNS Cloneworld will not be able to be used for real carrier operations for a year or so but it is hoped by then the HCSN will have a pool of pilots who have some experience on the "plank". The F-40N2 also has had it's databus and pylons modified to allow it to carry the new anti-ship missile the AS-21.
The first proper carrier CNS Cloneworld will not be able to be used for real carrier operations for a year or so but it is hoped by then the HCSN will have a pool of pilots who have some experience on the "plank". The F-40N2 also has had it's databus and pylons modified to allow it to carry the new anti-ship missile the AS-21.
Nybble makes it's debut
The HCS have formally announced it's unmanned space vehicle, the Nybble, though the look of the type is still a closely guarded secret. Construction has begun of the first prototype and it is hoped that testing can begin next Summer. Nybble had been delayed due to budget problems but the sudden priority of the Clone Space Missile project has meant that Nybble, which will share much with the space stage of CSM, has benefited from a large boost in budget and priority.
The HCS said that Nybble will be much larger than the DDS Ferret-E and will be capable of superluminal speeds. Two Kalahati Tuuls in the HCS Space Research Agency (the Clone equivalent of the DDS Research Departmental Fleet) have begun unmanned superluminal tests (or rather 1 KT is unmanned and the other follows closely behind with operators and scientists monitoring operations). Although the HCS were very vague on details various HCS watchers and bloggers have filled in the gaps. Nybble is about the same size as a Coril shuttle and will have a speed of around 250c.
Nybble is expected to be used for reconnaissance and first strike, another possible use could be to provide terminal targeting correction data for CSMs. The Nybble would be located close to the enemy target (e.g. Proxima 7) and relay data to and from the CSM and a manned ship deeper in space. Nybble could enter service in 2112.
The HCS said that Nybble will be much larger than the DDS Ferret-E and will be capable of superluminal speeds. Two Kalahati Tuuls in the HCS Space Research Agency (the Clone equivalent of the DDS Research Departmental Fleet) have begun unmanned superluminal tests (or rather 1 KT is unmanned and the other follows closely behind with operators and scientists monitoring operations). Although the HCS were very vague on details various HCS watchers and bloggers have filled in the gaps. Nybble is about the same size as a Coril shuttle and will have a speed of around 250c.
Nybble is expected to be used for reconnaissance and first strike, another possible use could be to provide terminal targeting correction data for CSMs. The Nybble would be located close to the enemy target (e.g. Proxima 7) and relay data to and from the CSM and a manned ship deeper in space. Nybble could enter service in 2112.
Future minesweeping plans revealed
The DDS have revealed their future plans for their minesweeping force, currently based on the Pentekonter-M with Isometric Pave Yellow equipped directors. The DDS currently have 8 Pentekonter-Ms and want to convert 4 more Pentekonters (below) giving a force of 12 minesweepers. One problem with this is that the DDS only have 1 SPECNES minesweeping system left in store from their earlier purchase from the HCS and this system is thought to be incomplete having been raided for spare parts for ships in service.

The Raegris are producing a replacement for SPECNES for the DDS and it is hoped this new system, DMS will be ready for service trial sometime next year. The DDS are currently negotiating with the HCS for the spares needed to restore their remaining SPECNES as well as the latest software update, it is thought with the current thaw in relations the Clones will be willing to sell. Even this, however, would mean only 1 of the extra Pentekonter-Ms will have minesweeping equipment however as all the ships are to undergo an update next year it is thought the available units can be transferred from ships going into refit to keep a force of 8 going.
The Raegris are producing a replacement for SPECNES for the DDS and it is hoped this new system, DMS will be ready for service trial sometime next year. The DDS are currently negotiating with the HCS for the spares needed to restore their remaining SPECNES as well as the latest software update, it is thought with the current thaw in relations the Clones will be willing to sell. Even this, however, would mean only 1 of the extra Pentekonter-Ms will have minesweeping equipment however as all the ships are to undergo an update next year it is thought the available units can be transferred from ships going into refit to keep a force of 8 going.
Pentekonter-M Update 2109 will take place next Summer and will include updates to the main tactical software, improved datalinking, provision for externally mounted TPMs (the so-called TPM cannister round) and improved interiors as part of the DDS effort to reduce fragmentation and battle blast damage.
The other part of the minesweeping system is Pave Yellow, a mysterious system which the DDS do not like to talk about much, but is thought to synchronize the minesweeping assets with seamless data transfer and control. Currently 3 Isometric frigates are fitted with Pave Yellow and are known as minesweeping directors. However the DDS are currently working on Pave Yellow 2.0 which will be carried by Rome corvettes in a tactical module. It is thought using Isometrics for minesweeping directors is overkill and also means ships in refit could mean minesweeping cannot be carried out even if Pentekonter-Ms are available. Pave Yellow 2.0 will work with DMS and SPECNES and will be rolled out next year. The Pave Yellow Isometrics will have their systems removed when they have their scheduled ILU over the next couple of years.
In The Courtyard Of The *s
Windy comes face to face with the Grand Facilitator of the Argon Faction, 7SS.
Windy comes face to face with the Grand Facilitator of the Argon Faction, 7SS.

DDS to develop improved freighter
The DDS have cancelled 3 of the 6 Provider class transports they had on order (which means that production will end with A122 Hercules II next year) though production will continue for export customers. The DDS instead are going to look at an improved freighter design, likely to still use the SUP framework but with greater flexibility.
One idea calls for a more modular approach to the freighter design with cargo holding areas able to be quickly swapped out for specialist load modules (for example protected storage for weapons or nuclear waste), emergency hospital facilities or communications facilities. The DDS will unveil plans for their next freighter design next year.
One idea calls for a more modular approach to the freighter design with cargo holding areas able to be quickly swapped out for specialist load modules (for example protected storage for weapons or nuclear waste), emergency hospital facilities or communications facilities. The DDS will unveil plans for their next freighter design next year.
16 Berlin class corvettes ordered
The DDS have placed an order for 16 Berlin class corvettes, the follow on from the highly successful Rome class. Work will begin on the first Berlin in the new year with a planned entry into service sometime in Q3 2109.
Berlin will be an evolution of the highly successful Rome platform, being 4m longer. It will be able to accept slightly larger multi-role combat modules (though backward compatibility with the modules used on the Rome will be retained). Speed will be boosted to 700c. The ship will be equipped with TPM-2 and Z5ti weapons and will also be able to carry MRM and Ferret-E.
Berlin will be an evolution of the highly successful Rome platform, being 4m longer. It will be able to accept slightly larger multi-role combat modules (though backward compatibility with the modules used on the Rome will be retained). Speed will be boosted to 700c. The ship will be equipped with TPM-2 and Z5ti weapons and will also be able to carry MRM and Ferret-E.
Team Redjec : a diary of sadness
In a new exclusive to this website Commander Redjec gives us his thoughts.
I am Redjec, head of DDS Security. You may know of me, i have so many times fallen short of greatness by a gnat's wing. Now i am going to change that once and for all with the formation of my own faction : Team Redjec.

There is no I in "Team Redjec" but there is in "I Hate Quarz"
I did consider joining Hoods 2.0 but why try and stick to the past when the future is much more bright. Anyway i don't like self-flagellation. I instead created my own faction which will aid me as i progress through the various levels of DDS middle management until i am at my rightful place : DDS Commander!
I hate Quarz.
I have a motley team assisting me in this. Small in number maybe but big in talent, well some of them anyway. Dump of course is the muscle to my brains. He is the beef to my unparalleled intellect. He is the meat and i am the bread. Wait that sounds too gay. Dump does not speak after a traumatic event in his teenage years when he kissed a girl by mistake. He likes to hurt people, especially young men. One day he will hurt Quarz.
The Onion is my cousin, yes he is bloody annoying but my Mummy told me to get him a job. He is intelligent, of course his brainpower is a mere 60W whereas i am an ultrawatt. He likes to collect bus numbers. I have tasked The Onion with working out the optimum way of torturing Quarz so that the rest of his miserable life is as painful and sorrowful as possible. Just like living in Wolverhampton.
The Hoplite i enlisted to my team because no body wants him, he does have a hot sister though. Finally we have Trojan Warlord, the world's most useless man. Why did i enlist him? Well someone has to clean out the bogs. Hopefully he can soon flush out what remains of Quarz after i end his miserable life.
Teething troubles
LPG, who is a gay i think, told me to punish a certain soldier called Mark Remes. That name sounds like Quarz so i unleashed Dump on his ass. Unfortunately we got the wrong guy. LPG shouted at me. Meanwhile Trojan Warlord managed to destroy the toilet causing a flood in B Block that leaked into the mainframe room causing the entire GHQ air conditioning and heating system to fail. Now about 180 big angry men are beating TW's ass.
That reminds me of Quarz. I so want to hurt him. I hate him.
Why I hate Quarz
I hate Quarz because he is the saddest being in the universe and yet has a ship captaincy whereas I, his infinite superior in every single possible metric, have been denied this great honour. That is despite being a great success in nearly everything i have ever done. Forget what those lying report sheets have said. So there he is, captain of a ship, no doubt buggering his cabin boy while wearing a Hello Kitty bikini. Well he might be Hello Kitty, i am Bad Badtz Maru baby, and that means i kick ass.

Dump scares me, i am glad he is on my side. He does not say a word, when he was a teenager he was rendered mute by a trauma when he kissed a boy who turned out to be a girl. That happened to me... i mean a friend of mine once, in Bangkok. Chicks with dicks though, fascinating subject. You just can't tell, apparently. I hate Quarz.
I am Redjec, head of DDS Security. You may know of me, i have so many times fallen short of greatness by a gnat's wing. Now i am going to change that once and for all with the formation of my own faction : Team Redjec.
There is no I in "Team Redjec" but there is in "I Hate Quarz"
I did consider joining Hoods 2.0 but why try and stick to the past when the future is much more bright. Anyway i don't like self-flagellation. I instead created my own faction which will aid me as i progress through the various levels of DDS middle management until i am at my rightful place : DDS Commander!
I hate Quarz.
I have a motley team assisting me in this. Small in number maybe but big in talent, well some of them anyway. Dump of course is the muscle to my brains. He is the beef to my unparalleled intellect. He is the meat and i am the bread. Wait that sounds too gay. Dump does not speak after a traumatic event in his teenage years when he kissed a girl by mistake. He likes to hurt people, especially young men. One day he will hurt Quarz.
The Onion is my cousin, yes he is bloody annoying but my Mummy told me to get him a job. He is intelligent, of course his brainpower is a mere 60W whereas i am an ultrawatt. He likes to collect bus numbers. I have tasked The Onion with working out the optimum way of torturing Quarz so that the rest of his miserable life is as painful and sorrowful as possible. Just like living in Wolverhampton.
The Hoplite i enlisted to my team because no body wants him, he does have a hot sister though. Finally we have Trojan Warlord, the world's most useless man. Why did i enlist him? Well someone has to clean out the bogs. Hopefully he can soon flush out what remains of Quarz after i end his miserable life.
Teething troubles
LPG, who is a gay i think, told me to punish a certain soldier called Mark Remes. That name sounds like Quarz so i unleashed Dump on his ass. Unfortunately we got the wrong guy. LPG shouted at me. Meanwhile Trojan Warlord managed to destroy the toilet causing a flood in B Block that leaked into the mainframe room causing the entire GHQ air conditioning and heating system to fail. Now about 180 big angry men are beating TW's ass.
That reminds me of Quarz. I so want to hurt him. I hate him.
Why I hate Quarz
I hate Quarz because he is the saddest being in the universe and yet has a ship captaincy whereas I, his infinite superior in every single possible metric, have been denied this great honour. That is despite being a great success in nearly everything i have ever done. Forget what those lying report sheets have said. So there he is, captain of a ship, no doubt buggering his cabin boy while wearing a Hello Kitty bikini. Well he might be Hello Kitty, i am Bad Badtz Maru baby, and that means i kick ass.

Dump scares me, i am glad he is on my side. He does not say a word, when he was a teenager he was rendered mute by a trauma when he kissed a boy who turned out to be a girl. That happened to me... i mean a friend of mine once, in Bangkok. Chicks with dicks though, fascinating subject. You just can't tell, apparently. I hate Quarz.
DDS prepare rescue fleet for Windscorpion
Windscorpion was captured by the 7 Sa Sao a few days ago. As yet there is no sign of his whereabouts. Task Force Windy, now led by MBF and B-B, is currently repairing the damage made to their ships by the 7 Sa Sao attack before looking for Windy though have no clue where he is anyway.
Three DDS ships have arrived at Starbot and will link up with 2 Starbotian ships to head to the 7 Sa Sao to join in the search for Windy. The ships are under the command of Knobhead.
Three DDS ships have arrived at Starbot and will link up with 2 Starbotian ships to head to the 7 Sa Sao to join in the search for Windy. The ships are under the command of Knobhead.
Final HCS Cosmos completed
After over 130 ships built (and over 100 now in service) the last Clone built Cosmos cruiser has been completed and has been delivered to the HCS Space Navy to begin trials. CSS General Joahime is the 24th and last Cosmos S to be built and will join it's sister ships and the 85 older Cosmos in service early next year.

The Cosmos is a Raegris design which the Clones bought the licence rights to many years ago as a back-up for their Kalahati Tuul programme. During the Clone-Utrek War of 2101 the vast bulk of the HCS fleet was Utrek derived but these ships were rendered useless by a trojan virus planted by the Utrek. Only the small number of Cosmos and a couple of ex-Bolitic ships remained available until the virus could be defeated. After the war the Clones embarked on one of the largest ship building projects in history and set out to make the Cosmos the basis of their fleet (at the time they had just 6). At one stage a new Cosmos was entering service every 2 days as the Clones poured in vast resources to build a huge fleet of these ships to form the new basis of their fleet.
The Clones also improved the breed with weapons, system and engine improvements. The current Cosmos S is one of the best warships around, so good that the Raegris are to upgrade their own Cosmos along the lines of what the Clones have done.
But now production has ceased, a few ships early as the Clones want to start rebuilding their oldest Cosmoses which have reached the end of their fatigue lives. It is likely the Clones will maintain a fleet of 100 of these reliable, popular and versatile ships into the 2120s.
Unfortunately for the HCS recent budget restrictions mean the rebuilt Cosmoses will not be as potent as originally intended. The Cosmos SR was basically going to be older Cosmoses rebuilt to S standard. Now the rebuilds will be of the Cosmos K type which will retain much of the original systems and engine.

The Cosmos is a Raegris design which the Clones bought the licence rights to many years ago as a back-up for their Kalahati Tuul programme. During the Clone-Utrek War of 2101 the vast bulk of the HCS fleet was Utrek derived but these ships were rendered useless by a trojan virus planted by the Utrek. Only the small number of Cosmos and a couple of ex-Bolitic ships remained available until the virus could be defeated. After the war the Clones embarked on one of the largest ship building projects in history and set out to make the Cosmos the basis of their fleet (at the time they had just 6). At one stage a new Cosmos was entering service every 2 days as the Clones poured in vast resources to build a huge fleet of these ships to form the new basis of their fleet.
The Clones also improved the breed with weapons, system and engine improvements. The current Cosmos S is one of the best warships around, so good that the Raegris are to upgrade their own Cosmos along the lines of what the Clones have done.
But now production has ceased, a few ships early as the Clones want to start rebuilding their oldest Cosmoses which have reached the end of their fatigue lives. It is likely the Clones will maintain a fleet of 100 of these reliable, popular and versatile ships into the 2120s.
Unfortunately for the HCS recent budget restrictions mean the rebuilt Cosmoses will not be as potent as originally intended. The Cosmos SR was basically going to be older Cosmoses rebuilt to S standard. Now the rebuilds will be of the Cosmos K type which will retain much of the original systems and engine.
UV136 : Master Of Worlds
- Last Hurrah - With his term of office coming to an end Ronald decides to have one last fight against the Bolitic....
- Team Redject - Redjec forms his new faction, winners need not apply....
- In The Net Of Evil - Windy finally comes face to face with the power of the 7 Sa Sao....
- The Growing Menace - XE begins his campaign to return to prominence and dispose of The Friar (spit!)....
- All Action - Windy battles the 7 Sa Sao at last.

Do you want to join Team Redjec?
Team Redjec, the newest faction in the DDS, has begun a recruitment drive for new members. The leader Redjec says that he wants the true wheat of the DDS and not it's chaff. He gave the following entry requirements:
- Aged between 18 to 65 and male
- Must have no friends especially of the female variety
- Must be used to be downtrodden and abused, spat upon by women et cetera
- Must enjoy war films and read weapon magazines
Dino Senate changes
Following Cruggson's elevation to Consul there have been some changes made to the Senate though no new members have needed to be inducted this year. Cruggson's old job of Minister of Trade & Industry has been given to Sleeze and also combined with Jimmy's old job of Minister of Finance. Jimmy has taken over the Interior Ministry with El Diablo taking GBH's Foreign Ministry job.
GBH and Ronald are planning to take most of the next couple of years off so have opted for less arduous portfolios. Ronald has become culture minister which, as anyone who knows Ronald, is probably the largest joke in the history of the universe. "Ronald thinks art is a misspelt bodily function." one wag said anonymously. GBH has taken a new job in charge of DDS liaison which in practice means he will give Gibson a long list of tasks which Gibson will have to complete no matter the cost, no matter how high. "Gibson is very good at performing under extreme pressure in the DDS." GBH said, causing the whole senate to erupt in laughter... for some reason.
Cruggson - Consul (Imperial Order)
MBH - Consul (Veritas = Truth)
Ronald - Head of the Senate & Minister of Cultural Affairs (Imperial Order)
GBH - Minister of DDS Relations (Imperial Order)
El Diablo - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Imperial Order)
Jimmy - Minister of the Interior (Liberal Party)
Zanus - Minister of Defence
Spikeson - Minister of Health & Social Services (Liberal Party)
Sleeze - Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry (Veritas = Truth)
Lakes - Head of the SS (Veritas = Truth)
GBH and Ronald are planning to take most of the next couple of years off so have opted for less arduous portfolios. Ronald has become culture minister which, as anyone who knows Ronald, is probably the largest joke in the history of the universe. "Ronald thinks art is a misspelt bodily function." one wag said anonymously. GBH has taken a new job in charge of DDS liaison which in practice means he will give Gibson a long list of tasks which Gibson will have to complete no matter the cost, no matter how high. "Gibson is very good at performing under extreme pressure in the DDS." GBH said, causing the whole senate to erupt in laughter... for some reason.
Cruggson - Consul (Imperial Order)
MBH - Consul (Veritas = Truth)
Ronald - Head of the Senate & Minister of Cultural Affairs (Imperial Order)
GBH - Minister of DDS Relations (Imperial Order)
El Diablo - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Imperial Order)
Jimmy - Minister of the Interior (Liberal Party)
Zanus - Minister of Defence
Spikeson - Minister of Health & Social Services (Liberal Party)
Sleeze - Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry (Veritas = Truth)
Lakes - Head of the SS (Veritas = Truth)
Dino Army news
To celebrate the victory of Senator Cruggson to the rank of Consul the Dino Army held a special parade in Dino-Town. They also took the opportunity to inform the media about some new developments involving the Dino Army. The army is usually very reticent about talking about what is going on so these rare occasions when they open up a little are treated as gold dust by the media and Dino blogging community.
The first news was the 28th Legion has reached operational status following a 6 month inspection and extended training/proving. The legion which consists of a panzer brigade, 3 infantry brigades, an artillery battalion and a transport regiment (considered the standard line-up now) took it's new colours from Consul Ronald (Cruggson will not officially take over until January). The legion will soon be deployed to Pulsin replacing one of the legions already there which will be returning to Dino-Land for rebuilding.
The latest attack aircraft the K-18M was displayed. This is thought to have a similar avionics and ECM fit to the K-18D which will be built for the DDS. This is the latest in a long line of the K-series attack aircraft. Production will begin next year.
The biggest surprise was a flyover by a TR-72 Mustang! This raised many eyebrows (or would have if Dinos had eyebrows) being the famous HCSAF reconnaissance/EW aircraft. The Dinos have announced they are purchasing 120 of the type. Mostly TR-72 reconnaissance but also some ER-72 EW/Elint aircraft and WR-72 weather reconnaissance. It is thought the aircraft will be delivered electronics free to the Dinos who will fit their own equipment. It will be known as the Y-1A in Dino service.
Finally the Dinos said they are now in talks with the HCS about how to proceed with the next version of the T-55Z to follow on from the ZDM. Likely to be called the T-55ZDX it will have a new engine designed by the Dinos as well as a whole new data internetworking system. ZDX could be ready for 2114.
The first news was the 28th Legion has reached operational status following a 6 month inspection and extended training/proving. The legion which consists of a panzer brigade, 3 infantry brigades, an artillery battalion and a transport regiment (considered the standard line-up now) took it's new colours from Consul Ronald (Cruggson will not officially take over until January). The legion will soon be deployed to Pulsin replacing one of the legions already there which will be returning to Dino-Land for rebuilding.
The latest attack aircraft the K-18M was displayed. This is thought to have a similar avionics and ECM fit to the K-18D which will be built for the DDS. This is the latest in a long line of the K-series attack aircraft. Production will begin next year.
The biggest surprise was a flyover by a TR-72 Mustang! This raised many eyebrows (or would have if Dinos had eyebrows) being the famous HCSAF reconnaissance/EW aircraft. The Dinos have announced they are purchasing 120 of the type. Mostly TR-72 reconnaissance but also some ER-72 EW/Elint aircraft and WR-72 weather reconnaissance. It is thought the aircraft will be delivered electronics free to the Dinos who will fit their own equipment. It will be known as the Y-1A in Dino service.
Finally the Dinos said they are now in talks with the HCS about how to proceed with the next version of the T-55Z to follow on from the ZDM. Likely to be called the T-55ZDX it will have a new engine designed by the Dinos as well as a whole new data internetworking system. ZDX could be ready for 2114.
Windscorpion captured by 7 Sa Sao!
Windscorpion has been captured following a battle between his task force and a 7 Sa Sao force. The DDS force, near to a 7SS world, came under surprise attack from over a dozen small 7SS craft (thought to be called Sweeps). At first the DDS had trouble fighting the 7SS as the aliens were using sensor spoofing so the DDS targeting and guidance systems could not detect the real location of the 7SS ships. When the DDS reverted to shooting at where the 7SS weapons were coming from they then began to take a toll on the 7SS.
The 7SS ceased firing but the DDS managed to use their 360 CIWS to illuminate the cloaked 7SS ships and then were able to obliterate over a dozen Sweeps in a mass TPM-2 and Z5i cannon onslaught by the 2 Panthers present. Known as the Panther dance of death. Both Panthers sustained moderate damage and 2 men lost their lives.
However Windscorpion was seized by the 7SS, his whereabouts are unknown.
The 7SS ceased firing but the DDS managed to use their 360 CIWS to illuminate the cloaked 7SS ships and then were able to obliterate over a dozen Sweeps in a mass TPM-2 and Z5i cannon onslaught by the 2 Panthers present. Known as the Panther dance of death. Both Panthers sustained moderate damage and 2 men lost their lives.
However Windscorpion was seized by the 7SS, his whereabouts are unknown.
Wayne King-Meiouf : the Dino political game
So Cruggson is the new Consul, well only an idiot would have bet against him. So probably the entire SS is out of pocket today. He won quite comfortably with a margin that was widely predicted at the start of the campaign. So it makes you wonder why they went through the mess, expense and hassle of an actual election. Imperial Order retain their share of control for 2 more years at least. El Diablo is likely to take over from Cruggson after that and then after Diablo Ronald will be available again.
So the question now is what will happen in the 2109 when MBH's term in office ends. Naturally Veritas = Truth will be eager to keep their share of the top jobs. However only MBH is anything near electable. Sleeze, polls suggest, would only add 2-3% extra on top of the vote Lakes achieved (which is basically SS personnel, imbeciles and self-loathing anarchists). Sleeze, although an able politician, is still far too tainted by Oojok Madness though we can expect Veritas to try and boost his profile next year. Lakes may stand again if MBH thinks Sleeze needs more build-up and perhaps runs in 2110.
MBH is largely resigned to loosing the Consul influence at the end of next year though to be honest Imperial Order and the Liberals have kept him out of any real power. The Liberals will have a free run next year as Imperial Order will not stand next year. Jimmy will not want to fail again and so will be determined to make sure he wins next year.
This could be an opening for MBH though. Cruggson is relatively inexperienced at high-level command and with Ronald and GBH expected to take most of next year out and Jimmy busy with preparing for the election Cruggson will possibly be vulnerable against the political machinations of MBH.
We could have an interesting year!
So the question now is what will happen in the 2109 when MBH's term in office ends. Naturally Veritas = Truth will be eager to keep their share of the top jobs. However only MBH is anything near electable. Sleeze, polls suggest, would only add 2-3% extra on top of the vote Lakes achieved (which is basically SS personnel, imbeciles and self-loathing anarchists). Sleeze, although an able politician, is still far too tainted by Oojok Madness though we can expect Veritas to try and boost his profile next year. Lakes may stand again if MBH thinks Sleeze needs more build-up and perhaps runs in 2110.
MBH is largely resigned to loosing the Consul influence at the end of next year though to be honest Imperial Order and the Liberals have kept him out of any real power. The Liberals will have a free run next year as Imperial Order will not stand next year. Jimmy will not want to fail again and so will be determined to make sure he wins next year.
This could be an opening for MBH though. Cruggson is relatively inexperienced at high-level command and with Ronald and GBH expected to take most of next year out and Jimmy busy with preparing for the election Cruggson will possibly be vulnerable against the political machinations of MBH.
We could have an interesting year!
Gibson suffers unfortunate bottom injury
Dino Liaison Officer Gibson has suffered an unfortunate injury when a bridge he was walking along collapsed. It is not known why the bridge collapsed, some unconfirmed reports say there was an explosion beforehand but a DDS source says it was probably metal fatigue and definitely not an RPG, though unfortunately CCTV footage has been strangely lost.
Gibson fell some 10m and his bottom was impaled on a long shaft. He had to undergo 6 hours of anal reconstruction surgery. Though some say the damage was not as bad as when he usually has to have this done.
Gibson fell some 10m and his bottom was impaled on a long shaft. He had to undergo 6 hours of anal reconstruction surgery. Though some say the damage was not as bad as when he usually has to have this done.
Concerns over crumbling state of DDS GHQ
There are concerns over the crumbling state of infrastructure at DDS GHQ as the DDS have been forced to postpone much needed refurbishment work yet again to afford new weapons. Last year Building Services requested 1.1 billion zarks for a full refurbishment of the key areas of GHQ including a new data backbone, improved CCTV coverage (87% of CCTV at GHQ are located in men's toilets), lighting, fire control and communications. However in the end only the data network improvements were carried out for 165 million.
These also were done at the lowest possible cost and so there are many cases of wires and cables being left dangerously exposed around GHQ. In one case a young man carrying his life's work, a scale model of a Pulsar cruiser created out of 190,000 cotton buds, tripped on a cable and his model was hurled into the path of a passing tank and totally destroyed.
These also were done at the lowest possible cost and so there are many cases of wires and cables being left dangerously exposed around GHQ. In one case a young man carrying his life's work, a scale model of a Pulsar cruiser created out of 190,000 cotton buds, tripped on a cable and his model was hurled into the path of a passing tank and totally destroyed.
Clones skirmish with Utrek
Two Clone warships have skirmished with Utrek ships near to Wizard World on the border between Benito's Eastern Clone Star Empire and the Utrek Federation. Cosmos class cruisers CSS Malertin and CSS West Clone Republic were "buzzed" by 3 Utrek Molentic Tuuls when conducting a survey of the space at the border.
The Clones are reported to have told the Utrek to leave Clone space but the Utrek ignored them and instead continued to harass the HCS ships. Finally one of the HCS ships fired a warning shot. The Utrek did the same and then cloaked, they are then thought to have returned to their space.
The incident is thought to be just the latest of a series of little known "meetings" between the two sides this year in this region of space. It is thought with the DDS now a "no go area" for the Utrek they have turned to the Clones for the purpose of "nationalism".
The Clones are reported to have told the Utrek to leave Clone space but the Utrek ignored them and instead continued to harass the HCS ships. Finally one of the HCS ships fired a warning shot. The Utrek did the same and then cloaked, they are then thought to have returned to their space.
The incident is thought to be just the latest of a series of little known "meetings" between the two sides this year in this region of space. It is thought with the DDS now a "no go area" for the Utrek they have turned to the Clones for the purpose of "nationalism".
Cruggson wins Consul election
As expected Senator Cruggson has won the run-off for the Consul election, being Lakes with 71% of the vote. Cruggson was congratulated by the incumbent and his party leader Ronald. Cruggson will now take over from Ronald at the start of the year. The other Consul MBH called the result a "disgrace" and that Cruggson would "herald the continuation of the safe soft decrepid old boys club that Ronald maintains like a fetish".
Consul-elect Cruggson said that the people had spoken and wanted professionalism not empty rhetoric. An MBH-Lakes government would, he said, "destroy Dino-Land. The streets would run free with low-lives, thieves, murderers, rapists and other scum. The land would be a land of despair, crime, self-abuse and woe. Truly the living would envy the dead if Lakes had won!" Lakes replied, "It wouldn't be anything at all like Wolverhampton".
Consul-elect Cruggson said that the people had spoken and wanted professionalism not empty rhetoric. An MBH-Lakes government would, he said, "destroy Dino-Land. The streets would run free with low-lives, thieves, murderers, rapists and other scum. The land would be a land of despair, crime, self-abuse and woe. Truly the living would envy the dead if Lakes had won!" Lakes replied, "It wouldn't be anything at all like Wolverhampton".
CAO Helicopter shot down by DDS supplied SAM
A sign of things to come? A CH-26B transport helicopter operated by the Clone Army Of Oscar (CAO) has been shot down by a SAM operated by an Oscar Terran Army (OTA) unit. It is thought the SAM was a hand-held SA-18K. Several dozen were transferred to the OTA a couple of months ago.
The SA-18K is an obsolete missile, however more worryingly for the Clones it is understood the DDS have just supplied the OTA with an unspecified number of SA-22B SAMs. This is the current standard short-range air defence SAM of the DDS and can be easily mobilised on a suitable transport vehicle. SA-22B will easily be able to take on the F-40s and A-84s the CAO have recently received.
The SA-18K is an obsolete missile, however more worryingly for the Clones it is understood the DDS have just supplied the OTA with an unspecified number of SA-22B SAMs. This is the current standard short-range air defence SAM of the DDS and can be easily mobilised on a suitable transport vehicle. SA-22B will easily be able to take on the F-40s and A-84s the CAO have recently received.
HCS Space Navy introduce multi-phase missiles
Following successful trials the HCS Space Navy are to give limited in-service trials to their first generation multi-phase missiles, to be known as MPPM (Multi-Phase Penetration Missile). Selected Soulaki and Cosmos S cruisers will begin to operate the missile from early next year. The missile will be fielded alongside existing missiles and will not be used in combat operations unless the carrier ship has to (i.e. runs out of other missiles). The weapons will be regularly used in training and exercises.
If MPPM is successful then the HCS could clear it for widespread use by the end of next year. The DDS have already said the HCS multi-phase technology lags behind the DDS by some margin (the DDS are already on their third generation) and their current shielding can handle MPPM but the HCS will improve and the DDS know they have to do the same.
It is not thought likely the Clones incorporated the crude Zone multi-phase weapons in MPPM yet but could incorporate some technology at a later stage.
If MPPM is successful then the HCS could clear it for widespread use by the end of next year. The DDS have already said the HCS multi-phase technology lags behind the DDS by some margin (the DDS are already on their third generation) and their current shielding can handle MPPM but the HCS will improve and the DDS know they have to do the same.
It is not thought likely the Clones incorporated the crude Zone multi-phase weapons in MPPM yet but could incorporate some technology at a later stage.
Voth joins the DDS network
A full-duplex hyperlaser link has been set up connecting Voth to the DDS communications and data networks. The link was set up by DDS engineers and is phase 1 in the long road to bringing Voth fully into the DDS. The link is currently of limited bandwidth and will be restricted to purely military traffic but a full link will be set up at a later data allowing Voth to join the commercial network too (though when they see UNP TV they may change their minds).
The DDS have also announced a rather complicated deal where the Sirikwanese will pay 50% of the costs of some aircraft for Voth in return for the DDS producing a customised version of their new F-10S fighter equipped with TPM-A. 16 F-10SK for Sirikwan and 16 F-10SV for Voth will be delivered. Each will be customised and localised for the respective planets (the Voth atmosphere for example is denser than most DDS operating planets and so will require changes to flight software). Deliveries of the aircraft will begin next year. The previous plan to give Voth ex-DDS F-10A(S) has now been shelved after it was found the older F-10A would require hardware as well as software changes and the DDS have given some of the aircraft to Oscar anyway.
The DDS have also announced a rather complicated deal where the Sirikwanese will pay 50% of the costs of some aircraft for Voth in return for the DDS producing a customised version of their new F-10S fighter equipped with TPM-A. 16 F-10SK for Sirikwan and 16 F-10SV for Voth will be delivered. Each will be customised and localised for the respective planets (the Voth atmosphere for example is denser than most DDS operating planets and so will require changes to flight software). Deliveries of the aircraft will begin next year. The previous plan to give Voth ex-DDS F-10A(S) has now been shelved after it was found the older F-10A would require hardware as well as software changes and the DDS have given some of the aircraft to Oscar anyway.
Aritans ready to step up to the plate
One of the features of the "DDS in the 2110s" report as presented by Sea Urchin this week was a larger role for the DDS' allies. The Aritans, who rightly regard themselves as one of the DDS' main allies, today said that they were ready to play a full part in DDS operations.
A statement from the Aritan government said that the Aritans were ready to do their share and they would be contributing 2 Intrepid II class destroyers to the defence of Voth later this month, the DDS having requested this contribution a few days ago. The Aritans also increased their order for MQ-5AA Ferret UCVs to 75.
Update : AS 02 Youanki and AS 05 Tulan Lanu have already departed to join Force Voth and are expected to reach Voth in 2 weeks.
A statement from the Aritan government said that the Aritans were ready to do their share and they would be contributing 2 Intrepid II class destroyers to the defence of Voth later this month, the DDS having requested this contribution a few days ago. The Aritans also increased their order for MQ-5AA Ferret UCVs to 75.
Update : AS 02 Youanki and AS 05 Tulan Lanu have already departed to join Force Voth and are expected to reach Voth in 2 weeks.
DDS give Oscar humans air power
Following the news the Clones have donated jet fighters and bombers to the Clone Army of Oscar the DDS have announced they are giving 4 F-10A(S) to the Oscar Terran Army. 4 fighters does not seem much however they will be armed with TPM-A and thus will be able to shoot down HCS space craft in low orbit!
6 ex-DDS Air Force pilots will fly the planes which will be delivered to the OTA next week. Although the fighters will also have an A2A role against the F-40s and A-84s the CAO will deploy it is thought they will purely be there to operate the TPM-A.
6 ex-DDS Air Force pilots will fly the planes which will be delivered to the OTA next week. Although the fighters will also have an A2A role against the F-40s and A-84s the CAO will deploy it is thought they will purely be there to operate the TPM-A.
Fleet news (04/12/08)
The Pulsar MULE3 and Quasar ILU have been completed in time for the end of year shut down. C109 Antarctic, C110 Eurasia and C132 Tachyon have rejoined the fleet which now means the DDS cruiser fleet is at it's strongest for some time with 19 ships (C121 Quasar is still under repair after extensive battle damage in the Summer but is expected to return to service early next year).
The Remedians have agreed a 270 million zark order with the Clones for new engines and equipment to upgrade their fleet of Kalahati Tuul 2 ships to the later 2N standard of the 4 ships transferred to the RCPP from the HCS. The 5 older KT2s will be upgraded by the Remedians themselves starting next year and will also be fully refurbished and refitted to keep them going through much of the next decade (the Remedians intend to keep the KT2s until 2130). The new ships will be speed boosted to 600c like the KT2Ns.
Rome corvette K119 Titus has joined the fleet as has Fighting Falcon class ship P133 Eagle. It and the other 2 ships (modified Dinomark XTs) have now been made fully operational by the DDS and could see their first deployments soon. Provider transport A119 Spruce Goose has also joined the fleet as the DDS shipyards clear their books for the end of the year (though they don't just shut down over the period but perform needed maintenance to the jigs).
The first Type 43D Sea Of Tranquillity class frigate has also been completed but will now take place in extended trials and testing before a planned entry into service around March next year.
The Remedians have agreed a 270 million zark order with the Clones for new engines and equipment to upgrade their fleet of Kalahati Tuul 2 ships to the later 2N standard of the 4 ships transferred to the RCPP from the HCS. The 5 older KT2s will be upgraded by the Remedians themselves starting next year and will also be fully refurbished and refitted to keep them going through much of the next decade (the Remedians intend to keep the KT2s until 2130). The new ships will be speed boosted to 600c like the KT2Ns.
Rome corvette K119 Titus has joined the fleet as has Fighting Falcon class ship P133 Eagle. It and the other 2 ships (modified Dinomark XTs) have now been made fully operational by the DDS and could see their first deployments soon. Provider transport A119 Spruce Goose has also joined the fleet as the DDS shipyards clear their books for the end of the year (though they don't just shut down over the period but perform needed maintenance to the jigs).
The first Type 43D Sea Of Tranquillity class frigate has also been completed but will now take place in extended trials and testing before a planned entry into service around March next year.
DDS in the 2110s
Admiral Sea Urchin has completed a thorough review of the DDS and presented a report on how the DDS needs to change and evolve to best meet the challenges of the next decade. At a media briefing to present his report Sea Urchin said the DDS would face a number of potential threats over the next few years from a number of different potential foes.
"I will not name names but you all know who our potential future enemies could be. What is startling about them is the variety of threats they present to us. The DDS of the future therefore needs to be flexible to meet these threats." he said. Sea Urchin also mentioned the expansion of the DDS into DDS West and the challenges this would present as DDS territory reached further and further away from it's traditional centre of power at Proxima-Solaris.
In summary the report says :
"I will not name names but you all know who our potential future enemies could be. What is startling about them is the variety of threats they present to us. The DDS of the future therefore needs to be flexible to meet these threats." he said. Sea Urchin also mentioned the expansion of the DDS into DDS West and the challenges this would present as DDS territory reached further and further away from it's traditional centre of power at Proxima-Solaris.
In summary the report says :
- The DDS need to decentralise from their existing centre at Proxima-Solaris to 3 centres. One centre at Proxima-Solaris, one based at Rathun's World-Starbot and another in DDS West, perhaps Arit-Sirikwan. Each of these centres will have major maintenance and construction facilities.
- The DDS need to find a bigger role for their allies in operations. Allies like the Aritans and Raegris will be need to take their share of patrol and operation duties. DDS fleets will need to routinely include ships from their allies.
- The DDS Army needs to be greatly increased and organised as a priority, plans are already in place for this.
- Communications need to be upgraded with DDS West bought into the main DDS network as soon as possible. A fleet of high-speed transports (800-900c) should be explored for operation along core routes.
- Intelligence gathering and analysis needs to be improved, again using DDS allies knowledge and resources to the full. All DDS ships should include intelligence gathering systems (even if just a passive sigint module) which seamlessly feeds into centralised analysis centres. Dedicated strategic intelligence gathering assets should be considered, perhaps unmanned.
- Special forces needs to be further improved, with the Prowler units bought up to full operational status ASAP. More Marconis and Fulcrums should be considered. The DDS need to move to a more pro-active policy and put out fires before they become infernos as is DDS policy now.
- Modest increases in the fleet are needed with extra Panthers and Solaris IIIs and also the forthcoming Berlin class corvette.
HCS give jet fighters to Oscar Clones
The "invasion scare" fleet has now broken up (the Intruders and some of the escorts returning to Cloneworld) but the transport part of the fleet has continued to Oscar and, as promised by the Clones, delivered weapons to the Clone Army of Oscar (CAO). There is nothing usual in this, the DDS are also supplying the human side, the Oscar Terran Army (OTA).
However what has raised eyebrows is the type of weapons supplied : jet fighter bombers. 16 F-40s and 22 A-84s have been supplied along with 11 more COIN A-85s. All aircraft have come from the HCSAF Reserve and are pretty old though have been checked for airworthiness. The jets will be flown by "Clone volunteers" who just happen to be ex-HCSAF. A HCS analysis site has accused the HCS of cynically ending some pilots careers early so they could go to Oscar as "civilians". The HCS have denied it. Plenty of bombs and rockets have also been supplied.
The CAO say they hope to begin operations with their new aircraft next year. The OTA have asked the DDS to supply them more weapons otherwise they say "the Clones will win".
However what has raised eyebrows is the type of weapons supplied : jet fighter bombers. 16 F-40s and 22 A-84s have been supplied along with 11 more COIN A-85s. All aircraft have come from the HCSAF Reserve and are pretty old though have been checked for airworthiness. The jets will be flown by "Clone volunteers" who just happen to be ex-HCSAF. A HCS analysis site has accused the HCS of cynically ending some pilots careers early so they could go to Oscar as "civilians". The HCS have denied it. Plenty of bombs and rockets have also been supplied.
The CAO say they hope to begin operations with their new aircraft next year. The OTA have asked the DDS to supply them more weapons otherwise they say "the Clones will win".
Cruggson and Lakes go through to the second round of Consul election
As expected Cruggson and Lakes are proceeding through to the second play-off round of the Consul election after easily getting far more votes than the other candidates. Cruggson achieved 68% of the vote and Lakes 24%. Of the other candidates only Scottson of the Brutal Violent Fascist Party achieved anything of note (3.5%) with his platform of death to poor people and amputation for parking offenders which proved curiously popular.
Next weekend Cruggson and Lakes will go to the polls again. Cruggson will hold a rally in Yavilanda later today, Lakes has already addressed SS officers at SS GHQ. He proclaimed that he was the future and Cruggson was the face of the failed old regime. Sixteen assassination attempts were made on Lakes in the 30 minute speech which is down by 30% on his last appearance there.
Next weekend Cruggson and Lakes will go to the polls again. Cruggson will hold a rally in Yavilanda later today, Lakes has already addressed SS officers at SS GHQ. He proclaimed that he was the future and Cruggson was the face of the failed old regime. Sixteen assassination attempts were made on Lakes in the 30 minute speech which is down by 30% on his last appearance there.
The Growing Menace
Ayatollah Clone XE begins his campaign to return to prominence and dispose of The Friar (spit!).
Ayatollah Clone XE begins his campaign to return to prominence and dispose of The Friar (spit!).

Rome Fleet Standardisation Update
The Rome fleet is to undergo an update next year, the update known as Rome Fleet Standardisation Update will bring the first batch (Rome A) up to Rome B standard which has TPM-2 (in fact the Rome B were the first ships to receive TPM-2 as they helped in the final development) and the 5036 combat suite to enhance combat effectiveness. All ships will have the suite updated to 5036-A2 standard (which has already been trialled in a couple of Romes).

All ships will also receive a performance boost thanks to optmised engine management software and hyperspace profile. It is expected the top speed will be boosted to 630c with a longer sustainable cruise. IR signature will also be reduced as the DDS aim to make these ships their stealthiest. It is possible the ships could also trial the next generation battle damage management system being developed by the DDS. Combat Damage Control 2.0 will see major interior surfaces covered in an anti-shatter coating and improved IFG (part of Combat Wear 2.0 as detailed by Dr Forbidden earlier in the year)

All ships will also receive a performance boost thanks to optmised engine management software and hyperspace profile. It is expected the top speed will be boosted to 630c with a longer sustainable cruise. IR signature will also be reduced as the DDS aim to make these ships their stealthiest. It is possible the ships could also trial the next generation battle damage management system being developed by the DDS. Combat Damage Control 2.0 will see major interior surfaces covered in an anti-shatter coating and improved IFG (part of Combat Wear 2.0 as detailed by Dr Forbidden earlier in the year)
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